World Of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 Class Tier List — Best Class In Liberation Of Undermine

By: friolt
22 min read
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Best Tank For Pvp Wow 11.1

WoW 11.1 Season 2 is here! The new update changes everything. Heroic Talents make classes stronger in new ways. The best tanks, healers, and damage dealers are different now.

Some classes are better for raids, some for Mythic+, and some for PVP. We tested them all to find the strongest meta picks.


Here, you will learn:

  1. Best tank for raids and Mythic+
  2. Top melee DPS for big fights
  3. Best ranged DPS to destroy enemies from far
  4. Strongest healer for open world, raids, and dungeons
  5. Who rules PVP in battlegrounds and arenas

Let’s see who is the best in Season 2

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WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE tank for raid

Best Dps For Pvp Wow 11.1

The best tank for Liberation of Undermine raid in World of Warcraft 11.1 Season 2 is Blood Death Knight (Blood DK).

TierClassSpecReason (Ability-Based)Commentary
SDeath KnightBloodHigh DPS, strong self-healing, and Mass Grip utility.If you die as Blood DK, you’re probably standing in every mechanic like a clown.
SPaladinProtectionTop-tier survivability, strong damage, and great utility.Prot Paladin is busted—if you’re struggling, you’re playing it wrong.
ADruidGuardianStrong single-target DPS and provides Mark of the Wild.Guardian Druids hit hard—if your DPS is low, maybe go back to Feral.
AMonkBrewmasterAbsurd mitigation, hard to kill with proper cooldowns.Brewmaster is nearly unkillable—if you’re dying, it’s because you don’t know how to play it.
AWarriorProtectionCovers all tanking needs except Mass Grip, brings Rallying Cry.If you can’t make Prot Warrior work, just quit tanking.
ADemon HunterVengeanceBrings Chaos Brand and can solo Mass Grip mechanics.If you’re bad at Vengeance, don’t blame the spec—this thing is broken in the right hands.
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Blood DK is the best because it does not need much healing and removes debuffs easily. Vengeance DH is also very strong and does good damage. Paladin is still good, but needs more healing. Other tanks are okay, but not as strong for the new raid.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE tank for Mythic+

Wow 11.1 Season 2 Top Classes

The best tank in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Mythic+ is Vengeance Demon Hunter. This tank is very strong because it can heal itself a lot and help the team survive.

TierClassSpecReason (Ability-Based)Offensive Commentary
SDemon HunterVengeanceRidiculous durability buffs, top-tier damage, and Mythic+ mob control.If you’re bad at Vengeance DH now, you should probably just reroll.
SPaladinProtectionStill overpowered, insane utility, and barely takes damage.Prot Paladin is still busted—if you die, it’s 100% your fault.
ADeath KnightBloodSelf-heals like crazy but falls apart in high keys.Blood DK’s sustain is strong, but if you struggle, maybe try healing instead.
ADruidGuardianImproved talents, but you’re either tanky or do damage—not both.Guardian Druids need help, but if you can’t make it work, that’s a skill issue.
B+MonkBrewmasterStill lacks self-sustain, needs healer babysitting, hard to master.Brewmaster is a pain to master—if you suck, don’t blame the spec.
BWarriorProtectionSlower than before, but Ignore Pain buffs keep it alive.Prot Warrior is slower but still strong—if you’re failing, it’s on you.
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Best Tank for Mythic+

The best tank in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Mythic+ is Vengeance Demon Hunter. This tank is very strong because it can heal itself a lot and help the team survive.

Why Vengeance Demon Hunter is Best

  • Big self-healing — This tank heals itself when taking damage. This means healers do not need to heal it much.
  • AOE crowd control — It can stop many enemies at the same time. This helps the group stay safe.
  • More damage in fights — The tank does a lot of damage. This makes fights faster.
  • Darkness ability is strong — Darkness gives a chance to avoid damage. This is good in hard fights.
  • Better in Season 2 — In the new season, tanks need to heal themselves a lot. Vengeance Demon unter does this better than others.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE DPS for raid

Wow 11.1 Blood Dk Vs Vengeance Dh

The best DPS in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for raids are Enhancement Shaman, Arms Warrior, and Beast Mastery Hunter. These specs deal the highest damage, perform well in all fights. If you’re not playing one of these, you’re probably holding your team back.

