Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | MDT Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss tactics | Ways to close MDI +25

By: friolt
14 min read
Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

This is our fourth guide in the cycle of the Mythic Dungeon Season Dragonflight 3. So for today, we’re describing black rook hold m+ guide. But before you close this Black Rook Hold guide, there are some reasons:

  1. In this guide, you’ll get actual MDT routes for the Dragonflight Season 3. These routes are created by professional boosters and work perfectly for both Tyranical and Fortified Weeks.
  2. We’ve prepared a concise table with essential mobs for you to focus on, CC, kick, and kill. This table will help you avoid a wipe.
  3. Boss tactics.
  4. Tricks that allow you to complete Black Rook Hold not just within the timer but with a +3.
  5. Black Rook Hold Lord Ravencrest boss tactics, and tactics for other bosses as well.
  6. An up-to-date loot table, categorized by slots and current item levels, which will help you analyze everything you need for this season.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the guide and start with…

Black Rook Hold Dungeon Entrance and location

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

… The entrance of the Dungeon!

Black Rook Hold, a key black rook hold location in the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft, is situated in Val’sharah. Its entrance can be found at coordinates approximately 38.8, 50.4 on the Broken Isles map. This place as a wow black rook hold location, steeped in the lore of Lord Etheldrin Ravencrest, presents a scenario where players face challenges like soul echoes, risen scouts, and the brutal glaive tosses of enemies. Players must employ active mitigation and heavy healing, especially on mythic difficulty, to survive the Legion’s invasion and avoid the fatal consequences of the hateful charge and locked gates at black rook hold entrance. The hold, a massive monstrosity seated atop the greatest mountain, requires a carefully commanded defense strategy to navigate its treacherous confines for a blackrook hold m+.

Black Rook Hold Mythic Dungeon Timer

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

To clear Black Rook Hold Mythic+ in time, keep your ranged DPS on point to handle the soul-torn vanguard and awoken Ravencrest’s soul. Stick to the left path, watch out for Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest’s random player-targeted attacks, and coordinate to avoid sacrificing souls. The goal of black rook hold timer: sever Illidan’s soul and beat back the Burning Legion before the clock runs out!

Black Rook HoldLegion36:00 (+1)28:48 (+2)23:24 (+3)

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Black Rook Hold Mythic Dungeon Tools Routes

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Here’s a really important thing: why are you opening this Black Rook Hold Mythic Dungeon Guide for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 3? You’re looking for routes. And we have some of them for you. But before we show you how to kill the trash mobs and mini-bosses in the shortest time, here’s an annotation. There isn’t an ideal route that will show you how to pass through ancient elven masons and strange dark boss reaches maximum energy as a ranged DPS. But there are:

  1. Safety Pug Route.
  2. A special route for a coordinated party that is tackling keys higher than +20.
  3. No shroud high-key routes.
  4. No shroud standard routes.
  5. Fun overgear routes for pushing the key to +3.
  6. Routes that calculate the debuffs from affixes and help you avoid wiping after big pulls.
  7. Alternative routes with their own logic.

Additionally, we provide some Black Rook Hold Stood routes from the times when this dungeon was in the current season. They are close to current and can be used as alternatives, especially if you’re returning to World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.2 after a pause. So catch the table!

Black Rook Hold Dungeon routesWho passes black rook hold routesCommentary
DorkiRoutesStandard Pug Route for passing 2-10 keys.Just your basic run, nothing fancy. Kinda like training wheels before you hit the big leagues.
Tactyks timewalking routeTactyks’ Timewalking blackrook hold route – May be used as a fun route for the overgeared when you need to pass a key for +3. Designed for bolstering, explosive, and tyrannical affixes.Oh man, this one’s like trying to dodge glaive tosses from Lord Etheldrin Ravencrest himself! Heavy healing needed, and watch out for those one random party member directions.
DrunkenHorn No skip routeDrunkenHorn’s No-Skip black rook hold m+ route – Left side route without shroud, designed for +24 keys. Nobody passes it at +30.This one’s a wild ride, like chasing wyrmtongues through Black Rook Hold. Keep your health up, or you’ll be seeing those soul echoes up close!
Quazii standard route  Quazii’s Standard Route – This route slightly overcaps monsters, safe, standard, good for managing defensive cooldowns.Solid choice. It’s like commanding defense against Legion’s invasion – steady and reliable. Just don’t get cocky. Route – The most popular, but not the most optimized route for those who want to close the dungeon just at +20-+21 level without overgear.Popular but kinda like using an outdated Brewmaster artifact guide – works, but there are better ways. Great for a chill run without the need to flex too hard.
Entangling routeEntangling mdt black rook hold – The best for well-coordinated groups. Requires strong management of all abilities. Potential to close +30 key with a growing Ilvl. The best to get the black rook hold achievements.This one’s the greatest mountain of challenges as a black rook hold mdt. Like surviving the lord kur’talos Ravencrest legacy bug while avoiding dying to a massive monstrosity. Perfect for those who want to be gleefully forced into using every trick in the book.

