Wow Classic Era anniversary First aid guide — how to get 300 skill First aid

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
5 min read
Completing The Triage Quest In Wow Classic

Is that you, adventurer? Looking for help with WoW Classic Anniversary First Aid? You’re in the right place! First Aid is the skill you need to survive the 20th Anniversary madness. We’re going to bandage, heal, and fix up anyone who’s bleeding out. Here’s what this guide will do for you:

  • Teach you how to level First Aid from 1 to 300.
  • Show you what cloth and recipes you’ll need.
  • Tell you where to find trainers and supplies.
  • Give you tips to heal fast and save your group in a pinch.
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Wow Classic Era anniversary First aid | Overview

Where To Find First Aid Books Wow Classic Era

First Aid in WoW Classic Anniversary is like that friend who forces you to run a marathon after a pizza binge—necessary, brutal, but life-saving. It’s the grind that every class can take up because surprise, it doesn’t count as one of your precious two professions. Melee classes especially need it, but trust me, even mages cry over downtime. You’ll make bandages, heal your wounds, and question your sanity as you stitch yourself together with hundreds of cloth scraps. Ready for pain? Let’s stitch this up.

Available to AllDoesn’t take up a profession slot. Everyone can—and should—learn it.
Essential for MeleePerfect for reducing downtime for classes without healing spells.
Main MaterialsCloth from mobs: Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, and Runecloth.
Level CapMax out at 300 skill with steady grinding and Triage quests.
Trainer AccessibilityTrainers in all major cities for both Horde and Alliance—no excuses!
Pro TipHoard cloth early; the grind is real, especially for high-level bandages.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary First aid | Materials required

Prepare for misery because First Aid in WoW Anniversary 20 demands cloth, lots of it. You’ll slaughter countless mobs, loot mountains of fabric, and question why you thought this was a good idea. But hey, if you love stacks of Linen and Runecloth mocking you while you grind your sanity away, you’re in for a treat.

Linen Cloth170Makes Linen Bandages for the newbie levels.
Wool Cloth180Crafts Wool Bandages—middle-child syndrome of First Aid.
Silk Cloth150The go-to for mid-tier bandages when mobs hit harder and you sob quietly.
Mageweave Cloth120Mageweave Bandages help with the high-level grind but don’t expect luxury.
Runecloth80Endgame First Aid—expensive, annoying, and 100% necessary for your bandage overlord dreams.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary First aid | Trainers Locations

Finding a First Aid trainer in Wow Classic Anniversary is like finding the last slice of pizza after a party: frustrating but absolutely worth it. These trainers are scattered across Azeroth, and you’ll need them to unlock your bandaging dreams. Horde, Alliance, it doesn’t matter—just know where they are or prepare for a long, angry walk while mobs laugh at your unhealed wounds.

FactionTrainerLocationSkill Levels
AllianceShaina FullerStormwind CityApprentice to Artisan
DannelorCraftsmen’s Terrace, DarnassusApprentice to Artisan
Nissa FirestoneNear the Great Forge, IronforgeApprentice to Artisan
Michelle BelleGoldshire, Elwynn ForestApprentice
Doctor Gustaf VanHowzenTheramore Isle, Dustwallow MarshArtisan
ByancieDolanaar, TeldrassilApprentice
Fremal DoohickeyMenethil Harbor, WetlandsJourneyman
Thamner PolKharanos, Dun MoroghApprentice
HordeArnokValley of Spirits, OrgrimmarApprentice to Artisan
Pand StonebinderSpirit Rise, Thunder BluffApprentice to Artisan
Mary EdrasRogues’ Quarter, UndercityApprentice to Artisan
Doctor Gregory VictorHammerfall, Arathi HighlandsArtisan
Nurse NeelaBrill, Tirisfal GladesApprentice
RawrkRazor Hill, DurotarApprentice
Vira YounghoofBloodhoof Village, MulgoreApprentice

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How to leveling First aid + recipes

Getting First Aid To 300 Skill Wow Classic

Leveling First Aid in Wow Anniversary 20 is like eating hot peppers—you’ll cry, you’ll sweat, but in the end, you’ll emerge a champion with life-saving bandages. The recipes are simple, but the grind will test your patience and cloth collection skills. Be prepared to sacrifice mountains of linen, wool, silk, mageweave, and runecloth for this bloody art of survival.

Level RangeBandageMaterials Required
1 – 40Linen Bandage50 Linen Cloth
40 – 75Heavy Linen Bandage90 Linen Cloth
75 – 80Heavy Linen Bandage30 Linen Cloth
80 – 115Wool Bandage60 Wool Cloth
115 – 150Heavy Wool Bandage120 Wool Cloth
150 – 180Silk Bandage50 Silk Cloth
180 – 210Heavy Silk Bandage100 Silk Cloth
210 – 225Mageweave Bandage30 Mageweave Cloth
225 – 240Mageweave Bandage30 Mageweave Cloth
240 – 260Heavy Mageweave Bandage60 Mageweave Cloth
260 – 290Runecloth Bandage50 Runecloth
290 – 300Heavy Runecloth Bandage30 Runecloth

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Materials For Leveling First Aid In Wow Classic Era

You turned piles of cloth into life-saving bandages and leveled First Aid to 300. Sure, it cost you time, gold, and sanity, but now you’re the hero who keeps your group alive. Whether it’s patching up after a boss fight or surviving solo in Wow Classic Era, you’re ready for anything.

Remember—Wow Anniversary 20 is all about celebrating the grind, the sweat, and the glory. First Aid is free, fast, and worth it. Keep your bandages handy, stay alive, and go make Azeroth proud!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What is First Aid in WoW Classic Era?

First Aid is a secondary profession in WoW Classic Era that lets you craft bandages from cloth. It’s perfect for healing yourself or others between fights, especially for classes without healing spells.

Do I need to choose First Aid as one of my two professions?

Nope! First Aid is a secondary profession, so you can learn it without using up a primary profession slot.

Why is First Aid important in WoW Anniversary 20?

Because downtime sucks. First Aid keeps you alive and in the fight, whether you’re grinding, raiding, or trying not to die during the Wow Classic Era anniversary celebrations.

What materials do I need to level First Aid?

You’ll need:

  • 170x Linen Cloth
  • 180x Wool Cloth
  • 150x Silk Cloth
  • 120x Mageweave Cloth
  • 80x Runecloth

Where do I train First Aid?

Trainers are scattered across Azeroth. Check cities like Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and other faction hubs for trainers. Each skill level requires you to find specific trainers or purchase books for advanced recipes.

How do I level First Aid from 1-300?

Use the following steps:

  • Craft Linen Bandages until skill 40.
  • Craft Heavy Linen Bandages to skill 75.
  • Learn and craft higher-tier bandages like Wool, Silk, Mageweave, and Runecloth as you progress.
  • Complete the Triage Quest for Artisan First Aid.

What’s the Triage Quest?

It’s a special quest you need to complete to reach 300 skill. You’ll heal patients using special bandages while prioritizing critically injured NPCs. It’s chaotic but fun.

How do I get the First Aid books?

Buy them from vendors in Arathi Highlands (Alliance) or Dustwallow Marsh (Horde). These books let you craft advanced bandages like Heavy Silk and Mageweave Bandages.

Can I sell bandages to make gold during Wow Classic Anniversary?

Absolutely! With so many players celebrating the Wow Anniversary 20, everyone will need bandages. Craft them and make some extra gold while keeping others alive!
