World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid Guide

By: friolt
24 min read
Wow Tww Liberation Of Undermine Raid Guide

The time has come, and let’s be honest, it was always gonna happen. What? The fall of Undermine, baby! World of Warcraft: The War Within has kicked off, and the Liberation of Undermine raid is here to shake up the goblin world. The cartels are sick of Chrome King Gallywix rolling the dice with their lives, and it’s time to cash out—by blowing up his empire, one jackpot explosion at a time!

Undermine ain’t just some hole in the ground—it’s a loud, toxic, money-hungry nightmare where slot machines bite back, junkyards have more firepower than an army, and every single boss is either scamming you, setting you on fire, or throwing you straight into the trash compactor. This raid is dirty, rigged, and full of tricks, but hey—that’s goblin life for ya!

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So if you’re ready to bust open the Gallagio Casino and send Gallywix packing, welcome aboard! In this guide, we’ll show you:

  • Where’s the entrance to Liberation of Undermine in WoW: The War Within?
  • How to beat all the bosses without becoming a burnt pile of garbage.
  • What insane mechanics will ruin your day.
  • How to dodge, dip, and scam your way through deadly goblin tech.
  • What shiny loot and mounts you can grab.
  • What achievements will prove you survived this disaster.
  • And most importantly… how to knock Gallywix off his golden throne!

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | release time

World Of Warcraft The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Bosses

The Liberation of Undermine Raid is dropping on March 4, 2025, and if you ain’t ready, you’re gonna get rolled over like large enough rolling rubbish in a goblin casino! This second raid of The War Within ain’t for softies. It’s filled with one-armed bandit pulls, deadly goblin beats, and toxic fumes waiting to burn your sorry hide! Chrome King Gallywix sits on his mountain of massive casino chips, thinking he’s untouchable, but guess what? It’s time to tear Undermine apart and send that rat packing! Fire golden coins wildly, dodge the damn sound cannon damage, and if you screw up? Well, you’ll be a smoldering pile of raid-wide damage before you can cry for emergency repairs!

March 4, 2025Normal, Heroic, MythicAll Bosses
March 4, 2025Raid FinderShock and Awesome
March 11, 2025Story ModeChrome King Gallywix
March 11, 2025Raid FinderManiacal Machinist
March 18, 2025Raid FinderBeating the Odds
March 25, 2025Raid FinderFall of the Chrome King
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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | Overview

Wow Tww Liberation Of Undermine Entrance Location

The Liberation of Undermine is here, and it’s not for weaklings! Eight bosses, garbage piles overflowing, one-armed bandits cheating, and fans throwing toys like they own the place. Raid members will choke on smog as geargrinders release toxic fumes, and if you don’t play fairly, the premiere slot machine will inflict sonic damage straight to your damn soul! Amplifiers gain additional power, pit mechanics go wild, and one-armed bandit rolls keep screwing everyone over. Demon hunters spin, death knights apply blistering spite, and if you’re too slow? Rolling rubbish absorbs your sorry ass into the trash compactor.

Level Requirement80
Min Item Level606
Player Limit10-30
DifficultiesNormal, Heroic, Mythic, Raid Finder, Story Mode
Final BossChrome King Gallywix
Raid EntranceOutside the Incontinental Hotel, Undermine
Special MechanicsSound cannon damage, flying sonic resonator, pyro party packs, mechanical breakdowns, deadly drills, and trash compactors!
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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | Entrance

Chrome King Gallywix Raid Boss Guide

The entrance is at /way 41.8, 49.0, right outside the Incontinental Hotel, and if you ain’t got attack speed, you’re gonna be stuck in garbage piles while flying machine drops explosives on your slow ass. The united cartels are sick of Gallywix, but would-be oppressors are standing in the way, ready to inflict nature damage and polarization blasts on random players who ain’t paying attention. Sound overwhelms players, geargrinder releases smog, and if you don’t move? Three bomb symbols explode in your face, causing uncontrolled destruction. Wanna make it inside?

