WotLK Thunder Bluff Kodo Mount

In order to win the Thunder Bluff Kodo mount, you must take part in every daily event at the Argent Tournament. It costs 100 Champion’s Seals to purchase this ground mount, or any other mount in the Argent Tournament. The Trial of the Champion dungeon can be found in the Icecrown area of Northrend, northeast of the Icecrown Citadel, and fulfilling daily missions from Argent Tournament NPCs will also reward you with this currency. Common daily objectives involve eliminating a certain number of creatures or looting their corpses for valuable things. It will take a long time to farm enough Seals so that you can buy everything at the Argent Tournament. Expect to spend at least an hour here every day grinding the same foes. You can earn enough Seal money to purchase this mount after questing hard for a week or two. This group has a cap on the number of daily quests you can accept, so advancement is slow.

You can have a member of staff at Epiccarry handle this inconvenient duty for you. With the help of our boosters, we can get the necessary number of Champion Seals in only eight days, allowing us to buy a Thunder Bluff Kodo. If you order from us, Thunder Bluff Kodo will arrive at your stable in a little over a week.

Thunder Bluff Kodo Boost Includes


The boost will take 8-9 days.

This boost will be completed in WotLK Thunder Bluff Kodo MountPiloted mode.

Boost Requirements

Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

How to Get Thunder Bluff Kodo Mount in WotLK Classic

In the version 3.1 patch of Wrath of the Lich King, the Argent Tournament made its debut for the first time as a World Event. According to the lore of the game, the Alliance and the Horde made the decision to host the tournament so that the respective leaders of each faction could determine which members of their armies contained the most capable champions for the task of capturing Icecrown Citadel and eliminating the Lich King. The tournament consists of a variety of different competitions, all of which are appropriate for a medieval joust.

Within the region of the Argent Tournament, Champion’s Seals can be used to purchase a wide variety of different things and horses. In order to receive the Champion’s Seal, one must, among other one-of-a-kind requirements, complete the Trial of Champion on a daily basis. After completing all of the daily objectives and a dungeon, you will receive 13 Champion Seals; however, if you are fortunate enough to receive a drop from the Champion’s Purse, you will receive 14 Champion Seals. Despite the fact that all of the objectives are concentrated in a single region and can be completed in a short amount of time, the time it takes to farm the appropriate number of Champion’s Seals is significant due to the daily cap. It would be a major pain to raise this Argent Tournament mount on your own, but you can get it quickly and easily by purchasing it from a person here who is experienced at farming. The alternative would be to raise it yourself, which would be a major hassle. On the condition that you purchase it from our skilled players who actively engage in farming.

How Do I Get Champion’s Seals in WotLK Classic?

It will take at least 8 days to collect the 150 Argent Tournament Champion’s Seals as the seals come from dailies and Heroic dungeon.

13–14 Champion’s Seals a day are the daily cap before patch 3.2.

After the in Patch 3.2 comes out, the following quests will be added to the game:

This indicates that following the patch, you will be able to collect the necessary number of Seals to purchase the Thunder Bluff Kodo in a span of only five days.

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