World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Tier Sets Overview — Bonuses Info

By: friolt
28 min read
Wow 11.1 Hunter Tier Set Breakdown

Who do you think has the strongest power in World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2? Is it the class with the highest damage? Or maybe the one that heals the best? It’s a tough question, right?

Of course, the strongest class might seem obvious. The ones that hit the hardest or survive the longest are usually seen as the best. But, as always, the real power is in the details.

So, what am I getting at? In Season 2, it’s not just about raw damage. It’s about tier sets—special armor pieces that boost your abilities. They change how you play, giving stronger attacks, better healing, and better defenses. But here’s the catch—every class has its own unique bonuses.

That’s why we won’t waste time telling you which class is the “best” overall. Instead, we’ll break down what each tier set does in WoW 11.1 Season 2:

  • The best tier sets for damage;
  • The best tier sets for healing;
  • The best tier sets for defense.

No long debates or overcomplicated explanations. The truth is simple—the best tier set for you depends on how you want to play the game.

Want to learn more about all those sets? Then just read! Read! And do not stop, until you will learn all! All the required information + stats + bonuses are right here!

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World Of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Tier Sets Overview

Wow 11.1 Evoker Tier Set Changes

Each class gets special bonuses for wearing two or four pieces of their set. These bonuses help with damage, defense, or healing. Below is a table showing class, set name, and bonuses.

ClassTier Set Name2-Piece Bonus4-Piece Bonus
Death KnightCauldron Champion’s EncoreMore damage for Death Strike & Heart StrikeDeath Strike heals more & boosts strength
Demon HunterFel-Dealer’s ContrabandBlade Dance & Chaos Strike hit harderEnter Demon Form, gain more crit chance
DruidRoots of Reclaiming BlightSpells summon exploding mushroomsStarfall & Starsurge do extra damage
EvokerOpulent Treasurescale’s HoardSpells trigger extra magic attacksStronger empowered spells
HunterTireless Collector’s BountiesMore damage from Barbed Shot & TrueshotStronger auto-attacks & explosive damage
MageJewels of the Aspectral EmissarySpells hit harder & fasterJackpot boosts damage even more
MonkAgeless Serpent’s ForesightAttacks stack extra powerMore powerful kicks & heals
PaladinOath of the Aureate SentryHealing saves allies from deathSpending Holy Power resets cooldowns
PriestConfessor’s Unshakable VirtueHealing shields allies from dyingStronger healing & mind powers
RogueSpectral Gambler’s Last CallAttacks stack extra powerBuffs last longer & deal more damage
ShamanCurrents of the Gale SovereignSpells summon storm powerLightning attacks do extra damage
WarlockSpliced Fiendtrader’s InfluenceMore damage from demons & fireMagic spreads & burns enemies harder
WarriorUnderpin Strongarm’s MuscleAttacks boost power but might resetWinning streak boosts rage & crits
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Fel-Dealer’s Contraband — Tier Set Bonuses

Catalyst System For Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

2-Piece Bonus (Havoc)

  • Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate Winning Streak!
  • Makes Blade Dance and Chaos Strike hit 3% harder (stacks 10 times).
  • But hey, if you’re unlucky, Blade Dance and Chaos Strike might end your winning streak (15% chance).

(Translation: You get stronger… until RNG says “Nope!”)

2-Piece Bonus (Vengeance)

  • When you take damage, you might randomly cast Metamorphosis for 4 seconds.
  • Also, you gain Luck of the Draw! (15% more damage for 10 seconds).

4-Piece Bonus (Havoc)

  1. Winning Streak! now stays 8 seconds longer after Blade Dance or Chaos Strike removes it.
  2. Entering Demon Form? You sacrifice all Winning Streak stacks, but for each lost stack, you get 1% Critical Strike chance (15 sec).

4-Piece Bonus (Vengeance)

  1. The Hunt (that big scary attack) has a high chance to refresh its cooldown every time you gain Luck of the Draw!
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World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Demon hunter Tier set

Wow 11.1 Tier Set Great Vault Rewards

This new set, Fel-Dealer’s Contraband, is like getting a free upgrade from some sketchy black market demon merchant. You put this on, and suddenly, your Blade Dance and Chaos Strike hit harder, your luck goes through the roof, and sometimes—BAM!—you just turn into a demon for free. Vengeance DHs? You get punched? No problem, you might just explode into power and start wrecking things even harder. Basically, if you like hitting stuff and looking cool, this set’s got you covered. Just don’t ask where it came from…

StatTotalSoul EngineUnderhandlersVisorFur KiltRecycled Reavers
Mastery Rating2.590.681.40.51
Critical Strike3.16%0.6%0.98%0.6%0.99%
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Set Bonuses (This is where the fun begins!)

