So, the last time in the SOD Era, but not the last time in Warcraft, I’ll start a Gold Guide for World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4. You may have a reasonable question: why is this WoW Season of Discovery gold farming guide the last? And I have a reasonable answer. Because, for now, we’re limited to level 60. When you’re limited to level 60, all the limitations in WoW Classic guides become a total waste. Why? All these guides are similar, and even when Blizzard creates any holes or backdoors for creating infinite gold, they always close those backdoors.
Look, when we’re talking about the WoW SOD Guide Phase 4, we mean any Season of Mastery guide. So, for today, we’ll talk about:
- Why Zul’Farrak and Multiboxing Still Rock for Frost Mages
- What Else You Can Farm as a Frost Mage
- What Alchemy Items You Must Farm to Get the Best Money
- What About Arcanite Bars and Arcanite Ore (Joke)
- What Mob Spots You Can Farm to Get Gold
- Any Tricks?
Also, this time I’ll skip the Auction House Arbitrage guide part because this piece of the guide you’re able to learn anywhere else, and it’s always applicable for all realms, for all times, anywhere, anytime!
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Laconically about How to farm Gold with a Frostmage

This guide helps you crush AOE farming as a Frost Mage in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery Phase 4. With talents like Blizzard, Frost Nova, and Cold Snap, you’ll farm mobs, gold, and valuable drops like a pro. Focus on intellect, stamina, and spirit gear, pull mobs with your wand, kite with Frost Nova, and manage cooldowns and mana smartly. Avoid rookie mistakes and use tips like Ice Block and Blink to stay ahead. Find top gold farming spots, keep up with market trends, and leverage crafting and gathering for steady gold income.
Category | Details |
Build Overview | Focuses on AOE farming large groups of mobs. Effective in open-world scenarios and some dungeons. |
Key Talents | 1. Elemental Precision — Reduces spell resistance by 6%. 2. Improved Frost Nova — Reduces cooldown by 4s. 3. Permafrost — Increases chill duration by 1s. 4. Blizzard — Main AOE spell. 5. Improved Cone of Cold — Reduces cooldown. 6. Cold Snap — Resets Frost spell cooldowns. |
Ability Prioritization | 1. Frost Nova — Freezes mobs. 2. Blizzard — Main AOE damage. 3. Cone of Cold — Additional AOE damage. 4. Ice Block — For survival. 5. Ice Barrier — Absorbs damage. |
Gear and Attributes | 1. Intellect — Increases mana and spell crit chance. 2. Stamina — Boosts health for larger pulls. 3. Spirit — Enhances mana regeneration. |
Playstyle and Strategy | 1. Pulling Mobs — Use wand over Frostbolt. 2. Kiting — Utilize Frost Nova and Blizzard. 3. Cooldown Management — Use Cold Snap and Ice Block. 4. Mana Management — Monitor mana, use Evocation and Mana Gems. |
Farming Spots | Opt for areas with dense mob populations close in level for efficiency. |
Common Mistakes | 1. Incorrect mob pulling. 2. Misjudging cooldowns. 3. Poor mana management. |
Advanced Tips | 1. Ice Block — Wait for cooldowns. 2. Blink — Create distance. 3. Polymorph — Control difficult mobs. |
Conclusion | With the right approach, Frost Mages can efficiently farm mobs, making gold and gathering valuable drops. |
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High end locations for Gold Farming by Frost Mage

Today, we’re diving into the best spots for farming gold between levels 50-60 to help you afford that epic mount. This guide is perfect for all classes and races, whether you’re on the Alliance or Horde side. Let’s get into the details!