TierClassSpecReason (Ability-Based)Commentary
SShamanEnhancementTop-tier single-target and cleave; one of the most consistent melee specs.If you can’t top meters as Enhancement, you’re playing blindfolded.
SShamanElementalBest single-target ranged DPS with great raid utility.If you mess up as Ele Shaman, you shouldn’t be allowed to raid.
SRogueAssassinationHigh mobility, durable, and great priority-target damage.You’re a rogue—if you’re not top DPS, just delete your character.
SWarriorArmsBuffed single-target, great cleave, and one of the best execute abilities.If you can’t Execute properly, you’re just swinging for fun.
SHunterBeast MasteryFull DPS while moving, excellent sustained damage, but weak spread cleave.BM Hunter is literally made for easy DPS—don’t embarrass yourself.
ARogueSubtletyDurable, great single-target, and strong melee option.Subtlety is insane—if you’re not doing damage, it’s a YOU problem.
AMageArcaneInsane burst potential but requires high skill to master.Arcane is godly, but if you’re bad, just stick to Frost.
ADKFrostExcels in fights with multiple targets; great defensive utility.Frost DK melts mobs, but if you’re struggling, maybe go Unholy.
ARogueOutlawBlade Flurry cleave makes this spec a raid powerhouse.Blade Flurry does all the work—just press your buttons.
AWarlockDestructionGreat single-target and burst potential with strong defensive profile.If you’re not blasting as Destro, you’re doing it wrong.
AHunterSurvivalVersatile melee with improved sustained damage but lacks raid-wide buffs.If you suck as Survival, just reroll BM and auto-attack.
ADKUnholyBurst capabilities shine, but Frost DK outshines it in most cases.Unholy is busted in the right hands. If you’re bad, that’s on you.
AMageFrostConsistent but not top-tier single-target; still durable.You’re durable, but if your damage sucks, nobody cares.
APaladinRetributionRetains strong single-target and tankiness but lacks top-tier damage.Ret is still solid—if you’re failing, go Holy and heal instead.
BWarlockAfflictionGreat at multi-target fights, but single-target remains mediocre.If you think Affliction is weak, you’re probably playing it wrong.
BHunterMarksmanshipStrong single-target and mobility but struggles with two-target cleave.MM Hunter is fine, but if you’re bad, just pick BM.
BMageFireBig on-demand burst, but inconsistent in sustained fights.If Fire Mage confuses you, maybe try Frost and spam Ice Lance.
BEvokerDevastationGood mobility, but limited range makes positioning difficult.Your range sucks, so if you can’t position, just reroll.
BDruidFeralAll-around decent, but single-target is weak and struggles for raid spots.Feral is just okay—if you’re bad at it, just play Balance.
BPriestShadowOne of the best external cooldowns (Power Infusion) but mid damage.Power Infusion can carry your group—unless you’re clueless.
BDruidBalanceDecent all-around, but heavily dependent on multi-target fights.Boomkin is strong—if you’re failing, just press Starfall more.
BEvokerAugmentationBrings raid-wide buffs but relies too much on teammate performance.If you’re not helping your raid, why are you even here?
BMonkWindwalkerStrong burst on-demand damage but suffers from sustained fights.WW Monk still has burst—if you’re bad, it’s a skill issue.
CDemon HunterHavocCleave and AoE is strong, but lacks single-target damage.If you’re bad as Havoc, you should rethink your life choices.
CWarriorFuryDurable, has Battle Shout, but nerfs still keep it weak.Fury feels weak, but if you’re terrible, it’s 100% your fault.
CWarlockDemonologyDecent sustain but needs more buffs to compete with other Warlocks.If Demo Warlock isn’t working for you, go Destro and pretend you’re good.
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Enhancement Shaman

  • Relentless Attack Speed — Critical strikes reduce cooldowns, so you never stop attacking.
  • Dominates in Any Fight — Strong single-target and cleave, making it one of the most consistent melee specs.
  • Brings Utility — Healing Rain helps keep the team alive, and raid-wide buffs make fights easier.

If you can’t top meters as Enhancement, maybe try a class with training wheels.

Arms Warrior

  • Insane Execute Damage — One of the best specs for late-phase boss fights, dealing massive damage when it matters most.
  • Big Burst & Cleave — Sweeping Strikes lets you hit multiple enemies without losing damage.
  • Surprisingly Durable — Strong defensives make sure you stay alive while pumping damage.

If you can’t Execute properly, you’re just swinging for fun.

