Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers UPDATE!

By: friolt
17 min read
Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

There are only a few days left until 10.2.7 kicks off the 4th season of Dragonflight, but that’s not what we’re all excited about. We’re all falling in love with Pandaria Remix. Over here at Epiccarry, we’ve already learned and test-driven all the new abilities, possibilities, opportunities, gems, scrolls, skills, and other things in the Pandaria Remix. So, we’re thrilled to provide you with the WoW MoP Remix Gems Guide for all the new abilities. You’ll learn about:

  1. What the hell are these new abilities, and why are they important for MoP remix?
  2. How can you access these new abilities?
  3. What are the BiS Gems & Scrolls for each role (not class)?

And of course, you won’t find information here on how to defeat Garrosh Hellscream in the Siege of Orgrimmar, because this is the WoW Pandaria Remix Unique Abilities Overview.

Why Blizzard introduced new runes, Abilities and gems for the Mop Remix?

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

We don’t want to waste your time on this aspect, but we should inform you about the reasons for so many different abilities and specific buffs, which are exactly created for the WoW 10.2.7 Pandaria Remix. The reason is simple—this isn’t just another time-walking week;

Blizzard strives to make your remixed experience much closer to the real Mists of Pandaria. And what does that mean? It means that many abilities and spells, like Fire Bombs for Frost Mages and specific DoTs for warriors, are not available in the game.

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To avoid tweaking all the talents we’ve got, Blizzard introduced a system that had good recommendations in the Season of Discovery—the Gems. So, these Gems, Prayers, scrolls, and others are just a compromise that allows us, mortal gamers, to feel the vibes of the MoP Remix as if it were not a Remix, but Retail!

What are new Gems in Panda remix?

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

So, The Gems in the Pandaria Remix. Let’s be laconic, and Talk only about the real things.  These gems are no joke—they pack a punch with fresh abilities that’ll boost your game in the WoW Remix experience.

Here’s a table laying out the different gems, where they go, and a bit of casual insight:

Type of GemSlotCommentary
Meta GemHelmGet powerful new abilities; it’s a game changer!
Cogwheel GemBootsSwipe a cool move from another class—super clutch!
Tinker GemBracers/GlovesPassive boosts for healing and shielding—real lifesavers.
Prismatic GemChest/PantsStack these for some serious stat boosts—big gains!

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In the wild world of WoW Remix and Panda Remix, these gems are designed to fill the gaps left by the usual abilities and gear enhancements. Whether you’re looking to pump up your crit, speed, or just snag some cool new moves, the right gems in the WoW Pandaria Remix are there to make sure you’re not just keeping up but leading the pack. Get ’em, slot ’em, and dominate!

Meta Gems

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

Meta Gems in WoW MoP Remix — little bling-bling rocks are like your secret weapon in the Pandaria Remix. Designed to give you some wild abilities, these gems are the MVPs when you’re looking to jazz up your character with some extra oomph in WoW Remix.

Here’s a table with the rundown on each Meta Gem, what it does in regular folk talk, and where you can hunt these treasures down:

Gem NameInformal Description of Ability
Bulwark of the Black OxTurns you into a bulldozer—charge through enemies, shield up, and taunt everyone close.
Funeral PyreLight yourself on fire (sorta) for massive power, but it’s a bit of a burn, literally.
Precipice of MadnessDrop a crazy void shield on your buddies—makes them nearly untouchable but at a cost.
Soul TetherLink up with a mate and take some of their pain—like a friendship bracelet but painful.
Ward of SalvationHeal an ally and give them a bubble that explodes for holy damage—boom, healed and harmful!
Tireless SpiritMake everyone around you supercharged and cost-free with their abilities—party time!
Locus of PowerChannel some serious mojo to you and your pals—boosting speed, crit, and smarts.
Morphing ElementsCall forth elemental chaos that ends in a big bang—flashy and smashy.
Chi-ji, the Red CraneBecome super speedy, dodge better, and throw around healing and damage feathers.
Thundering OrbTransform into a zappy ball that zaps nearby enemies while you roll around.
Oblivion SphereSummon a shadowy orb that buffs crit damage and then kabooms for a stun effect.

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In WoW Panda Remix, these Meta Gems aren’t just shiny—they’re practically game changers. If you’re looking to beef up your abilities in the WoW Remix era, snagging one of these gems could be your golden ticket!

