WotLK Profession Leveling Kit

The WotLK Classic professions are a vital part of the whole experience. Professions let players make useable items from resources they find in-game. It’s an additional mode of exploration and engagement with the game’s setting. Professions serve a range of functions, and people can make everything from food to motorcycles using the skills they acquire in their chosen field.

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion continues Burning Crusade Classic’s strong profession system, complete with a wide variety of high-level crafting materials and marketable goods. Inscription and the new Glyphs system are introduced in this expansion, allowing players greater flexibility in modifying their characters’ abilities.
There is no reason to avoid leveling a profession in Wrath of the Lich King Classic other than a lack of time, and we at Epiccarry would like to provide as many means to bypass this obstacle as possible. Which is why we offer our Profession boosting services in WotLK. But many players are reluctant to buy a boost due to concerns about the safety and integrity of their accounts. If you’re one of them, then our Profession Leveling Kit may suit you much better! This is a DIY-boosting solution that will supply you with everything necessary to level up your chosen WotLK profession to the max value of 450.

Our Profession leveling Kit Includes

Our players will assemble and send a package containing all raw resources required to level up a chosen profession via the mail. After you’ve received the package, you will be able to level up yourself, following the guide that we’ll provide.

  • All materials needed to level up a WotLK profession of your choice fully, from skill level 1 to 450*;
  • a detailed instruction list on how to level up any particular profession, including what to craft at which skill level range, locations of profession trainers, recipes;

You will get more materials than necessary to level up. We will include a 15% surplus of every raw reagent just to play it safe and be absolutely sure that you’ll get enough. You’re free to use the leftover materials as you please.

The ETA of the package is roughly 1-2 days.

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