WOW Classic Anniversary Classes Tier list guide | Who to play in WoW 20 Classic Anniversary

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
15 min read
Best Pvp Healer In Wow Classic 20Th Anniversary

Wow, just when you thought WoW Classic couldn’t get any crazier, here comes the 20th Anniversary, packed with nostalgia and chaos! Whether you’re leveling with an unkillable pet as a Hunter, slapping enemies with endless DoTs as a Warlock, or freezing entire PvP groups as a Frost Mage, this Classic Anniversary Classes Tier List has it all. From crushing raids to dominating PvP, we’ll break down the top-tier classes and show you who’s ruling Azeroth.

Today in our WoW classic anniversary classes tier list guide, you will learn:

  • What makes Hunters the ultimate solo machine.
  • Why Warriors are raid royalty.
  • How to wreck PvP as a Mage or Warlock.
  • And how to have the most fun while collecting loot and glory!

This guide is your ultimate survival kit for the Classic 20th Anniversary chaos.

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WOW Classic 20 anniversary Leveling Tier list

Wow Classic 20Th Anniversary Fun Class Combos To Try

Leveling in the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary edition brings a nostalgic yet refreshing experience. This list helps you choose the best classes based on their unique abilities, efficiency, and fun during leveling. We evaluate each class by its progression flow, access to abilities, ease of handling quests and enemies, and overall game mechanics to ensure the best experience as you progress toward epic raids, gear, and exciting events in this Anniversary expansion.

Criteria for the Leveling Tier List

Pvp Tanks Ranking In Wow Classic 20Th Anniversary
  1. Speed and resourcefulness in completing quests, grinding, and surviving enemies.
  2. Tools that enhance leveling like self-heals, mobility, crowd control, or AoE damage.
  3. Ease of acquiring suitable gear, whether from drops, crafted items, or the auction house.
  4. How engaging and enjoyable the playstyle feels, considering the simplicity or complexity of the class.
  5. Ability to switch roles or adapt to different situations during leveling.
  6. How accessible and welcoming the class feels for players of different experience levels.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SHunterBeast MasterySuper easy—your pet tanks everything, and you shoot! Amazing solo play with minimal downtime and unique abilities.
SWarlockAfflictionPets, DoTs, and barely any downtime—basically, endless mana and health regen make leveling a breeze.
AMageFrostChill your enemies (literally) while AoE farming zones. Great tools and mechanics for quick quest progress.
ADruidFeral (Cat/Bear)Swap between tanky bear and sneaky cat forms. Tons of flexibility for quests, dungeons, and transmog fun.
ADruidBalanceMoonfire spamming! Fun ranged playstyle with decent utility, but mana can run out fast.
ADruidRestorationHeals forever! Slow but steady for leveling and great for dungeon groups.
BRogueCombatYou’re deadly but squishy. Expect good damage but prepare to bandage yourself a lot!
BShamanElementalShocks, totems, and solid damage. Fun mechanics, but mana can feel tight in longer fights.
BShamanEnhancementMelee totems and big weapon hits. Feels great when you land those Windfury procs.
BShamanRestorationHealing-focused but can fight decently. Great for group play and slow solo progression.
BPriestShadowGreat damage and self-heals. You feel immortal in 1v1s but expect downtime after big fights.
BPriestHolyDungeon-friendly and great for healing groups, but slower than Shadow for solo quests.
BPriestDisciplineUtility heals with decent survival. Good buffs for groups but can feel clunky solo.
CWarriorArmsFeels powerful when smashing things but gear-dependent and very potion-hungry.
CWarriorFuryBig damage potential but squishy and requires lots of food and bandages.
CWarriorProtectionTanky and survivable but very slow for leveling. Shines in group dungeon content.
CPaladinRetributionDurable but slow. You’ll finish everything, just not quickly.
CPaladinHolyGreat heals for group play but painfully slow and weak damage for solo leveling.
CPaladinProtectionTanky but even slower than Retribution. Great for group tanking but not much fun solo.

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WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVE DPS Tier list

How To Prepare For Wow Classic Anniversary Raids

Picking the right class to deal damage (DPS) is super important for raids and dungeons. This list ranks classes by how strong they are in fights, how fun they are to play, and how useful their abilities are. Choose a class you enjoy and have fun with the amazing loot, raids, and bosses in this classic Anniversary event.