Cogwheel Gems + Table of descriptions and loot places

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

Let’s zoom in on Cogwheel Gems in the wild and wacky world of WoW MoP Remix. These are the trickster gems of the Panda Remix gear game, letting you snatch up abilities from different classes. Dreamt of your Rogue blinking like a Mage or your Caster moving and casting spells without stopping? Cogwheel Gems in Pandaria Remix are your ticket to making those dreams come true.

Here’s the info on all the Cogwheel Gems available in WoW Remix, laid out with where to find them and what cool tricks they can pull off:

Gem NameInformal Description of Ability
SoulshapePop into a spirit fox and zip around—great for dodging trouble.
Death’s AdvanceStomp forward without being slowed—nothing’s stopping you now.
Dark PactShield up with some shadowy power—like dark armor.
Spiritwalker’s GraceCast spells while moving—perfect for those who hate sitting still.
Spirit WalkGhost out of binds and snares—spooky freedom!
Door of ShadowsWarp through shadows to a spot you point at—very ninja.
Pursuit of JusticeSpeed up when you need it most—justice never rests, nor do you.
Wild ChargeLeap towards trouble (or away)—like a superhero landing.
Stampeding RoarBoost your gang’s speed with a mighty roar—like yelling “Charge!”
VanishDisappear in a pinch—great for sneaky escapes.
Leap of FaithYank a buddy to your side—friendship on a string.
TrailblazerBlaze trails faster when no enemies are around—nature hikes on fast forward.
DisengageSpring back from danger—make some quick space.
SprintRun like the wind—because sometimes you just gotta go fast.
RollTumble forward—because rolling is faster than running, obviously.
Heroic LeapJump to where the action is—enter the fray with style.
BlinkInstantly teleport a short distance—magic zap to a new spot.

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In WoW Remix and the Panda Remix worlds, Cogwheel Gems are your secret arsenal for tactical flexibility and surprising moves.

Tinker gems + table of description and loot places for the Mop Remix

In the dazzling world of WoW MoP Remix, Tinker Gems are like the magical little helpers of your gear. Designed for the hustlers in the Panda Remix who need a little extra boost in survivability and support, these gems slot right into your bracers and gloves to dish out passive healing and shielding. They’re your silent guardians in the WoW Remix, ready to prop you up when the going gets tough.

Let’s lay out all the Tinker Gems you can get your hands on in the Pandaria Remix, what they do in layman’s terms, and where you can find these game-enhancing jewels:

Gem NameInformal Description of Ability
Bloodthirsty CoralThe more you get hit, the more you heal—it’s like anger management.
Brilliance Everyone around gets a little extra juice for their skills—shine bright!
FreedomBreaks friends out of control effects—because nobody puts your squad in a corner.
Ankh of ReincarnationCheat death now and then—like having an extra life up your sleeve.
GroundingTake one for the team by sucking up magic attacks—like a magic sponge.
Vampiric AuraShare your vamp vibes—suck life and pass some to your pals.
Storm Overload Go berserk when using big moves, zapping and stunning nearby enemies.
WindweaverMove faster and never worry about falling—like being part bird, part ninja.
Static ChargeBuild up zap power as you move—release the kraken (or just some static shocks)!
Lightning Rod Zap targets and boost friends’ crits—because who doesn’t like extra zing?
Holy Martyr Suffer to heal friends—taking one for the team, literally.
Righteous FrenzyHeal friends and send them into a frenzy—holy adrenaline rush!
DeliveranceHeal an ally and splash the love around when they’re really hurting.
SaviorShield an ally on the brink—be their hero when they need it most.
WarmthOverheal turns into a cozy healing blanket for someone else.
VindicationTurn your damage into healing magic for friends—fight and heal.
Searing LightHeal and harm with holy fire—like a benevolent pyromaniac.
Memory of VengeanceGet stronger as you get whacked—turn pain into power.
BrittleMake enemies fragile and explosive—handle with care, or don’t!
Cold FrontChill enemies and shield friends—like a walking weather system.
HailstormUnleash frosty chaos every few seconds—because winter is always coming.
Victory FireCelebrate kills with fiery explosions—party poppers but deadly.
Tinkmaster’s ShieldWrap yourself in a regenerating shield—safety first, then teamwork.
SlayTry to finish off weak enemies with a mega hit—be the closer.
Quick StrikeUnleash a flurry of extra attacks—because more is always better.
Mark of ArroganceCurse your attackers with painful pride—give ’em a taste of their own medicine.