RouteApprox Coordinates (/way)Notes
Main Entrance/way 41.8, 49.0Right outside Incontinental Hotel
Rocket Drill from Dornogal/way 77.1, 73.2Fast travel unlocked after first chapter
Teleporter from Gutterside Rocket Station/way 27.7, 54.3 → /way 52.3, 50.7Skip the walking, get blasted straight into the action
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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | Boss

Liberation Of Undermine Raid Release Date

This raid is stacked with eight brutal, chaotic, and completely unfair bosses that will rip your raid members apart before you even get to Chrome King Gallywix. Fire damage melts your face, unstable explosions turn your healer into garbage, and one-armed bandits cheat their way to victory. You better move fast, or polarization blasts, nature damage, and random players getting hit by three bomb symbols will end your miserable run before you can even place a pay line chip

Vexie and the Geargrinders

Wow Tww Liberation Of Undermine Mounts

Vexie, that one-armed bandit of destruction, is rolling in with her death machine, The Geargrinder. Get ready to dodge flying sonic resonators, slip in garbage piles of oil, and pray your healer isn’t AFK.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Unrelenting CAR-nageSurviveHighHope your healer ain’t trash
Call BikersKillMediumThese fools gotta go now
Blaze of GloryFocusHighYour one chance to break armor
Hot WheelsDodgeMediumDodge or get fire to the face
Spew OilDispelHighThis makes everything worse
Tank BusterSwapExtremeTanks will explode without a swap
BackfireHealHighWhole raid takes constant damage
RepairInterruptVery HighIf this goes off, you’re screwed
Burning ShrapnelMoveHighDon’t stand in this or combust
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DPS Guide

Liberation Of Undermine Loot Table Wow
  • Call Bikers — Kill these clowns FAST. Each one downed lets you steal a bike and launch it into the boss.
  • Blaze of Glory — Ride or die. Hop on the stolen bike, crash it into the boss, remove armor, and make it suffer.
  • Hot Wheels — Dodge, idiot. You see a biker charging? Move or get fire damage to the face.
  • Oil Canister (Mythic) — Catch it or deal with a burning oil field. Good luck.
  • Mechanical Breakdown — Go crazy. When Vexie is broken down, she takes double damage. This is your third hype hustle moment.

Healer Guide

  • Spew Oil — Dispel or heal. Otherwise, your team slides into their own funeral.
  • Exhaust Fumes — Outheal or wipe. It stacks, and it sucks.
  • Backfire — Raid-wide pain every 2 sec. Patch people up before they patch out of existence.
  • Bomb Voyage! — Heal the burns or let your team become a crispy snack.
  • Burning Shrapnel — If people stand in this, let them enjoy their choice.

Tank Guide

  • Tank Buster — Pray. It slams, bleeds, and boosts damage taken by 200%. Swap or die crying.
  • Oil Slick — Get out of the goo, or you’ll be skating straight to the graveyard.
  • Unrelenting CAR-nage — If you see this charging up, know that your healer is about to hate life.
  • Tune-Up — Interrupt this garbage. If they repair the tank, your DPS was for nothing.

Cauldron of Carnage

Liberation Of Undermine Raid Boss List

Welcome to the Liberation of Undermine, where two overclocked idiots, Flarendo and Torq, turn the arena into a freaking nuclear disaster. These one-armed bandits spew fire damage, nature damage, and enough AOE bullshit to make a healer cry. If you don’t move, you die. If you move wrong, you die. If your raid sucks, enjoy your wipe.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Colossal ClashSurviveHighYou will die if healers suck.
ScrapbombStackHighSoak it or wipe, no debate.
Blistering SpiteHealMediumFire tick damage stacking up fast.
Galvanized SpiteHealMediumSame thing, but lightning edition.
Fiery WaveDodgeMediumYou stood still? Enjoy being BBQ.
ZapboltDodgeMediumWalk into this? You’re an idiot.
Thunderdrum SalvoHealHighWhole raid gets nuked, good luck.
Eruption StompSwapHighTank gets launched into orbit.
Lightning BashMitigateExtremeTankbuster from hell.
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DPS Guide

