WotLK Salty Title Boost

Did you ever dream of becoming a fisherman? Then your dream comes true. To get the WotLK Salty title, you must catch everything and everywhere. This title will redefine “boring” for you. To get the WotLK Salty title, you must complete an Accomplished Angler meta-achievement. That includes the most “incredible” ones, 1000 Fish, Mr. Pinchy’s Magical Crawdad Box, and The Coin Master. To get all these achievements done, you will need to fish, fish, and fish; when you think you can’t do it anymore, you will be halfway there. But the most challenging achievement is Master Angler of Azeroth. To get it done, you will need to have friends helping you or be the luckiest person in the world. This weekly activity is almost impossible to win due to fierce competition.

WotLK Salty Title Boost is a nice option to keep your normal life AND get the title. Our boosters will get all the requirements and achievements to get the Salty title. We assure you that with the Salty title, everyone with Insane in the Membrane will look like casuals compared to you.

WotLK Salty Title Boost Includes


Boost will take 20+ days; due to unpredictable recipe chance rewards from dailies, it may take more time to get this title;

This boost will be completed in WotLK Salty Title BoostPiloted mode.


Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

WotLK Classic Salty Title Boost Explained

Salty title is an excellent chance to prepare for a world cyber fishing cup. All we will do is just fish, fish, and then fish more, after fish. Here is an exact guy on how to get the Salty title:

  1. Level your fishing to 375+ skills;
  2. Fish in Outland and Northrend;
  3. Fish in Orgrimmar and Stormwind;
  4. Fish all the junk items available in the game;
  5. Cath a rare fish with fishing;
  6. Do the fishing for Barlo daily quests;
  7. Fish Gahz’ranka in ZG;
  8. Fish Mr. Pinchy’s Magical Crawdad Box in Terokkar;
  9. Fish The Lurker Below in SSC;
  10. On desert wish all the coins in the Dalaran fountain;
  11. The last small step is – Win the Stranglethorn Fishing Event.

All is simple – prepare 7-8 seasons of your favorite soap opera, and list your favorite music mixes and films. And start enjoying the fishing. However, if you don’t have 1000 hours of free time, Epiccarry is ready to help you! Our professional fishing experts will complete your WotLK Classic Salty Title Boost.

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