How To Upgrade Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

2-Set Bonus

  • Havoc — Your attacks have a chance to activate a Winning Streak!. This makes your Blade Dance and Chaos Strike hit harder (3% more damage, up to 10 stacks). BUT! Those same attacks have a chance to remove Winning Streak (so don’t get too cocky).
  • Vengeance — When you get hit, you might randomly transform into a demon for 4 seconds (surprise, demons!). Also, you get Luck of the Draw, boosting your damage by 15% for 10 sec. So yeah, getting punched is actually a buff now.

4-Set Bonus

  • Havoc — Even after Blade Dance or Chaos Strike removes Winning Streak, you keep the bonus for 8 seconds. Then, when you enter Demon Form, you sacrifice all stacks for a big critical strike buff (1% per stack, lasting 15 seconds). So yeah, hit hard, turn demon, crit like crazy.
  • Vengeance — Using The Hunt now has a high chance to reset itself when you get Luck of the Draw. Basically, you can just keep hunting fools forever.
Item NameSlot
Fel-Dealer’s Soul EngineChest
Fel-Dealer’s UnderhandlersGloves
Fel-Dealer’s VisorHelm
Fel-Dealer’s Fur KiltLegs
Fel-Dealer’s Recycled ReaversShoulders
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World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Druid Tier set

Can You Craft Tier Sets In Wow 11.1?

Roots of Reclaiming Blight. It’s got magic, mushrooms, and a whole lot of bullshit. You throw spells? BOOM, mushrooms pop out of the ground and blow up on enemies. You get smacked? NO PROBLEM, you might just randomly tank everything like a goddamn boss. Healers? You’re basically selling insurance—some poor fool almost dies? You just cash out and save their ass. Feral druids? You get a winning streak, but then the game laughs and takes it away. Basically, this set does crazy shit, and you look cool doing it.

Mastery Rating2.590.681.40.51
Critical Strike3.16%0.6%0.98%0.6%0.99%

Set Bonuses (Time for some dumb fun!)

Wow 11.1 Tier Set Drop Rates

2-Set Bonus

  • Balance — Your spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot! (yeah, like a slot machine), making a mushroom explode at your enemy’s location. Use Celestial Alignment or Incarnation, and you ALWAYS win the Jackpot! (Rigged as hell).
  • Feral — Your attacks can activate a Winning Streak!, making Ferocious Bite, Rip, and Primal Wrath hit 3% harder (stacks up to 10 times). BUT—there’s a 15% chance the game just says “screw you” and deletes your streak. (Free Bites don’t count, so don’t cry).
  • Guardian — You get hit in the face? You might randomly activate Luck of the Draw!, which autocasts Survival Instincts for 4 seconds. Oh, and after that, you do 15% more damage for 8 seconds—because why not?
  • Restoration — Your healing spells randomly slap “Insurance” on people. It’s free healing for 15 sec. But if your idiot teammates drop below 40% HP, Insurance cash-out explodes for a huge heal. Basically, it’s a healthcare scam, but it works.

4-Set Bonus

  • Balance — Your Starfall and Starsurge deal 20% more damage if the enemy is still getting fucked up by your mushroom. (Yeah, the mushroom is your best friend now).
  • Feral — You eat Apex Predator’s Craving? You become a Big Winner (you know, like Vegas). You SLAP your target for big damage (800% Attack Power, LOL) and make your bleeds 16% stronger for 6 sec. Time to rip and tear.
  • Guardian — After Luck of the Draw procs, your next 10 druid abilities fire off an extra spell at 125% power. (Yup, you just become a spell machine gun).
  • Restoration — Lifebloom now has a 30% chance to apply Insurance for 10 sec. If Insurance triggers, it leaves behind a missing Rejuvenation, Regrowth, or Wild Growth for 15 sec. (So even after you save their ass, you keep them on life support).
Item NameSlot
Robes of Reclaiming BlightChest
Grips of Reclaiming BlightGloves
Branches of Reclaiming BlightHelm
Moccasins of Reclaiming BlightLegs
Jaws of Reclaiming BlightShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Evoker Tier set

How To Farm Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

The Opulent Treasurescale’s Hoard is what happens when an Evoker robs a casino and somehow wears the loot. You like hitting jackpots? Good. You like burning people and then acting surprised when they die? Even better. You healers? You’re basically handing out insurance policies now, and when someone’s about to croak—BOOM!—instant payout. Augmentation Evokers? Just keep spamming magic, explosions happen, and you look important. Basically, you win, enemies lose, and you look rich AF doing it.