Location | Mobs | Items to Farm | Gold Potential | Notes |
Iron Tree Woods, Felwood | Toxic Horrors | Essence of Water | 20-30 gold per hour | Check your auction house prices before farming; 10% drop rate. |
Jadefire Run, Felwood | Jadefire Demons (Tricksters, Betrayers, Hellcallers) | Felcloth, Demonic Runes, Runecloth | 35-40 gold per hour | High competition; great for mana users due to demonic runes. |
Crystal Vayne Mine, Stranglethorn Vale | Ironjaw Basilisks | Vendor trash (eyes, tails, scales, hearts), potential rare drops (Staff of Jordan, Basilisk Hide Pants) | 20-25 gold per hour | Consistent spot; higher gold if you have skinning and mining. |
Northern Blasted Lands | Scorpok Stingers, Black Slayers, Snickerfang Hyenas, Redstone Basilisks | Vendor trash, quest items for raid consumables (Scorpok Pincers, Gizzards, Giant Eggs, Snickerfang Jowls, Basilisk Brains) | 30-40 gold per hour | Skinning and mining yield extra gold; good for raid consumables. |
Hatecrest Nagas, Feralas | Hatecrest Nagas | Big-Mouth Clams (chance for Golden Pearls) | Different (potentially high) | Check auction house prices for Golden Pearls; good spot for mages and rogues. |
Spitelash Nagas, Azshara | Spitelash Nagas | Big-Mouth Clams (chance for Golden Pearls) | Different (potentially high) | Higher competition; better for high-level players. |
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Looking to make some serious gold in WoW Classic? Here’s a guide to the most profitable raid consumables and how to farm them efficiently. This guide will help you stay informed, find the best gold farming spots, and maximize your gold potential.
Profitable Raid Consumables
- Flask of the Titans
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Major Mana Potion
- Greater Fire Protection Potion
- Elixir of the Mongoose
Item | Mats Required | Farming Locations | Gold Potential |
Flask of the Titans | Gromsblood (30), Stonescale Oil (10), Crystal Vial (1), Black Lotus (1) | Gromsblood: Felwood, Blasted Lands Stonescale Oil: Azshara (Stonescale Eels from fishing) Black Lotus: Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes | 100-150 gold per flask |
Flask of Supreme Power | Dreamfoil (30), Mountain Silversage (10), Crystal Vial (1), Black Lotus (1) | Dreamfoil: Un’Goro Crater, Azshara, Felwood Mountain Silversage: Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes Black Lotus: Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes | 100-150 gold per flask |
Major Mana Potion | Dreamfoil (3), Icecap (2), Crystal Vial (1) | Dreamfoil: Un’Goro Crater, Azshara, Felwood Icecap: Winterspring, Alterac Mountains | 10-20 gold per potion |
Greater Fire Protection Potion | Dreamfoil (1), Elemental Fire (1), Crystal Vial (1) | Dreamfoil: Un’Goro Crater, Azshara, Felwood Elemental Fire: Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge (from fire elementals) | 5-10 gold per potion |
Elixir of the Mongoose | Mountain Silversage (2), Plaguebloom (2), Crystal Vial (1) | Mountain Silversage: Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes Plaguebloom: Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Felwood | 15-25 gold per elixir |
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Arcanite bars guide

Arcanite Bars are the bread and butter for crafting professions in wow classic season of discovery, turning them into valuable items that can significantly boost your gameplay effectiveness. Whether you’re into tailoring epic armor or swinging massive axes, these bars are your ticket to greatness.
Aspect | Details |
What Are They? | A top-notch crafting material for making epic weapons, armor, and more. |
How to Make Them | Mix one Arcane Crystal with one Thorium Bar via Alchemy. Remember, there’s a 24-hour cooldown! |
Where to Get Materials | Arcane Crystals: Mine these rarities from Rich Thorium Veins in hotspots like Winterspring and Silithus. Thorium Bars: Smelt Thorium Ore, also from Thorium Veins. |
Why They Rock | Essential for epic crafts like the Lionheart Helm and Arcanite Reaper. The cooldown and rarity of materials jack up their value, making them a gold farming treasure. |
Gold/Hour Potential | Around 50-100 gold per hour, depending on server economy and demand for Arcane Crystals and Arcanite Bars. |
High elemental farm

Today, we’re diving into the best spots for farming gold between levels 50-60 to help you afford that epic mount. This guide is perfect for all classes and races, whether you’re on the Alliance or Horde side. Let’s get into the details!