Criteria for PvE DPS Tier List

Best Classes For Wow Classic Nostalgia Farming
  1. Damage — How much damage the class does in fights.
  2. Utility — Helpful abilities like buffs or crowd control.
  3. Scaling — How much better they get with good gear.
  4. Ease of Play — Easy or fun to play while leveling and raiding.
  5. Raid Role — How useful the class is for teams in raids.
  6. Mana/Energy Use — How well the class handles long fights.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SWarriorFuryCrazy strong! Top damage in raids with big hits and cool abilities. Gear is key.
AMageFrostAwesome AoE for trash and steady single-target. Always useful and fun!
AMageFireBig damage later in the game. Needs good gear but worth it!
AWarlockAfflictionStrong DoTs, fun spells, and gets better with gear. Watch out for pulling too much aggro!
AWarlockDestructionBig burst damage! Gear matters, but flashy and fun to play.
ARogueCombatSneaky but strong. Great cooldowns and steady damage. A top choice for melee players.
ARogueSubtletyFun for single-target fights with a unique playstyle.
BHunterBeast MasteryEasy to play and steady damage. Pets are great, but they don’t top the charts.
BDruidFeral (Cat)Decent melee with group buffs. Needs good gear and practice to shine.
BDruidBalanceCool spells but runs out of mana fast. Great for short fights.
CPriestShadowGood for team buffs but not much damage. A rare but helpful pick.
CPaladinRetributionTough but too slow. Buffs are good, but others can do them better.
CShamanEnhancementFun with Nightfall weapon, but low damage. Mana runs out fast.
DShamanElementalBig spells but burns through mana. Not ideal for long fights.
DDruidFeral (Bear)Tank form is great, but damage is low. Stick to tanking if you play this spec.

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WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVE Heal Tier list

What’s New In Wow Classic 20Th Anniversary Events?

Healing in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary is about more than just numbers—it’s about saving your team, managing your mana, and bringing special buffs to help your group. This tier list shows which classes are the best healers for raids, dungeons, and events. Each healer has unique abilities and strengths, so pick one that fits your style and have fun healing in the Classic Anniversary.

Criteria for PvE Healer Tier List

Comparison Of Top Pve Dps Specs In Wow Classic
  1. Healing Output — How much health a class can restore over time.
  2. Utility — Buffs, debuffs, and special tools that help the group.
  3. Mana Efficiency — How well the class manages long fights.
  4. Role Versatility — Flexibility in healing and other roles (like buffs or damage).
  5. Raid Viability — How useful the class is in large group content.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SPriestHolyBest all-around healer! Big heals, great AoE, shields, and buffs like Power Word: Fortitude. Super reliable.
SPaladinHolyAmazing single-target heals and strong buffs like Blessing of Kings. Mana lasts forever! Alliance-only.
AShamanRestorationBest AoE heals with Chain Heal. Totems bring great buffs like Windfury, but mana can run out quickly.
BDruidRestorationFlexible and fun! Rejuvenation and Innervate are great, but weaker overall compared to other healers.

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WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVE Tank Tier list

Paladin Tanking Tips For Classic Dungeons

In WoW Classic 20th Anniversary, tanks play a huge role in raids and dungeons. They protect their team, hold aggro on bosses, and reduce damage taken. This tier list ranks tanks by their abilities, survivability, and how well they fit into Classic Anniversary raids. Whether you’re aiming for fun or power, this guide helps you pick the right tank to join the war.

Criteria for PvE Tank Tier List

  1. Survivability — How well the tank handles damage.
  2. Threat Generation — How easily the tank keeps enemy focus.
  3. Utility — Buffs, debuffs, or unique tools that help the group.
  4. Flexibility — Ability to switch roles or handle different situations.
  5. Raid Viability — How often the tank is used in raid content.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SWarriorProtectionBest tank! Great defensive cooldowns, top damage mitigation, and amazing threat abilities like Sunder Armor.
BDruidFeral (Bear)Good off-tank option. Strong single-target threat with Maul, but takes more damage than a Warrior.
CPaladinProtectionGreat for AoE in dungeons but struggles in raids. Runs out of mana, no taunt, and weak single-target threat.

WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVP DPS Tier list

Wow Classic Anniversary Transmog Reward Locations

PvP in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary is all about strategy, teamwork, and individual skill. Different classes shine in different PvP modes like Battlegrounds (BGs), duels, and world PvP. This guide helps you choose the best class for your preferred playstyle, considering their abilities, tools, and fun factor. Whether you’re capturing flags or dominating solo fights, there’s a place for everyone in Classic Anniversary PvP!

Criteria for PvP DPS Tier List

  1. Damage Output — How much damage the class deals in PvP.
  2. Control & Utility — Crowd control, buffs, debuffs, or helpful tools.
  3. Survivability — Ability to stay alive under pressure.
  4. Adaptability — Effectiveness in group fights, duels, or open-world PvP.
  5. Fun Factor — How enjoyable the class is for PvP enthusiasts.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SMageFrost/ElementalCrazy AoE, crowd control, and mobility. Polymorph and slows dominate group fights. Hard to kill!
AWarriorArmsAmazing frontline with big hits and Mortal Strike. Pairs great with a healer.
APriestDisciplineKeeps everyone alive and clears debuffs with Dispel Magic. Essential in flag fights.
ARogueSubtlety/AssassinationSneaky flag defense and burst damage. Always useful in team fights.
BWarlockDestructionGreat for fear and damage. A bit squishy but adds solid pressure.
BShamanElemental/RestorationTotem utility and burst damage. Fun and versatile but mana issues in long fights.
CHunterMarksmanshipSolid damage but mostly used for mana draining. Good at disrupting enemies.
CPaladinHolyHard to kill and good support. Great buffs but lower damage.
DDruidFeral/BalanceMostly brought for flag running due to insane mobility. Low damage and survivability.