StatTotalTunicGold-CountersCrowned JewelPetticoatGleaming Mantle
Mastery Rating3.151.341.360.45
Critical Strike3.03%0.66%1.32%1.05%

Set Bonuses (Get ready to scam the game)

Best Tank Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

2-Set Bonus

  • Devastation — Your damaging spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot!, which means BOOM, 3 enemies get a Shattering Star to the face (at half power, because we gotta be fair). But if you cast Dragonrage, you ALWAYS win the Jackpot (because screw balance).
  • Preservation — Your healing spells have a chance to give “Insurance!” to people. What does that mean? It slowly heals them, but if they drop below 40% health—SURPRISE!—big-ass heal out of nowhere. No refunds.
  • Augmentation — You like Upheaval? Good. Your damaging spells sometimes trigger it for free (but no knock-up, gotta keep it classy). Oh, and casting Breath of Eons? Instant Jackpot.

4-Set Bonus

  • Devastation — Every time you cast Shattering Star or hit a Jackpot, your next empowered spell hits 20% harder (stacks twice, so yeah, it’s kinda stupid).
  • Preservation — Verdant Embrace now ALWAYS gives you Insurance! (because you deserve it), and its cooldown is 4 seconds shorter (because waiting is for losers).
  • Augmentation — Upheavals now always give Essence Burst, and when you use Essence Burst, Eruptions deal 25% more damage. Basically, more explosions, less thinking.
Item NameSlot
Opulent Treasurescale’s TunicChest
Opulent Treasurescale’s Gold-CountersGloves
Opulent Treasurescale’s Crowned JewelHelm
Opulent Treasurescale’s PetticoatLegs
Opulent Treasurescale’s Gleaming MantleShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Hunter Tier set

Best Healing Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

Hey, you arrow-slinging, pet-abusing, damage-mongering bastard. The Tireless Collector’s Bounties set is like robbing the damn lottery every time you attack. This set is literally a scam, but in your favor. Beast Masters? Your pet becomes a goddamn chemical weapon, dealing nature damage and casting summon infernal-level destruction every time it breathes. Marksmanship? You hit a jackpot, and suddenly your auto-shots gain maximum benefit and fire like a minigun on steroids. Survival? You play with firebombs, pray you don’t cast summon demonic tyrant by accident, and hope for the best.

This patch 11.1 set is pure in the best way. You gain maximum stacks of luck, hitting crits that reduce divine toll’s cooldown and make you feel like a frost mage tier set user spamming frostbolt volley dealing damage with zero cooldowns. You think you’re just spending holy power on shots? Nah, son, you’re activating class tier set bonuses that cast shield wall for your pet so it never dies. When your winning streak ends, guess what? You hit harder than a melee DPS using mortal strike with demon form sacrifices active.

StatTotalBattlegearGauntletsChained CowlArmored BreechesHunted Heads
Mastery Rating2.071.40.67
Critical Strike3.53%0.59%1.01%0.6%1.33%
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Set Bonuses

How Do Tier Sets Impact Dps In Wow 11.1?

2-Set Bonus

  • Beast Mastery — Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! and fire a Barbed Shot at 200% damage. Oh, and if you cast Bestial Wrath? Instant Jackpot. Your pet is now a walking machine gun.
  • Marksmanship — You randomly hit a Jackpot!, and suddenly your auto-shots do 200% more damage and fire 0.5 sec faster. Cast Trueshot? Guaranteed Jackpot! Basically, you’re a one-man firing squad now.
  • Survival — You activate a Winning Streak!, stacking Wildfire Bomb damage by 3% up to 6 times. But the bombs are unstable as hell, and there’s a 15% chance it all just blows up and resets.

4-Set Bonus

  • Beast Mastery — Jackpot! Now infects your pet with a mutagen, making it spread toxic damage to 5 enemies nearby for 8 sec. Also, each toxic attack reduces the Bestial Wrath cooldown by 0.5 sec. So yeah, your pet is now a chemical biohazard.
  • Marksmanship — When you consume Lock and Load, you also fire an Explosive Shot at 300% effectiveness. In other words, things blow up and people die.
  • Survival — When Winning Streak! ends, your next Mongoose Bite / Raptor Strike hits 400% harder and reduces Wildfire Bomb cooldown by 10 sec. If you like explosions and pain, congratulations, this is for you.
Item NameSlot
Tireless Collector’s BattlegearChest
Tireless Collector’s GauntletsGloves
Tireless Collector’s Chained CowlHelm
Tireless Collector’s Armored BreechesLegs
Tireless Collector’s Hunted HeadsShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Mage Tier set

Best Tier Sets For Raids In Wow 11.1

You mana-guzzling glass cannons, Jewels of the Aspectral Emissary is here to turn you into an absolute spell-spamming casino addict. This set gives you Jackpots! No, not real gold, dumbass, but big power-ups that make your spells hit harder, faster, and sometimes just nuke everything on the screen. Fire Mages? You burn shit faster. Frost Mages? Enemies turn into ice statues. Arcane? You turn into a goddamn arcane tornado.

