WoW The War Within Gear Upgrade Guide – TWW Season 1 Hints

By: friolt
6 min read
Wow War Within Gear Crafting Guide

Hey dude! Yes, you! Dude! Have you already geared up your main, your alts, and your Warbands character? And did you upgrade all of them to the maximum level? If not, this WoW: The War Within gear upgrade guide is for you.

From this War Within guide, you’ll learn:

  1. What are Champion, Adventurer, and other gear?
  2. Which Harbinger Crest to choose for upgrading gear in the War Within?
  3. Why are they separated?
  4. What the hell are those Valorstones?
  5. Can you gear up for PvP with PvE mats?

So let the gear upgrading begin!

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Wow Gear Upgrade system – gear limitations

Wow Gear Upgrade System Explained

The new gear system in World of Warcraft: The War Within assigns each item to a specific track, which determines its maximum upgrade level. This system prevents players from excessively upgrading low-level items to the highest level. Here’s a simple overview of the gear tracks and their upgrade limits

Item LevelUpgrade tracksUpgrade Tracks 1Upgrade Tracks 2
558Explorer 1/8
561Explorer 2/8
564Explorer 3/8
567Explorer 4/8
571Explorer 5/8Adventurer 1/8
574Explorer 6/8Adventurer 2/8
577Explorer 7/8Adventurer 3/8
580Explorer 8/8Adventurer 4/8
584 Adventurer 5/8Veteran 1/8
587 Adventurer 6/8Veteran 2/8
590 Adventurer 7/8Veteran 3/8
593 Adventurer 8/8Veteran 4/8
597 Veteran 5/8Champion 1/8
600 Veteran 6/8Champion 2/8
603 Veteran 7/8Champion 3/8
606 Veteran 8/8Champion 4/8
610 Champion 5Hero 1/6
613 Champion 6/8Hero 2/6
616 Champion 7/8Hero 3/6
619 Champion 8/8Hero 4/6
623 Hero 5/6Myth 1/6
626 Hero 6/6Myth 2/6
629 Myth 3/6
632 Myth 4/6
636 Myth 5/6
639 Myth 6/6

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Harbinger crests to upgrade your gear

Wow Gear For Mythic Raids

let’s talk about Harbinger Crests in WoW: The War Within. These nifty little items are your ticket to upgrading your gear to epic levels. With types like the Weathered Harbinger Crest, Carved Harbinger Crest, Runed Harbinger Crest, and the top-tier Gilded Harbinger Crest, you can really boost your gear. Whether you’re crafting gear, doing world events, or taking on those tough mythic difficulty raid bosses, these crests have got you covered. Just stack them up and watch your item levels soar. And remember, you can use these crests to create even more powerful Enchanted Crests for some serious upgrades.

Table of Required Harbinger Crests for Different Gear Types and Item Levels

Gear TypeItem Level RangeRequired Harbinger CrestsCommentary
Explorer’s Setup to 585Weathered Harbinger CrestGreat for exploring. Boost your gear and take on new challenges easily.
Adventurer’s Setup to 590Carved Harbinger CrestPerfect for gear crafters. Use these as you adventure across Azeroth.
Veteran’s Setup to 604Runed Harbinger CrestFor dungeon lovers. Unlock higher item levels and up your game.
Champion’s Setup to 619Runed Harbinger CrestGreat for tackling tougher Mythic keys and raids. Power up your gear!
Hero’s Setup to 616Gilded Harbinger CrestFor serious raiders. Get ready for some of the toughest fights.
Myth’s Setup to 629Gilded Harbinger CrestFor top players. These are your ticket to the highest levels and gear.

Note: The type of Harbinger Crest you need depends on the gear you’re upgrading and the level of difficulty you’re playing

Best Harbinger Crests For Gear

Harbinger crests to upgrade your gear discount

Mythic Gear Upgrades Wow

When you upgrade a similar item to the same item level on your alts or in your warbands, it’s completely free! This means if you’ve already invested in crafting gear or upgrading with an Enchanted Crest on one character, you won’t need to spend more on your other characters. It’s a fantastic way to cover your entire team without breaking the bank. So, whether you’re working with nascent versions or aiming to create powerful Awakened Crests, this system helps you save those precious resources and keep your gear top-notch across all your characters.

Valorstones to upgrade your gear

How To Get Valorstones In Wow

Valorstones are special items in the game “World of Warcraft: The War Within” expansion. Think of them like magic coins that you can collect by doing fun things in the game, such as completing world quests, joining big fights called raids, and defeating bosses. You use these valorstones to make your gear (like armor and weapons) stronger and better. To upgrade your gear, you might also need other special items called crests, like Carved Harbinger Crest or Gilded Harbinger Crest. These upgrades help you fight tougher enemies and improve your game experience.

Wow War Within Pve Gear
Gear CategoryValorstones Needed (Range)
Explorer Gear159
Adventurer Gear586
Veteran Gear568
Champion Gear585 – 1115 – 2300 (for 2H weapons)
Hero Gear740 – 1850
Myth Gear600 – 1800

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This table shows how many valorstones you need to upgrade different types of gear. The numbers in the range show the minimum and maximum valorstones required, depending on the item’s quality and how many times it’s been upgraded. For example, mythic gear, which is the best and hardest to get, needs the most valorstones.