  • Scrapbomb — Stack or wipe. If no one soaks it, everyone suffers.
  • Zapbolt — Dodge this nature damage crap unless you enjoy lightning up your ass.
  • Voltaic Image (Heroic/Mythic) — Run. If it touches you, you get fried.
  • Fiery Wave — Dodge or burn. Simple.
  • Colossal Clash — Heal check, but also pump damage because this is your DPS moment.

Healer Guide

  • Blistering Spite — Heal or lose half your raid to fire damage.
  • Galvanized Spite — Same thing, but electric. Fun.
  • Static Charge — Keep the idiot alive until it pops.
  • Back-to-back AoE — You’re healing nonstop or you’re watching a wipe.
  • Thunderdrum Salvo — More raid-wide pain, patch them up.

Tank Guide

  • Eruption Stomp — Swap or get juggled like a clown.
  • Lightning Bash — Mitigate or instantly die.
  • Raised Guard — Move the bosses apart or hit for 1 damage.
  • King of Carnage — If one dies, the other goes sicko mode. Swap and pray.

Rik Reverb

How To Beat Chrome King Gallywix Wow Tww

If you thought you were here to fight, wrong—this is a goddamn premiere slot machine of random players getting obliterated by raid-wide damage. Move, kick, and kill or enjoy becoming garbage piles.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Amplification!MoveMediumKnocked away like trash if you don’t.
HaywireKillHighThese amps go nuclear if ignored.
Echoing ChantDodgeMediumRandom sound waves of death.
Noise PollutionHealHighWelcome to raid-wide suffering.
Faulty ZapDispelHighOr just let them fry, your choice.
Sonic BlastSwapExtremeTanks get obliterated by sound.
Blowout!MoveMediumGet knocked up or get dropped hard.
Sound CloudFocusHighYou aren’t doing damage, move on.
Blaring DropHealHighOr let them vibrate into the void.
Hype Fever!BurnExtremeNo escape. Burn boss or wipe forever.
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DPS Guide

  • Amplification! — Move or get knocked, stunned, and humiliated.
  • Haywire — Kill the amplifiers before they go nuclear and delete your health bar.
  • Echoing Chant — Dodge the random sonic damage bullshit coming from the speakers.
  • Sound Cloud — Stop DPS—boss takes 99% less damage, go do mechanics instead.
  • Hype Fever! — Burn boss NOW or game over.

Healer Guide

  • Noise Pollution — Raid-wide pain, nonstop. If your HPS sucks, your team dies.
  • Faulty Zap — Dispel or watch people become electric toast.
  • Blaring Drop — Pre-heal or start writing eulogies.
  • Hype Fever! — Healers die first here, enjoy that.

Tank Guide

  • Sonic Blast — Get frontal-coned with sonic damage. Can’t block it. Suffer.
  • Tinnitus — Stacking debuff, swap before your ears explode.
  • Resonance — Drag boss away from amplifiers or enjoy infinite pain.
  • Blowout! — Try not to get yeeted off the map.

Stix Bunkjunker

Best Classes For Liberation Of Undermine Raid

Stix Bunkjunker reject thinks he’s some mechanical genius, but in reality, he’s just a glorified garbage can on legs. If you like fire damage, nature damage, raid-wide bullshit, and getting smacked by flying garbage piles, congrats—you’re in the right place. This fight is pure trash in every way, and if your raid sucks, you’ll be buried in it.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Electromagnetic SortingHealHighRaid-wide nature hell, good luck.
Rolling RubbishAbsorbMediumEat garbage, save lives.
Garbage PileDodgeMediumMove or get buried in trash.
Discarded DoomsplosiveAbsorbHighIf not soaked, everyone dies.
Territorial BombshellKillHighIf you ignore it, you wipe.
IncineratorSpreadMediumTurns the room into Hot Garbage.
MeltdownSwapHighTank takes stupid levels of damage.
Trash CompactorMoveExtremeRaid-wide explosion and knockback.
OverdriveSurviveExtremeHe flies up, rains death, and lands hard.
Maximum OutputBurnExtremeIf this goes on too long, you’re doomed.
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DPS Guide