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Criteria for Duels and World PvP

Wow Classic Anniversary Classes Tier List Guide | Who To Play In Wow 20 Classic Anniversary
  1. Damage — How much burst or sustained damage the class can do.
  2. Survivability — How well the class can heal, absorb damage, or escape.
  3. Crowd Control — Abilities to stun, slow, or silence the enemy.
  4. Utility — Helpful tools like buffs, debuffs, or mobility to outplay opponents.
  5. Adaptability — How well the class handles different enemies or situations.
  6. Fun Factor — How exciting and enjoyable the class feels in solo fights.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SWarlockDemonology/DestructionTanky and strong. Fear, Drain Life, and big bursts make them unstoppable.
APriestShadowSelf-healing, tanky, and great damage. Hard to take down in 1v1s.
AMageFrostTons of control and damage. Hard to pin down with Blink and Ice Block.
ARogueSubtlety/AssassinationGreat burst and escapes. Wins most duels if played right.
BHunterBeast MasteryGood kiting and solid damage. Traps and pet utility shine in open-world PvP.
BShamanElementalBurst damage with Chain Lightning. Totems add utility, but mana can run out fast.
CWarriorArmsBig damage but struggles without a healer. Rooted or slowed too easily in 1v1s.
CDruidFeralDecent self-heals and mobility. Struggles against strong burst classes.
DPaladinRetributionDurable but low damage. Great buffs but not ideal for duels or solo PvP.

WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVP HEal Tier list

Best Aoe Grinding Spots For Mages In Wow Classic

Healing in PvP is chaos, drama, and glory all wrapped up in shiny spell animations. Whether you’re the team’s savior or their last hope before disaster, healers rule the battlefield. This tier list ranks the healers based on how good they are at saving lives, dodging enemies, and annoying the other team with unkillable allies. Pick your healer wisely because in Classic Anniversary PvP, everyone is going to blame you for everything anyway. Enjoy!

Criteria for PvP Healer Tier List

  1. Healing Power — How much health you can pump out under pressure.
  2. Survivability — Tools to stay alive when the enemy team targets you.
  3. Utility — Buffs, debuffs, and clutch abilities to support the team.
  4. Mobility — Ability to move around while healing or escaping danger.
  5. Fun Factor — Because PvP is about destroying egos while having a blast.
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SPriestDisciplineTop-tier healer with Power Word: Shield, Dispel Magic, and great team saves. Hard to kill, harder to ignore.
AShamanRestorationAmazing group heals with Chain Heal and totems like Tremor Totem. Great utility but mana-hungry.
APaladinHolySuper tanky and hard to lock down with Blessing of Freedom and Divine Shield. Buff heaven!
CDruidRestorationFast heals and mobility, but squishy and runs out of mana quickly in long fights.

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Criteria for PvP Healers in Duels and World PvP

Wow Classic Anniversary Classes Tier List Guide | Who To Play In Wow 20 Classic Anniversary
  1. Healing Power — Can you outheal someone’s dreams of killing you?
  2. Survivability — Are you the cockroach of healers: impossible to kill and annoyingly present?
  3. Utility — Buffs, debuffs, or making the enemy rage-quit with one dispel.
  4. Offensive Potential — Can you turn a healing fight into a nightmare for your opponent?
  5. Escape Ability — When the fight goes south, can you run like your mounts are on cooldown?
  6. Mana Longevity — Can you heal long enough to make your enemy give up out of boredom?
  7. Fun Factor — Are you having fun dancing on the edge of death, or does your keyboard cry from your stress?
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
APriestDisciplineShield spam, self-heals, and the ability to outlast most enemies. A PvP classic.
BShamanRestorationCan heal forever with Nature’s Swiftness and Earth Shield, but vulnerable to crowd control.
CPaladinHolyHard to kill but low damage. Great for surviving, less fun for winning quickly.
DDruidRestorationSuper mobile and annoying to chase but lacks the tools to finish fights alone.

WOW Classic 20 anniversary PVP Tank Tier list

Top Utility Classes For Wow Classic Anniversary Raids

Tanking in PvP is like being a walking “hit me” sign—but for some reason, people love it. Whether you’re protecting your team in battlegrounds or soaking up damage in world PvP, tanks are the unkillable walls everyone loves to hate. This tier list ranks the tanks based on their unique abilities, ability to annoy enemies, and overall toughness. Let’s fall in and see who’s the ultimate PvP punching bag in Classic Anniversary PvP!