Beast Mastery Hunter

  • Always Moving, Always Attacking — BM Hunters never stop DPSing, making them one of the most consistent ranged specs.
  • Super Easy & Effective — Bestial Wrath keeps your pets smashing everything in sight.
  • Low Effort, High Reward — No hard casting, no complex mechanics—just press buttons and win.

If you’re bad at BM Hunter, maybe pet battling is more your speed.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE DPS for Mythic+

Wow 11.1 Best Melee Dps

The best DPS in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Mythic+ are Augmentation Evoker, Destruction Warlock, and Enhancement Shaman. These specs pump massive damage, provide utility, and dominate in every scenario. If you’re not playing one of these, you’re probably holding your team back.

TierClassSpecReason (Ability-Based)Commentary
SEvokerAugmentationEbon Might & Close as Clutchmates give insane buffs & you do great damage yourself.If you fail as Aug Evoker, you shouldn’t be playing this game.
SWarlockDestructionMayhem/Demonfire Infusion builds offer insane AoE & single-target burst.If you can’t top meters with this, you need a damage meter to see how bad you are.
SShamanEnhancementTotal talent rework made this spec top-tier in sustained & burst damage.Press buttons, win games. If you don’t, that’s on you.
SMageFireHigher Combustion uptime makes Fire Mage one of the deadliest burst specs.If you can’t burn things down fast, you should reroll.
SHunterBeast MasteryBestial Wrath uptime boost gives near-constant DPS cooldowns.BM Hunter is finally good, don’t screw it up.
SShamanElementalInsane burst damage, great party-wide utility, and strong sustain.If you mess this up, you’re a lost cause.
A+MageFrostBlizzard buff & Ice Lance changes improve sustained damage & AoE.Spam Blizzard and stop pretending it’s hard.
A+DruidBalanceTop-tier AoE from improved Starfall & Moonfire synergy.If your damage is low, you’re failing at the easiest rotation ever.
A+WarriorArmsOne of the strongest execute damage profiles in the game.Big swings, big crits. If you suck, it’s 100% your fault.
A+Demon HunterHavocMassively buffed sustained & priority-target damage.If you can’t deal high damage, you’re playing blindfolded.
ADruidFeralStrong AoE burst, but still suffers from energy starvation.Bleed everything, or just log out.
APaladinRetributionGroup-wide utility is valuable, but lacks top-end burst damage.If you mess this up, just go Prot and be a shield-bot.
APriestShadowStrong ramped damage, but struggles in short fights without Shadow Crash.You ramp too slow? Maybe it’s a skill issue.
AMonkWindwalkerSpinning Crane Kick buffs make AoE stronger, but target cap is a problem.Windwalker is nuts right now. If you’re bad, it’s a YOU problem.
ARogueSubtletyAmazing burst damage & funnel potential in AoE fights.Your damage is insane—if you’re not topping charts, delete your Rogue.
AWarlockDemonologyDemonic Core changes boost sustained damage & mobility.You summon demons to fight for you, yet you still suck? Uninstall.
ARogueAssassinationAoE remains the strongest asset, but weak single-target.Poison everything. If you can’t, go play Hearthstone.
AEvokerDevastationTier set buffs sustain damage, but bursty nature limits flexibility.If you can’t burst, you probably don’t have a keyboard.
AWarlockAfflictionRelies too much on Vile Taint cooldown; strong but awkward playstyle.Vile Taint cooldown is annoying, but so is your lack of damage.
ADeath KnightFrostInsane AoE burst & great sustained damage; highly durable.Unholy DK is busted. If you’re bad, it’s because you don’t read tooltips.
AWarriorFuryBurst-oriented but finally got damage buffs & higher durability.Fury Warrior is finally good—so don’t embarrass yourself.
B+MageArcaneTouch of the Magi buffs improved sustained damage potential.If Arcane is too complex for you, maybe just stick to Frost.
B+RogueOutlawGreat consistent damage, but target cap hurts big pulls.If you struggle with this, just stop playing Rogue.
B+HunterSurvivalShort cooldowns help sustain damage, but output is still mid.Short cooldowns mean you should be hitting something at all times.
BHunterMarksmanshipMore versatile builds, but single-target remains weak.If your MM Hunter does low damage, just play a pet spec and accept your fate.

