Season of Discovery Phase 4 Runes Guide – Update Overview

By: friolt
8 min read
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So, the new phase, the new adventures, the new runes. It might not sound like much, but it’s enough to create the new Season of Discovery Phase 4 Runes. We do not include the methods for obtaining these runes because when we created this guide, it was still in the PTR, so not all areas were specified by Blizzard. In any case, you’re welcome, and get ready for the most concentrated and comprehensive information about the new runes in WoW SoD Phase 4! And here we go!

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Wow SoD 4 Druid Runes

Wow Sod Hunter Bis

Get ready to go wild with the new runes dropping in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery. These runes are gonna take your Druid game to the next level with some seriously cool abilities. Check ’em out!

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Improved SwipeCloakSwipe in Cat form is back, and in Bear form, it hits 3 more targets and deals double damage.
Tree of LifeCloakTurn into a Tree of Life, making healing cheaper, boosting party healing and your armor, but no attacking!
StarfallCloakRain down 20 stars over 10 seconds, hitting enemies within 30 yards for some serious Arcane damage.

These runes are all about making your Druid stronger, whether you’re tanking, healing, or dealing damage.

Wow SoD 4 Hunter Runes

Wow Sod Pala Runes

Check out the new Hunter runes for Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! These runes are all about making you an unstoppable force on the battlefield, whether you’re laying traps, shooting arrows, or going full melee. Here’s what’s new:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Improved VolleyCloakVolley gets stronger with each hit, has no cooldown, and costs less mana. Keep that rain of arrows coming!
ResourcefulnessCloakTraps cost zero mana and their cooldowns are shorter. Trap away without a care!
Hit and RunCloakRaptor Strike gives you a speed boost. Hit hard and get out fast!

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These runes will up your game in both ranged and melee attacks.

Wow SoD 4 Mage Runes

Wow Classic Sod Warlock Runes

Mages, get ready to light things up in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! The new runes are dropping some seriously cool abilities that will have you dishing out damage like never before. Check out these awesome new runes and what they can do for you:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Arcane BarrageCloakInstant high arcane damage with a super short cooldown. Hit hard, hit fast!
OverheatCloakFire Blast while casting another spell, no global cooldown, and always crits. Burn everything!
Frozen OrbCloakLaunch a frost orb that damages and snares nearby enemies. Perfect for freezing targets in place.

These runes are all about upping your magic damage and giving you some epic new abilities. Prepare to dominate the next phase with these killer new spells!

Wow SoD 4 Paladin Runes

Paladins, get ready to smash through your enemies with the new runes in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! These runes will boost your holy wrath and make your attacks and defenses even more powerful. Check out the details:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Shield of RighteousnessCloakSlam your shield into the enemy, causing holy damage based on your block value. Short cooldown for maximum smashing!
VindicatorCloakDecrease enemy attack power and boost your own Strength, Agility, and Attack Power by up to 20% for 10 seconds. Get those buffs!
Righteous VengeanceCloakYour Judgement, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, and Holy Shock deal additional damage over 8 seconds. Extra holy damage for the win!

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These runes will turn your Paladin into an unstoppable force of holy power

Wow SoD 4 Priest Runes

Hunter Runes Season Of Discovery

Priests, get ready to take your holy game to the next level in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! The new runes will supercharge your healing and damage abilities, making you an unstoppable force of holy light. Check out the new runes and what they can do:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Binding HealCloakA fast heal that heals both you and a friendly target. Triggers all the cool effects of Flash Heal!
Soul WardingCloakPower Word: Shield now has no cooldown, costs less mana, and is way stronger. Shield up!
Vampiric TouchCloakDamage-over-time spell that returns mana to all party members. Deal damage and keep the mana flowing without any melee critical strike chance dependables, only ranged attack speed with critical strikes, to hill yourself!

These runes are all about boosting your holy spells and making sure your party stays alive and kicking.

Wow SoD 4 Rogue Runes

Druid Runes Sod

Rogues, it’s time to bring the pain in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! The new runes are all about boosting your damage and adding some awesome new abilities to your toolkit. Check out what’s coming your way:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
BlunderbussCloakFire a musket blast at enemies in front of you, dealing solid physical damage. Boom!
Crimson TempestCloakFinishing move that hits all nearby targets with a bleed based on your attack power. More bleeds, more damage!
Fan of KnivesCloakThrow both weapons at all nearby enemies, dealing area effect damage. Slice and dice everything!

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These runes are perfect for ramping up your melee damage and dealing with groups of enemies. Get ready to slice through your foes with these killer new abilities!

Wow SoD 4 Shaman Runes

Deadly Brew Rune

Shamans, it’s time to shake things up in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! The new runes are here to make your elemental attacks and healing even more powerful. Get ready to unleash your iconic abilities and dominate with these awesome new runes:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Storm, Earth, and FireCloakChain Lightning has no cooldown, Earthbind Totem freezes targets, and Flame Shock deals way more periodic damage.
Feral SpiritCloakSummon spirit wolves for 45 seconds. They help you with melee damage and look cool while doing it!
CoherenceCloakChain Heal and Chain Lightning jump to more targets and lose less power with each jump. Keep the heals and damage flowing!

These new runes are perfect for boosting your melee damage, physical damage, and periodic damage. Plus, with instant cast abilities and reduced cast time, you’ll be dishing out the pain and healing your allies in no time.

Wow SoD 4 Warlock Runes

Hunter Runes Sod

Warlocks, get ready to unleash chaos in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery! The new runes are here to amp up your dark magic and destructive abilities. Check out what’s coming your way:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
DecimationCloakYour spells do more damage to low-health targets, and your next Soul Fire is faster and free. Finish them off!
Mark of ChaosCloakShadowburn makes your next single-target spell a guaranteed crit. Big damage, no misses!
Infernal ArmorCloakFor 10 seconds, you take less non-physical damage based on your armor. Tanky warlock, anyone?

