Moonlight and Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets for the Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

By: friolt
15 min read
Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

So, druids… Druids are one of the classes that rarely play with transmogrifications. Why? Because they often use their druid forms. That’s why druids usually don’t search for specific transmogrifications. But on the other hand, if they really need to look cool, like between pulls in a raid, they still use their druid transmog instead of bear form. And we’re here at Epiccarry to provide the best of the best Druid Transmog in our guide. So, prepare to learn all about the iconic and epic transmogrifications. Also, we must inform you that this article is part of our Transmogrification Compendium, where you can learn about the best community and iconic sets for the following classes:

Death KnightDemon HunterDruidMonk
WarlockWarriorEvokerMage / Hunter

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And we’re dive deeper!

The Best Druid transmogrifications of current season

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

Ok, we all know that creating a guide about Druid Transmogrification is a bit of a cursed thing. But we strive to do our best and provide you with the top slots, which will serve you well not only in the current expansion but for ages to come. So, here they are:

  1. Bearmantle Battlegear (Raid Finder Recolor): Rock this set from the Raid Finder for a unique, earthy vibe. Great for druids who want to stand out in bear form or any spec, really.
  2. Cenarion Raiment: A classic druid set that’s all about that balance and nature look. Its unique shoulders are a dead giveaway. You’re running with the spirit of Cenarion himself.
  3. Conqueror’s Nightsong Battlegear (25 Recolor): Snagged from 25-man raids, this set’s got a darker, more heroic feel. Perfect for those mythic nights in Blackrock Foundry or any epic battle.
  4. Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set: Flip the druid script with this fire-themed set. Who says druids can only do nature? Great for turning heads in both feral and balance modes.
  5. Living Wood Battlegear (Normal Recolor): Grab this set for a fresh, foresty look. It’s like wearing the heart of the forest on your shoulders, ideal for guardian and balance druids.
  6. Malorne Raiment: Dive deep into druid lore with this set, echoing the ancient power of Malorne. Its antlered helmet will get you noticed.
  7. Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor: PvP druids, this one’s for you. Show off your combat prowess with a set that screams arena champion.
  8. Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor (Elite Recolor): The elite version for top-tier PvP druids. This armor set is a badge of honor, with a look that’s as fierce as your fighting spirit.
  9. Vestments of the Haunted Forest (Raid Finder Recolor): A mystical set with a ghostly edge, grabbed from Raid Finder adventures. Its eerie vibe is perfect for those who tread the path less traveled.
  10. Wildheart Raiment: Go wild with this original druid set. It’s all about connecting with your feral side, complete with bone accents for that primal feel.

Bearmantle Battlegear (Raid Finder Recolor)

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

Bearmantle Battlegear (Raid Finder Recolor), this is a sick druid transmog set that makes your bear form look like it just leveled up in awesomeness. It’s got this unique vibe with colors that stand out, especially in raids or when you’re just chilling in Dalaran trying to get noticed.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Bearmantle HeaddressHeadDrop from Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder
Bearmantle ShouldersShouldersDrop from The Coven of Shivarra in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder
Bearmantle CloakBackBought with gold from a vendor in Dalaran after completing a specific set achievement
Bearmantle HarnessChestDrop from Eonar the Life-Binder in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder
Bearmantle WrapsWristsDrop from random mobs in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder, lower drop rate
Bearmantle GripsHandsDrop from Imonar the Soulhunter in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder
Bearmantle BeltWaistDrop from random mobs in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder, gotta keep your eyes peeled
Bearmantle LegguardsLegsDrop from Kin’garoth in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Finder
Bearmantle PawsFeetLook for world quests or emissary rewards that might drop pieces of the set, it’s a bit of RNG

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In terms of getting this set, you’re gonna be running Antorus on Raid Finder difficulty, keeping an eye out for those specific bosses and hoping RNGesus is on your side. Plus, there’s a bit of world quest grinding for those elusive feet pieces.

Cenarion Raiment

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

Ah, the Cenarion Raiment, the OG druid set that makes you feel like you’ve just stepped out of a druidic rite in Moonglade. It’s all about those earthy vibes and making sure everyone knows you’re a druid through and through.

Here’s the breakdown of where to find each piece:

ItemSlotHow to Get
Cenarion VestmentsChestDrop from Golemagg the Incinerator in Molten Core
Cenarion LeggingsLegsDrop from Magmadar in Molten Core
Cenarion BootsFeetDrop from Lucifron in Molten Core
Cenarion GlovesHandsDrop from Shazzrah in Molten Core
Cenarion SpauldersShouldersDrop from Baron Geddon in Molten Core
Cenarion BeltWaistDrop from trash mobs in Molten Core (keep those fingers crossed)
Cenarion BracersWristsAlso a drop from trash mobs in Molten Core
Cenarion HelmHeadDrop from Garr in Molten Core

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To snag this set, you’re gonna be spending a good chunk of time in Molten Core, battling it out with elemental lords and their minions. The key here is persistence; some pieces might drop on your first run, others might have you running the raid more times than you care to count. And remember, those trash mobs can drop some of the goods, so don’t just sprint past them!