Augmentation Evoker

  • Insane buffs — Ebon Might and Close as Clutchmates make your allies hit way harder while boosting your own damage.
  • Great survivability — You’re not just a support bot; you bring solid DPS while keeping the team alive.
  • Unmatched group utility — Extra defensives, movement buffs, and CC make any team stronger.

If you can’t do well on Aug Evoker, just quit healing and go play Hearthstone.

Destruction Warlock

  • Huge burst & sustain — Mayhem and Demonfire Infusion builds deliver insane AoE and top-tier single-target damage.
  • Tanky as hell — Warlocks barely die, so if you struggle, it’s 100% a skill issue.
  • Best Warlock spec — Great party-wide utility while still blasting meters.

If you’re not topping DPS as a Destro Lock, just delete your character.

Enhancement Shaman

  • Relentless attack speed — Critical strikes reduce cooldowns, letting you spam abilities non-stop.
  • Monstrous AoE — Crash Lightning stacks fast and melts everything in sight.
  • Surprisingly strong utility — Healing Rain and passive healing keep the party alive.

If you’re struggling with Enhancement, it’s time to reroll.

These are the top-tier specs for Mythic+. If you’re playing something lower, you better know what you’re doing—or get coaching before your team kicks you.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE heal for raid

Best Dps For Mythic+ Wow 11.1

The best healer in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for raids is Discipline Priest. This healer does the most healing, helps the team, and can handle big damage.

Discipline Priest

  • Big healing power — Atonement healing gives massive healing while dealing damage.
  • Best cooldowns — Casting Power Word: Radiance spreads healing fast.
  • Damage and healing together — Damaging spells like Mind Blast and Penance also heal the group.
  • New talent changes — Casting Ultimate Penance gives a strong shield, saving teammates.

Other healers are good, but Discipline Priest is the strongest in Liberation of Undermine.

SPriestDisciplineHigh damage, strong healing, good mitigation, movement friendly.
AMonkMistweaverHigh output, steady healing, strong mobility.
APriestHolyPowerful healing cooldowns, good spot healing, high flexibility.
BDruidRestorationSmooth healing, good synergy, flexible in movement.
BEvokerPreservationStrong stacked healing, but weaker than Discipline.
CShamanRestorationLacks clear role, mastery not effective, weak in raid environment.
CPaladinHolyLow overall healing, weak AOE and single-target healing, poor mana efficiency.
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WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVE heal for Mythic+

Wow 11.1 Best Team Composition For Dungeons

The absolute best healer in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Mythic+ dungeons is Discipline Priest—and if you’re not playing it, you’re probably trolling your group. This healer pumps insane healing, mitigates massive damage, and dishes out serious DPS while keeping the team alive. If you’re struggling to heal and feel like a burden to your group, don’t worry—we can coach you out of being garbage and turn you into a real asset.

Discipline Priest — The Undisputed King of Healing

  • Massive healing and absorbs — Uses Atonement to heal the entire team while dealing damage.
  • Best cooldowns — Power Word: Barrier and Rapture provide huge damage reduction and healing bursts.
  • Top-tier damage — Smite, Penance, and Shadow Covenant allow you to actually contribute to DPS instead of just standing there pressing Flash Heal like a bot.
  • Great mobility — Can position easily and stay effective even during high-movement fights.

If you’re a washed-up healer struggling in Mythic+, now’s the time to stop being bad. We can coach you, get you playing Disc Priest correctly, and make sure you actually help your team instead of being dead weight.

SPriestDisciplineHigh damage, strong healing, good mitigation, movement friendly.
A+MonkMistweaverHigh output, steady healing, strong mobility.
ADruidRestorationSmooth healing, good synergy, flexible in movement.
B+PaladinHolyDecent healing, but lacks strong niche.
B+EvokerPreservationGood stacked healing, but weaker than Discipline.
BPriestHolySolid spot healing, flexible, but not dominant.
CShamanRestorationLacks clear role, mastery not effective, weak in raid environment.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP Tank for Rating Battlegrounds

Wow 11.1 Strongest Tank For Solo Play

The best tank in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Rated Battlegrounds is Guardian Druid. This tank survives the longest, heals a lot, and controls enemies well.