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Prismatic Gems

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

These are your stat-boosting superheroes, tucked into the gear of every adventurer looking to max out their capabilities in the Pandaria Remix. If you’re all about beefing up your stats to handle everything the WoW Remix throws at you, then Prismatic Gems are your best buds.

Below is a table that breaks down each Prismatic Gem available in the WoW Panda Remix, what superpower it brings to your character, and where you can get these shiny wonders:

Gem NameInformal Description of Ability
Chipped Masterful AmethystAdds a little mastery—like a small brain boost.
Flawed Masterful AmethystBoosts your mastery a bit more—smarter every day.
Masterful AmethystSeriously boosts your mastery—brainpower to the max.
Perfect Masterful AmethystMaxes out mastery and stamina—think brain and brawn.
Chipped Deadly SapphireA touch of crit—like making your hits a bit more sneaky.
Flawed Deadly SapphireIncreases crit—hits getting sneakier.
Deadly SapphireBig boost to crit—super sneaky hits.
Perfect Deadly SapphireMax crit and some stamina—sneaky and tough.
Chipped Quick TopazAdds a dash of haste—speed it up a little.
Flawed Quick TopazMore haste—things are getting speedy.
Quick TopazLoads of haste—fast as lightning.
Perfect Quick TopazMax haste and a stamina boost—quick and durable.
Chipped Versatile DiamondA bit of versatility—jack of all trades.
Flawed Versatile DiamondMore versatility—getting good at everything.
Versatile DiamondHigh versatility—master of all.
Perfect Versatile DiamondMax versatility and stamina—tough and flexible.
Chipped Stalwart PearlIncreases armor slightly—like a little extra shield.
Flawed Stalwart PearlMore armor—feeling tougher.
Stalwart PearlA lot of extra armor—tank mode on.
Perfect Stalwart PearlMaximum armor and stamina—like a walking fortress.
Chipped Sustaining EmeraldA little health boost—small safety net.
Flawed Sustaining EmeraldMore health—bigger safety net.
Sustaining EmeraldSignificant health increase—super sturdy.
Perfect Sustaining EmeraldMaximum health and stamina—ultra sturdy.
Chipped Hungering RubyAdds leech—sneak some health back.
Flawed Hungering RubyMore leech—better at biting back.
Hungering RubyLots of leech—vampire vibes.
Perfect Hungering RubyMax leech and stamina—vampire lord.
Chipped Swift OpalIncreases speed a bit—light on your feet.
Flawed Swift OpalMore speed—really zipping around now.
Swift OpalA lot of speed—flashy fast.
Perfect Swift OpalMaximum speed and stamina—speedster with staying power.

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In WoW Panda Remix, Prismatic Gems are the backbone of your stat strategy, designed to let you customize your character to meet the challenges of WoW Remix head-on.

Cloak Threads

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

Cloak Threads are the real MVPs for beefing up your new Cloak of Infinite Potential. Think of these threads as supercharged upgrades that permanently boost your cloak’s stats, making you tougher, faster, or whatever you fancy in the Panda Remix universe. Designed to let you tailor your character’s power to your play style, these threads are essential pickups in the Pandaria Remix for anyone serious about maxing out their potential.

Here’s the table detailing all the available Cloak Threads in WoW Remix, along with a casual breakdown of what they do and where you can snag them:

