Eye of Eternity WotLK Classic Raid Overview

WoW Classic
By: Epiccarry
8 min read

Eye of Eternity Instance General Facts

Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

The Eye of Eternity is one of three instances, which were released within the first phase for Classic WotLK realms. The other two are Naxxramas and the Obsidian Sanctum. You may be interested in reading complete and detailed overviews for these raids, including loot tables. Check links to learn more.

The Eye of Eternity raid is a part of a Nexus complex, where players may also visit two dungeons with the same stylistic features: the Nexus and the Oculus. Here lives Malygos, the Spell-Weaver. It seems like the blue dragon aspect has gone a bit crazy and needs to be taken care of.

At least one person in the party should complete attunement quests to summon Malygos in the Eye of Eternity. Both normal and heroic quests drop in the Naxxramas raid from Sapphiron in 10- and 25-player mode. The quests are called The Key to the Focusing Iris and The Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris accordingly.

To start a fight, players should click on the Focusing Iris in the center of the platform.

Malygos has two mounts, the Reins of the Azure Drake and the Reins of the Blue Drake. They say both of them may drop in a single run.

The Eye of Eternity Location

Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

The Eye of Eternity raid is on a separate island called Coldarra, to the West of the Borean Tundra zone. To get there, players may use their flying mounts, taxi, or ask someone from their party to summon them. The nearest flight point is Transitus Shield; it has neutral status, so both factions can use it. The raid is at the highest level of the Nexus tower; don’t mix it with dungeons. To get the actual information about which gear to set up, use our Raidbots guide!

Malygos is the only inhabitant of this place, so there is only one area with a single boss. But dragons can fly obviously, and this one is not an exception, so the boss area also has a vertical structure.

The Boss

Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

Malygos is the only boss in the Eye of Eternity, which makes it easier to get ready for a raid and to learn the necessary tactics and actions. We will not place here a full strategy guide – it requires a separate article; instead, we will give you terse notes that may help your party during a fight with an aspect.


Keep the dragon’s jaws away from the raid, as this specimen doesn’t have rear cone attacks.

Control the adds and stay within purple protective bubbles during the second phase.

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Melee Damage Dealers

Enter the pulsing ground effect to get the Power Spark buff.

Scions of Eternity are your prior target on a second phase; just don’t forget to hop on flying disks.

A viable rotation on a third phase is: use ability number one Flame Spike twice, then ability number two Engulf in Flames once. Repeat until Malygos dies.

Range Damage Dealers

Enter the pulsing ground effect to get the Power Spark buff.

Nexus Lords are first, then take care of the flying Scions of Eternity during the second phase.

Mages may use Spellsteal to delete buffs from Nexus Lords.

A viable rotation on a third phase is the same for melee and Range Damage Dealers. Use Flame Spike twice, then Engulf in Flames once. Repeat until Malygos dies.


During Vortex, you will only be able to use instant-cast spells.

Dispel Haste from the Nexus Lords, as it deals massive damage to tanks.

Use both Revivify and Life Burst to heal yourselves and damage dealers.

The Eye of Eternity Quests

Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

There are only three quests for the Eye of Eternity raid, with only one repeatable. All quests may be completed only upon reaching level 80.

Judgment at the Eye of Eternity

Defeat Malygos in 10-player mode and return with the Heart of Magic.

Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity

Defeat Malygos in 25-player mode and return with the Heart of Magic.

Malygos Must Die!

Defeat Malygos on either 10- or 25-player difficulty. This quest is repeatable.

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Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

Malygos is the only boss in the Eye of Eternity; there aren’t even any guardians, like in the Obsidian Sanctum, for instance. This means we cannot count on many rewards of any type. There are some, however, including two mounts. Let us look at all of them.


The achievement system is a large and divaricate structure. It has several sizable groups, each of which is also divided into smaller ones. Here we will mention only those which are connected to raids. There are four types of instance-related achievements in World of Warcraft:

  • Challenge Achievements are given for completing certain challenges or tasks in the raid;
  • Kill Credit Achievements, which are earned for defeating bosses;
  • Meta Achievements are a combination of several minor achievements;
  • Feats of Strength are a limited or one-time thing.

