Since Operation: Floodgate is now live in WoW TWW Season 2, we at Epiccarry have got a special guide just for you. Today, we’ll show you how to beat this hard dungeon and give you:
- The best way to clear Operation: Floodgate — Which route is best?
- Want to get through the dungeon super fast? We’ve got a plan that can get you from start to finish without wasting time.
- How to beat each boss, avoid deadly traps, and handle tough enemies.
So stop standing around. Get ready to fall into Operation: Floodgate and take that loot!
Oh, and just a heads-up. During this dungeon run, you can expect:
- A strict timer, so no time to waste.
- Deadly bosses like Swampface, who repeatedly smashes the ground and causes skewering roots.
- Tricky paths with several leaping sparks and mechadrone overloads.
If you’re not ready for a challenge, this dungeon will eat you alive.
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | Overview

Operation: Floodgate in WoW TWW Season 2 is a hard dungeon with strong bosses and tricky paths. You need to move fast, avoid deadly traps, and defeat dangerous enemies. The dungeon is in The Ringing Deeps near Gundargaz. There are three routes You must beat four strong bosses: Big M.O.M.M.A., Demolition Duo (Keeza & Bront), Swampface, and Geezle Gigazap. The dungeon has a strict timer for Mythic+ runs, and you need top damage, good dodging, and smart moves to win.
Feature | Details |
Location | The Ringing Deeps, near Gundargaz |
Entrance Coordinates | /way 42.2 39.6 near Waterworks dam |
Timer | +1 Key — 32:00, +2 Keys — 25:36, +3 Keys — 19:12 |
Main Bosses | Big M.O.M.M.A., Demolition Duo, Swampface, Geezle Gigazap |
Route Options | Coward’s Path, Meh Route, Pro Gamer Path |
Loot Highlights | Mythic weapons and armor, powerful trinkets |
Companion Drop | Craboom from Swampface (Low chance) |
Achievements | Mythic and Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate |
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | Entrance

The entrance to Operation: Floodgate is in The Ringing Deeps, and if you think just getting there is hard, wait until you get inside. The path is littered with bront barrels and mobs just waiting to knock your sorry ass into the river water. You’ll find it near the Waterworks dam, but if you’re dumb enough to ask for directions, you’re probably not ready for the unlimited power and heavy damage waiting inside, or just visit our services to find the best option for you.
Location | Description |
The Ringing Deeps | Close to the city of Gundargaz. Take the Gundargaz flight point and run, coward. |
Entrance Coordinates | /way 42.2 39.6 near the Waterworks dam. Don’t get lost, moron. |
Closest Flight Point | Gundargaz at /way 46.9 32.8. If you miss it, you deserve to wipe. |
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | Timer

Operation: Floodgate doesn’t give a single f*** about your DPS or how “pro” you think you are. You’ve got 32 minutes on a normal run, 25:36 for a +2, and an insane 19:12 if you want to push for a +3 in Mythic+. One slip-up? One idiot standing in swampface’s shock water? Boom, you’re all dead. You need to deal damage, avoid ticking time bombs, and not be a complete moron when Keeza unleashes leaping sparks. You either move your ass or get your entire group skewered by swampface’s colossal roots. If you can’t handle the heat, go back to knitting in Elwynn Forest.
Timer | +1 Key | +2 Keys | +3 Keys |
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | 32:00 | 25:36 | 19:12 |

WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | MDT Routes

You want to beat Operation: Floodgate in WoW TWW? Then stop standing around like a lost sheep. This dungeon will chew you up and spit you out. If you can’t handle boss mechanics, take your sorry ass back to the legacy dungeons. The Ringing Deeps don’t have time for weaklings. You need a solid route, or you’ll get smashed by Swampface’s colossal roots or roasted by Keeza’s sacred flame. The Waterworks Dam won’t wait for your dumbass to figure out how to dodge a tank buster.
Route Option | Description |
Route 1 – Coward’s Path | Kill every mob in sight. No skipping, no strategy. It’s safe, but holy hell, is it slow. You’ll spend more time dealing with swampface upheaving massive amounts of sludge than actually getting loot. |
Route 2 – Meh Route | Pull extra trash early so your weak-ass group doesn’t get wiped by the final boss. Sure, it takes longer, but at least the random players won’t get one-shot by a quick shot or jolting fist. |
Route 3 – Pro Gamer Path | Skip trash, rush bosses, and pray nobody messes up. One mistake? You’re all dead. If your group can’t handle Keeza calling out targets or releasing jolts, don’t even try this route. also if you get enough pvp gear, you can use this route |

