WOW Classic anniversary Leveling Guide | 1- 60 Classic Anniversary Guide

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
14 min read
Should I Skip Quests In Wow Classic Anniversary?

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Listen up! It’s wow classic 20th anniversary time, baby! You think leveling is easy? Ha! Wrong. It’s pain. It’s suffering. But guess what? You’re doing it anyway. Why? Because it’s epic. That’s why.

You’re stuck grinding those levels, mobs are kicking your butt, and quests feel like a bad joke. But don’t quit. We’ve got the ultimate guide to drag you to the top. Faster. Smarter. With fewer tears. You ready? Let’s go, in our WOW Classic anniversary Leveling Guide you’ll learn:

  1. Fast Leveling Strats — No Wasting Time, Just Straight To The Xp.
  2. Gear Tips — Look Cool And Stay Alive.
  3. Zone Picks — The Best Places To Grind Without Pulling Your Hair Out.
  4. Dungeon Tactics — Run Them Like A Pro.
  5. Duo Secrets — Team Up And Smash Through Mobs.
  6. Druid Hacks — Travel Form = Ez Mode.
  7. Addon Must-Haves — Stop Guessing, Start Winning.
  8. Gold-Making Tricks — Get Rich While Leveling.
  9. Rested Xp Pro Tips — Double Xp = Big Brain Moves.
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WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | General Tips

Best Addons For Wow Classic Anniversary Leveling

Welcome to the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Leveling Guide! This guide will help you level up from 1 to 60 quickly and easily. Follow these simple tips to make your leveling process faster and more fun. Let’s celebrate the 20th anniversary by reaching the maximum level!

AdviceWhat to Do
Set Up AddonsInstall Questie to see quest locations and Azeroth Auto Pilot for the fastest routes.
Follow a Zone RouteStart in your race’s beginner zone, then move to: Elwynn Forest > Westfall > Redridge Mountains > Duskwood (Alliance) or Durotar > Barrens > Stonetalon Mountains > Thousand Needles (Horde).
Rested XP AlwaysLog out in inns or cities to build rested XP. It makes killing mobs give double XP.
Cut Travel TimeUse your Hearthstone smartly—set it to a town near your questing area to save time.
Use Flight PathsAlways grab flight points in new zones so you can fly back instead of running.
Grind in Good SpotsIf quests are slow, kill mobs at good spots like in the Barrens or Westfall for easy XP.
Upgrade Gear EarlyBuy gear from the Auction House if quests or dungeons don’t give what you need.
Do Group Quests FastTeam up with others for hard quests or elites—don’t waste time struggling alone.
Stay Close to TrainersTrain new skills every 2 levels, especially if you learn strong abilities like heals or AOE.

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WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | Best class to leveling

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For the 20th anniversary, picking the best class for leveling is key! Some classes are great at killing mobs, surviving tricky fights, and hitting the level cap fast. Here’s a quick, ultra-simple guide to help you choose the right class for the 20 anniversary leveling process.

TierClassWhy It’s Good
S-TierHunterPet tanks for you while you attack from range. Great survivability and no downtime.
S-TierMageUses AoE spells to kill mobs fast. Frost spec is safe with slows and teleports.
A-TierWarlockPet class with strong damage over time. Voidwalker tank keeps you alive.
A-TierPaladinSuper tanky with self-healing. Slow but steady leveling, great for beginners.
A-TierRogueFast kills, stealth to avoid danger, but squishy without healing.
B-TierDruidVersatile with forms for healing, tanking, and damage. Can escape danger with travel form.
B-TierShamanTotems are useful. Decent melee damage and self-healing.
C-TierPriestGreat healer, but leveling is slow without good damage spells early on.
C-TierWarriorHard to level solo. Needs a group or healer to survive.

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  1. Hunter and Mage are the fastest and safest classes to reach the level cap. Great for beginners and solo players.
  2. Paladin is slow but can survive almost any fight with self-healing and bubbles.
  3. Warlock is powerful but tricky to manage early on—watch your health and mana.
  4. Avoid Warrior unless you want a challenge or have friends to heal you.

WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | Duo leveling

How To Train Skills Efficiently In Wow Classic

Playing as a duo during the 20th anniversary is the best way to boost your leveling speed and stay safe. Duo leveling helps tackle elite quests, share gear, and minimize downtime by splitting roles like tanking, healing, and damage. Choose the right classes for maximum synergy and enjoy the leveling process while celebrating the 20th anniversary of WoW Classic!