  • Discarded Doomsplosive — Absorb with Rolling Rubbish or everyone eats fire damage.
  • Scrap Rockets — Kick or enjoy a missile shower to the face.
  • Incinerator — Spread out, unless you wanna turn the whole room into an oven.
  • Territorial Bombshell — Burn fast before it self-destructs.
  • Overdrive — Stop DPS, boss takes 99% less damage, survive the rain of bolts instead.

Healer Guide

How To Unlock Fast Travel In Liberation Of Undermine
  • Electromagnetic Sorting — Raid-wide nature damage, heal or wipe.
  • Faulty Zap — Dispel or let your raid slowly burn from the inside out.
  • Trash Compactor — Massive AoE, knockback, and pure suffering.
  • Toxic Fumes — Stacking poison from burning trash, enjoy.
  • Hype Fever! — If this goes off, healers should just log out.

Tank Guide

  • Meltdown — Nature damage dot, get ready to cry.
  • Demolish — Tank swap or become a stain on the floor.
  • Resonance — Keep boss away from the amps or get wrecked.
  • Overdrive — Dodge bolts, survive, and try not to get compacted into a cube and cleanup crew.

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock

Liberation Of Undermine Raid Mythic Strategy Guide

some goblin tech nerd thinks he’s the next genius but ends up turning the whole raid into a dumpster fire. This fight is just one big chaotic factory of explosions, fire damage, nature damage, and absolute suffering. Conveyor belts? Check. Random drills? Check. Inventions that should have been recalled decades ago? Check. If your raid doesn’t move, dodge, and kill fast, you’re getting wiped off the map.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Blazing BeamDodgeHighIf you stand in it, you deserve the flames.
Rocket BarrageMoveHighEat a rocket, become raid-wide BBQ.
Wire TransferMoveMediumStay in it? Enjoy being electrocuted to death.
Screw UpAvoidMediumDrop drills AWAY FROM THE RAID, idiot.
Bleeding EdgeBurnHighThis phase is hell, kill him fast.
Sonic Ba-BoomHealHighRaid-wide sonic death incoming.
VoidsplosionDispelHighHealing debuff, fix it NOW.
Black BloodsplatterDodgeHighStand in this? Enjoy being useless.
Unstable ExplosionAvoidHighStep on a mine? Goodbye raid.
Pyro Party PackMoveHighRun away or enjoy blowing up your friends.

DPS Guide

  • Blazing Beam — Dodge, unless you enjoy being a crispy corpse.
  • Rocket Barrage — Avoid the rocket or explode into ash.
  • Wire Transfer — Move, unless you like being electrocuted.
  • Screw Up — Drop drills away from teammates or watch them get skewered.
  • Bleeding Edge — BURN BURN BURN, or this fight never ends.

Healer Guide

  • Sonic Ba-Boom — Raid-wide damage, just heal through the pain.
  • Voidsplosion — Healing debuff, fix it fast or everyone dies slowly.
  • Black Bloodsplatter — If you stand in this, you DESERVE death.
  • Screwed! — Dispel stuns, or let people bleed out crying.
  • Beta Launch — This is where healers suffer the most, be ready.

Tank Guide

  • Pyro Party Pack — Run away from the raid or explode everyone.
  • Gravi-Gunk — Stacks hurt like hell, swap before you become a punching bag.
  • Unstable Explosion — Don’t step on mines, unless you like being airborne.
  • Bleeding Edge — Pray your raid isn’t full of idiots, because this phase is hell.