StatTotalPrimal RobesHardened GraspCrystalline CowlTrousersArcane Vents
Mastery Rating3.60.650.51.421.04
Critical Strike1.69%1%0.69%

Set Bonuses

How To Upgrade Tier Sets In Wow 11.1

2-Set Bonus

  • Arcane — Your spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot!, giving you Clearcasting and making your spells 5% stronger for 12 seconds. But casting Touch of the Magi ALWAYS hits a Jackpot!, so you blast even harder.
  • Fire — Your spells can hit a Jackpot!, making your Combustion cooldown 2 seconds shorter. But casting Combustion ALWAYS hits a Jackpot! at 200% power. Yeah, you basically turn into a walking flamethrower.
  • Frost — Your spells can hit a Jackpot!, making you vomit Frostbolt Volleys everywhere, hitting the main guy AND 8 unlucky bastards nearby. But casting Icy Veins ALWAYS hits a Jackpot!. So yeah, Frost Mage go brrrrrrr.

4-Set Bonus

  • Arcane — When you hit a Jackpot!, you also get Aether Attunement at 100% power, meaning you spam Arcane like a cracked-out casino dealer.
  • Fire — Jackpot! now gives you 15% more damage for 7 seconds. And if it comes from Combustion, it lasts TWICE AS LONG. So you just burn the world for longer.
  • Frost — Icy Veins automatically hits a Jackpot! every 10 sec for 30 sec. Translation: Frostbolts non-stop. Enemies cry. You laugh.
Item NameSlot
Aspectral Emissary’s Primal RobesChest
Aspectral Emissary’s Hardened GraspGloves
Aspectral Emissary’s Crystalline CowlHelm
Aspectral Emissary’s TrousersLegs
Aspectral Emissary’s Arcane VentsShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Monk Tier set

Will Tier Sets Change In Wow 11.2?

This new set, Ageless Serpent’s Foresight, is here to make sure you hit like a truck, dodge like a god, and heal like you actually give a damn. Brewmasters? You get drunk, take hits, and magically survive. Windwalkers? You get a Winning Streak—yeah, like a gambler, but instead of money, you’re kicking skulls in. Mistweavers? You throw heals around like Oprah gives free cars, and if your friends get low, BOOM, emergency life insurance payout. Basically, you wear this, bad shit happens to your enemies.

StatTotalInked CoilsHandguardsManeLeggingsShoulderpads
Mastery Rating1.371.37
Critical Strike2.27%0.64%0.6%1.03%

2-Set Bonus

Wow 11.1 Tier Set Catalyst System
  • Brewmaster — Every time you get hit, you have a chance to activate Luck of the Draw (which is just fancy talk for FREE DEFENSE MODE). This casts Fortifying Brew for 6 seconds, and then you hit 15% harder for 8 seconds. Yeah, getting punched makes you stronger. What the hell, Blizzard?
  • Windwalker — Your kicks and punches can activate a Winning Streak!, making your Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick 3% stronger. This stacks up to 10 times, but sometimes Winning Streak just fucks off (15% chance to vanish). Get good, I guess.
  • Mistweaver — Your healing spells slap Insurance! on people. If they drop below 40% HP, BOOM, emergency heal bomb. If they don’t drop, they still heal slowly over 15 seconds. Basically, you’re their magical sugar daddy.

4-Set Bonus

  • Brewmaster — When you get Luck of the Draw, your next 2 Blackout Kicks hit 150% harder and cool down 2 seconds faster. So you get hit, you get angry, you kick harder, you win.
  • Windwalker — Fists of Fury now gives you Winning Streak stacks when it starts AND when it finishes. Plus, when Winning Streak finally dies, your next Fists of Fury slaps 8% harder per stack. But Winning Streak WILL vanish at max stacks, so use it before you lose it.
  • Mistweaver — Renewing Mist now automatically applies Insurance! for 6 seconds. Also, the Insurance healing is up to 50% stronger if Renewing Mist is covering more people. So yeah, spread your heals like a disease and watch your team refuse to die.
Item NameSlot
Ageless Serpent’s Inked CoilsChest
Ageless Serpent’s HandguardsGloves
Ageless Serpent’s ManeHelm
Ageless Serpent’s LeggingsLegs
Ageless Serpent’s ShoulderpadsShoulders
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So yeah, this set makes your Monk a raging lunatic. Brewmasters get beat up and get stronger. Windwalkers kick harder and harder until the game says “fuck you” and resets their buff. Mistweavers slap heals on people that save them from dying. You wanna be an absolute nightmare in PvE and PvP? Get this damn set.