ClassesWhy It WorksRecommended Specs
Hunter + DruidHunter’s pet tanks, Druid heals and fights. Both have movement speed boosts. Great synergy.Beast Mastery / Feral
Warlock + PriestWarlock tanks with Voidwalker, Priest heals and buffs. Both deal steady damage.Affliction / Discipline
Shaman + WarriorWarrior tanks, Shaman heals and boosts with totems. Both deal strong melee damage.Arms / Enhancement
Mage + MageDouble Frost Mages dominate with AoE spells like Blizzard. Fast XP and minimal risk.Frost / Frost
Rogue + PaladinPaladin heals and buffs, Rogue deals burst damage. Strong for elite fights and dungeons.Retribution / Combat
Druid + WarlockDruid heals and tanks, Warlock burns through quests with DoTs and pet. Great balance.Feral / Affliction
Hunter + ShamanHunter pulls and tanks with pet, Shaman heals and boosts damage with Windfury Totem.Beast Mastery / Enhancement

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WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | Leveling zones

Tips For Leveling Druids In Wow Classic Anniversary

For the 20th anniversary, follow these leveling zones to speed up your journey to level cap. The right zones save time, reduce travel, and make the leveling process smooth. Start in low-level zones, complete quests, grind mobs, and keep progressing to higher areas. Celebrate the 20th anniversary by leveling efficiently!

Level RangeAlliance ZonesHorde Zones
1-10Starting Zone (Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, etc.)Starting Zone (Durotar, Mulgore, etc.)
10-20Loch Modan / WestfallSilverpine Forest / The Barrens
20-25Redridge Mountains / AshenvaleStonetalon Mountains
25-30Wetlands / Duskwood / Hillsbrad FoothillsHillsbrad Foothills / Ashenvale
30-35Stranglethorn Vale (North) / Thousand NeedlesStranglethorn Vale (North) / Thousand Needles
35-40Desolace / Arathi HighlandsDesolace / Arathi Highlands
40-45Stranglethorn Vale (South) / Dustwallow MarshStranglethorn Vale (South) / Dustwallow Marsh
45-50Tanaris / Feralas / HinterlandsTanaris / Feralas / Hinterlands
50-55Blasted Lands / Un’Goro Crater / FelwoodBlasted Lands / Un’Goro Crater / Felwood
55-60Winterspring / Eastern & Western PlaguelandsWinterspring / Eastern & Western Plaguelands

WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | Postal quests

Can You Level Solo In Wow Classic?

Postal quests in WoW Classic’s 20th anniversary are simple delivery quests that offer easy XP and let you travel safely between zones. They’re a great way to level quickly while avoiding tough mobs or dangerous zones. Use postal quests during the leveling process to earn XP, complete objectives, and even manage your auction house tasks.

FactionQuest NameStart LocationDelivery LocationLevel RangeWhy It’s Useful
AllianceWine Shop AdvertStormwind CityGoldshire10-12Short travel for quick XP in the starting zones.
AllianceReturn to KristoffArathi HighlandsStormwind City30-35Earn XP while traveling back to the capital.
AllianceLost SuppliesWetlandsLoch Modan20-25Combines well with other quests for easy XP.
HordeA Simple LetterOrgrimmarRazor Hill5-8Quick delivery quest for extra XP.
HordeThe Barrens OasesThe BarrensThunder Bluff10-15Safe way to travel and explore a new city.
BothThe Missing DiplomatAny Capital CityDustwallow Marsh30-35Long chain quest for good XP and gear rewards.

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WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling | top 9 Obvious advices

Duo Class Combos For Wow Classic Anniversary

These are the top 9 advices to help you level up quickly and stay alive in the classic season. Follow these tips to master the leveling process, reach the level cap, and enjoy the anniversary experience in the safest and fastest way possible.

AdviceWhy It’s Important
Avoid Playing WarriorsWarriors are hard to level solo. Choose Mages or Hunters for faster leveling.
Install AddonsUse addons like Questie for quest objectives and DeathLog to track danger zones.
Dodge Popular RoutesSkip crowded areas at launch to avoid mob competition and wasted time.
Duo Leveling HelpsPair with a healer or tank class for faster kills and safer questing.
Don’t PvP While LevelingAvoid activating PvP mode to prevent unwanted fights and deaths.
Grind Ores and Sell at AuctionFarming resources like ores can earn you gold for better gear upgrades.
Complete Postal QuestsPostal quests provide easy XP and safe travel to new zones.
Ask for BuffsGet buffs from higher-level players for better survivability and faster leveling.
Take Risks EarlyUp to level 21, take calculated risks to save time. Play cautiously after that.

