WotLK Horde Expedtion Reputation Boost

The Horde Expedition oversees the forces of their faction in Northrend. The Horde Expedition is a union of four factions that joined their forces to wage war against the Scourge. The Horde Expedition has no way to increase the rep of its own, but half of the reputation that you get with Explorer’s League, the Frostborn, the Silver Covenant, and the Valiance Expedition goes to the Horde Expedition as well. This means that if you want to level up your rep with the Horde Expedition to the max level, you’ll need to improve your standing to Exalted with at least two out of four factions or get 42000 reputation points across all four factions.

Luckily, the Horde Expedition is among the factions that you can gain favor with using the championing mechanic. Championing means that if you equip a faction’s tabard in the level 80 Normal dungeon, or any WotLK Heroic dungeon, you will get reputation with that faction. However, if you don’t have any of the tabards equipped, you’ll earn the same amount of rep with the Horde Expedition. This means that leveling rep with them is as simple as spamming Heroic dungeons in Classic Wrath with no tabard equipped.

The Horde Expedition offers many rewards at different reputation levels, but all the meaningful ones become available at Exalted. PvP players will certainly want the permanent head enchant that gives stamina and 25 resilience. This is the only way to empower your head item with resilience meaning that leveling your reputation with Horde expedition is a must if you plan to do competitive PvP activities in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Blacksmiths will definitely want to level this rep for the recipe that will allow them to produce Titanium Plating, another permanent gear improvement that increases the block value of a shield and reduces the duration of Disarm effects by half.

With our WotLK Horde Expedition Reputation Boost, you can swiftly reach Exalted with this faction and have access to all of the rewards it has to offer in Classic Wrath of the Lich King. Rapidly and without any effort get as many reputation points as you like. In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, one of the most sought-after engineering blueprints for Mechano Hog mount is unlocked at Exalted reputation with the Horde Expedition or Horde Expedition.

WotLK Horde Expedition Reputation Boost Includes

This boost will be completed in WotLK Horde Expedtion Reputation BoostPiloted mode.


The time it takes for your service will vary depending on the standing you start with and the standing you choose as your goal. Generally, Neutral to Exalted takes 4-5 days to complete.


Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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