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Sometimes unexpected situations might happen. If there was any reason why we couldn’t execute your order (from our side) – there are different ways to fix the problem. We can offer you another service for a price not exceeding the one you have already paid (or with some extra from you). We can complete your service at a later date (if that is possible). If you choose another service which is cheaper than the one you’ve already paid for – we will refund you the difference between those two prices. Or will refund 100% amount of the money that you paid. Also, note that if service was done for 50% for example, and If there is any reason why you don’t want to finish your order you will get only the rest 50% compensation.
Regarding all questions about refunding money or changing your order:
If you want to get a refund, please contact us using any of the contacts on our website. Please make sure that you can produce the following information:
Upon ordering, you agree that period for the return and/or exchange of the purchased services is 30 days from the date of payment. In the event of a dispute regarding the timing of handling, refund, or exchange and if we can not reach an agreement through correspondence, further consideration of the debate can be continued in court on the basis of the laws and regulations of the UK
Feel free to contact us anytime. Our team will answer your inquiries regarding refunds every day from 12:00 – 02:00 Central European Time.
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