These new runes are perfect for dealing massive damage, protecting yourself with armor spells, and increasing your critical strike chance

Wow SoD 4 Warrior Runes

Wow Sod Runes

These new runes will make your attacks hit harder, faster, and leave your enemies stunned and reeling. Check out the awesome new abilities you’ll be getting:

Rune NameSlotInformal Description of the Effect
Fresh MeatCloakBloodthirst hits can enrage you, boosting your damage by 10% for 12 seconds. Hit hard, get angrier!
Sudden DeathCloakMelee crits can let you use Execute on any target, leaving you with 10 rage after. Instant execution time!
ShockwaveCloakStun all enemies in a cone with a physical damage attack. Requires a shield and defensive stance. Boom!

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These runes will boost your melee damage, increase your crit chance, and add some powerful new abilities to your toolkit.


Warrior Sod Runes

Phase 4 of the Season of Discovery brings a fresh wave of exciting content and powerful new runes for every class in WoW Classic. From Druids to Warriors, each class gains unique abilities that significantly enhance their gameplay. Whether it’s the explosive shot-like rain of stars from the Druid’s Starfall or the Warlock’s ability to finish off low-health targets with Decimation, these runes are set to shake up the meta and offer players new strategies and playstyles.

Druids are looking forward to bear form attacks that now hit multiple targets and deal double damage, while Paladins can tap into their holy wrath with abilities like Shield of Righteousness. Hunters will dominate the battlefield with improved volley and traps that require zero mana, ensuring continuous ranged attack speed. Mages, on the other hand, will enjoy instant cast spells like Arcane Barrage, upping their magic damage output.

Wow Sod Runes

In this sod phase, Priests gain powerful new healing and damage spells, making them indispensable in raids and dungeons. Rogues will ramp up their melee damage with abilities like Blunderbuss and Crimson Tempest, perfect for slicing through enemies. Shamans get to summon felguard-like spirit wolves and benefit from increased periodic damage with abilities like Storm, Earth, and Fire. Meanwhile, Warlocks will turn into tanky spellcasters with armor spells like Infernal Armor and critical strike boosting abilities like Mark of Chaos.

Warriors will not be left out as they gain new abilities to increase their crit chance and stun targets with Shockwave, making them even more formidable on the battlefield. These new runes are not just about increased power; they bring a fresh dynamic to the game, encouraging players to discover new tactics and enhance their characters’ abilities.

Wow Sod Runes

With this new content, players can look forward to exploring the sunken temple, tackling new quests, and benefiting from the unique blessings these runes provide. As we gear up for the release date, it’s time to prepare our accounts, plan our strategies, and embrace the new phase 3 abilities that will redefine our WoW Classic experience.

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What are the new runes in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery?

The new runes in Phase 4 bring exciting abilities for every class. Druids get runes like Improved Swipe for better bear form attacks, and Starfall for raining down stars on enemies. Hunters can use Improved Volley and Resourcefulness. Mages get instant cast spells like Arcane Barrage and Overheat. Paladins boost their holy power with Shield of Righteousness and Vindicator. Priests improve healing with Binding Heal and Soul Warding. Rogues get damage-dealing abilities like Blunderbuss and Crimson Tempest. Shamans can summon spirit wolves and cast Chain Lightning with no cooldown. Warlocks gain powerful spells like Decimation and Infernal Armor. Warriors get runes like Fresh Meat and Shockwave to increase melee damage and stun enemies.

How do these new runes affect gameplay in WoW Classic?

The new runes make gameplay more fun and strategic. Warlocks can handle unstable affliction better with Decimation. Paladins can deal more consecration damage. Many classes get additional critical strike chance, changing how battles are fought. Shamans can freeze targets with Earthbind Totem. These changes make playing in the wow sod phase more exciting in comparison to the armor spell for frozen targets and blessing the disarm duration, as it was with only one unstable affliction in previous phases.

Where can I find these new runes?

You can find these new runes in different in-game locations and through specific quests during the wow classic season. Explore new content, dungeons like the sunken temple, and check the preview video and patch notes for details on where to find them.

What changes have been made to existing runes in Phase 4?

Some existing runes from the sod phase 3 runes guide have been updated. This includes rebalancing or renaming runes to fit better with the current game. For example, runes now offer increased crit chance or have abilities adjusted for more impact during play. Molten armor has been improved for both PvE and PvP.

How do I equip and use these runes?

Equip runes in specific slots like cloak or wrist slots. Open your character interface, select the slot, and drag the rune into place. Each rune provides a unique ability, such as immolation aura for Warlocks or additional critical strike chance for many classes. Manage your runes to get the best results in different situations.

Can I transfer runes between characters on my account?

Runes are usually bound to the character that finds or earns them and can’t be transferred to other characters on your account. But having multiple characters with different runes can help you tackle various game challenges. Customize each character with unique blessings and abilities from their runes to enhance your gameplay.

What should I do to prepare for Phase 4?

To get ready for Phase 4, make sure your gear is up to date and your characters are prepared for new challenges. Review the sod phase 3 runes guide to understand current runes and how new ones will fit into your strategy. Watch the preview video for a look at new content and plan your quests. Join the community for tips and tricks to maximize the new runes and abilities.

Are there any special events or bonuses in Phase 4?

Phase 4 includes new events and bonuses that enhance the wow sod phase experience. Participate in special quests, earn unique rewards, and find hidden content. These events help you gain new runes, improve abilities, and earn valuable items. Stay updated with announcements to make the most of these events.