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Black Rook Hold Dungeon Trash main abilities

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Now, when you choose the order of mobs, which you will beat in the black rook hold dungeon, you’re ready to learn in where to push your defensive cooldown for a risen companion, and which of mobs requires your attention.

Trash MobNotable AbilityAction RequiredAssociated BossCommentary
Lord Etheldrin RavencrestSpirit BlastInterruptAmalgam of SoulsA restless dead, his spirit blast echoes the ancient elven masons’ work in Black Rook Hold.
Lady Velandras RavencrestGlaive TossAvoid/Spread OutAmalgam of SoulsLady Velandras’ glaive toss seeks out party members like a dark blast from the past.
Ghostly CouncilorSoul BlastInterruptAmalgam of SoulsTheir soul blast occasionally targets random players, a remnant of the latest Legion attack.
Ghostly RetainerSoul BladeDispelAmalgam of SoulsThese protectors, with their soul blades, eternally relive the defense of Rook Hold.
Ghostly ProtectorSacrifice SoulFocus/InterruptAmalgam of SoulsThis ghostly protector sacrifices soul, a brutal reminder of the Ravencrest clan’s sacrifice.  
Rook SpiderlingSoul VenomDispel/StunIllysanna ravencrest boss guideSmall but extremely dangerous, their soul venom can bring an entire party to its knees.
Rook SpinnerArrow BarrageAvoidIllysanna RavencrestTheir arrow barrage, like a dark rush, must be avoided to maintain the party’s eternal repose.
Risen ArcanistArcane BlitzInterruptIllysanna RavencrestThe arcane blitz, very first cast by these ancient mages, targets party members with unrelenting energy.
Risen ScoutKnife DanceStun/InterruptIllysanna RavencrestThe risen scout’s knife dance is a brutal assault from a once nigh-impregnable fortress.
Wrathguard BladelordBrutal Assault (Interruptible, focus on Wrathguard Bladelord)InterruptSmashspite the HatefulLike the ancient potion of battle, their brutal assault demands immediate interruption.
Wyrmtongue ScavengerFel Frenzy (Interruptible, Felspite Dominator)InterruptSmashspite the HatefulTheir fel frenzy is as chaotic as the surrounding lands during the Burning Legion’s assault.
Wyrmtongue TricksterSmashspite the HatefulTricksters, like shadows of the past, add chaos to the battle.
Bloodscent FelhoundSmashspite the HatefulThese felhounds are remnants of the Burning Legion, seeking revenge on the living.
Felspite DominatorSic Bats!Stun/DisturbSmashspite the HatefulSic Bats! A command that brings forth a dark swarm to target the party.
Risen SwordsmanCoup de Grace (Risen Swordsman)Use defensive cooldownsLord Kur’talos RavencrestTheir coup de grace strikes with the precision of a well-trained Ravencrest soldier.
Risen LancerRaven’s Dive (Risen Lancer)AvoidLord Kur’talos RavencrestAvoid the raven’s dive, as these lancers seek to reclaim their lost honor in battle.

Amalgam of Souls under a Gul’dan’s Foul Soul magic

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

The Amalgam of Souls, a spectral entity in Black Rook Hold, is the first major challenge adventurers face in this ancient fortress. This formidable foe, a manifestation of the restless dead plagued by the energy brought by the latest legion attack, targets the party with a brutal assault of dark energy. It’s a test of coordination and skill, especially for those seeking revenge against the Burning Legion.