As long as there are two versions of the Eye of Eternity raid, the achievements are also presented in two variations, for 10 and 25 ppl parties. Here we will mention only the ones for 25 people, keeping in mind, they are practically the same for the normal difficulty.

Challenge Achievements

A Poke In The Eye

Achievement Points: 10

Defeat Malygos with fewer than 21 people in 25-player mode.

Denyin’ the Scion

Achievement Points: 10

Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 25-player mode.

You Don’t Have An Eternity

Achievement Points: 10

Defeat Malygos in 6 minutes or less in 25-player mode.

Kill Credit Achievement

One boss – one achievement; very simple.

The Spellweaver’s Downfall

Achievement Points: 25

Defeat Malygos in The Eye of Eternity in 25-player mode.

Glory of the Raider Meta Achievements

A long and exhausting work awaits those who decided to complete this meta-achievement. There are 17 achievements in total in this big one. The majority of them relate to Naxxramas, but 4 are done inside the Eye of Eternity and here we shall demonstrate only them; you can read about achievements for other instances in their corresponding overviews.

Since the rewards are different, both 10 and 25 people variations are shown.

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Glory of the Raider (10 player)

Achievement Points: 25

Mount reward: Plagued Proto-Drake

Glory of the Raider (25 player)

Achievement Points: 25

Mount reward: Black Proto-Drake

Before you are drugged into such a long journey, we would love to let you know that you will need to double your strains, as there are two different dragon rewards for both raid difficulties. This means you will have to accomplish 34 achievements. Sounds frustrating, right? EpicCarry cares about your mental health and is ready to help you get both rewards with minimum effort from your side. Order a Glory of the Rider boosting service to be among the first owners of Black and Plagued Proto-Drakes.

Feats of Strength

A very usual Feats of Strength-type-thing: participate in the realm’s first defeat of Malygos in 25-player mode to get this achievement.

Realm First! Magic Seeker

Achievement Points: 0

Title reward: %s the Magic Seeker

The Eye of Eternity Loot Table

Eye Of Eternity Wotlk Classic Raid Overview

Depending on the raid difficulty, Malygos will drop items of either 213 or 226 item level.

Normal Difficulty (10 Players)

SlotItemDrop Chances
MountReins of the Blue Drake2%
MountReins of the Azure Drake2%
FingerSurge Needle Ring14%
NeckNecklace of the Glittering Chamber15%
Mace (Main Hand)Ice Spire Scepter14%
PolearmBlack Ice14%
ShieldBarricade of Eternity14%
StaffGreatstaff of the Nexus14%
Sword (One-Hand)Hailstorm15%
Cloth ChestGown of the Spell-Weaver15%
Leather FeetFootsteps of Malygos13%
Plate ShoulderFocusing Energy Epaulets15%

Heroic Difficulty (25 Players)

SlotItemDrop Chances
MountReins of the Azure Drake2%
TrinketMark of Norgannon13%
TrinketLiving Ice Crystals13%
Cloth ChestBlanketing Robes of Snow14%
Cloth FeetArcanic Tramplers13%
Cloth HeadHood of Rationality11%
Cloth LegsLeggings of the Wanton Spellcaster13%
Cloth ShoulderMantle of Dissemination16%
Cloth WaistLeash of Heedless Magic12%
Leather ChestChestguard of the Recluse16%
Leather HandsFrosted Adroit Handguards18%
Leather ShoulderSpaulders of Catatonia12%
Leather WaistUnravelling Strands of Sanity15%
Mail ChestTunic of the Artifact Guardian15%
Mail FeetBoots of the Renewed Flight12%
Mail HandsWinter Spectacle Gloves14%
Mail HeadBlue Aspect Helm13%
Plate FeetMelancholy Sabatons12%
Plate FeetBoots of Healing Energies13%
Plate LegsLegplates of Sovereignty14%
Plate ShoulderElevated Lair Pauldrons14%

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