Diablo 4 Forgotten Soul Farm Boost

Forgotten Souls are rare crafting materials used to upgrade and reroll sacred and ancestral gear, which you’ll be doing a lot closer to Diablo IV’s end-game content. Farming Forgotten Souls, however, is a tedious task and requires your full attention as well as some significant time and effort investment: mining Screaming Hell Veins during intense Helltide events, opening Tortured Gifts, slaying elite monsters – all this will test your patience and tolerance for grind mechanics.

Forgotten Souls farming doesn’t have to be so dramatically boring, though. Invest in our Diablo IV Forgotten Souls Boost and enjoy the desired amount of this crucial resource being delivered straight to your character’s inventory. Unleash your character’s immense power and enjoy re-rolling sacred and ancestral items without worrying about grind with EpicCarry!

Service Includes

  • The desired number of Forgotten Souls obtained;
  • Possible Unique and Legendary Gear Pieces acquired;
  • All Gold, Experience Points, and Resources obtained during the boost.

This boost will be completed in Diablo 4 Forgotten Soul Farm Boost | Buy boostPiloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: 2 hours.

Additional Options

Unlock Torment I Difficulty – our booster will complete Tier 20 of the Pit and level up Glyphs for your convenience;
Unlock Torment II Difficulty – our booster will complete Tier 35 of the Pit and level up Glyphs for your convenience;
Unlock Torment III Difficulty – our booster will complete Tier 50 of the Pit and level up Glyphs for your convenience;
Unlock Torment IV Difficulty – our booster will run through Tier 65 of the Pit and level up Glyphs for your convenience;
Add 1 billion Gold – a significant sum of Gold will be shared with your character upon Forgotten Souls Boost completion;
Stream – watch our reliable booster efficiently obtain the desired amount of Forgotten Souls live on Twitch or YouTube from wherever you are.


Torment I Difficulty Unlocked on your Diablo IV Character. Pick the corresponding option if you don’t meet this criteria.
Eternal Main Campaign completed. You may use Diablo 4 Eternal Campaign Boost to achieve it.

How it Works

Enough Forgotten Souls Farmed allows your character to experience everything Diablo IV’s end-game content has to offer, including endless possibilities when toying with ancestral items and unique pieces. The ability to re-roll that single affix that was ruining your gear set’s true damage potential without spending your valuable time scouting possible spawn points and opening every Tortured Gift on the map during Helltide Event is truly wonderful, and we’re here to help you achieve this grind-less nirvana. Purchasing Forgotten Souls from EpicCarry is a great way to elevate your farming efficiency without actually doing said farming! Before we proceed, however, it’s advised to go through the walkthrough below to have a clear understanding of what’s ahead of you:

  1. Pick the difficulty and the Realm of your character, check our requirements for this Diablo 4 Forgotten Souls Farm Service and additional options, and place an order when you’re ready!
  2. Our customer service specialist will promptly contact you to check the order details, payment, and schedule. Our managers strive to be as helpful as they can possibly be, so if you have any unanswered questions regarding your Forgotten Souls Farm Service – this is the perfect moment to inquire;
  3. Once we’ve ensured that everything is a-ok, a reliable booster will be assigned to your Diablo 4 Forgotten Souls Boosting Service. Our team consists of some of the most experienced and capable players out there, so you can be absolutely certain that we’ll farm Forgotten Souls in the most efficient way available in the game. Be advised, however, that only Piloted Boost is available of all methods present on our website No reason to fret, though, our security team is extremely vigilant and will protect your account with their lives;
  4. Once we’re done with your Forgotten Souls Boosting Service, a corresponding message will be sent to you by our manager. You don’t have to open Tortured Gifts and maniacally wait for the next Helltide Event to farm Forgotten Souls – all thanks to our boosters. Keep our material services in mind when hunting for other rare materials such as Veiled Crystals or Obducite – we’ll surely help you out.

Thanks for buying Forgotten Souls from EpicCarry! An essential aspect of our customer service is to always be ready to adjust and improve at our earliest convenience, so if you have some feedback or critique for us – we’ll happily listen you out and do our best to do better.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to obtain Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4?

Helltide events a greatly suited for Forgotten Souls farm. Just focus on collecting enough Aberrant Cinders to open as many Helltide Chests littering the site as you can. Naturally, more Forgotten Souls will be found in said chests if the event’s completed on Torment I – IV World Tier.

If opening Mysteries Chests is not particularly engaging to you, then good old Elite Monsters hunt will do wonders for your Diablo 4 Forgotten Souls reserves. Find Helltide Habringers during the event, or literally just wait for them to come to you by annihilating demons around you.

How do Forgotten Souls change in the Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Expansion?

The core process is still pretty much the same, the only difference is that now you’ll need significantly more Forgotten Souls to craft Mythic Unique Items (5 Forgotten Souls) and upgrade your gems (requires 30 Forgotten Souls along with 100,000 Gem Fragments and 10,000,000 gold to craft).

The drop rate of Forgotten Souls was also improved, though, so all’s not lost.

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