Tank Focus

Reap Soul: Tanks must manage this ability skillfully as it deals substantial tank damage and can bring low health quickly.

Healer Focus

Soul Burst: Healers need to be vigilant, as this ability targets random players, requiring quick and efficient healing to avoid party members falling to eternal repose.

DPS Focus

Call Souls: DPS players should focus on quickly dispatching the adds summoned by this ability, which can overwhelm the party if not controlled.

Key Mechanics

The Amalgam of Souls occasionally unleashes a dark rush in a random direction, demanding swift movement from the party to avoid damage.

The encounter tests the party’s ability to handle both the boss and the adds, making it a challenging yet rewarding fight.

Key Spells Table

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25
Spell NameWipe Potential Commentary
Reap SoulHighCrucial for tanks to mitigate to prevent wipe.
Soul BurstModerateRequires quick healing responses to sustain party.
Call SoulsHighDPS must prioritize add control to maintain party stability.

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This mini-boss sets the tone for the brutal challenges that lie ahead in Black Rook Hold, demanding strategic play and solid teamwork from adventurers.

Illysanna Ravencrest — her strange dark energy emanates the adventurers

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Illysanna Ravencrest, commanding the soul torn vanguard, is a formidable adversary in Black Rook Hold. Once a noble defender of the nigh impregnable fortress, she now eternally relives her betrayal, driven by a restless dead plague of anger. Her brutal tactics and shadowy abilities demand perfect coordination and skill from those who dare confront her.

Tank Focus

  • Brutal Glaive: Tanks need to brace for this hard-hitting melee attack, minimizing tank damage and avoiding stacking debuffs.

Healer Focus

  • Dark Rush: Healers must be alert to rapidly heal any party members targeted by this ability, which occasionally casts a shadow bolt at random players.

DPS Focus

  • Soul-torn Vanguard: DPS players should swiftly deal with these adds to prevent overwhelming the group, especially as they target random players.

Key Mechanics

  • Illysanna’s full energy unleashes a hateful charge, demanding quick movement and positioning from the group to avoid heavy damage.
  • The encounter tests the group’s ability to manage both boss mechanics and adds, making it an extremely challenging fight.
Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Key Spells Table

Spell NameWipe Potential Commentary
Brutal GlaiveHighTanks must effectively mitigate this to prevent critical damage to themselves and other party members.
Dark RushModerateHealers need to be quick in healing targets to avoid casualties.
Soul-torn VanguardHighDPS must prioritize these adds to maintain control of the fight.

This mini-boss, a one-time mentor turned adversary, epitomizes the tragic history of the Ravencrest clan. Her energy brought chaos to the black rook, and now she stands as a gatekeeper, challenging all who seek to delve deeper into the secrets of Black Rook Hold.

Smashspite the Hateful full of restless dead plague

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Smashspite the Hateful, a formidable figure in Black Rook Hold, embodies the brutal legacy of the Ravencrest clan. Once a guardian of the black rook, he now unleashes his wrath on any who dare challenge him. His immense strength and hateful charge make him a force to be reckoned with, demanding strategy and resilience from adventurers.

Tank Focus

  • Brutal Haymaker: Tanks need to absorb this massive melee attack, using cooldowns to mitigate damage and protect the group.

Healer Focus

  • Hateful Charge: Healers must be ready to quickly heal targets of this devastating charge, especially as it can target random players.

DPS Focus

  • Fel Vomit: DPS must avoid this area effect to prevent heavy damage and aid in maintaining group stability.

Key Mechanics

  • Smashspite’s full energy brings a hateful charge, requiring precise positioning and quick reactions to avoid lethal damage.
  • Managing his brutal assaults while avoiding area effects is key to surviving this encounter.