One-Armed Bandit

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this rigged slot machine thinks it can cheat you out of your life. This isn’t just a fight—it’s a casino from hell, spitting out fire damage, nature damage, and complete raid-wide pain. You either win the jackpot (by killing this mechanical scam artist), or you get deleted by its Explosive Jackpot bullshit.

If your cleanup crew (DPS) doesn’t kill the Reel Assistants fast, or if tanks eat The Big Hit, or if healers fail to counter Foul Exhaust, expect to get rolled over like garbage.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal Commentary
Spin To Win!KillHighKill Assistants fast or wipe.
Fraud Detected!StackExtreme500% damage buff?! GG, you’re dead.
Pay-LineMoveHighCasino chip of DEATH incoming.
Explosive JackpotWipeExtremeYou lost the bet, prepare to die.
Foul ExhaustCleanseHighHealing absorbed, movement slowed, you’re screwed.
Voltaic StreakAvoidMediumElectric beam deletes people, move out.
The Big HitMitigateExtremeTanks get erased if they don’t swap.
Cheat to Win!BurnExtremeFinal phase, all-out damage or die.
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DPS Guide

  • Spin To Win! — Kill Assistants FAST and deposit tokens, or boss gets stronger.
  • Fraud Detected! — Screw up the tokens? Congrats, boss gets a 500% damage buff.
  • Blazing Beam — Dodge, or get turned into a crispy dead gambler.
  • Pay-Line — Move or die. Getting flattened is not a flex.
  • Cheat to Win! — Final phase, burn everything or get scammed to death.

Healer Guide

  • Foul Exhaust — Absorbs healing and slows movement, cleanse or let the raid rot.
  • Explosive Gaze — Fire DoT, heal or watch them burn.
  • Voltaic Streak — Beam of death, heal whoever gets caught in it.
  • Scattered Payout — Coins fly everywhere, people take damage, heal up.
  • Cheat to Win! — Everyone is dying, save them or prepare for a wipe.

Tank Guide

Wow The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Achievements
  • The Big Hit — Mitigate or die instantly, and swap before stacks kill you.
  • Explosive Shrapnel — Soak or get shredded, good luck.
  • Shocking Field — Move boss out, don’t make the raid suffer inside it.
  • Explosive Jackpot — If this happens, just accept your fate.

Mug’Zee, Heads of Security

Best Healer For Liberation Of Undermine Raid Wow

Welcome to Liberation of Undermine, where two idiots—Mug and Zee—argue over who gets to ruin your life first. These walking disasters bring fire damage, nature damage, toxic fumes, and absolute suffering. You either handle their mechanics properly, or you get erased by their Double-Minded Fury.

If your cleanup crew (DPS) doesn’t break Earthshaker Gaols, if tanks don’t swap, or if healers can’t keep up with the endless AoE, expect a complete and total wipe.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal CommentaryPhase
Earthshaker GaolStackHighSplit damage or get locked in hellMug
Frostshatter SpearDodgeHigh30-sec freeze = dead playerMug
Unstable Crawler MinesAvoidHighStepping on these wipes the raidZee
Spray and PrayDodgeMediumMove or get shredded by bulletsZee
BulletstormDodgeExtremeDodge both lightning and bullets, no excusesPhase 2
Molten Gold KnucklesMitigateHighGold fists of doom, tanks bewareMug
Double Whammy ShotSoakHighOne tank soaks, or whole raid diesZee
Electrocution MatrixMoveExtremeTouch it = instant deathPhase 2
Goblin-guided RocketStackHighAt least 5 players MUST soak thisZee
Static ChargeHealMediumWhoever gets hit will feel itPhase 2
Double-Minded FuryBurnExtremeFinal phase, DPS check or wipePhase 2
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DPS Guide

  • Earthshaker Gaol — Stack to split damage or die alone like a fool.
  • Frostshatter Spear — Dodge or become an ice cube for 30 sec.
  • Unstable Crawler Mines — Avoid stepping on these, unless you enjoy explosions.
  • Spray and Pray — Move out of the bullet storm or become swiss cheese.
  • Bulletstorm — Dodge both lightning and bullets, or get deleted.