If you want to get through this dungeon, you better bring your A-game. No time for weak DPS, no room for tanks that can’t handle the massive damage.
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | Boss tactics

If you think you’re just gonna stroll into Operation: Floodgate and casually down these bosses, you’re a delusional moron. Every boss here is a ticking time bomb ready to smash your sorry ass into the river water. Big M.O.M.M.A. will jumpstart your whole group into the ground, the Demolition Duo will have you running from ticking time bombs like a headless chicken, Swampface will repeatedly smash you with colossal roots, and Geezle Gigazap will fry your dumb ass with unlimited power. You need to deal damage, dodge the electrified claw, and not be the idiot that gets fixated by leaping sparks. If you can’t handle these new challenges, get the hell out.
- Big M.O.M.M.A.
- Demolition Duo (Keeza Quickfuse & Bront)
- Swampface
- Geezle Gigazap
Big M.O.M.M.A.
Big M.O.M.M.A. is not just some oversized robot; she’s a fing nightmare wrapped in metal. You think you can just stroll in and take her down? Think again. She commands an army of mechadrones that will overload, blast your whole team with sonic damage, and shove your sorry ass into the grave. When she Jumpstarts, the entire ground becomes a death zone of Excessive Electrification. One wrong step, and you’ll be nothing but a smear on the ground. If you can’t deal damage, dodge the Sonic Boom, or avoid the electrified claw, then get the f out of this dungeon.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | What to Do | Who Must Focus | Commentary |
Jumpstart | High | Move | All | If you stand still, you’re a f***ing idiot. |
Excessive Electrification | High | Avoid | All | Touch it, and you’ll fry like a bug zapper. |
Mobilize Mechadrones | Medium | Kill | DPS | If you let these live, you deserve to wipe. |
Electrocrush | High | Dodge | Tank | If you’re the tank and you die, it’s on you. |
Sonic Boom | Medium | Run | All | The only boom here will be your death. |
Kill-o-Block Barrier | High | Interrupt | DPS | If you don’t break this shield, just quit now. |