Guardian Druid

  • Best survival — Casting Survival Instincts reduces damage for a long time.
  • Big healing — Drops below 40 health? Heals for 40 health automatically!
  • Controls enemies — Knocks enemies away, slows them, and stuns them.
  • Gains maximum stacks — Gets stronger the longer it fights!
  • Hard to kill — Spells and abilities have a chance to heal while taking less damage.
TierTank ClassWhy?
S (Best)Guardian DruidHard to kill, heals a lot, great enemy control.
AVengeance Demon HunterEntering Demon Form sacrifices health but gains power, good mobility.
AProtection PaladinCasting Guardian helps allies, absorbs damage well, but mana runs out fast.
BBrewmaster MonkChance to activate stagger, reduces damage over time, but weak healing.
BBlood Death KnightConsume Apex Predator’s Craving for healing, but takes too much damage.
C (Weak)Protection WarriorCritically strike often, but loses winning streak fast.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP Tank for Arena

Wow 11.1 New Talents Changes

The best tank for Arena (CAGE OF CARNAGE!) in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 is Guardian Druid.

TierTank ClassWhy?
S (Best)Guardian DruidSuper hard to kill, heals a lot, and absorbs damage.
AVengeance Demon HunterEntering demon form sacrifices health but gains maximum stacks of power.
AProtection PaladinCan heal when health drops below 40 health, but stacks consumed quickly.
BBrewmaster MonkChance to hit and stagger damage, but normal winning streak hard to keep.
BBlood Death KnightSucks health from enemies, but needs soul shard spent to heal.
C (Weak)Protection WarriorHas strong defense, but finished channeling completely takes too long.
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Guardian Druid

  • Abilities have a chance to completely absorb big hits.
  • Entering bear form gives combat enhancement granted, making Druid super strong.
  • Chance to activate big healing when health drops below 40 health.
  • Can knock enemies away, making it harder for them to attack.
  • Druid ability lets them cast survival instincts, giving huge damage reduction.
  • Stacks consumed when using defensive spells, but maximum stacks make Guardian very hard to kill.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP DPS for Rating Battlegrounds

Wow 11.1 Hardest Class To Play

The best DPS for Rated Battlegrounds in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 is Windwalker Monk.

TierDPS ClassWhy?
S (Best)Windwalker MonkFast, big burst damage, and great for attacking many enemies at once.
AEnhancement ShamanChance to hit many enemies, strong cooldowns, but stack consumed quickly.
AAffliction WarlockSoul shard spent to spread strong damage, but takes time to work.
BFury WarriorBig attacks, but needs to be close to enemies all the time.
BFrost MageCan slow enemies, but takes time to finish channeling completely.
C (Weak)Marksman HunterBig hits from far away, but bad if enemies get too close.
  • Combat enhancement granted when attacking enemies, making Monk super strong.
  • Abilities have a chance to deal big damage to nearby enemy’s location.
  • Chance to hit many enemies at once with strong kicks and punches.
  • Can finish channeling completely to deal huge burst damage.
  • Normal winning streak helps Windwalker keep strong attacks going.
  • If Windwalker uses too many attacks fast, stack consumed, but still very strong.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP DPS for Arena

Wow 11.1 Easiest Class To Play

The best PVP DPS in Season 2 is Outlaw Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, and Fire Mage. These classes deal big damage fast, have strong defenses, and control enemies well.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP Heal for Rating Battlegrounds

Wow 11.1 Strongest Class For Battlegrounds

The best healer in WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 for Rated Battlegrounds (RBGs) is Mistweaver Monk. This healer has strong healing, good mobility, and can survive enemy attacks well.

Outlaw Rogue

  • Luck of the draw — Rolling dice gives random strong buffs.
  • Big control — Mortal strike reduces healing. Stuns and slows stop enemies.
  • Fast damage — Critical strikes reduce cooldowns, so it never stops attacking.

Enhancement Shaman

  • Combat enhancement granted — Every attack gives more damage.
  • Strong self-healing — 40 health to heal when drops below 40 health.
  • AOE and single target — Casting shattering star and casting icy veins make damage very high.

Fire Mage

  • Big burst damage — Casting dark ascension and casting celestial alignment make huge hits.
  • Very mobile — Casting icy veins lets it cast while moving.
  • Good control — Spells have a chance to stun and slow enemies.

