WoW Cataclysm Classic Mount Guide | All the mounts

Cataclysm Classic
By: friolt
13 min read
Summon Wild Wolf

13 Years… Years, no, not in Azkaban — but that’s the time that’s gone since Cataclysm was first released.
And now there’s a new era of thirsty gamers who have never defeated Deathwing in the actual raids, and who have never farmed the crispy Vial of Sands.

So what does it mean? It means that, right now, you’ll get the first, unique WoW Cataclysm Classic Mount Guide — Reunion.
From it, we’ll strive to answer your questions about:

  1. All the mounts for achievements.
  2. All the epic mounts, which are BoE and which you can get from vendors or on the AH.
  3. All the drakes, which are the pearl of the Cataclysm expansion.
  4. All the tigers and other truly unique mounts.

So, we can’t waste your time anymore. Let the Cataclysm Mounts Classic Guide begin!

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Flying in the Wow Cataclysm

Cata Classic How To Get Mount

Yup, we have a special guide about flying in WoW Cata Classic, but here’s a little announcement.
Azeroth has been reworked, and the mounts and prices for learning to fly have also been updated.

So, here’s a summary about flying in WoW Cataclysm Classic.

Flying in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic isn’t just about getting from point A to B; it’s an epic adventure of its own. With Cataclysm, you can soar across Azeroth’s reworked zones and explore the world from a whole new perspective. Here’s a concise guide to everything you need to know about flying in Cataclysm Classic:

  • At level 60, you can unlock this license to fly in the old Azeroth zones.
  • They have a unique Flight Form available at level 60, providing instant cast flying.
  • Upgrading your riding skills unlocks faster mounts and epic flight.
  • Achieve greatness with rare drops, quest rewards, and guild achievements.
AspectDetailsInformal Commentary
Level Required60Finally, alts can see Azeroth from the air!
Skill RequiredExpert Riding or Flight FormJust the usual stuff, nothing new.
License Cost250 goldA decent gold sink but worth every penny.
SpeedNormal flying speedNo extra speed, but feeling fast is a guess.
Zones EnabledEastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, DeepholmMore air, less foot—makes sense, right?
Trainers LocationStormwind City, OrgrimmarWhere you’d expect to find them.
New SkillsNone additional for old-world flyingJust use what you got and enjoy the view.
Special MountsSwift Razzashi Raptor, Life Binder’s Handmaiden, Twilight HarbingerCatch these epic and rare mounts while you can!
Faction’s Guild VendorSpecial mounts and guild tabardsEarn guild reputation and ride in style.
BoE MountsVial of the Sands, Spectral TigersMake some gold or keep it as a trophy!
Keystone SlotsThree keystone slots for archaeologyCollect rare artifacts to unlock mounts and more!



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Mounts for achievements — the best epic mount hides here

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When it comes to achieving greatness, nothing says I’m a badass quite like showing off your epic mount collection in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re hunting for those challenging achievement mounts, rare drops, or faction rewards, here’s a quick guide to what’s up for grabs.

Mount Name in wow classicAchievement flying mountDescriptionHow to Get It
Volcanic Stone DrakeGlory of the Cataclysm HeroAn epic flying drake that breathes volcanic fire.Complete challenging achievements in Cataclysm Heroics.
Drake of the East WindGlory of the Cataclysm RaiderA majestic red drake riding the winds of the Four Winds.Clear Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds, and The Bastion of Twilight while completing various achievements.
Dark PhoenixGuild Glory of the Cataclysm RaiderA fiery dark phoenix that embodies guild loyalty.Complete the guild achievement while raiding in a guild group.
Kor’kron AnnihilatorGuild Level 25A menacing Horde ground mount clad in red and black armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Golden KingGuild Level 25An impressive Alliance ground mount with royal golden armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Fossilized RaptorArchaeology: Fossilized RaptorAn eerie skeletal raptor resurrected through archaeology.Randomly discover and complete the rare Fossil Archaeology project.
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle TankArchaeology: Scepter of Azj’AqirA rare Tol’vir bug mount resurrected from ancient times.Complete the rare Tol’vir Archaeology project.
Phosphorescent Stone DrakeGuaranteed Drop: Aeonaxx (Deepholm)A glowing blue stone drake with guaranteed drops from Aeonaxx.Find and kill Aeonaxx, a rare spawn in Deepholm.
Spectral Steed/WolfExalted Status: Baradin’s Wardens/Hellscream’s ReachEthereal mounts glowing with spectral energy.Reach exalted with your faction’s Tol Barad quartermaster.
Drake of the West WindExalted Status: Baradin’s Wardens/Hellscream’s ReachA majestic drake tied to Tol Barad’s legendary winds.Purchase from your Tol Barad faction quartermaster upon reaching exalted status.

