Wow Classic Era anniversary Mining guide — how to get 300 skill Mining

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
6 min read
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let’s start with the basics and dig into the gritty details—pun intended. Mining in Wow Classic Era Anniversary 20 is not just a profession, it’s a grind-filled journey to madness. Whether you’re gathering shiny Copper or soul-draining Rich Thorium, you’re here to strip Azeroth of its most precious resources and leave the land barren.

Primal. Take your Mining Pick (no pick, no ore—simple math), and start hunting veins. All you need to do is right-click those glowing rocks, but the real pain lies in competing with other miners and mobs that want you dead. Follow the zones, smelt like a pro, and don’t forget: the Auction House is your best friend for turning bars into gold.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Mining | Overview

Wow Classic Anniversary Mining Pick Location

You’re here to strip Azeroth of its precious metals faster than a goblin chasing gold. Mining in Wow Classic Era Anniversary is your one-way ticket to endless grinding, ore veins that vanish into thin air, and that sweet, sweet satisfaction of finally hitting 300 skill. Pair this masochistic profession with Blacksmithing or Engineering (because why not double the pain?), take a mining pick, and prepare to ruin your life chasing Copper, Tin, and Thorium. Don’t forget to smelt your ores—auction house profits don’t just make themselves, lazybones.

Primary PurposeProvides ores and stones for crafting professions like Blacksmithing and Engineering.
Required ToolMining Pick—keep one in your bags (you don’t equip it).
Ore SmeltingSmelt ores into bars to boost skill or sell for gold at the Auction House.
Trainer LocationsAvailable in major cities for both Horde and Alliance—learn Mining ranks from them.
Best Companion ProfessionsBlacksmithing and Engineering—these rely heavily on mined materials.
ProgressionCopper → Tin → Iron → Mithril → Thorium → Rich Thorium.
Notable Zones for OresEvery starting zone for Copper; advanced zones include Arathi Highlands, Un’Goro Crater, and more.
Leveling SpeedPainfully slow without proper routes and focus.
Profitable ItemsThorium Bars, Truesilver Ore, and gems found in mining nodes like Arcane Crystals.
Endgame FocusFarming Rich Thorium Veins in high-level zones like Eastern Plaguelands and Winterspring.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Mining | Materials required

Rich Thorium Vein Farming Guide Wow Classic Era

let’s talk materials because you’re gonna need a lot of them. Mining isn’t just find a rock, hit it, profit. Oh no, it’s gather thousands of these ores and smelt your soul away until you can finally call yourself a miner. If you’re here for Wow Classic Anniversary 20, be ready to sweat through every ore vein while praying the mobs don’t eat you alive. Here’s the breakdown of what you need to suck Azeroth dry.

Copper OreThe starting grind—used to smelt Copper Bars. Found everywhere.
Tin OreNext step in the misery. Combine with Copper to make Bronze Bars.
Silver OreRarely found in Tin zones. Smelt it into Silver Bars for profit.
Iron OreFound in mid-level zones. Smelts into Iron Bars.
Gold OreFound with Iron. Smelt it into Gold Bars and rake in the gold.
Mithril OreHigh-level grind. Smelt into Mithril Bars.
Truesilver OreRare. Smelt into Truesilver Bars.
Thorium OreEndgame grind. Smelt into Thorium Bars.
Arcane CrystalFound in Thorium veins. Used for epic crafting and expensive AF on the Auction House.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Mining | Trainers Locations

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You wannabe miner, you’re not gonna learn Mining by smashing rocks with your bare hands (yet). To unlock the secrets of Wow Classic Anniversary 20 Mining, you’ll need trainers to teach you the ways of the pickaxe. These trainers are scattered across Azeroth, waiting for you to crawl to them and beg for knowledge. Here’s where you can find them.

FactionTrainer NameLocation
HordeMakaruOrgrimmar—Valley of Honor.
Brom KillianUndercity—War Quarter.
Brek StonehoofThunder Bluff—Spirit Rise.
Johan FochtSilverpine Forest—The Sepulcher.
KrunnDurotar—Sen’jin Village.
AllianceGeofram BouldertoeIronforge—Great Forge.
Gelman StonehandStormwind City—Dwarven District.
Kurdram StonehammerDarkshore—Auberdine.
Matt JohnsonDuskwood—Darkshire.
Yarr HammerstoneDun Morogh—Kharanos.

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How to leveling Mining + zones

Fastest Way To Reach 300 Mining In Wow Classic Era

So, you want to level Mining for Wow Classic Anniversary 20? Get ready for a grind so brutal, it’ll make you question why you’re not just picking herbs instead. From Copper Ore to Rich Thorium Veins, every node is a little chunk of progress—and pain. Smelting helps, but only if you enjoy watching gold vanish into thin air at the Auction House. Here’s your sadistic leveling guide.

Skill RangeOre TypesRecommended Zones
1-65Copper OreDurotar, Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh
65-125Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Silver OreHillsbrad Foothills, Ashenvale, The Barrens, Redridge Mountains
125-175Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Tin OreArathi Highlands, Desolace, Thousand Needles
175-245Mithril Ore, Truesilver OreTanaris, The Hinterlands
245-275Thorium Ore, Mithril OreFelwood, Blasted Lands, Un’Goro Crater
275-300Rich Thorium Veins, Thorium OreEastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Un’Goro Crater

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Mining Materials Required In Wow Classic 20

It’s the end of your Mining journey, where glory, tears, and broken dreams collide. Mining in Wow Classic Anniversary 20 isn’t just a profession—it’s a war. You’ve crushed thousands of ore veins, dodged mobs, and smelted so many bars that you can hear the furnace in your sleep. From the humble Copper Ore to the soul-shattering Rich Thorium Veins, every click of your pickaxe was a step deeper into madness.

Did you find joy? Maybe. Did you suffer? Absolutely. But hey, you’re now a Level 300 miner. Whether you’re crafting with Blacksmithing, building bombs with Engineering, or just laughing all the way to the Auction House, you’ve earned your place as one of Azeroth’s most stubborn, ore-obsessed adventurers.

Take a moment to reflect on this brutal grind. Then, pick up your Mining Pick, and get back out there. Azeroth isn’t going to strip itself of resources, now is it?

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Do I really need a Mining Pick to mine?

Yes, you do. Don’t even think about mining without it. You don’t have to equip it, but it must sit in your bags like a tiny reminder of your suffering.

Which profession pairs best with Mining?

Blacksmithing and Engineering. Both will drain your resources faster than you can mine them. Fun times!

How do I learn new Mining ranks?

Visit trainers scattered across Azeroth. They’ll teach you for a price—just enough to make you consider running dungeons instead.

What’s the most profitable ore?

Thorium Ore and Arcane Crystals from Rich Thorium Veins. These sell for a ton, so farm them like your life depends on it (because it does).

Is smelting worth it?

Sometimes. Smelt ores like Silver and Gold to boost your skill fast. But don’t forget to check the Auction House prices first—profit matters too.

How do I level Mining quickly?

Follow the zones progression: Copper → Tin → Iron → Mithril → Thorium. Use guides and proper routes to avoid wandering aimlessly while other players steal your veins.

Why is this so hard?

Because it’s Wow Classic Era Anniversary 20. If you’re not suffering, you’re doing it wrong. Welcome to the grind.