WoW Classic Anniversary 20 leveling guide | addons

How To Save Gold For Mounts In Wow Classic

Addons are your best friend in the 20th anniversary leveling guide for WoW Classic. They save time, improve your leveling experience, and help you complete quest objectives faster. For the anniversary leveling process, use these addons to track quests, find items, and optimize your gameplay. Here’s a list of the most useful addons for Classic WoW.

AddonWhat It DoesWhy It’s Helpful
QuestieTracks quests and locationsShows exact quest locations, saving time while completing objectives.
TomTomAdds a GPS-like arrow for navigationPoints you directly to quest objectives or destinations.
AtlasLoot ClassicDisplays loot from dungeons and raidsHelps plan dungeon runs for better gear during leveling.
Vendor PriceShows item sell prices in your bagHelps decide what to sell or keep for gold.
GatherMate2Tracks gathering nodesPerfect for Herbalism or Mining, supports alchemy trainers.
Leatrix PlusQuality of life improvementsAutomates tasks like selling junk and repairing gear.
Azeroth Auto PilotOptimizes questing routeGuides you on the fastest leveling path in Classic WoW.
Speedy AutoLootMakes looting fasterSaves time during farming and grinding mobs.
RecountTracks DPS during combatHelps optimize your attack power and skills for faster kills.
BagnonCombines all bags into one windowSimplifies inventory management for easier tracking.
RealMobHealthShows accurate mob healthHelps you calculate how much more damage is needed to kill mobs.

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You can install all these addons easily using CurseForge or WoWInterface.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary leveling | 1-25 hints

Is Pvp Worth It While Leveling In Wow Classic?

Leveling from 1 to 25 during the 20th anniversary is a key step to hit the level cap and start running dungeons. Use smart questing strategies, grind mobs in good spots, and pick efficient routes to maximize XP. Below is a step-by-step plan to follow for quick and easy progress.

  1. Level 1-10
  • Start in your race’s starting zone (e.g., Elwynn Forest, Durotar).
  • Complete all beginner quests in the area.
  • Use Questie addon to track quest objectives.
  • Kill extra mobs while questing to gain bonus XP.
  • Level 10-15
  • Move to your first major zone: Westfall (Alliance) or The Barrens (Horde).
  • Focus on questing and finding party members for tougher objectives.
  • Start training professions like Alchemy or Herbalism for extra gold and utility.
  • Level 15-20
  • Start running dungeons like Deadmines (Alliance) or Wailing Caverns (Horde).
  • Collect gear and gold while leveling.
  • Use rested experience by logging out in inns.
  • Level 20-25
  • Move to Redridge Mountains (Alliance) or Stonetalon Mountains (Horde).
  • Focus on elite quests and group with others for efficiency.
  • Visit your alchemy trainer or class trainer to learn new abilities.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary leveling guide | 25-40 hints

Cloth Turn-Ins Xp Wow Classic Anniversary

From level 25 to 40, focus on quests, dungeons, and good gear. Use these 20th anniversary leveling tips to level fast. Do quests, kill mobs, and always rest in inns for bonus XP. Let’s make leveling easy and fun!

  1. Level 25-30
  2. Alliance: Focus on Duskwood for spooky but rewarding quests. Visit the Redridge Mountains for elite quests.
  3. Horde: Head to Thousand Needles and Ashenvale for quests with good XP rewards.
  4. Complete Scarlet Monastery (Graveyard and Library) for amazing gear.
  5. Level 30-35
  6. Alliance: Go to Stranglethorn Vale (North) and complete quests in Wetlands.
  7. Horde: Stick to Stonetalon Mountains and start exploring Arathi Highlands.
  8. Run Scarlet Monastery (Armory and Cathedral) for upgrades.
  9. Level 35-40
  10. Alliance: Move to Stranglethorn Vale (South) and Desolace for a mix of questing and grinding.
  11. Horde: Quest in Desolace and push through Badlands for solid XP.
  12. Both factions: Visit Uldaman for dungeon runs and gear.

Druid riding for faster leveling in wow classic 20 anniversary

Preparing For The Endgame In Wow Classic Anniversary

Druids in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary can level faster using their Travel Form. At level 30, Travel Form works like a free mount, saving gold and speeding up movement.