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BoE Mounts and epic mounts

How To Get Mount In Cata Classic

If you’re looking to add a touch of flair to your mount collection while exploring the new Cataclysm world, these Bind-on-Equip (BoE) mounts will let you do just that. Whether you’re flying high on a dragon or rolling through Azeroth in style, here’s a quick guide to these prestigious mounts. Snag one from the Auction House or find a skilled crafter to get your hands on them!

Mount wow classicInformal Commentary
Flying CarpetA luxurious way to float through the skies, perfect for any aspiring mage.
Mechano-HogThe roar of the engine is music to the ears of any Horde engineer.
Mekgineer’s ChopperThis chopper screams innovation and adventure for the Alliance engineers.
Vial of the SandsTransform into a dragon and rule the skies with this alchemy-created marvel.
Reins of PoseidusDive into the depths with elegance and grace on this rare aquatic mount.
FeldrakeDark and enigmatic, a mount for those with a taste for mystery and power.
Corrupted HippogryphCorruption adds a haunting allure to this majestic creature, embodying a Cataclysm mount guide.
White Riding CamelA symbol of elegance amidst the desert sands, from Uldum’s hidden treasures.
Swift SpringstriderColorful and vibrant, a joyous ride through the fields with this seasonal favorite.
Swift LovebirdSpread love wherever you go with this charming companion from the Love is in the Air event.
Mottled DrakeA unique appearance that demands attention, bringing you closer to the Dragon Soul.
Amani DragonhawkFire and fury embodied in a single mount, perfect for any Cataclysm raider.
Savage RaptorUnleash your primal side with this fierce jungle companion, great for tiger riding.
Swift ShorestriderGlide along the shore with grace and speed, and turn heads in the process.

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Rare Drops and achievement flying mount

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If you’re on the hunt for epic mounts with some serious bragging rights, these rare drops will have you flying high or riding deep into Azeroth with style. From dragons to camels and beyond, here’s a guide to the most sought-after mounts in WoW Cataclysm Classic.

Mount Name wow classicDescriptionHow to Get It
Drake of the South WindA striking blue drake that soars above the Four Winds.Drops from Al’Akir, the final boss of Throne of the Four Winds (1-2% drop chance).
Drake of the North WindA lighter blue drake perfect for any Cataclysm mount guide.Drops from Altairus in The Vortex Pinnacle dungeon.
Vitreous Stone DrakeA shimmering stone drake with a sleek design.Drops from Slabhide in The Stonecore dungeon.
Phosphorescent Stone DrakeA glowing blue stone drake, guaranteed drop from Aeonaxx.Find and kill Aeonaxx, a rare spawn in Deepholm.
Grey Riding CamelA spitting camel mount with an adventurous backstory.Seek out the Mysterious Camel Figurine in Uldum to find Dormus the Camel-Hoarder.
Kor’kron AnnihilatorA menacing Horde ground mount clad in red and black armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Golden KingAn impressive Alliance ground mount with royal golden armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Fossilized RaptorAn eerie skeletal raptor resurrected through archaeology.Complete the rare Fossil Archaeology project.
Mottled DrakeA unique appearance that demands attention, bringing you closer to the Dragon Soul.Redeem the code from the WoW TCG Worldbreaker expansion.
Amani DragonhawkFire and fury embodied in a single mount, perfect for any Cataclysm raider.Drops from Zul’Gurub or through BoE trading.
Savage RaptorUnleash your primal side with this fierce jungle companion.Drops from Zul’Aman bosses or through BoE trading.
Swift Zulian TigerThe ultimate tiger riding experience from the classic version.Rare drop from Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul’Gurub.

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Get ready to grind for those rare gems, challenge dungeon bosses, and earn reputation with your faction’s quartermaster to collect these epic mounts!

All the Drakes as cataclysm mounts

Wow Cata Ashenvale Mount

If you’re a fan of dragons and drakes, then you’re in for a treat in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re raiding dungeons, completing achievements, or grinding for reputation, there’s a drake out there waiting for you. Here’s a guide to all the drakes available in Cataclysm Classic.