Healer Guide

Wow Tww Mythic+ Season 2 Liberation Of Undermine Mechanics
  • Elemental Calamity — Stacking DoT, heal through the pain or let the raid rot.
  • Uncontrolled Burn — Fire DoT, same hell, different flavor.
  • Searing Shrapnel — Healing absorb, dispel it or people die.
  • Goblin-guided Rocket — If fewer than 5 players soak this, raid gets obliterated.
  • Static Charge — Pre-heal the idiot getting hit, because they’re about to suffer.

Tank Guide

  • Molten Gold Knuckles — Mitigate or get turned into a golden statue.
  • Double Whammy Shot — Soak this or the raid takes full damage, and wipes.
  • The Big Hit — Swap before this stacks or you’ll get one-shot.
  • Electrocution Matrix — Move or get instantly executed.
  • Intermission (Bulletstorm) — Position properly, or tanks will take massive damage.

Chrome King Gallywix

How Hard Is Liberation Of Undermine Raid In Wow Tww?

Chrome King Gallywix—turns the entire raid into his personal jackpot machine. If you like fire damage, nature damage, toxic fumes, and raid-wide suffering, congrats! You’ve hit the jackpot of pain and misery.

This fight is pure chaos—bombs dropping, Giga Coils frying people, Trick Shots stacking, and Gallywix being a smug, gold-plated bastard. If DPS doesn’t handle bombs, healers don’t keep up with the ticking death, or tanks don’t swap before getting ego-checked into the afterlife, this fight will bury you in overpriced explosives.

Ability NameWhat to DoWipe PotentialInformal CommentaryPhase
Giga Bomb DetonationCarryHighHandle bombs right or wipe the raidStage 1
TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!!InterruptExtremeFail to interrupt? Say goodbyeIntermission
Mechengineer’s CanistersCleanseHighHealing absorb, must be removed ASAPStage 1
1500-Pound “Dud”SoakHighFails to be soaked? Say hello to instant deathStage 1
Ego CheckMitigateHighTanks will cry if they don’t swapStage 1
Overloaded RocketsDodgeMediumMove or become a skyrocket yourselfStage 1
Zagging ZizzlerAvoidMediumThis stacking DoT will ruin your dayStage 1
Giga BOOM!HealHighHuge burst damage, healers better be readyStage 2
SuppressionSpreadMediumSpread out or take unnecessary damageStage 2
Venting HeatHealMediumMore raid-wide fire damage, just heal through itStage 2
Intermission (Docked and Loaded)MoveHighIf you’re under him when he lands, you deserve the wipeIntermission
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DPS Guide

  • Giga Bomb Detonation — Carry the bombs to the right spot, or everyone goes BOOM.
  • Overloaded Rockets — Dodge or get blasted into next week.
  • Darkfuse Technicians — Kill them fast, but watch out for their bombs.
  • Zagging Zizzler — Dodge or take a stacking DoT to the face.
  • TOTAL DESTRUCTION!!! — Interrupt this or the whole raid dies.

Healer Guide

How Hard Is Liberation Of Undermine Raid In Wow Tww?
  • Mechengineer’s Canisters — Absorbs healing, remove or watch people melt.
  • Foul Exhaust — Cleansing is mandatory or the raid gets suffocated.
  • Suppression — Big AoE, pre-heal and spread or suffer.
  • Venting Heat — Raid-wide ticking damage, just keep healing nonstop.
  • Giga BOOM! — Massive damage, pre-shield or it’s game over.

Tank Guide

Wow Tww Season 2 Raids Explained
  • Ego Check — If you don’t mitigate, your ego won’t be the only thing shattered.
  • The Big Hit — Swap before you get turned into paste.
  • 1500-Pound “Dud” — Soak or it wipes the raid, no excuses.
  • Giga Blast — Face this away from the raid or GG.
  • Intermission: Docked and Loaded — Move away from the landing or get deleted.