- Tanks — Hold aggro on Big M.O.M.M.A. and her drones. Move her out of Excessive Electrification, or you’re f***ed.
- DPS — Burn down Darkfuse Mechadrones fast. When she Jumpstarts, pop everything you’ve got and melt her face.
- Healers — Prepare to heal through massive damage during Jumpstart. If you see someone standing in electrified ground, let them die—they’re too stupid to save.
Demolition Duo (Keeza Quickfuse & Bront)
If you thought Big M.O.M.M.A. was bad, the Demolition Duo is here to slap you back to the character creation screen. Keeza Quickfuse and Bront are a ticking time bomb (literally) and a walking freight train. Keeza will fill the arena with Ticking Time Bombs, and if Bront’s Barreling Charge doesn’t set them off, your dumbass teammates probably will. On Mythic difficulty, Keeza applies Kinetic Explosive Gel to random players, turning them into walking explosives. If your healer can’t keep up, you’ll all be corpses in no time. You want loot? Then stop being a trash player and handle this s***.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | What to Do | Who Must Focus | Commentary |
Big Bada Boom | High | Avoid | All | If you stand in this, you’re a f***ing moron. |
Barreling Charge | High | Dodge | Tank | Get hit by this, and you’re nothing but a pancake. |
Kinetic Explosive Gel | High | Dispel | Healers | If the gel goes off, say goodbye to your Mythic timer. |
Wallop | Medium | Interrupt | DPS | If Bront starts Walloping, you’re already f***ed. |
B.B.B.F.G. | High | Move | All | Get out of the blast, or get knocked into next week. |
- Tanks — Keep Bront away from Ticking Time Bombs. If he sets one off, you might as well alt+F4.
- DPS — Focus Keeza first. Bront will get increasingly pissed off as she drops, but better that than getting blown up by every damn bomb.
- Healers — If someone with Kinetic Explosive Gel doesn’t get out of the group, let them die. Survival of the fittest, b****.
Swampface is the kind of boss that will take your sorry ass, drag you through the mud, and leave your lifeless body as a warning to others. This overgrown mud monster will repeatedly smash the ground, sending colossal roots to skewer idiots who can’t dodge. He’ll entangle players, forcing them to cuddle up or get yanked back together like a pair of dumbasses. The Awaken the Swamp ability will cause chaos with Rushing Tides that push you into every deadly mechanic. If your group isn’t on point, expect a full wipe and a long, shameful walk back.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | What to Do | Who Must Focus | Informal Commentary |
Razorchoke Vines | High | Stack | All | If you don’t move together, you’ll get f***ed up. |
Awaken the Swamp | High | Dodge | All | Massive damage and roots will turn you into mulch. |
Skewering Roots | Medium | Avoid | Tank | Roots pop up and skewer the slowest dumbass. |
Mudslide | Medium | Move | All | If you get hit, you’re a mud-covered idiot. |
Sludge Claws | High | Heal | Healers | This is why you can’t have nice things, tanks. |
- Tanks — Hold Swampface’s attention and avoid getting smashed by Skewering Roots. Keep him away from mudslides that will f*** your positioning.
- DPS — Burn the boss, focus adds if they spawn, and for the love of all that is holy, avoid Razorchoke Vines.
- Healers — Be ready to spam heals when Swampface ravages your tank. If someone gets entangled and doesn’t move, let them die; they deserve it.
Geezle Gigazap
Geezle Gigazap isn’t just another boss; he’s a walking f***ing power plant ready to fry your entire group. This electric psychopath siphons power with Turbo Charge, turns the dam into a death trap, and releases Leaping Sparks that fixate on players until they get zapped into the afterlife. If you can’t handle dodging Shock Water and avoiding Thunder Punch, you’ll spend more time as a corpse than a contributor. This is the end of the floodgate dungeon guide for a reason—only the best get past Geezle, and the rest are left dead in the Dam Water.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | What to Do | Who Must Focus | Informal Commentary |
Turbo Charge | High | Burn | DPS | Pop every cooldown or prepare for a wipe. |
Thunder Punch | High | Dodge | Tank | Get punched into Shock Water? You’re a clown. |
Leaping Sparks | High | Run | All | If a spark touches you, uninstall the game. |
Shock Water | Medium | Avoid | All | You like getting stunned? Stand in the water. |
Gigazap | High | Heal | Healers | This ability will roast your whole team. |

- Tanks — Keep Geezle away from Shock Water pools. Thunder Punch will knock you back—don’t let it throw you into the electrified water, or you’re a goner.
- DPS — Focus on avoiding Leaping Sparks and burn down the boss during Turbo Charge. If you get zapped, it’s your own damn fault.
- Healers — Expect massive damage during Gigazap and Turbo Charge. If players stand in Shock Water, let them die—natural selection at its finest.
WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | Loot table

In WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate, the loot table is full of powerful gear. You get rewards after battles with bosses like Swampface, who repeatedly smashes and entangles players, and either Keeza, who loves to fixate players with increased damage.