Table: All the Drakes in WoW Cataclysm Classic

Mount NameDescriptionHow to Get It
Volcanic Stone DrakeAn epic drake with volcanic fire and a sleek design.Complete Glory of the Cataclysm Hero achievement.
Drake of the East WindA majestic red drake riding the winds of the Four Winds.Complete Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievement.
Drake of the South WindA striking blue drake that soars above the Four Winds.Drops from Al’Akir in Throne of the Four Winds (1-2% drop chance).
Drake of the North WindA lighter blue drake that’s perfect for any drake collection.Drops from Altairus in The Vortex Pinnacle dungeon.
Vitreous Stone DrakeA shimmering stone drake with a stunning crystal-like design.Drops from Slabhide in The Stonecore dungeon.
Phosphorescent Stone DrakeA glowing blue stone drake, guaranteed drop from Aeonaxx.Find and kill Aeonaxx, a rare spawn in Deepholm.
Twilight DrakeA majestic twilight drake that embodies darkness and power.Drops from Sartharion in the Obsidian Sanctum.
Onyxian DrakeA stunning onyx drake with purple accents.Drops from Onyxia in Onyxia’s Lair (very rare).
Black DrakeA fierce black drake for raiders with heroic ambitions.Drops from Sartharion in the Obsidian Sanctum.
Blue DrakeA beautiful blue drake that will make any player stand out.Drops from Malygos in The Eye of Eternity raid.
Azure DrakeAn even more majestic blue drake with silver accents.Drops from Malygos in The Eye of Eternity raid.
Twilight HarbingerThe ultimate drake that shows off your raiding prowess.Complete Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider achievement.
Drake of the West WindA majestic drake tied to Tol Barad’s legendary winds.Purchase from Tol Barad faction quartermaster upon reaching exalted status.
Sandstone DrakeAn alchemical marvel that transforms the rider into a drake.Craft using the Vial of the Sands  recipe via Alchemy.



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PvP mounts

Whether you’re dominating the battlegrounds or climbing the arena ladder, these PvP mounts will have you riding in style across WoW Cataclysm Classic. From skeletal horses to spectral versions, here’s the quick guide to earning your PvP bragging rights.

Table: PvP Mounts in WoW Cataclysm Classic

Mount NameDescriptionHow to Get It
Kor’kron AnnihilatorA menacing Horde ground mount clad in red and black armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Golden KingAn impressive Alliance ground mount with royal golden armor.Reach Guild Level 25 and exalted status with your guild.
Spectral Steed/WolfEthereal PvP mounts glowing with spectral energy.Reach exalted with Baradin’s Wardens (Alliance) or Hellscream’s Reach (Horde).
Drake of the West WindA majestic drake tied to Tol Barad’s legendary winds.Purchase from your Tol Barad faction quartermaster upon reaching exalted status.
Vicious War WolfA fierce war wolf for Horde PvP players.Earn by winning Rated Battlegrounds.
Vicious War SteedA ferocious war steed for Alliance PvP players.Earn by winning Rated Battlegrounds.
Black War BearA powerful black bear for those who love dominating the Horde/Alliance.Complete For The Horde! or For The Alliance! achievement.
Black War MammothA massive war mammoth representing strength and unity.Purchase from Wintergrasp vendors using Stone Keeper’s Shards.
Black War TigerThe ultimate feline mount for Alliance PvP enthusiasts.Earn Knight-Captain rank or purchase from Champions Hall.
Black War RaptorA terrifying war raptor that will make any Horde player proud.Earn First Sergeant rank or purchase from Sen’jin Village.
Black War ElekkA formidable war elekk for Alliance PvP collectors.Earn Knight-Captain rank or purchase from Champions Hall.
Black War KodoA colossal war kodo for Horde PvP players.Earn First Sergeant rank or purchase from Bloodhoof Village.
Black BattlestriderA sleek battlestrider for Alliance players who love speed.Earn Knight-Captain rank or purchase from Champions Hall.
Black War RamA sturdy ram for Alliance PvP adventurers.Earn Knight-Captain rank or purchase from Amberstill Ranch.
Black War BearA sturdy war bear that loves Alterac Valley.Earn battleground currency awarded from Alterac Valley.
Skeletal WarhorseA spooky skeletal horse for those looking to ride in style.Earn First Sergeant rank or purchase from Sen’jin Village.

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Poseidus farm guide | Wow Cataclysm Classic

How To Get Ashenvale Mount Cata

Want to rule the waves with Poseidus, the elusive aquatic mount? You’re in for a wild ride because this rare BoE mount doesn’t come easy. Here’s a quick guide to bagging this legendary sea steed.

Step 1: Know Your Mount

  • Poseidus is a rare drop BoE mount that grants you the ability to swim at lightning speed underwater.

Step 2: Prepare to Farm Poseidus

  • Location: Vashj’ir, the underwater zone that’s perfect for completing quests, gathering rare gems, and uncovering neutral mounts.
  • Spawn Points: Look for him around Kelp’thar Forest, Shimmering Expanse, and the Abyssal Depths.