Elemental Type | Primary Drop | Secondary Drops | Gold Potential | Farming Locations |
Fire Elementals | Elemental Fire | Essence of Fire | 10-20 gold per hour | Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Un’Goro Crater |
Water Elementals | Elemental Water | Essence of Water | 20-30 gold per hour | Eastern Plaguelands (Lake Mereldar), Azshara (Bay of Storms), Felwood (Irontree Woods) |
Air Elementals | Elemental Air | Essence of Air | 15-25 gold per hour | Silithus, Arathi Highlands (Circle of West Binding), Thousand Needles (Circle of East Binding) |
Earth Elementals | Elemental Earth | Essence of Earth | 10-20 gold per hour | Badlands (Angor Fortress), Eastern Plaguelands (Earth Circle), Silithus (Crystal Vale) |
Living Elementals | Living Essence | Essence of Undeath | 20-30 gold per hour | Eastern Plaguelands (Noxious Glade), Un’Goro Crater (The Slithering Scar) |
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Other ways to farm gold in World of warcraft: Season of discovery phase 4

Whether you’re grinding mobs in Felwood for valuable materials like Demonic Runes and Felcloth, hunting rare mobs for highly sought crafting recipes in Hearthglen, or farming elemental items in different hotspots, these specific zones will help you accumulate gold efficiently. Stay informed about market trends to enhance your profits, and remember that these spots are great for gathering professions too. No need to rely on buying WoW SOD gold when you can farm valuable resources and deliver epic gear yourself!
Farm Name | Location | What to Farm | Why It’s Great | Gold Potential |
Jadefire Farm Run | Felwood | Demonic Runes and Felcloth | Demonic Runes are consumables for mana users, and Felcloth is needed for valuable tailoring patterns and Mooncloth production. | 20-30 gold per hour, different with luck and economy. |
Twilight Geolords and Avengers | Silithus (post-AQ 40 release) | Encrypted Twilight Texts, Twilight Cultist gear | Texts for repeatable quests for Cenarion Hold rep, Cultist gear for summoning mini-bosses. | Texts and gear pieces sell well on the Auction House. |
Scarlet Spellbinders | Hearthglen in Western Plaguelands | Recipe for Enchant Weapon – Crusader | Crusader enchant is the best melee weapon enchant in the game. | High, as the recipe is rare and in demand. |
Eye of Shadow Farm | South Winterspring and Blasted Lands | Eye of Shadow, Demonic Runes, Runecloth | Eye of Shadow for Benediction/Anathema quest, sells for 500-1000 gold. | Very high if the Eye of Shadow drops. |
SFK Twink Gear | Shadowfang Keep, Silverpine Forest | Assassin’s Blade, Shadowfang, Knight’s Bracers | Top-tier twink items, high demand. | High, with steady demand for twink items. |
Pickpocketing as a Rogue | Scarlet Monastery | Gold, silver, and BOE items from mobs | Easy money with low risk, potential for rare items. | Moderate, different with persistence and luck. |
Elemental Farming | different elemental hotspots | Elemental Fire, Water, Earth, and their essences | Crafting materials for resistance gear and high-demand consumables. | Steady income from essences and elemental items. |
Beast Farming for Gray Drops | Swamp of Sorrows (Jaguars) and Stranglethorn Vale (Basilisks) | High-value gray items | Easy farm with consistent drops. | Moderate, with potential for rare drops like the Chromatic Sword. |
Cloth Farming | Different dungeons and humanoid camps | Cloth from humanoids | Cloth can be turned into bags by tailors, adding value. | Steady, especially with high demand for bags. |
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let’s sum up this WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4 gold farming guide. Even though we’re all capped at level 60, there are still tons of ways to make gold efficiently. This guide has laid out the top spots, tactics, and items to help you rake in as much gold as possible, all without getting too technical.
