WotLK Silverwing Sentinels Reputation Boost

Warsong Gulch is contested by two factions, one of which, the Silverwing Sentinels, represents the Alliance. The Night Elves, who have made a tremendous effort to regain the forests of Ashenvale, are now focusing their emphasis on getting rid of the Outriders once and for all and reclaiming their lands. The Silverwing Sentinels have therefore responded to the summons and have pledged that they would not stop fighting orcs in Warsong Gulch until every last one of them has been vanquished and expelled.

Establishing good relations with this faction can earn you a wide variety of cosmetic rewards related to PvP, in addition to mounts and titles. In order to obtain the Justicar meta-achievement as well as the character title, it is essential to gain the Exalted status with Silverwing Sentinels.

Participating in the Warsong Gulch, a battleground with a capture-the-flag format that has 10 players against 10, will earn you reputation with Silverwing Sentinels. When the countdown expires, a faction is victorious if they have either returned the most flags (or capped last in the event of a tie) or have returned three enemy flags within the allotted 25-minute time period. You will receive 35 reputation points whenever your side successfully takes an enemy flag. On holiday weekends, this reputation gain is raised to a total of 45 points.

This is the most vicious reputation to farm among any PvP factions. Starting with a reputation of 0 and working up to Exalted requires a total of 42,000 points of reputation to be gained through farming. You will need to win 400 Warsong matches in order to complete this challenge. If the chances are even and you have a victory record of fifty percent, all that is required of you is to compete in 800 Warsong Gulch Battlegrounds matches. If each fight lasts an average of 20 minutes, then your total time spent in Warsong Gulch will be approximately 267 hours, which is equivalent to 11 days and 3 hours. But with our help, you don’t have to!

Buying our WotLK Silverwing Sentinels Reputation Boost will result in you gaining the desired rep with this faction without spending a ludicrous amount of time! Our professional players will play your character for you for as long as it takes to boost your standing with Silverwing Sentinels.

WotLK Silverwing Sentinels Reputation Boost Includes

  • Reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels faction improved to the desired level;
  • A large number of Honor points;
  • Progress towards numerous PvP achievements that are tied to the Warsong Gulch battleground and listed here: Master of Warsong Gulch;
  • Progress towards the 40 Exalted Reputations achievement (at Exalted);
  • Character achievement: Silverwing Sentinel (at Exalted);
  • Progress towards PvP achievement The Justicar (at Exalted).


The time it takes for your service will vary depending on the standing you start with and the standing you choose as your goal. Generally, Neutral to Exalted takes 2-3 weeks to complete.


Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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