Key Spells Table

Spell NameWipe Potential Commentary
Brutal HaymakerHighTanks must use defensive abilities to survive this punishing blow.
Hateful ChargeHighRequires quick healing and coordination to keep targeted players alive.
Fel VomitModerateDPS and other party members must dodge this to avoid heavy area damage.
Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

In the eternal struggle to reap souls and maintain control over the surrounding lands, Smashspite stands as a reminder of the dark past of Black Rook Hold. His brutal glaive and relentless assaults challenge demon hunters and adventurers alike, as they navigate through the locked gates of the hold, seeking to uncover the secrets and lay the restless spirits, including the likes of Lady Velandras Ravencrest, to eternal repose.

Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest with a residual soul energy

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest, once the noble leader of Black Rook Hold, now eternally relives his darkest hours as a spectral guardian. His encounter is a testament to the tragedy that befell the Ravencrest clan, with mechanics reflecting his tumultuous past and the very soul of Black Rook Hold.

Tank Focus

  • Dark Blast: Tanks must be vigilant against this ability, ready to mitigate its heavy damage and protect the party.

Healer Focus

  • Shadow Bolt Volley: Healers should prepare for heavy healing, especially when this spell is occasionally cast, affecting the entire party.

DPS Focus

  • Stinging Swarm: DPS players need to quickly focus on these adds to reduce group damage and manage the fight’s complexity.

Key Mechanics

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25
  • Lord Ravencrest’s phases require adaptability, with a mix of ranged and melee attacks.
  • Avoiding his deadly abilities while managing adds is crucial to survive this battle.

Key Spells Table

Spell NameWipe Potential Commentary
Dark BlastHighA punishing blow that demands immediate attention from tanks.
Shadow Bolt VolleyModerateAffects random players; requires quick and efficient healing.
Stinging SwarmModerateDPS must prioritize these adds to avoid overwhelming the group.

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Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest’s fight is a dance with history, as adventurers face the amalgam of souls that haunt the locked gates of the hold. His once-noble figure now stands as a hateful specter, led by the tragedies of his past. To conquer him, one must understand the burdens of his sacrifice soul and the relentless pursuit of his risen scouts, all detailed in the dungeon journal. Victory demands strategy, coordination, and the will to avoid dying at the hands of a legend.

Black rook Hold Dungeon Loot Table adapted Mythic + Season 3 Dragonflight

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Finally, here’s a loot table for a Black Rook Hold Dungeon, with adapted loot for a current ilvl season. We especially approximate the ilvl of the black rook hold loot, based on our dungeon journal, and estimate the ilvl near the 450, for your convenience.

Cloak of Unwavering LoyaltyBackCloak
Slippers of Heedless SacrificeFeetCloth Armor
Collar of Raking ClawsHeadCloth Armor
Latosius’s Blasting GlovesHandsCloth Armor
Harrowing Soulspun BracersWristCloth Armor
Soulstarve HoodHeadLeather Armor
Tooled Rivermoor BootsFeetLeather Armor
Legguards of Endless HorrorsLegsLeather Armor
Midnight Reaper HandwrapsHandsMail Armor
Ravencrest’s Unerring StridersFeetMail Armor
Fel-Hammered GreavesLegsMail Armor
Ring of ContemptFingerRing
Raven Filigree PendantNeckAmulet
Leadfoot EarthshakersFeetPlate Armor
Pauldrons of Ancient CommandShoulderPlate Armor
Ravencrest Bonecrush GauntletsHandsPlate Armor
Band of Callous DominanceFingerRing
Amalgam’s Seventh SpineTrinketTrinket
Spiked CounterweightTrinketTrinket
Caged HorrorTrinketTrinket
Soul-Torn Fury CinchWaistMail Armor
Drape of the Raven LordBackCloak
Etheldrin’s BreastplateChestPlate Armor
Shadowfeather ShawlBackCloak
Ember of NullificationTrinketTrinket
Shorn Batbrood CuffsWristLeather Armor
Rook Footman’s LegplatesLegsPlate Armor
Rook Footman’s WarbootsFeetPlate Armor
Raven’s Veil GlovesHandsLeather Armor
Raven’s Veil BeltWaistLeather Armor
Shadow Archer’s HelmHeadMail Armor
Shadow Archer’s SpauldersShoulderMail Armor
Ravencourt Formal RobesChestCloth Armor
Ravencourt Formal MantleShoulderCloth Armor

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Instead of conclusion: Plot of Black Rook Hold Dungeon

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

Black Rook Hold is this ancient elven fortress that got messed up by Gul’dan’s wicked soul magic. Now it’s crawling with all sorts of restless dead and plagued creatures.