Reach Level 30

  • Travel Form unlocks automatically at level 30. No need for training, just enjoy the speed!

Save Your Gold

  • Skip the expensive level 40 mount. Use the gold for better gear or professions.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary leveling guide | 40-50 hints

How To Level Faster In Wailing Caverns Dungeon

In World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary, leveling from 40 to 50 is about smart planning, fast movement, and using dungeons for gear and XP. Whether you’re solo or with friends, focus on dungeon runs like Zul’Farrak and Scarlet Monastery for loot and quick levels. Don’t forget your mount at level 40—it makes everything 60% faster!

  1. Get Your Mount
  2. Buy a mount at level 40 for 60% speed boost. Save gold early for this.
    1. Use Dungeons for Fast XP
  3. Zul’Farrak (ZF): Great XP and gear. Focus on AoE pulls if you’re a Mage or bring a solid group.
  4. Scarlet Monastery (SM): Ideal for 40–45. Run all wings for XP and loot.
  5. Blackrock Depths (BRD): Start at 47 for XP and gear upgrades.
    1. Quest in Efficient Zones

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  1. Alliance:
    1. Redridge Mountains → Feralas → The Hinterlands.
  2. Horde:
    1. The Barrens → Tanaris → Searing Gorge.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary leveling guide | 50-60 hints

Leveling Hunter Vs. Mage In Wow Classic

Use your professions, turn in cloth for bonus XP, and grab gold while leveling

  1. Hit Level 51 Quickly
  2. Turn in cloth (Wool, Silk, Mageweave, and Runecloth) to quartermasters in capital cities for easy XP.
  3. Run Dungeons for XP and Gear
  4. Maraudon (50-52): Farm XP and loot.
  5. Blackrock Depths (52-58): Do quests and earn attunements.
  6. Stratholme and Scholomance (58-60): Get XP, gear, and prep for endgame.
  7. Quest in Key Zones
  8. Alliance Zones:
  9. Western Plaguelands, Felwood, Winterspring.
  10. Horde Zones:
  11. Un’Goro Crater, Silithus, Eastern Plaguelands.
  12. Grind for Gold and XP
  13. Farm mobs in Un’Goro for leather and rare items.
  14. Kill Twilight Cultists in Silithus for crafting materials.
LevelZoneKey Activities
50–52Western PlaguelandsDo “A Call to Arms” and “Unfinished Business.”
52–54FelwoodComplete “Cleansing Felwood” and grind mobs.
54–56Burning SteppesFocus on dragon quests and elite mobs.
56–58SilithusFarm Twilight Cultists and do key quests.
58–60WinterspringFinish “Threat of the Winterfall” and grind Yetis.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary leveling guide | Cloth quests

In World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary, cloth quests are a super easy way to get XP and level up fast. By turning in Wool, Silk, Mageweave, and Runecloth, you earn XP while helping your faction. This method is great from level 50 to 51, and it’s perfect for players who want quick rewards without grinding mobs. Use this guide to turn in cloth and celebrate leveling in World of Warcraft’s 20th Anniversary!

Cloth TypeAmount per Turn-InXP per Turn-InTotal XP (All Factions)Turn-Ins NeededTotal Cloth Needed
Wool Cloth606502,6004240
Silk Cloth601,6506,6004240
Mageweave Cloth603,30013,2004240

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Total XP from All Cloth

  • Wool: 2,600 XP
  • Silk: 6,600 XP
  • Mageweave: 13,200 XP
  • Runecloth: 26,400 XP
  • Total XP: 48,800 XP across all quartermasters.

Where to Turn In Cloth

  • Alliance:
    • Stormwind: Clavicus Knavingham in the Mage Quarter.
    • Darnassus: Raedon Duskstriker in the Craftsmen’s Terrace.
    • Ironforge: Mistina Steelshield in The Great Forge.
    • Gnomeregan Exiles: Bubulo Acerbus in Tinker Town (Ironforge).
  • Horde:
    • Orgrimmar: Rashona Straglash in the Valley of Spirits.
    • Thunder Bluff: Rumstag Proudstrider on the Lower Rise.
    • Undercity: Randolph Montague in the War Quarter.