In summary, the Cenarion Raiment is like the druid badge of honor. It’s not just any transmog set; it’s a statement. With its unmistakable design and ties to druid lore, it screams I can shift into bear form and I’m not afraid to use it! It’s perfect for those druids looking to showcase their affinity with nature, balance, and all things Azeroth. Whether you’re stomping around in feral or keeping it cool in balance, this set has got you covered with style points. Definitely a classic look that never really goes out of fashion for the druids among us.

Conquerors Nightsong Battlegear (25 Recolor)

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Conqueror’s Nightsong Battlegear (25 Recolor) is what happens when a druid wants to look both mystical and ready to throw down in any raid or PvP battle. This set is all about making a statement with a look that says, I’m in tune with the wild, and I’m not here to play.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Conqueror’s Nightsong HandgripsHeadDrop from Mimiron in Ulduar (25-man)
Conqueror’s Nightsong HeadguardShouldersDrop from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar (25-man)
Conqueror’s Nightsong LegguardsChestDrop from Hodir in Ulduar (25-man) or bought with tokens from a vendor in Dalaran
Conqueror’s Nightsong RaimentsHandsDrop from Freya in Ulduar (25-man) or bought with tokens from a vendor in Dalaran
Conqueror’s Nightsong ShoulderpadsLegsDrop from Thorim in Ulduar (25-man) or bought with tokens from a vendor in Dalaran

Getting this set is a mix of luck and a bit of grinding. You’ll be facing off against some of the most iconic bosses in Ulduar, hoping they drop what you need. Otherwise, you’re collecting tokens to exchange for pieces in Dalaran. It’s a good mix of raiding prowess and being savvy with your resources.

Conqueror’s Nightsong Battlegear (25 Recolor) is absolutely amazing for druids who want to mix the mystic vibe of their class with the hardcore look of a seasoned raider. The colors and design match the druid aesthetic perfectly, updating the classic druid vibe with a more battle-ready appearance. Whether you’re running through the forests of Azeroth or diving into the depths of the latest raid, wearing this set means you’re doing it with unmatched style.

Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set – top druid transmog

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set is basically the hottest druid transmog out there—literally. It’s all about turning up the heat with fire-themed gear that makes you look like you just walked out of a volcano party. Flames, embers, and a look that says I might start a forest fire.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Firekin HeadgearHeadObtainable through Island Expeditions; look for drops on Molten Cay
Firekin AmiceShoulderFrom Island Expeditions, with a focus on Molten Cay activities
Firekin RobesChestIsland Expeditions again, specifically targeting Molten Cay loot
Firekin BeltWaistYep, Island Expeditions; Molten Cay themed expeditions are key
Firekin BreechesLegsHunt for these in Island Expeditions; RNG drops from Molten Cay
Firekin BootsFeetIsland Expeditions provide these, keep an eye out during Molten Cay
Firekin BindingsWristGood ol’ Island Expeditions, with luck from Molten Cay drops
Firekin GlovesHandsIsland Expeditions yet again; focus on Molten Cay for these

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Getting this set is all about grinding those Island Expeditions, especially when the Molten Cay is active. It’s a bit of a luck game, so prepare for some serious RNG. The more expeditions you do, the better your chances.

Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set is absolutely lit for any druid looking to show off some serious fire vibes. It’s one of those druid sets that screams updated and ready to set the world on fire, literally and figuratively. If you’re all about that fiery aesthetic and love standing out in a crowd (or a raid), this set is definitely worth the grind. Just remember to keep cool when the RNG isn’t in your favor!

Living Wood Battlegear (Normal Recolor) — looks better than bear form

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Living Wood Battlegear (Normal Recolor) is a druid’s dream, making you look like you just stepped out of an enchanted forest, ready to sling spells or claw out with nature’s fury. It’s all about embracing the wild, with a hint of elegance that screams I can make flowers bloom, but I can also turn you into compost.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Living Wood HeadpieceHeadDropped by Kromog in Blackrock Foundry
Living Wood RaimentChestGrab it from The Iron Maidens in Blackrock Foundry
Living Wood GripsHandsFlamebender Ka’graz in Blackrock Foundry is your go-to
Nether Blast LeggingsLegsOperators Thogar in Blackrock Foundry has got you covered
Living Wood SpauldersShouldersBlast Furnace in Blackrock Foundry – get blasting for it
Belt of Bloody GutsWaistRandom drop from bosses or the Blackrock Foundry cache
Yeti-Hide BootsFeetAgain, a random spoil from Blackrock Foundry bosses

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This set’s got vibes like you wouldn’t believe – it’s as if the essence of the forest, thunder, and the bones of your enemies are woven into each piece. Getting your hands (and the rest of you) into this gear involves dancing through the flames of Blackrock Foundry, proving your mettle against its toughest guardians.