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Paladin Tier set

Wow 11.1 Season 2 Tier Sets Overview

Oath of the Aureate Sentry is here to make you hit harder, heal stronger, and survive like a stubborn cockroach. Holy Paladins? You turn into an insurance agent, slapping emergency heals on people before they even know they’re dying. Protection Paladins? You get hit, you get pissed, and suddenly you become unkillable. Retribution? You go on a Winning Streak, wrecking faces with Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm until Blizzard decides to ruin your fun. In short—you wear this set, enemies die, teammates refuse to die, and you look shiny as hell while doing it.

StatTotalEncasementGauntletsPledgeLegguardsRoaring Will
Mastery Rating3.261.331.320.62
Critical Strike1.68%0.68%0.99%

2-Set Bonus

  • Holy — Your healing spells slap Insurance! on allies. If their health drops below 40%, BOOM, emergency heal. If they don’t, they still get healed for 15 seconds. You are now officially a walking Holy Priest tier set.
  • Protection — Every time you take damage, you might cast Guardian of Ancient Kings for 4 seconds (which is fancy talk for “you don’t fucking die”). Also, you do 15% more damage for 10 sec after. So, the more you get beaten up, the more you break skulls.
  • Retribution — Your spells and abilities have a chance to start a Winning Streak!—making Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm hit 2% harder, stacking up to 10 times. But spending Holy Power on damage has a 12% chance to remove Winning Streak!, because Blizzard hates fun.

4-Set Bonus

  • Holy — Divine Toll now slaps Insurance! on every ally it touches for 8 seconds. Also, every time you spend Holy Power, Divine Toll’s cooldown drops by 1 second. Translation: spam Holy Power, reset Divine Toll, become an unkillable healing machine.
  • Protection — While Luck of the Draw! is up, your Shield of the Righteous refunds 1-3 Holy Power AND extends Luck of the Draw by 0.5 sec, up to 10 sec. Meaning? You take less damage, you hit harder, and you never fucking run out of Holy Power.
  • Retribution — When you lose Winning Streak!, you get back the last Holy Power you spent, you CAN’T lose Holy Power for the next 4 seconds, and your Holy Power abilities hit 10% harder. Basically, you drop a Divine Storm, Blizzard resets your resources, and you just keep smashing faces.
Item NameSlot
Aureate Sentry’s EncasementChest
Aureate Sentry’s GauntletsGloves
Aureate Sentry’s PledgeHelm
Aureate Sentry’s LegguardsLegs
Aureate Sentry’s Roaring WillShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Priest Tier set

Best Tier Sets In Wow 11.1 Season 2

You robe-wearing, light-blasting, shadow-whispering nerds, this is your new god-tier set: Confessor’s Unshakable Virtue. Holy and Discipline Priests? You’re basically an unkillable insurance scam, slapping free emergency heals on your allies before they even know they’re about to die. Shadow Priests? You pray to the void, and BOOM, your spells drop a Void Bolt out of nowhere, nuking everything. Oh, and every time you press a big button, the game says “fuck it” and makes you even stronger. Want to carry raids, ruin arenas, and look angelic while doing it? Put this damn set on.

Mastery Rating3.40.691.030.661.02
Critical Strike1.81%0.47%1.34%

2-Set Bonus

  • Discipline & Holy — Your healing spells slap Insurance! on people. If they drop below 40% HP, BAM, massive free heal. If they don’t? They still get healed over time for 15 seconds. Basically, you’re a walking life insurance company.
  • Shadow — Your damaging spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot!, which means a free Void Bolt slams into some poor bastard at 200% power. If you cast Dark Ascension or Void Eruption, you ALWAYS hit a Jackpot!. Translation: You cast, enemies explode. Simple.