Criteria for PvP Tank Tier List

  1. Survivability — Can you take a beating and keep taunting?
  2. Utility — Do you bring buffs, debuffs, or anything useful to your team?
  3. Threat Control — Can you make enemies hate you enough to ignore the squishies?
  4. Mobility — Can you chase down flag carriers or run from a losing fight?
  5. Fun Factor — How satisfying is it to frustrate your enemies?
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
SWarriorProtectionThe ultimate flag guardian! Shield Slam and Charge are perfect for controlling fights and frustrating enemies.
ADruidFeral (Bear)Amazing mobility for flag carrying and solid survivability, but lacks burst damage.
CPaladinProtectionGreat in theory with Divine Shield and Blessings, but runs out of mana and struggles to taunt effectively.

Criteria for Duels and World PvP

  1. Survivability — Can you outlast your opponent in a drawn-out fight?
  2. Threat Control — Can you force the fight on your terms with taunts or abilities?
  3. Damage Potential — Even tanks need to hit back—how hard can you hit?
  4. Escape Options — When it all goes wrong, can you run or hide effectively?
  5. Annoyance Level — How much do your enemies regret attacking you?
TierClassSpecWhy (Informal)
AWarriorProtectionUnstoppable if they can stick to you. Shield Block and high damage reduction make them tough to kill.
BDruidFeral (Bear)Tons of health and self-healing, but struggles against kiting or heavy burst damage.
DPaladinProtectionHard to kill but deals almost no damage. Great at surviving, not so great at winning.

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WOW Classic 20 anniversary the best class

Shadow Priest Pvp Guide For Duels And Battlegrounds

Choosing the best class in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary is like picking the best snack at a party—you want something strong, fun, and that leaves everyone else wishing they had chosen the same. Whether you’re smashing enemies in raids, stealing flags in PvP, or just leveling with style, this guide highlights the ultimate S-tier classes that dominate every aspect of the game. Prepare for greatness (and lots of salty opponents).

Criteria for Best Class Tier List

  1. Strength Across Content — The class performs well in multiple activities like PvE, PvP, and leveling.
  2. Unique Abilities — Does the class bring tools that others can’t?
  3. Ease of Play — Fun and straightforward mechanics for all players.
  4. Scaling — Gets better and better with better gear and talents.
  5. All-Rounder Appeal — Versatile and can adapt to different roles and situations.
TierClassSpecRoleType of ContentWhy (Informal)
SHunterBeast MasteryDPSLeveling, Open-World PvEYour pet does all the hard work while you chill and shoot. Easy, fun, and stress-free!
SWarlockAfflictionDPSLeveling, Raids, World PvPDoTs, pets, and infinite mana. You’re a walking nightmare for enemies everywhere.
SWarriorProtectionTankRaids, PvP (Flag Defense)Indestructible and essential in raids. In PvP, you’re the ultimate flag guardian!
SPriestHolyHealerRaids, PvPHeals for days with amazing AoE and shields. You’re the team’s MVP every time.
SMageFrostDPSPvP, AoE Grinding, RaidsCrowd control master with slows, freezes, and insane AoE damage. Hard to catch, harder to beat.

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How To Solo Level Fast In Wow Classic 2024

The WoW Classic 20th Anniversary is all about enjoying the best classes across leveling, raids, and PvP, with a nostalgic yet refreshing twist. Whether you want to dominate as a Hunter with easy solo play, a Warlock with endless mana and pets, or a Warrior holding the line in raids, this guide highlights the top S-tier options. Priests keep your team alive with amazing heals, while Mages freeze and destroy enemies with unmatched crowd control. Pick your favorite, enjoy the fun, and show Azeroth why your class rules the Anniversary celebration!

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What is the best class in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary?

It depends on what you want! For leveling, go Hunter or Warlock. For raids, Warrior and Priest dominate. For PvP, Mage and Warrior shine.

Are there any new abilities or changes in the Anniversary edition?

No major changes—it’s all about celebrating the original Classic gameplay with some cool Anniversary events, loot, and rewards!

Which class is easiest for beginners?

Hunter is super beginner-friendly. Your pet tanks, and you shoot—it’s as simple and fun as it gets!

What’s the strongest class for PvP?

Mage (Frost) and Warlock are absolute monsters in PvP with strong control and damage abilities.

Can I play solo and still have fun?

Absolutely! Classes like Hunter, Warlock, and Shadow Priest are great for solo play with strong survivability and damage.

Is gear really that important?

Yes, especially for classes like Warrior and Rogue. Gear can make or break your performance, so hit those raids and dungeons!