Malorne Raiment — simply the most plot-iconic druid set

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Malorne Raiment is like the ultimate nature lover’s dream gear, making you look like you just walked out of an enchanted forest ready to kick some serious butt. This set screams I’m in tune with nature and is perfect for druids who want to showcase their connection to the wild.

ItemSlotHow to Get
The Emerald DreamcatcherHeadDrop from Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan
Mantle of MalorneShouldersDrop from High King Maulgar in Gruul’s Lair
Chestpiece of MalorneChestBuy it from a vendor in Shattrath with tokens from Magtheridon’s Lair
Handguards of MalorneHandsBuy it from a vendor in Shattrath with tokens from The Curator in Karazhan
Britches of MalorneLegsBuy it from a vendor in Shattrath with tokens from Gruul the Dragonkiller in Gruul’s Lair

Getting this set is a bit of a magical journey through some classic raids and a bit of vendor shopping with your hard-earned tokens. It’s a mix of direct boss drops, some strategic token spending, and the luck of the draw with those random mob drops in SSC and The Eye.

Merciless Gladiators Dragonhide Armor

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor is like your VIP pass to the Druids Who Look Deadly in PvP club. It’s the kind of gear that says, I might be in touch with nature, but I can still take you down in a battleground.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide HelmHeadPurchase from the legacy PvP vendor in Area 52, Netherstorm
Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide SpauldersShouldersAgain, hit up the legacy PvP vendor in Area 52, Netherstorm
Merciless Gladiator’s Kodohide TunicChestLegacy PvP vendor in Area 52, Netherstorm has got you covered
Merciless Gladiator’s Wyrmhide GlovesHandsVendor in Area 52, scoop these up with some old PvP tokens
Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide LegguardsLegsYou guessed it, Area 52’s legacy PvP vendor
Veteran’s Dragonhide BeltWaistThis one’s a bit different, look for Outland world drops or specific legacy vendors
Veteran’s Kodohide BootsFeetOutland world drops or check with those legacy vendors
Veteran’s Wyrmhide BracersWristsAlso obtainable through Outland world drops or legacy vendors

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To round up this set, you’re gonna take a little trip to Area 52 in Netherstorm, where the legacy PvP gear vendors hang out. Bring your old PvP tokens or honor points, and start shopping. For the belt, boots, and bracers, you might need to do some world drop hunting or check other specific legacy vendors.

Primal Gladiators Dragonhide Armor (Elite Recolor)

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor (Elite Recolor) is the PvP gear that makes you look like you’ve been through some epic battles and came out on top. It’s for druids who aren’t just about hugging trees but also about showing their fierce side in the arena or battlegrounds.

ItemSlotHow to Get
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide HelmHeadReach a high PvP rank in the corresponding season and buy it with honor points
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide SpauldersShouldersSame as above, high PvP rank and honor points
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide RobesChestYep, you guessed it, climb those PvP ranks and spend those honor points
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide GlovesHandsAchieve a high rank in PvP and exchange honor points for these
Primal Gladiator’s Wyrmhide LegguardsLegsHigh PvP ranking for the season, then purchase with honor points
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide BeltWaistSometimes available from PvP vendors depending on your PvP achievements
Primal Gladiator’s Dragonhide FootguardsFeetAchieve, then buy with honor points, similar to the rest of the set

This set is all about showing off your PvP prowess. The higher your rank, the easier it becomes to collect the whole set. It’s a testament to your skills in player vs. player combat and looks absolutely cool.

Vestments of the Haunted Forest (Raid Finder Recolor)

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Vestments of the Haunted Forest (Raid Finder Recolor) is basically your go-to druid set if you want to look like you’ve just emerged from a mystical, slightly spooky forest, ready to cast some serious nature magic. It’s got that I talk to trees and they whisper dark secrets back kind of vibe.

Here’s where you can get your druid hands on each piece:

ItemSlotHow to Get
Oakheart’s Puny QuodsHeadDrop from Twin Consorts in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Mantle of the Haunted ForestShouldersDrop from Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Raiment of the Haunted ForestChestDrop from Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Anima-Ringed FingersHandsDrop from Council of Elders in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Leggings of the Haunted ForestLegsDrop from Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Girdle of Night and DayWaistDrop from random mobs in Throne of Thunder or from a vendor in exchange for tokens
Deeproot TreadsFeetDrop from Megaera in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)
Vampire Bat-Hide BracersWristsDrop from Horridon in Throne of Thunder (Raid Finder version)

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Gearing up in this set means you’ll be spending a good chunk of time in the Throne of Thunder, challenging the Raid Finder difficulty. It’s all about defeating the bosses and hoping for those drops. Plus, keep an eye out for any bonus loot opportunities that might give you an extra shot at the pieces you need.