Step 3: Tips for Finding Poseidus

  1. Track Your Spawn Points: Set a patrol route around Poseidus’ known spawn points.
  2. Use Neutral Mounts: Choose an underwater mount like the Vashj’ir Seahorse or Subdued Seahorse for speed.
  3. Gather Your Friends: Form a group with Alliance players or Horde players to cover all spawn points.
  4. Keep a Guild Tabard On: Wearing your guild tabard helps boost the guild’s daily experience cap while farming.
  5. Check the Auction House: If you’re in a hurry or need to earn money, consider purchasing this rare mount directly.
  • Once you’ve located and defeated Poseidus, you’ll have a chance to earn this incredible mount.


Whether you’re tracking down quest mounts, seeking rare horses, or collecting the new mounts introduced in WoW Cataclysm Classic, this guide has got you covered. From the rare artifact-seeking adventurer at the Cenarion Enclave to the PvP enthusiasts riding through Alterac Valley, there’s a mount for every kind of collector.

  • Rare Drops: Farm for that elusive Phosphorescent Stone Drake at the Quartzite Basin, or catch Aeonaxx spawns for the guaranteed drop.
  • PvP Mounts: Earn your stripes with spectral versions of the Golden King or Kor’kron Annihilator, or head to Champions Hall to grab your Black War Tiger.
  • BoE Mounts: Dive into the depths to catch Poseidus, or roll through the Eastvale Logging Camp with a Mechano-Hog.
  • Different Riding Skills: Upgrade to master frostsaber rock or skeletal horses.

Remember, whether you’re a Horde or Alliance player, there’s a mount waiting for you in WoW Classic. So grab your guild tabard, farm for rare gems and small statues, and don your alchemy created materials to claim your place in Azeroth’s sky. We do not talk about the racial mounts gotten from a rare gem, in cause you’re already know, where to get them!

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How do I unlock flying in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

To unlock flying in Azeroth, you’ll need to obtain the Flight Master’s License. This requires reaching level 60 and having the Expert Riding skill. The license itself costs 250 gold and can be purchased from trainers located in Stormwind City for Alliance players or Orgrimmar for Horde players.

How can I obtain the Vial of the Sands mount?

The Vial of the Sands is a Bind-on-Equip (BoE) mount crafted through Alchemy. First, you’ll need to discover the recipe inside a Canopic Jar from Tol’vir Archaeology. Once you have the recipe, gather the necessary alchemy created materials to craft the mount. With the Vial of the Sands, you’ll transform into a Sandstone Drake and carry a passenger.

What are the PvP mounts available in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

PvP mounts are earned through guild achievements or battleground victories. The Kor’kron Annihilator (Horde) and Golden King (Alliance) are available after reaching Guild Level 25 and Exalted status with your guild. You can also earn the Spectral Steed/Wolf by reaching Exalted with your faction’s Tol Barad quartermaster. For a more ferocious ride, the Vicious War Wolf (Horde) and Vicious War Steed (Alliance) can be earned by winning Rated Battlegrounds.

How do I obtain the rare drop mounts like Aeonaxx and Poseidus?

Aeonaxx is a rare spawn that appears in Deepholm near the Quartzite Basin. If you’re lucky enough to find him, he has a guaranteed drop of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake. Poseidus is another rare spawn, located in Vashj’ir across various points like the Abyssal Depths. Defeating Poseidus grants the rare BoE mount Reins of Poseidus.

What mounts can I obtain through Archaeology?

Archaeology provides two unique mounts in Cataclysm Classic. The Fossilized Raptor is available through the rare Fossil Archaeology project, while the Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank requires completing the rare Tol’vir Archaeology project.

What are the different guild mounts, and how do I get them?

Guild mounts include the Kor’kron Annihilator for Horde and the Golden King for Alliance. To obtain them, your guild needs to reach Guild Level 25, and you must be Exalted with the guild. Both mounts are available from your faction’s guild vendor.

How do I earn mounts through achievements in Cataclysm Classic?

Achievement mounts in Cataclysm Classic include the Volcanic Stone Drake for completing Glory of the Cataclysm Hero, the Drake of the East Wind for Glory of the Cataclysm Raider, and the Twilight Harbinger for Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider. The Dark Phoenix is available through the guild achievement Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider.

How can I get the Swift Zulian Tiger in Cataclysm Classic?

The Swift Zulian Tiger is a rare drop from Bloodlord Mandokir in the Zul’Gurub raid. Defeating this boss offers a chance to obtain this highly sought-after mount.

How can I farm for rare mounts efficiently?

Efficiently farming rare mounts requires a bit of strategy. First, set a patrol route for rare spawns like Aeonaxx or Poseidus. Form a guild group to maximize your efficiency in farming. Using neutral mounts like the Vashj’ir Seahorse or Subdued Seahorse can help with speed when farming underwater.