Mistweaver Monk

  • Healing spells have a chance to heal many teammates at once.
  • Very mobile — Can move fast and heal while running.
  • Spells have a chance to absorb damage, making Mistweaver hard to kill.
  • Big group healing — Casting Revival removes all debuffs and heals the team instantly.
  • Knock enemies back with Ring of Peace, great for pushing enemies off cliffs.
TierHealer ClassWhy?
S (Best)Mistweaver MonkBest healing, best mobility, hard to kill.
APreservation EvokerChance to activate big healing bursts, but range is short.
ARestoration DruidDruid ability Wild Growth heals many targets, but HoTs take time.
BRestoration ShamanCasting Healing Rain helps, but less burst healing.
BDiscipline PriestDamaging spells heal allies, but mana runs out fast.
C (Weak)Holy PriestLast Holy Power heals well, but very easy to kill.
C (Weak)Holy PaladinCasting Guardian heals, but weak when cooldowns are gone.
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WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Best PVP Heal for Arena

Wow 11.1 Strongest Class For Arena

The best healer in Arena (CAGE OF CARNAGE!) for WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 is Discipline Priest.

TierHealer ClassWhy?
S (Best)Discipline PriestBest mix of damage, healing, and shields.
AMistweaver MonkSpells have a chance to heal many, but weak vs burst damage.
ARestoration DruidDruid ability heals over time, but healing takes time.
BPreservation EvokerBig healing bursts, but range is short.
BRestoration ShamanHealing is strong, but mana runs out fast.
C (Weak)Holy PaladinNeeds to cast Guardian often, but gets targeted a lot.
C (Weak)Holy PriestBig heals, but very easy to kill.

Discipline Priest

  • Spells have a chance to deal damage and heal at the same time.
  • Absorbs damage instead of only healing — shields protect teammates.
  • Chance to activate strong burst healing when needed.
  • Can critically strike often, making healing and damage very strong.
  • Does not run out of mana fast, unlike other healers.

WoW TWW 11.1 Season 2 | Who is Absolute Meta?

Wow 11.1 Best Ranged Dps

The strongest classes in WoW 11.1 Season 2 are the ones that deal the most damage, provide the best healing, or have unmatched survivability. If you’re not playing one of these, you’re probably underperforming.

  • Guardian Druid – Undisputed PvP Tank King (Best for Battlegrounds & Arena). Impossible to kill, heals itself, and controls fights.
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter – Best Mythic+ Tank. Insane self-healing, mob control, and top-tier DPS for a tank.
  • Blood Death Knight – Top Raid Tank. High DPS, massive self-healing, and game-changing Mass Grip.
  • Beast Mastery Hunter – Best DPS for Raids & Mythic+. Never stops dealing damage, always moving, zero downtime.
  • Enhancement Shaman – Best All-Around DPS (Top in Raids, Mythic+, and Arena). Non-stop attacks, huge burst, and great cleave.
  • Mistweaver Monk – Best Healer for Mythic+ & Rated Battlegrounds. Insane mobility, top healing output, and hard to kill.
  • Discipline Priest – Best Healer for liberation of undermine boost & Arena. Heals while dealing damage, strong absorbs, and best cooldowns in the game.
ClassSpecReason (Ability-Based)Role
Death KnightBloodMass Grip, insane self-healing, and high DPSPvE Tank (Raid)
PaladinProtectionTop-tier survivability, strong damage, and great utilityPvE Tank (Raid & Mythic+)
Demon HunterVengeanceRidiculous durability buffs, top-tier damage, and Mythic+ mob controlPvE Tank (Mythic+)
DruidGuardianSuper hard to kill, heals a lot, and absorbs damagePvP Tank (Rated BGs & Arena)
ShamanEnhancementTop-tier single-target and cleave; insane burst damagePvE DPS (Raid & Mythic+), PvP DPS (Arena)
ShamanElementalBest single-target ranged DPS with great raid utilityPvE DPS (Raid & Mythic+)
EvokerAugmentationEbon Might & Close as Clutchmates give insane buffsPvE DPS (Mythic+)
WarlockDestructionMayhem/Demonfire Infusion builds offer insane AoE & single-target burstPvE DPS (Mythic+)
MageFireHigher Combustion uptime makes Fire Mage one of the deadliest burst specsPvE DPS (Mythic+), PvP DPS (Arena)
WarriorArmsBuffed single-target, great cleave, and one of the best execute abilitiesPvE DPS (Raid)
HunterBeast MasteryFull DPS while moving, excellent sustained damage, but weak spread cleavePvE DPS (Raid & Mythic+)
RogueAssassinationHigh mobility, durable, and great priority-target damagePvE DPS (Raid)
RogueOutlawLuck of the Draw gives random strong buffs, high controlPvP DPS (Arena)
MonkWindwalkerFast, big burst damage, and great for attacking many enemies at oncePvP DPS (Rated BGs)
PriestDisciplineMassive healing, absorbs, high damage while healingPvE Healer (Raid & Mythic+), PvP Healer (Arena)
MonkMistweaverBest healing, best mobility, hardest to kill healerPvP Healer (Rated BGs)
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In WoW 11.1 Season 2, only the strongest classes matter. Blood Death Knight is the best raid tank, nearly unkillable. Vengeance Demon Hunter destroys in Mythic+ with crazy self-healing and control. Discipline Priest is the best raid healer for liberation of undermine heroic boost, pumping damage while keeping the team alive, and Mistweaver Monk carries dungeons with insane healing. For DPS, Destruction Warlock, Beast Mastery Hunter, and Enhancement Shaman wreck in raids, while Beast Mastery Hunter, Enhancement Shaman, and Retribution Paladin dominate dungeons. In PvP, Guardian Druid is the tank that never dies, Windwalker Monk destroys battlegrounds, and Outlaw Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, and Fire Mage smash in arena. Mistweaver Monk heals battlegrounds like a god, and Discipline Priest makes arena teams unkillable. If you’re not playing these, you’re doing it wrong—get better or get coaching.