Wildheart Raiment

Moonlight And Magic: Selecting Druid Transmog Sets For The Lunar-Inspired Moonkins

The Wildheart Raiment is like the original hipster druid set before it was cool, giving off those back to nature and I was a druid before it was mainstream vibes. It’s a classic set that makes you look like you’re ready to go on a vision quest in the heart of the forest.

Here’s the breakdown on where to find each groovy piece:

ItemHow to Get
Wildheart BeltDrop from Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance (Old Version)
Wildheart BootsDrop from Gizrul the Slavener in Lower Blackrock Spire
Wildheart BracersDrop from General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire
Wildheart CowlDrop from random mobs in Upper and Lower Blackrock Spire
Wildheart VestDrop from The Unforgiven in Stratholme
Wildheart SpauldersDrop from random mobs in Blackrock Depths
Wildheart KiltDrop from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme
Wildheart GlovesDrop from Mother Smolderweb in Lower Blackrock Spire

Snagging this set means diving into some of the classic dungeons of WoW, battling through the corridors of Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, and Scholomance. It’s all about the dungeon crawl, baby, with a side of RNG for those drops.


In the wild and wonderful world of WoW, druid transmogs are like a secret handshake among the nature-loving elite. Sure, you spend a lot of time in various animal forms, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look absolutely epic in those brief moments of humanoid chill. From the classic vibes of the Cenarion Raiment that hark back to the early days of druidic fashion, to the fiery flair of the Firekin set that turns the druid stereotype on its head, there’s a druid transmog set for every occasion and every mood.

Whether you’re prowling around in PvP battlegrounds, looking to make a statement with the Merciless or Primal Gladiator’s gear, or you’re diving deep into raid content for that perfect Raid Finder set, like the Haunted Forest ensemble, the right transmog can make all the difference. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling good, about finding that set that resonates with your druidic soul.

And let’s not forget the classics, like the Wildheart Raiment, for those who want to pay homage to the druid’s roots while still rocking a look that’s totally now. Druid transmogs are about celebrating the spirit of the wild, the fire, the moonlight, and the magic that druids wield. So go ahead, find that perfect set, and wear it with pride. After all, the best druid transmog is the one that makes you feel like the guardian of the natural world that you are.

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Why don’t druids typically focus on transmogs?

Since druids spend a lot of time in their animal forms, they often overlook the need for transmogs. However, for those moments between battles or when hanging out in humanoid form, a cool druid transmog can really make you stand out.

Where can I find the best druid transmog sets?

Epiccarry offers a guide to the best and most iconic druid transmog sets. Whether you’re looking for something classic, something fiery, or something that screams “arena champion,” you’ll find top recommendations there.

What are some of the top druid transmog sets this season?

Highlights include the Bearmantle Battlegear (Raid Finder Recolor) for a unique earthy vibe, the classic Cenarion Raiment, the heroic Conqueror’s Nightsong Battlegear (25 Recolor), and the fiery Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set, among others.

How do I get the Bearmantle Battlegear (Raid Finder Recolor)?

This set involves running Antorus on Raid Finder difficulty, targeting specific bosses for each piece, and a bit of luck with world quests or emissary rewards for the feet pieces.

Can you recommend a classic druid set?

The Cenarion Raiment is a timeless choice, offering that quintessential druid look straight out of Moonglade. You’ll need to venture into Molten Core and keep an eye out for drops from specific bosses and trash mobs.

What’s a good PvP transmog set for druids?

The Merciless Gladiator’s Dragonhide Armor is perfect for PvP enthusiasts, offering a look that’s both fierce and stylish. Head to Area 52 in Netherstorm to trade in your old PvP tokens or honor points.

Any advice for a druid looking for a fire-themed transmog?

The Firekin Druid of the Flame Island Set turns the usual nature-themed stereotype on its head with its fiery design. This set requires grinding Island Expeditions, particularly focusing on Molten Cay for drops.

What transmog set is ideal for druids who love nature and the forest?

The Living Wood Battlegear (Normal Recolor) embodies the essence of the forest, perfect for guardians and balance druids alike. You’ll find pieces by facing the challenges within Blackrock Foundry.

How do I obtain the Malorne Raiment set?

This set, echoing the ancient power of Malorne, involves a journey through classic raids and vendor shopping with tokens. It’s a mix of boss drops and strategic purchases in Shattrath.

What should I consider when choosing a druid transmog?

Look for a set that resonates with your druidic soul and play style. Whether you lean towards PvP, raiding, or simply love the aesthetics, the best transmog is one that makes you feel connected to the natural world and proud of your druid heritage.