Cloak Thread NameInformal Description of Ability
Temporal Thread of Experience

Cranks up your XP gains—level up faster than ever.
Perpetual Thread of ExperienceKeep that XP bonus rolling even longer.
Infinite Thread of ExperienceThe ultimate XP booster—level up like a boss.
Temporal Thread of VersatilityMakes you a bit of a jack-of-all-trades.
Perpetual Thread of VersatilityKeeps that versatility boost going.
Infinite Thread of VersatilityMax out your versatility for all-around prowess.
Temporal Thread of MasteryGet a little better at everything you do.
Perpetual Thread of MasteryStay sharp and masterful for longer.
 Infinite Thread of MasteryBecome a true master in your field with this mega boost.
Temporal Thread of LeechSiphon health from your foes—like a battlefield vampire.
Perpetual Thread of LeechKeep draining life from your enemies.
Infinite Thread of LeechTurn into the ultimate leech—suck the life out of your enemies.
Temporal Thread of SpeedZip around faster—great for when you need to be quick on your feet.
Perpetual Thread of SpeedKeep that speedy bonus going for even longer.
Infinite Thread of SpeedMaximize your speed—outrun everyone in the Pandaria Remix.
Temporal Thread of HasteSpeed up your attacks and spells—a little haste goes a long way.
Perpetual Thread of HasteMaintain that quick casting and hitting rhythm.
Infinite Thread of HasteTurn into a haste machine—throw spells and punches faster than ever.
Temporal Thread of Critical StrikeMake your hits hurt more often—crit more, crit harder.
Perpetual Thread of Critical StrikeKeep those crits coming regularly.
Infinite Thread of Critical StrikeAchieve crit legend status—make every hit a potential crit.
Temporal Thread of StaminaBuff up your stamina—a bit more fuel in the tank.
Perpetual Thread of StaminaKeep that extra stamina boost longer.
Infinite Thread of StaminaBecome the stamina king—never run out of energy.
Temporal Thread of PowerPump up your power for a bit—feel stronger, hit harder.
Perpetual Thread of PowerExtend that power surge—stay stronger for longer.
Infinite Thread of PowerMax power—become the powerhouse of the WoW Panda Remix.

In WoW Remix, these Cloak Threads practically essential for anyone looking to thrive in the high-octane world of MoP Remix and Panda Remix.

What are new Scrolls in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Remix

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

Since regular abilities to ress, dispel, or buff are off the table, Scrolls are the new magic tickets in town. We’ve got nine types to choose from, each with its own cool trick to help you and your crew in the MoP Remix.

Scroll TypeScroll NameDescription
DebuffsTimeless Scroll of Mystic PowerUps physical damage taken by your target by 4%. Lasts for 1 hour.
DebuffsTimeless Scroll of ChaosUps magic damage taken by your target by 4%. Lasts for 1 hour.
DispellsTimeless Scroll of CleansingClears curse, magic, poison, and diseases.
ResurrectionTimeless Scroll of ResurrectionBrings a dead ally back to life. No-go in combat.
SummonTimeless Scroll of SummoningWhips up a portal to bring other raid or party members to you.
BuffsTimeless Scroll of FortitudeBoosts stamina by 4% for an hour.
BuffsTimeless Scroll of Battle ShoutBoosts attack power by 4% for an hour.
BuffsTimeless Scroll of IntellectBoosts intellect by 4% for an hour.
BuffsTimeless Scroll of the WildBoosts intellect by 2% for an hour.

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In the WoW Panda Remix, if you’re looking to add a little extra zing to your gear and gameplay, these Scrolls are your best friends. Whether you’re boosting stats, cleaning up messes, or pulling friends from the brink, there’s a Scroll in Pandaria Remix for every need.

What are the BiS Gems for the Wow MoP Remix?

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

We’ve got plenty of gems, but based on our experience and the content we’ll be tackling in the Pandaria Remix, here’s exactly what you need to wear! For today, you can equip one meta gem, four tinker gems, one cogwheel gem, and two prismatic gems. So, instead of long philosophical tales, we’ve just put together a table for each role you play in the game!

Spec TypeGem TypeBest Gems
DPSPrismaticBrittle, Slay, Arcanist Edge, Meteor Storm, Explosive Barrage, Wildfire
DPSMetaOblivion Sphere, Thundering Orb, Lifestorm
HealerPrismaticSearing Light, Cold Front, Static Charge
TankMetaWard of Salvation
AllCogwheelSoulshape, Sprint
OutdoorMetaChi-ji, the Red Crane
OutdoorCogwheelSoulshape, Sprint, Heroic Leap

Wow Mists of Pandaria Remix Prayers overview!

Pandaria Remix Gems | Scrolls | Abilities Guide | Wow 10.2.7 + Prayers Update!

One interesting innovation in WoW 10.2.7, specifically for Panda Remix, is the introduction of new semi-runes called Prayers. You can loot them during group activities to snag a buff for yourself and your group. Most of the time, these Prayers are dropped in Open-Air zones, so you can’t abuse them in Raids or Mop Remix Dungeons!

Prayer NameWhat It Does
Prayer of Purged AngerWhen you pick it up, smack and stun nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Prayer of Purged DespairAll your buddies within 30 yards get a random stat boost of 30%.
Prayer of DoubtEveryone close by gets to move and mount up 30% faster.
Prayer of FearCuts down cooldowns for Cogwheel skills by 80% for 3 minutes.
Prayer of HatredIf you’re hanging by a thread with 35% health or less, boom—you’re back to full health and more.
Prayer of PrideGo invisible and super sneaky when you’re chilling out of combat. Hit hard next time you attack.
Prayer of ViolenceYou’re untouchable for 8 seconds when your health dips to 35% or less.