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

You and your party gotta make your way through this spooky place, dealing with random attacks like Soul Burst, Dark Blast, and Dark Rush from the final boss, Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest. He’s like an amalgam of souls controlled by Gul’dan’s dark mojo.

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

There are mini-bosses and ghostly protectors along the way, so it’s no walk in the park. You’ll need to chug some ancient potions and watch out for glaive tosses and hateful charges from the bad guys.

Black Rook Hold M+ Guide | Mdt Routes | Fortified Tricks | Dungeon Boss Tactics | Ways To Close Mdi +25

The whole point is to free Illidan’s soul and put an end to the creepy dark energy that’s taken over Black Rook Hold. It’s a tough gig, so you and your party better be on your A-game to survive this max-level dungeon!

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How to Get to Black Rook Hold?

Location: Black Rook Hold is located in Val’sharah, a zone in the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft.

Coordinates: Find the entrance at approximately 38.8, 50.4 on the Broken Isles map.

Access: Navigate the terrain and reach the massive monstrosity atop the mountain to enter the black rook hold mythic plus guide.

Where is Black Rook Hold?

Geographical Setting of blackrook hold location: wow black rook hold in Val’sharah, part of the Broken Isles, known for its rich lore and challenging encounters.

Significance: This ancient elven fortress, now tainted by Gul’dan’s dark magic, is a key location in the Legion expansion.

What are the Key Features of the Black Rook Hold Guide?

MDT Routes: Customized black rook hold route for both Tyrannical and Fortified weeks, designed by professional boosters.

Boss Tactics: Detailed tactics for all bosses including Lord Ravencrest, focusing on their unique abilities and strategies.

Mob Focus: A concise table highlighting essential mobs, their abilities, and how to counter them effectively.

Time Management: Tips for completing the dungeon efficiently, aiming for a +3 completion.

Loot Table: An up-to-date loot table categorized by item slots and levels, aiding in strategic planning.

What are the Notable Mechanics and Bosses in Black Rook Hold?

Amalgam of Souls: The first major challenge with abilities like Reap Soul, Soul Burst, and Call Souls.

Illysanna Ravencrest: A formidable boss demanding precise coordination, known for her abilities like Brutal Glaive and Dark Rush.

Smashspite the Hateful: Characterized by heavy assaults like Brutal Haymaker and Hateful Charge.

Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest: The final boss with complex mechanics, requiring adaptability and strong team coordination.

What Strategies are Recommended for Different Party Roles?

Tank Focus: Managing heavy attacks and protecting the group.

Healer Focus: Rapid and efficient healing, especially during high-damage spells.

DPS Focus: Quick response to adds and prioritizing targets to maintain control.

What Makes Black Rook Hold Unique in Mythic+ Dungeons?

Historical Lore: Tied deeply with the story of the Ravencrest clan and the Legion invasion.

Challenging Mechanics: Features unique mechanics like soul echoes, risen scouts, and the glaive tosses of enemies.

Dynamic Encounters: Each boss presents a distinct challenge, demanding versatility and strategic thinking.

Are there Any Unique Loot Items in Black Rook Hold?

Exclusive Gear: Find items like the Cloak of Unwavering Loyalty, Latosius’s Blasting Gloves, and the Ember of Nullification, each adapted to the current ilvl season.

Role-Specific Loot: Tailored drops for different classes and roles, enhancing gameplay and character development.

What are the Challenges Faced in Higher Difficulty Levels?

Enhanced Enemies: Face tougher versions of mobs and bosses with additional abilities.

Time Constraints: Stricter time limits for higher-level Mythic+ runs.

Strategic Complexity: Increased demand for precise execution of strategies and team coordination.

Are There Any Tips for First-Timers in Black Rook Hold?

Learn the Layout: Familiarize yourself with the dungeon’s layout and boss locations.

Understand Mechanics: Pay close attention to boss mechanics and mob abilities.

Team Coordination: Communicate effectively with your party, especially during critical moments and boss fights.