World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | mounts

Wow Tww Season 2 Raids Explained

These mounts ain’t free, ain’t easy, and sure as hell ain’t for the weak. You want one? Get through the damn raid, dodge garbage emerge, elemental carnage, and three shock symbols blasting your face. Chrome King Gallywix isn’t handing out rides—he’s dropping fire damage and movement speed debuffs while the mech’s electromagnetic drive wrecks your raid. Players hit by three flame symbols? Toast. You survive all that? Maybe, just maybe, you roll out with some sick wheels.

NameModeILvl Req.SourceType
Prototype A.S.M.R.All30Chrome King Gallywix (Liberation of Undermine)Mount
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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | achievements

Wow Tww Liberation Of Undermine Raid Finder Schedule

You think you’re hot shit? You ain’t nothing until you grind through heroic and mythic difficulties, dodge three shock symbols, and survive Chrome King Gallywix’s mech’s electromagnetic drive. This raid is a bloodbath of uncontrolled burn, garbage emerge, and elemental carnage. Vexie orders emergency repairs? Too bad, she’s going down! You want that sweet achievement flex? Earn it by wiping 50 times, getting movement speed dropped to the floor, and watching three coin symbols ruin your damn day. Undermine liberation ain’t a free ride, it’s a damn warzone.

A Good Day to Dye Hard
Ahead of the Curve: Chrome King Gallywix
Beating the Odds
Best In Class
Conveyor Slayer
Cutting Edge: Chrome King Gallywix
Fall of the Chrome King
Flarendo’s Biggest Fan
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider
Hall of Fame: Chrome King Gallywix
Heroic Liberation of Undermine Guild Run
Heroic: Liberation of Undermine
Hold My Gear!
Just /Dance
Liberation of Undermine
Liberation of Undermine Guild Run
Maniacal Machinist
Mythic: Cauldron of Carnage
Mythic: Chrome King Gallywix
Mythic: Chrome King Gallywix Guild Run
Mythic: Liberation of Undermine
Mythic: Mug’Zee, Heads of Security
Mythic: Rik Reverb
Mythic: Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Mythic: Stix Bunkjunker
Mythic: The One-Armed Bandit
Mythic: Vexie and the Geargrinders
One Rank Higher
Scheming on a Thing
Shock and Awesome
Sleep with the Fishes
Three Ranks Higher
Torq’s Biggest Fan
Two Ranks Higher
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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | quests

Wow The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Achievements

This raid ain’t just about boss fights and uncontrolled destruction—you got quests to grab while dodging all the delightful devices trying to turn you into scrap metal. Paula Piranha runs the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club, and if you want that Overflowing Undermine Trove, you gotta prove you’re not some weak-ass nobody. Heroic difficulty or not, nearby players will leave your corpse behind if you can’t handle significant damage.

Quest NameQuest GiverRequirementReward
Renowned with the Gallagio Loyalty Rewards ClubPaula PiranhaSpeak with Paula Piranha inside the raid.Overflowing Undermine Trove

World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | Loot table

Wow Tww Mythic+ Season 2 Liberation Of Undermine Mechanics

You want loot? Fight for it. This raid ain’t a gift shop—every boss will burn you, crush you, or throw you into garbage emerge before you even see a damn drop. Heroic and mythic difficulties drop better rewards, but you gotta survive significant damage, all the delightful devices, and the mech’s electromagnetic drive to get anything good. Weapons, armor, mounts, and rare treasures are waiting, but if you screw up? You leave with nothing but repair bills and regret.