Best Grinding Spots For Horde In Wow Classic

Leveling in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary is easy if you plan well. Use addons like Questie to find quests quickly. Rest in inns to get extra XP, and always follow the best routes for your faction. Hunters and Mages are the best classes for fast leveling, but playing with a friend also makes leveling safer and more fun.

Do quests, kill mobs, and use dungeons to get gear and XP. Cloth turn-ins give quick XP and help you level faster. Use your Hearthstone to save travel time and always pick up flight paths in new zones. Have fun reaching level 60 and enjoy the celebration!

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What is the fastest way to level in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, the fastest way to level is by following a questing route for your faction, using addons like Questie, and resting in inns for extra XP. Grinding mobs in good spots can also speed up your progress.

Which addons should I use for leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, use Questie for quest tracking, Azeroth Auto Pilot for optimized routes, and GatherMate2 for tracking gathering nodes. These addons make leveling faster and more efficient.

What classes are best for leveling quickly in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, Hunter and Mage are the best classes for fast leveling due to their high damage and low downtime. Warlocks and Paladins are also good for survivability.

Should I level solo or with a duo partner in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, duo leveling is often faster and safer, especially if you pair a tank class with a healer or damage-dealing class.

What are the best zones for leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, start in your race’s beginner zone, then progress to zones like Elwynn Forest or Durotar. Stick to the recommended leveling zones based on your level and faction.

How can I avoid crowded areas in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, you can avoid crowded areas by choosing less popular zones or focusing on grinding mobs instead of competing for quest objectives in busy areas.

How does rested XP work in WoW Classic Anniversary, and how do I get it?

Rested XP in WoW Classic Anniversary gives double experience from killing mobs. You can get it by logging out in inns or cities to build it up over time.

Should I buy gear or farm it while leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, buy gear from the Auction House if you’re struggling, but prioritize getting gear from quests or dungeons to save gold.

What is the most important tip for leveling faster in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, always set your Hearthstone near your questing area to save travel time and pick up flight paths in every zone you visit.

Are dungeons worth running while leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

Yes, in WoW Classic Anniversary, dungeons are a great way to gain XP, gear, and complete multiple quests at once. Early dungeons like Deadmines or Wailing Caverns are especially helpful.

How can I make gold while leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, gather resources like herbs or ores and sell them on the Auction House. Completing postal quests also provides gold rewards.

Should I level with PvP mode on in WoW Classic Anniversary?

No, in WoW Classic Anniversary, it’s better to avoid PvP mode while leveling to prevent unnecessary fights and delays.

What’s the best duo combination for leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, Hunter and Druid or Warlock and Priest are great pairs because they balance damage, healing, and survivability.

When should I train new abilities in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, visit your class trainer every two levels to learn new abilities, especially ones that improve your damage or survivability.

How can Druids level faster in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, Druids can level faster by using Travel Form at level 30 for free movement speed, saving time and gold on mounts.

What should I do if quests become slow in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, if quests are slow, find a good grinding spot like the Barrens or Westfall to kill mobs for consistent XP.

What are postal quests, and are they worth it in WoW Classic Anniversary?

Postal quests in WoW Classic Anniversary are simple delivery tasks that give XP and let you travel safely. They’re a quick way to level up while exploring new zones.

What professions are good for leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, Herbalism and Alchemy are great for making potions, while Mining provides materials to sell for gold.

Should I save gold for mounts or gear in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, save gold for your level 40 mount to speed up leveling. Use leftover gold for gear upgrades if necessary.

Can I skip quests and just grind mobs in WoW Classic Anniversary?

Yes, in WoW Classic Anniversary, grinding mobs is a good alternative if quests are slow or crowded. Focus on areas with fast-respawning mobs.

How do I stay safe while leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, avoid pulling too many mobs, always carry health potions, and duo with a healer or tank for added security.

What are the benefits of cloth turn-ins in WoW Classic Anniversary?

Cloth turn-ins in WoW Classic Anniversary give bonus XP and help you level quickly from 50 to 51. They’re easy to complete in capital cities.

When should I focus on dungeons in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, start running dungeons like Deadmines or Scarlet Monastery at level 15-20 for better gear and group quests.

What is the best way to prepare for the endgame in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, level to 60 efficiently, save gold for gear and skills, and run high-level dungeons like Scholomance or Stratholme for loot and experience.

How can I celebrate the 20th Anniversary while leveling in WoW Classic Anniversary?

In WoW Classic Anniversary, enjoy leveling with friends, explore nostalgic zones, and complete quests to relive the classic WoW experience.