The interesting fact about Prayers in Wow Mop remix is that their scales by the level!


Whew, what a ride through the gem-laden paths of WoW MoP Remix! As we wrap up this epic guide packed with all the shiny insights on Gems, Scrolls, Abilities, and Prayers, here’s the takeaway: whether you’re a die-hard raider or a casual stroller through the lands of Pandaria Remix, these enhancements are game-changers. From the robust Meta Gems that morph your headgear into a powerhouse to the sneaky Cogwheel Gems that give your boots an extra kick, each gem type strategically boosts your gameplay. Tinker Gems? They’re like your gear’s secret health potions. Prismatic Gems? They crank your stats up to eleven.

And don’t get me started on Scrolls and Prayers! They fill in the gaps left by the usual spells and abilities with some seriously clever alternatives. Whether boosting your crew’s stats or giving you a miraculous save from the brink, each has a role to play in this reimagined adventure.

So, Puth the proper gear in proper slots by slotting the right gems into your outfit, grab those Scrolls that turn the tide, and don’t forget to pray (literally) when in need. Each piece, each slot, and each choice counts, turning every adventure in the WoW Panda Remix into an epic story just waiting to be told. Get out there, explore the revamped vistas, and make the most of every gem, scroll, and prayer—because in WoW Remix, you’re not just playing; you’re rewriting the legacy of Pandaria!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What are the different types of gems in WoW Pandaria Remix

In the World of Warcraft Pandaria Remix, players have access to four distinct types of gems that enhance character gear. Meta Gems are designed for headgear and offer powerful, unique abilities. Tinker Gems, which can be placed in hands, wrists, waist, and shoulders, provide passive boosts, particularly for healing and shielding. Cogwheel Gems, suitable only for boots, grant the wearer abilities typically associated with other classes, enhancing tactical flexibility. Finally, Prismatic Gems are used in chest and leg slots, significantly boosting a variety of stats to enhance overall performance in battle.

How do gems affect my gear in WoW Remix?

Gems enhance your gear by providing specific boosts or abilities. The power of each gem scales with the item level of the gear it’s placed into, making higher level gear potentially much more powerful when gemmed.

What are Scrolls, and how do they work?

Scrolls in Pandaria Remix serve as replacements for traditional spells and abilities like resurrection, dispelling, and buffing. Each scroll has a unique effect, such as increasing damage taken by enemies or boosting your group’s stats.

Can I use Prayers in raids or dungeons?

No, Prayers are primarily dropped in Open-Air zones and are designed not to be used in structured raid or dungeon environments to maintain balance in the game.

How do I obtain these new gems, scrolls, and prayers?

Gems and scrolls can be looted from various content throughout the game, while Prayers are typically found during group activities in Open-Air zones. Specific details on looting can usually be found in the game’s drop tables or community guides.

What are the best gems for my class or role?

Choosing the best gems for your role in WoW Pandaria Remix depends greatly on your specific class and gameplay style. DPS players should focus on gems that enhance their damage output, such as those increasing critical strike rates or haste. Healers will benefit most from gems that boost healing abilities or provide better mana efficiency, ensuring they can sustain their group for longer periods. Tanks should look for gems that improve their durability and threat management, crucial for maintaining enemy attention and surviving intense encounters. Always consider the specific needs of your role when selecting gems to ensure optimal effectiveness in your adventures.

Can gems be swapped once placed?

Yes, gems can typically be swapped, but doing so may require specific tools or conditions, which can vary based on the gem type and the game’s current mechanics.

Are there any restrictions on how many gems I can use?

Yes, you can equip one Meta gem, up to four Tinker gems (with up to three per Tinker gear), one Cogwheel gem, and up to two Prismatic gems (with up to three per piece of Prismatic gear).

Do Scrolls have any cooldowns or limitations?

Scrolls may have cooldowns or usage limits to prevent them from being overpowered. It’s important to check each scroll’s specifications for details.

What should I do if I can’t find a specific gem or scroll?

Keep an eye on community marketplaces, in-game events, or specific NPC vendors who may offer these items at different times. Participating in specific types of content, like timed events or special dungeons, can also increase your chances of finding rare items.