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- Whether you’re tackling elemental foes in Felwood and Silithus or taking down mobs in Stranglethorn Vale and the Blasted Lands, there’s a spot for every playstyle and class. These areas are rich with goodies like Essences, Demonic Runes, and rare BOE items.
- Focus on items that are in high demand and keep an eye on the market trends to max out your profits. Hotspots like Jadefire Run and the Hatecrest Nagas in Feralas can be gold mines, especially if you land some rare drops like Golden Pearls.
- Each class has its perks for making gold. Frost Mages can dominate with their AOE skills, while Rogues can make a killing pickpocketing in the Scarlet Monastery. Don’t forget, gathering professions like mining and herbalism are gold boosters too, offering up valuable resources like Arcane Crystals and Black Lotus.
- Making high-end raid consumables like Flask of the Titans and Elixir of the Mongoose not only helps with raids but also pads your wallet. Farm the needed materials and smartly use your transmute cooldowns to keep the gold flowing.
Just stick to these strategies, and you’ll find yourself swimming in gold in no time!
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What is the best way to start farming gold in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4?
Start by identifying high-demand items and profitable farming spots. Check the auction house for current market trends to see which items are selling well. Focus on farming areas with high mob density and valuable drops.
Which spots are the best for farming gold between levels 50-60?
Top spots include:
Iron Tree Woods, Felwood: Farm Toxic Horrors for Essence of Water.
Jadefire Run, Felwood: Grind Jadefire Demons for Felcloth and Demonic Runes.
Crystal Vayne Mine, Stranglethorn Vale: Hunt Ironjaw Basilisks for vendor trash and rare drops.
Northern Blasted Lands: Kill Scorpok Stingers, Black Slayers, and Redstone Basilisks for raid consumables and vendor trash.
Hatecrest Nagas, Feralas: Farm Big-Mouth Clams for a chance at Golden Pearls.
How can I maximize my gold potential in these farming spots?
Focus on high-demand items, stay informed about market trends, and avoid overcrowded areas. Utilize your class’s strengths and gather professions like mining and herbalism to boost your gold income.
What are some valuable items to farm in WoW Classic?
Valuable items include Essences (Fire, Water, Air, Earth), Demonic Runes, Felcloth, and rare BOE items like the Staff of Jordan and Basilisk Hide Pants. Crafting materials like Arcane Crystals and Black Lotus are also highly sought after.
How can Alchemy help me make gold?
Alchemy allows you to craft high-value raid consumables like Flask of the Titans and Elixir of the Mongoose. By farming the necessary materials and using your daily transmute cooldowns wisely, you can create a reliable source of income.
What are some common mistakes to avoid while farming gold?
Avoid pulling mobs incorrectly, misjudging cooldowns, and poorly managing your mana. Make sure to pull mobs efficiently, use cooldowns like Ice Block and Cold Snap strategically, and keep an eye on your mana levels.
How can I stay informed about market trends and prices?
Regularly check the auction house for current prices and demand for items. Join WoW forums and communities to stay updated on market trends and farming tips. This will help you adjust your farming strategies to maximize profits.
What professions are best for gold farming in WoW Classic?
Gathering professions like mining and herbalism are excellent for gold farming as they provide valuable resources like Arcane Crystals and Black Lotus. Alchemy is also great for crafting high-value consumables.
Can I farm gold effectively with any class?
Yes, each class has unique advantages for gold farming. For example, Frost Mages excel at AOE farming, while Rogues can make good money through pickpocketing. Tailor your farming strategy to your class’s strengths.
Are there any specific tricks or tips for gold farming?
Yes, use abilities like Ice Block and Blink to manage mob aggro and avoid death. For mages, kiting with Frost Nova and Blizzard is effective. Also, focus on areas with dense mob populations for efficient farming.
Is it worth buying WoW SOD gold?
It’s generally better to farm gold yourself to avoid potential risks and penalties associated with buying gold. Use the strategies and spots outlined in this guide to accumulate gold efficiently.