Valorstones discount to upgrade your gear in the WoW:TWW

Wow Gear Upgrade Requirements

Did you know that in WoW: The War Within, you can get a sweet discount of up to 60% on valorstones for upgrading your gear? Yup, that’s right! If you’ve already upgraded a particular slot or item for your current gear, you’re eligible for this hefty discount. This means you’ll save a ton of valorstones while beefing up your gear, making it easier to face those mythic difficulty raid bosses and world events. So, get out there, defeat those bosses, and make the most of your valorstones!

Gear CategoryBase Cost (Valorstones)Cost with Max Discount (Valorstones)
Explorer Gear15964
Adventurer Gear586234
Veteran Gear568227
Champion Gear585 – 1115 – 2300234 – 446 – 920
Hero Gear740 – 1850296 – 740
Myth Gear600 – 1800240 – 720

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In WoW: The War Within, gearing up your main, alts, and Warbands characters has never been easier with the new gear upgrade system. Each item is assigned to a specific track, determining its maximum upgrade level to keep things balanced. Harbinger Crests are your new best friends, coming in types like Weathered, Carved, Runed, and Gilded, each suited for different levels and activities. Use these crests to boost your item levels whether you’re crafting gear, facing raid bosses, or doing world events.

Wow Gear Upgrade Mistakes To Avoid

Valorstones are essential for upgrading your gear and can be collected by completing various fun activities in the game. And here’s the kicker: if you upgrade a similar item to the same item level on your alts or in your warbands, it’s completely free! This means you save those precious resources while keeping all your characters’ gear top-notch. With discounts up to 60%, you’ll be ready to take on the toughest challenges WoW has to offer.

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What are Champion, Adventurer, and other gear?

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, gear is categorized into various types, including Champion, Adventurer, Veteran, Hero, and Myth. Each category represents a different tier of gear, with each having its own maximum upgrade level. The system ensures that players progress through gear levels in a balanced manner, preventing low-level items from being excessively upgraded to the highest levels. This categorization helps maintain game balance and provides clear progression paths for players.

Which Harbinger Crest should I choose for upgrading gear in the War Within?

Harbinger Crests are essential items used to upgrade your gear. There are several types, including the Weathered Harbinger Crest, Carved Harbinger Crest, Runed Harbinger Crest, and the top-tier Gilded Harbinger Crest. The type of crest you need depends on the gear you are upgrading and the level of difficulty you are playing. For example, the Weathered Harbinger Crest is suitable for Explorer’s Set, while the Gilded Harbinger Crest is required for upgrading Myth’s Set gear. These crests can be obtained through crafting, world events, or by defeating tough raid bosses.

Why are the gear types separated?

The separation of gear types into categories like Champion, Adventurer, Veteran, Hero, and Myth serves to create a structured progression system in the game. Each gear type has its own track with specific upgrade limits, ensuring that players follow a balanced upgrade path. This system prevents players from bypassing lower gear levels too quickly and encourages them to engage in various game activities to obtain and upgrade their gear appropriately.

What are Valorstones and how do they work?

Valorstones are special items used to upgrade your gear in WoW: The War Within. You can collect them by completing world quests, participating in raids, and defeating bosses. Valorstones, along with Harbinger Crests, are used to enhance your gear, making it stronger and better suited for tougher challenges. The number of valorstones required varies depending on the gear type and the number of upgrades it has undergone. For example, mythic gear, which is the highest tier, requires the most valorstones for upgrades.

Can you gear up for PvP with PvE materials?

Yes, in WoW: The War Within, you can use PvE materials to gear up for PvP. The game’s system allows you to upgrade your gear using Harbinger Crests and Valorstones obtained from various PvE activities. This flexibility means that players can participate in PvE content to enhance their gear and then use it in PvP scenarios. This approach allows for a more integrated and versatile gearing process, benefiting players who enjoy both PvE and PvP content.

How does the gear upgrade discount work for alts and Warbands?

One of the great features of the gear upgrade system in WoW: The War Within is the discount offered when upgrading similar items on your alts or within your Warbands. If you have already upgraded a specific item to a certain level on one character, you can upgrade the same item on your other characters for free. This discount can be up to 60% on valorstones, making it much more resource-efficient to maintain high-level gear across multiple characters. This system is particularly beneficial for players who enjoy playing multiple characters or managing Warbands.

What is the maximum upgrade level for each gear type?

Each gear type in WoW: The War Within has a maximum upgrade level assigned to it. For instance, Explorer gear can be upgraded up to item level 580, Adventurer gear up to 593, Veteran gear up to 606, Champion gear up to 619, Hero gear up to 629, and Myth gear up to 639. These limits ensure that players progress through gear levels methodically, experiencing all aspects of the game’s content. This structured progression helps maintain a balanced game environment and provides clear goals for players to achieve.

What are the benefits of using Enchanted Crests?

Enchanted Crests are advanced versions of Harbinger Crests that provide significant upgrades to your gear. By using Enchanted Crests, you can enhance your items to even higher levels, giving you an edge in both PvE and PvP content. These crests are crafted using Harbinger Crests and additional resources, making them a valuable tool for players looking to maximize their gear potential. Utilizing Enchanted Crests effectively can greatly improve your performance and overall game experience in date.

Is there a limit to how many times I can upgrade an item?

Yes, each gear type has a specific upgrade track with defined limits. For example, Explorer gear can be upgraded up to eight times, Adventurer gear up to eight times, Veteran gear up to eight times, Champion gear up to eight times, Hero gear up to six times, and Myth crafted gear up to six times. These limits ensure that players follow a balanced progression path, experiencing all levels up to nascent version of content before reaching the highest gear tiers. This system maintains game balance and encourages players to engage in diverse activities to upgrade their craft gear.
