WotLK The Diplomat Title Boost

The Diplomat is the inappropriate name for this position, as the steps you must take to get it have more in common with genocide than diplomacy. Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar, and The Mag’har (for the Horde) or Kurenai (for the Alliance) are the factions with which you must achieve Exalted rank. Gaining favor with the various groups requires an excessive amount of monster farming. Get ready and set aside all your business — the time it takes will be substantial.
If you purchase our WotLK Diplomat Title Boost, our professional boosters will earn the necessary reputation on your behalf. All of our boosters are trustworthy professionals that can help you obtain any available WotLK achievement or title.

WotLK The Diplomat Title Boost Includes


The boost will take 7-14 days.

This boost will be completed in WotLK The Diplomat Title BoostPiloted mode.

Boost Requirements

Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

WotLK Classic The Diplomat Title Boost Explained

To get the WotLK Classic The Diplomat Title Boost, you must become Exalted with the following factions:

  • Sporeggar – the fastest way to farm Exalted is to farm or buy Sanguine Hibiscus for Bring Me a Shrubbery! You gain 750 reputation points for completing this quest, and it can be done multiple times. They can be purchased from the Auction House or simply farmed in the Underbog by gathering them and killing Bog Giants;
  • Timbermaw Hold – when it comes to factions, this one is the most difficult to reach Exalted with. Until you have gathered a sizable quantity of Deadwood Headdress Feather or Winterfall Spirit Beads, day and night furbolg farming will be your only option. You’ll gain 300 reputation with the Timbermaw Hold faction for every five of any item you deliver in. Thus, it is crucial to delay completing the quest cycle until you have earned Revered. Your reputation for slaying furbolgs will grow until Revered.
  • Kurenai/The Mag’har – one is for the Alliance, another for the Horde. You will get a reputation for killing ogres in the Nagrand zone and turn in Obsidian Warbeads that they drop. Every 10 items boost your rep by 500 points.

WotLK Classic is one of the most demanding titles to achieve. Ordering boost, you will not need to spend much time on the grind of monsters. Leave this tedious work for your boosters. Epiccarry will help you with WotLK Classic The Diplomat Title Boost with pleasure.

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