4-Set Bonus

  • Discipline — If your Power Word: Shield gets completely absorbed, your ally automatically gets Insurance! at 40% power. Oh, and all your absorbs and Insurance! heals are 15% stronger. You bubble people, and they just refuse to die.
  • Holy — Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify slap Insurance! on a target for 10 sec while Apotheosis is active. Oh, and every Insurance! active makes all your healing 1% stronger. Meaning? Stack Insurance! like a boss and heal like a god.
  • Shadow — Every time you hit a Jackpot!, you get 5 seconds of Power Infusion. Also, Mind Blast and Void Bolt deal 15% more damage while Power Infusion is up. So, the more Jackpots! you hit, the faster you blast enemies to the Shadow Realm.
Item NameSlot
Confessor’s Unshakable VestmentChest
Confessor’s Unshakable MittsGloves
Confessor’s Unshakable HaloHelm
Confessor’s Unshakable LeggingsLegs
Confessor’s Unshakable RadianceShoulders
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This set is a Priest’s wet dream.

  • Healers? You slap magical life insurance on people, prevent deaths, and spam heals like a crackhead.
  • Shadows? You cast, Void Bolt nukes someone, and every big spell makes you stronger.
  • The more spells you cast, the more stupidly OP you become.

You like making people unkillable or deleting them from existence? Put this set on, stop questioning life, and start carrying Liberation Of Undermine Heroic Boosts and PvP matches.

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Rogue Tier set

Wow 11.1 New Armor Sets

Spectral Gambler’s Last Call is your ticket to total mayhem. This set turns you into a lucky bastard who stabs harder, hits faster, and cheats death. Assassination Rogues? Your poisons get so nasty, enemies just give up. Outlaw Rogues? You stack up buffs so stupidly fast, it feels illegal. Subtlety Rogues? You dance around like a goddamn shadow demon, slashing fools for free. Get this set, roll the dice, and watch the world burn.

StatTotalVestGlovesDamned VisagePantaloonsBladed Mantle
Mastery Rating2.991.410.591
Critical Strike2.41%0.49%1.41%0.5%

2-Set Bonus

  • Assassination — Your poisons and bleed attacks (Envenom, Rupture, Crimson Tempest) have a chance to start a Winning Streak!, making them 3% stronger (stacks up to 10 times). BUT! Every attack has a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak. So yeah, enjoy it while it lasts.
  • Outlaw — Your Dispatch attack has a chance to activate a Winning Streak!, making it 6% stronger (stacks up to 5 times). BUT! Every Dispatch has a 15% chance to tell Winning Streak to fuck off. Tough luck.
  • Subtlety — Your backstabs and sneaky stabs (Eviscerate, Secret Technique, Black Powder) can activate a Winning Streak!, making them 3% stronger (stacks up to 10 times). But guess what? Every attack has a 15% chance to kick Winning Streak in the balls and delete it.

4-Set Bonus

  • Assassination — When Winning Streak is about to vanish, you might just get all 10 stacks for 4 seconds instead. Oh, and these stacks CAN’T be removed and are 30% stronger. Basically, you either get lucky as hell or totally screwed.
  • Outlaw — Roll the Bones (the most RNG bullshit ability ever) now has a 40% better chance to give you extra buffs. Oh, and each buff ALSO gives you a Winning Streak stack, and guess what? Winning Streak can now stack beyond 5. Yeah, you’re basically hacking the system.
  • Subtlety — While Shadow Dance is active, you CANNOT lose Winning Streak!, AND each new stack gets doubled. Oh, and your Shadow Damage is 6% stronger per stack. Translation? You become a shadowy god of destruction.
Item NameSlot
Spectral Gambler’s VestChest
Spectral Gambler’s GlovesGloves
Spectral Gambler’s Damned VisageHelm
Spectral Gambler’s PantaloonsLegs
Spectral Gambler’s Bladed MantleShoulders

So, this set is basically gambling, but instead of losing money, you lose your sanity. Assassination Rogues poison people so hard they regret life, gaining maximum benefit from their spells while their Winning Streak keeps stacking up—until it vanishes like their hopes and dreams. Outlaw Rogues roll the dice harder than a protection warrior tier set tank spamming Shield Wall, granting additional combat enhancements so broken that Blizzard is probably watching nearby enemy’s location to nerf them in real-time. Subtlety Rogues? Oh, these bastards shadow-dance their way into the afterlife, critically striking so hard that enemies don’t even get a chance to cast survival instincts. They vanish and come back stronger, like a fire elemental that refuses to die.

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Shaman Tier set

Wow 11.1 Tier Set Locations

Currents of the Gale Sovereign is here to make you even more bullshit powerful. This set summons storm elementals, blasts fools with chain lightning, and makes sure you slap the enemy so hard their ancestors feel it. Elemental Shamans? You turn into Zeus on steroids. Enhancement Shamans? You swing so fast, your weapons get whiplash. Restoration Shamans? You throw healing rain around like some divine waterpark lifeguard. Put this set on, electrocute everything, and laugh as enemies try to crawl away from your storm.