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What is the best tank for raids in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best tank for raids is Blood Death Knight. It has the best self-healing, removes debuffs, and takes less damage from bosses. It does not need much help from healers, so it is very strong in long fights.

What is the best tank for Mythic+ dungeons in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best tank for Mythic+ dungeons is Vengeance Demon Hunter. It heals itself a lot, does high damage, and helps the group. It also has good crowd control, so it can stop enemies from attacking.

What is the best tank for PVP battlegrounds in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best tank for Rated Battlegrounds is Guardian Druid. It survives the longest, heals itself a lot, and controls enemies with stuns and slows. It is very hard to kill, making it the best choice.

What is the best tank for PVP arena in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best tank for Arena is also Guardian Druid. It has strong defense, absorbs big hits, and heals itself a lot. It can also knock enemies away and reduce their damage.

What is the best DPS for raids in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best DPS for raids are Destruction Warlock, Beast Mastery Hunter, and Enhancement Shaman. These classes do the most damage and help the team. Warlock has big spells, Hunter can move while attacking, and Shaman attacks very fast.

What is the best DPS for Mythic+ dungeons in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best DPS for Mythic+ dungeons are Beast Mastery Hunter, Enhancement Shaman, and Retribution Paladin. They do high AOE damage, move fast, and help the team survive.

What is the best DPS for battlegrounds in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best DPS for battlegrounds is Windwalker Monk. It is very fast, does big burst damage, and attacks many enemies at once. It is great for group fights.

What is the best DPS for arena fights in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best DPS for arena are Outlaw Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, and Fire Mage. These classes do fast damage, have strong defenses, and can control enemies with stuns and slows.

What is the best healer for raids in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best healer for raids is Discipline Priest. It heals while doing damage, has strong shields, and can handle big team damage. It is the strongest healer in Liberation of Undermine.

What is the best healer for Mythic+ dungeons in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best healer for Mythic+ dungeons is Mistweaver Monk. It heals a lot, does good damage, and has strong cooldowns. It can also move fast, making it very strong in dungeons.

What is the best healer for battlegrounds in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best healer for battlegrounds is Mistweaver Monk. It heals the whole team quickly, removes debuffs, and moves fast to avoid attacks. It is also hard to kill, so it is the best choice.

What is the best healer for arena fights in WoW 11.1 Season?

The best healer for arena is Discipline Priest. It can attack while healing, protect allies with shields, and has strong burst healing when needed. It is very strong in 2v2 and 3v3 fights.

What is the most powerful tank overall in WoW 11.1 Season?

The most powerful tank overall depends on the activity. Blood Death Knight is best for raids, Vengeance Demon Hunter is best for dungeons, and Guardian Druid is best for PVP.

What is the most powerful DPS overall in WoW 11.1 Season?

The most powerful DPS overall is Enhancement Shaman. It is strong in raids, dungeons, and PVP. It attacks very fast, does big AOE damage, and helps the team survive.

What is the most powerful healer overall in WoW 11.1 Season?

The most powerful healer overall depends on the activity. Discipline Priest is best for raids and arena, and Mistweaver Monk is best for dungeons and battlegrounds. Both are very strong and useful.