Operation: Floodgate Companion Drop

The Operation: Floodgate dungeon in WoW TWW is a nightmare, and getting the Craboom Craboom companion is like winning the damn lottery. You’ve got to smash through all the bosses, dodge massive damage, and deal with random players who can’t even avoid a straight line of kinetic explosive gel.
Companion | Source | Drop Chance |
Craboom | Drops from Swampface | Low as hell |
Operation: Floodgate Achievements
Operation: Floodgate achievements are not for weaklings. You think you can just walk into this brand new dungeon and take some easy loot? Hell no. This dungeon will chew you up and spit you out. If you want that Mythic: Operation: Floodgate badge, you’d better bring your A-game. You’ll get smashed by Swampface, roasted by Keeza, and electrocuted by Geezle Gigazap. You want that Keystone Hero achievement? Good luck, because most random groups won’t even make it past the first boss. This is the Operation: Floodgate dungeon — it will beat you down, and it won’t even care.
Achievement | How to Earn It |
Operation: Floodgate | Beat Geezle Gigazap in Operation: Floodgate. |
Heroic: Operation: Floodgate | Beat Geezle Gigazap on Heroic or higher. |
Mythic: Operation: Floodgate | Beat Geezle Gigazap on Mythic or Mythic Keystone. |
Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate | Finish Operation: Floodgate at Mythic Level 10+ before the timer runs out. |
Feat of Strength | Earn Keystone Hero and get a Teleport to Operation: Floodgate. |

WoW TWW Operation: Floodgate | conclusion

Operation: Floodgate is a new and very hard dungeon in WoW TWW Season 2. It is part of the new content in “Warcraft: The War Within.” The dungeon is in The Ringing Deeps, near Gundargaz. Players face four strong bosses — Big M.O.M.M.A., Demolition Duo (Keeza & Bront), Swampface, and Geezle Gigazap. Each boss has dangerous moves, like Swampface repeatedly smashing the ground and causing skewering roots, and Keeza releasing several leaping sparks that can kill players fast.
There are three routes — Coward’s Path, Meh Route, and Pro Gamer Path. The Pro Gamer Path is the fastest but also the hardest. The dungeon has a strict timer for Mythic+ runs. Players need top damage, smart moves, and good dodging to win. You need to handle deadly traps, avoid getting hit by a mechadrone overload, and not step into the dangerous water.
The loot in Operation: Floodgate is very good. You can get Mythic weapons, armor, powerful trinkets, and even the rare Craboom companion from Swampface. There are also tough achievements like the Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate, which requires beating the dungeon on Mythic Level 10+ before time runs out.
This dungeon is not for weak players. It needs the best skills, fast reactions, and smart teamwork. If you are not ready, the dungeon will beat you down without mercy.
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What is Operation: Floodgate?
Operation: Floodgate is a new dungeon in “Warcraft: The War Within” Season 2. It is very hard with strong bosses and tricky paths. You need to move fast, avoid traps, and beat powerful enemies.
Where is the dungeon located?
The dungeon is in The Ringing Deeps, near Gundargaz. The entrance is at coordinates /way 42.2 39.6, close to the Waterworks dam.
What are the main bosses in Operation: Floodgate?
There are four main bosses: Big M.O.M.M.A., Demolition Duo (Keeza & Bront), Swampface, and Geezle Gigazap. Each boss has dangerous moves that can easily defeat players.
What is the hardest part of the dungeon?
The hardest part is handling the strict timer for Mythic+ runs. You need to do a lot of damage, avoid deadly attacks, and make smart moves. Swampface repeatedly smashes the ground, causing skewering roots, and Keeza releases several leaping sparks.
What are the route options in the dungeon?
There are three routes: Coward’s Path (safe but slow), Meh Route (a bit faster but still careful), and Pro Gamer Path (very fast but very dangerous). The Pro Gamer Path needs perfect teamwork.
What kind of loot can I get in Operation: Floodgate?
You can get Mythic weapons, armor, powerful trinkets, and even the rare Craboom companion. The loot is very good, but you need to beat the tough bosses to get it.
How can I get the Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate achievement?
You need to complete the dungeon at Mythic Level 10+ before the timer runs out. It is very hard and only top players can achieve it.
What should each role (tank, DPS, healer) do in this dungeon?
Tanks must hold aggro and avoid deadly hits. DPS must focus on the right targets and deal top damage. Healers must keep everyone alive, especially during big damage moments.
What are the dangers in Operation: Floodgate?
There are many dangers, like mechadrone overloads, leaping sparks, electrified water, and bosses with strong attacks. Swampface can entangle players and cause skewering roots.
Is Operation: Floodgate good for beginners?
No, this dungeon is not for beginners. It is very hard and needs top skills, fast reactions, and smart teamwork. If you are new, it is better to practice in easier dungeons first