StatTotalClouded HauberkGraspsCharged HoodPantaloonsZephyrs
Mastery Rating2.310.461.360.49
Critical Strike1.95%0.64%1.31%
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2-Set Bonus

  • Elemental — You got a chance to hit a Jackpot! and summon a Storm or Fire Elemental for 8 seconds. Casting Ascendance? Boom, free Elemental, no questions asked. Now you’re a one-man apocalypse.
  • Enhancement — Your attacks activate a Winning Streak!, making Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Doom Winds hit 5% harder. This stacks up to 25%, but each Maelstrom Weapon spent has a 1% chance to kill your Winning Streak. RNGesus be with you.
  • Restoration — Your healing slaps Insurance! on people. If your ally drops like a dumbass below 40% HP, Insurance! pays out a fat emergency heal. If they don’t drop? They still get healed over 15 seconds, so stop crying.

4-Set Bonus

  • Elemental — Summoning or extending your Storm Elemental makes Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst 20% stronger for 8 sec. Translation? Eruptions cast faster, enemies get cooked, and you are now a goddamn thunderstorm.
  • Enhancement — When Winning Streak dies, you gain Doom Winds for 4 sec. Doom Winds boosts your next Crash Lightning’s damage by 18%, stacking up to 90%. Also? Crash Lightning hits your primary target 75% harder. Basically, you swing, you win, they die.
  • Restoration — Casting Healing Rain or Surging Totem automatically puts Insurance! on allies. When Insurance! is triggered, your next Chain Heal, Healing Surge, or Healing Wave is 10% stronger. That’s right, cast Healing Rain, profit, repeat.
Item NameSlot
Gale Sovereign’s Clouded HauberkChest
Gale Sovereign’s GraspsGloves
Gale Sovereign’s Charged HoodHelm
Gale Sovereign’s PantaloonsLegs
Gale Sovereign’s ZephyrsShoulders

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Warlock Tier set

Wow 11.1 Death Knight Tier Set Bonuses

Spliced Fiendtrader’s Influence is your ticket to ruining everyone’s day. This set makes sure your spells gain maximum benefit, your demons do all the work, and your enemies cry before they die. Affliction? You slap DoTs on people and make them suffer longer. Demonology? You have so many pets, it’s basically a zoo. Destruction? You rain fire from the sky like a pissed-off god. Get this set, burn everything, and laugh at the suffering.

StatTotalDemonic GraspTranscendenceSkin TightsSurgical GownLoyal Servants
Mastery Rating2.20.630.580.99
Critical Strike2.49%0.47%1.42%0.6%

2-Set Bonus

  • Affliction — Your spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot!, giving you 12% Haste for 12 sec. Oh, and casting Summon Darkglare ALWAYS hits a Jackpot!. Meaning? More dots, more suffering, more crying.
  • Demonology — Your spells have a chance to summon a Greater Dreadstalker at 165% effectiveness. Oh, and casting Summon Demonic Tyrant ALWAYS gives you this big boy. Now you have so many demons, it’s a goddamn army.
  • Destruction — Your spells have a chance to fire 6 Demonfire bolts at 200% effectiveness. Oh, and casting Summon Infernal ALWAYS gives you this flame fiesta. Enjoy dealing physical damage with pure hellfire.

4-Set Bonus

  • Affliction — Jackpot! now makes Unstable Affliction 50% stronger and spreads it to 3 extra enemies within 40 yards for 12 sec. That’s right, you don’t even have to try anymore, the DoTs spread themselves.
  • Demonology — Casting Hand of Gul’dan makes your Dreadstalkers cast Dreadbite at 50% effectiveness. Also, this Dreadbite damage goes up by 10% for each soul shard spent. So yeah, soul shard spent = enemy pain multiplied.
  • Destruction — Jackpot! boosts your Mastery by 3% and makes your spells gain maximum benefit from Mastery: Chaotic Energies for 10 sec. Translation? Everything you do now hits like a truck, crits reduce enemy hope, and you become a living nuke.
Item NameSlot
Spliced Fiendtrader’s Demonic GraspGloves
Spliced Fiendtrader’s TranscendenceHelm
Spliced Fiendtrader’s Skin TightsLegs
Spliced Fiendtrader’s Surgical GownChest
Spliced Fiendtrader’s Loyal ServantsShoulders
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This set makes sure your enemies suffer in every way possible. Affliction? You don’t even need to try, your DoTs just keep spreading. Demonology? You summon demons like an unpaid Overlord. Destruction? Everything explodes, and you laugh.

You like summoning darkglare and knocking enemies into oblivion? You wanna spam abilities until your fingers fall off? You wanna laugh at Blizzard when they try to nerf you?