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Liberation Of Undermine Raid | Plot

Undermine is a corrupt, chaotic pit of greed, and at the top sits Jastor Gallywix, the Chrome King, ruling from his shiny-ass casino, the Gallagio. But the goblin cartels are done taking his crap—they’ve formed a rebellion and you’re the muscle to tear this empire apart. Every boss fight is another piece of Gallywix’s twisted kingdom, from Vexie’s gang of psychopaths to Rik Reverb brainwashing nearby players with hypnotic beats. You ride an abandoned geargrinder bike through fire, dodge all the delightful devices trying to kill you, and wreck everything Gallywix built. Heroic difficulty? More like survival mode. You want all the details?


Best Healer For Liberation Of Undermine Raid Wow

The Liberation of Undermine raid in World of Warcraft: The War Within is a chaotic, high-stakes battle against Jastor Gallywix and his corrupt empire. Players will face eight brutal bosses, each with deadly mechanics, fire damage, explosions, and raid-wide destruction. Surviving requires quick movement, teamwork, and mastering complex fight mechanics.

The raid takes place in Undermine, a city filled with toxic fumes, mechanical traps, and unpredictable slot machines that can either reward or punish players. Bosses like Vexie and the Geargrinders, Rik Reverb, and the One-Armed Bandit bring unique challenges, while Gallywix himself turns the final fight into a high-risk, high-reward battle of survival.

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Players can earn powerful loot, achievements, and even a special mount, but only if they can handle the chaos. With multiple difficulty modes, from Raid Finder to Mythic, this raid offers both casual and hardcore players a thrilling challenge. Whether fighting through smog-filled factories or dodging explosive jackpots, every step in this raid is a test of skill and endurance.

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When does the Liberation of Undermine raid start?

Liberation of Undermine opens on March 4, 2025.

How many bosses are in the Liberation of Undermine raid?

There are 8 bosses in the Liberation of Undermine raid.

Who is the final boss in Liberation of Undermine?

The last boss is Chrome King Gallywix.

What level do I need for the Liberation of Undermine raid?

You must be level 80.

What is the minimum item level for Liberation of Undermine?

You need at least item level 606.

Where is the Liberation of Undermine raid entrance?

The entrance is outside the Incontinental Hotel in Undermine.

What difficulties are in the Liberation of Undermine raid?

There are Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Raid Finder, and Story Mode.

How many players can join Liberation of Undermine?

The raid supports 10 to 30 players.

What are the special mechanics in Liberation of Undermine?

Expect sound cannon damage, flying sonic waves, fire traps, and toxic fumes.

When does Liberation of Undermine open in Raid Finder?

Different bosses unlock in Raid Finder on March 4, 11, 18, and 25.

What mounts drop in Liberation of Undermine?

One mount, the Prototype A.S.M.R., drops from Chrome King Gallywix.

What kind of loot can I get in Liberation of Undermine?

Weapons, armor, trinkets, and rare items drop from bosses.

How do I unlock fast travel in Liberation of Undermine?

You unlock fast travel after the first chapter.

What are some boss names in Liberation of Undermine?

Some bosses are Vexie and the Geargrinders, Rik Reverb, and One-Armed Bandit.

What is the hardest boss in Liberation of Undermine?

Chrome King Gallywix is the hardest because of his explosive mechanics.

What happens if I fail mechanics in Liberation of Undermine?

You take massive damage, might get one-shot, or wipe the raid.

Are there achievements in Liberation of Undermine?

Yes, there are many achievements for heroic, mythic, and boss challenges.

What makes Liberation of Undermine different from other raids?

It has casino mechanics, trash compactors, and chaotic goblin tech.

Can I solo Liberation of Undermine?

No, this raid needs a full team to beat.

How do I avoid damage in Liberation of Undermine?

Dodge attacks, follow mechanics, and work with your team.

Is Liberation of Undermine raid hard?

Yes, it is very hard, especially on Mythic difficulty.

What classes are best for Liberation of Undermine?

All classes can be useful, but mobile and ranged classes may have an easier time.

What role is most important in Liberation of Undermine?

All roles matter, but healers have to work the hardest.

What is the most dangerous mechanic in Liberation of Undermine?

Giga Bomb Detonation from Chrome King Gallywix is very deadly.