World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Warrior Tier set

Wow 11.1 Demon Hunter Tier Set Guide

Underpin Strongarm’s Muscle is the set that makes sure you hit harder, get angrier, and refuse to die like the stubborn bastard you are. Arms Warriors? You smack fools so hard their ancestors feel it. Fury Warriors? You become a blender of pure destruction. Protection Warriors? You laugh as people try to hurt you, then punch them in the face. This set makes sure every fight ends with YOU standing on top of a pile of corpses, flexing like a goddamn champion.

Mastery Rating2.771.381.39
Critical Strike2.39%0.61%1.3%0.48%
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2-Set Bonus

  • Arms — Your attacks have a chance to start a Winning Streak!, making Overpower 5% stronger (stacks up to 10 times). BUT! Overpower has a 15% chance to ruin your fun and delete the streak. Get mad. Hit harder.
  • Fury — Rampage gets a 2% damage boost per Winning Streak stack (up to 10 stacks). But! Every Rampage has a 15% chance to tell Winning Streak to fuck off. You like RNG violence? This is for you.
  • Protection — Getting hit might just activate Shield Wall for 4 seconds. Oh, and you also get Luck of the Draw, boosting your damage by 15% for 12 sec. So yeah, getting punched just makes you angrier.

4-Set Bonus

  • Arms — When Winning Streak ends, you gain 2% Haste, and your Mortal Strike + Cleave get a 2% damage boost per stack you had for 12 sec. Basically? The longer you keep Winning Streak, the more devastating your attacks become.
  • Fury — Every Winning Streak stack gives you a random power-up:
    • Bloodthirst? 15% more damage and 25% more crit chance.
    • Raging Blow? 15% more damage and generates 2 extra Rage.
    • Either way? You win. Enemy loses.
  • Protection — During Luck of the Draw, Shield Slam’s crit chance jumps to 75%. Oh, and Shield Slam crits reduce Shield Charge cooldown by 12 sec. Translation? You become an unkillable nightmare.
Item NameSlot
Enforcer’s Backalley VestplateChest
Enforcer’s Backalley CrushersGloves
Enforcer’s Backalley FaceshieldHelm
Enforcer’s Backalley ChaussesLegs
Enforcer’s Backalley ShoulderplatesShoulders
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World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 brings new powerful tier sets for every class. These sets give big bonuses when you wear two or four pieces. The bonuses help with damage, healing, or defense, making players much stronger.

Each class gets unique abilities from their tier sets. Some classes gain extra power from lucky streaks, while others summon powerful creatures or heal allies automatically. Many sets make spells hit harder, attacks do more damage, or defensive skills activate when taking hits.

The bonuses are different for each specialization. For example, Death Knights heal better, Demon Hunters randomly enter Demon Form, Druids summon explosive mushrooms, and Priests put shields on allies to stop them from dying. Rogues, Warriors, and Mages all get buffs that boost their strongest attacks.

In short, these new sets make every class stronger and more fun to play. Whether you want to deal massive damage, survive longer in battle, or keep your team alive, these tier sets give you the edge you need in Season 2.

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What are tier sets?

Tier sets are special armor sets that give extra power when you wear two or four pieces. They make your character stronger in different ways.

How do I get a tier set?

You can get tier set pieces from raids, the Great Vault, and some other activities in the game.

Do all classes get a tier set?

Yes! Every class has its own special tier set with unique bonuses.

What happens when I wear two pieces of a tier set?

You unlock the first bonus, which makes your character’s attacks, healing, or defense stronger.

What happens when I wear four pieces of a tier set?

You get a second, even stronger bonus that makes your abilities even better.

Can I mix different tier sets?

No, bonuses only work when you wear pieces from the same set.

Are tier sets different for each specialization?

Yes! Each specialization gets different bonuses that match how they play.

Can I change the stats on a tier set?

No, but you can sometimes upgrade the item level to make it stronger.

What happens if I get the same tier piece twice?

If you get a duplicate, you can try trading it or saving it in case you want to switch specializations.

Do tier sets work in all game modes?

Yes, you can use them inLiberation Of Undermine Boosts, dungeons, and PvP battles.

Can I get tier set pieces from Mythic+ dungeons?

No, but you can get them from the Great Vault if you complete enough Mythic+ runs.

What if I don’t get a tier set piece from the raid?

Keep trying! You can also get tier pieces from the Great Vault or use the Catalyst system later in the season.

Do tier set bonuses stay forever?

No, they usually last for one season, then new tier sets replace them.

Are tier sets really important?

Yes! They give big power boosts and help you play better in all activities.
