WoW SOD Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon Guide – Season of Discovery Phase 5

By: friolt
11 min read
Zilbagob Boss Mechanics Wow Sod

So, it finally happened, adventurer! Demon Fall Canyon is here in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 5! It’s time to dive deep into the dark corners of Ashenvale with our semi-guide-semi-overview-semi-loot-treasure map. From this guide, you’ll learn:

  • The location and quest to unlock Demon Fall Canyon
  • All six bosses, including the notorious Hellscream’s Phantom
  • Key dungeon mechanics like fel pools, AoE attacks, and more dread lashers
  • Strategies for each boss, from Grimroot to Diathorus the Seeker
  • Epic loot like the Shadow of Gorehowl and Dreadblade of the Destructor
  • Collecting runes and enhancing your character
  • The lore behind the canyon and its dark history

Also, we’ve got detailed guides for every boss, so check out our blog for more tips and tricks. Good luck in your adventure, hero!


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WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | Overview

Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon Map Wow Sod

Demon Fall Canyon is a new dungeon in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 5. You must finish a quest at level 55 to unlock it. The dungeon has six bosses, and you need to fight them one by one. The final boss is Hellscream’s Phantom, and he drops powerful rewards like a special trinket and epic weapons. Players can also collect a currency called Tarnished Undermine Real from all the bosses.

Dungeon NameDemon Fall Canyon
LocationAshenvale, Southeast
Unlock QuestDemonic Deceptions (Level 55)
Number of BossesSix
Final BossHellscream’s Phantom
RewardsEpic Weapons (Dreadblade of the Destructor, Shadow of Gorehowl), Vampiric Touch Rune
Special MechanicsGreen pools, AOE attacks, Summons
Closest Flight PathTalrendis Point (Alliance), Splintertree Outpost (Horde)

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WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | Entrance

How To Avoid Group-Wide Damage In Demon Fall Canyon

To enter Demon Fall Canyon in Season of Discovery Phase 5, you must complete the attunement quest called Demonic Deceptions. This quest starts at the Shadowtooth Emissary in Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. After collecting Owlbeast Pineal Glands from Berserk Owlbeasts, return to the emissary to receive the Shadowtooth Illusion Ward. Equip your trinket to unlock and enter the dungeon, which is located in Southeast Ashenvale. Once inside, prepare for tough fights, including the first boss, Grimroot, who drops green pools of Corrupted Tears.

FactionClosest FlightpathRoute to DungeonCoordinates
HordeSplintertree Outpost, AshenvaleHead southeast towards Ashenvale, then follow the main path south.Approx. 72.6, 47.1
AllianceTalrendis Point, AzsharaFly to Azshara, then move west into Ashenvale and continue southeast.Approx. 73.0, 45.9

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Enjoy your journey to this brand-new dungeon and be ready for unique challenges and formidable bosses in future phases!

WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | Attunement

Wow Demon Fall Canyon Hidden Loot Locations

To enter Demon Fall Canyon in Season of Discovery Phase 5, you’ll need to finish the Demon Fall Canyon Attunement. This requires completing the quest Demonic Deceptions, which you can start in Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Collect Owlbeast Pineal Glands from the owlbeasts, return to the Shadowtooth Emissary, and get your trinket. Equip the trinket to unlock the dungeon and enter. Once inside, prepare for bosses like Grimroot and Destructor’s Wraith who drop green pools and deal heavy AoE damage!

Quest NameRequirements
Demonic DeceptionsCollect 6 Owlbeast Pineal Glands from Berserk Owlbeasts in Winterspring.

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Complete these quests, gear up, and conquer this brand-new dungeon in SOD Phase 5!

WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | runes

Hellscream’s Phantom Mechanics Wow Sod

In Demon Fall Canyon, you can collect special runes dropped by the bosses. These runes give your character new powers and are very helpful in Season of Discovery Phase 5. The final boss, Hellscream’s Phantom, drops the Vampiric Touch rune for Priests. Other bosses drop runes for different classes, so make sure to defeat them all to collect these important rewards.

ClassRune NameBoss/Source
PriestVampiric Touch/ Aperitive EpiphanyHellscream’s Phantom

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WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | bosses

Wow Sod Grimroot Strategy Tips

In Demon Fall Canyon, you will fight six bosses. Each boss looks different and is tough to beat. Work with your group to take them down.

Boss List

  1. Grimroot — A big tree monster, very slow but strong.
  2. Destructor’s Wraith — A giant metal creature that burns everything.
  3. Zilbagob — A sneaky imp riding a goblin machine.
  4. Azgaloth — A huge demon with fire all around him.
  5. Pyranis — A druid who controls dangerous plants.
  6. Diathorus the Seeker — A dark, shadowy demon that uses magic.

Be ready to fight these powerful enemies!

Wow Sod 5 Grimroot Guide

Best Party Setup For Demon Fall Canyon Wow Sod

Meet Grimroot, the slowest and grumpiest tree you’ll ever fight in Demon Fall Canyon. Think of him as that one uncle who insists on gardening but gets angry if you step on his lawn. He’ll drop green goo everywhere and occasionally throw a fit, but don’t worry — just keep your distance, and you’ll be fine!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
Corrupted TearsDPS/AllAvoidGreen puddles, don’t stand in them — they hurt!
Tender’s RageTankKiteHe gets mad and chases you — just keep running!
GloomDPS/HealsKickInterrupt this or your healer will have a bad time.
Poisoned SaplingDPSKillSprouts little trees — chop them down fast!

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With these tips, you’ll have Grimroot trimmed and ready for the compost heap in no time!

Wow Sod 5 The Desctructor’s Wraith Guide

Diathorus The Seeker Abilities Guide Wow Sod

Meet The Destructor’s Wraith, a massive fire-spitting machine that clearly missed the memo on playing nice. This guy loves leaving burning trails everywhere, like a grumpy robot having a bad day. Don’t stand in the fire unless you want to learn what crispy feels like!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
Destructor’s DevastationDPS/AllAvoidFire lines in front and back — don’t be in them!
Nether NovaAllRunBig explosion — get away from the boss fast!
Destructor’s SmashTankSoakHeavy hit on the tank, stay strong!

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Work together, avoid the fire, and give The Destructor’s Wraith a well-deserved shutdown!

Wow Sod 5 Zilbagob Guide

How To Defeat Pyranis In Demon Fall Canyon Wow

Meet Zilbagob, the most annoying imp who thought it’d be fun to pilot a giant Goblin Shredder. If you’ve ever thought, “Can an imp get any more dangerous?” the answer is yes, especially when they’re armed with flaming kicks and spinning blades. Stay alert or you’ll get roasted by his Kerosene Kick!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
Kerosene KickDPS/HealsAvoidBig fire attack — don’t get kicked and roasted!
Chaos ChopperDPS/TankAvoidSpinning attack — stay clear of the blades!

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Stay mobile, dodge the flames, and you’ll send Zilbagob crashing in no time!

Wow Sod 5 Pyranis Guide

Meet Pyranis, a druid who’s way too friendly with mushrooms. He’s hiding out in Demon Fall Barrow, summoning nasty plants and covering the place with fog. Think of him as a crazy gardener who lost control of his garden. Stay alert or you’ll be tripping over fungi!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
Summon Dread FungusDPSKillWatch out for exploding mushrooms — take them out fast! Summon Dread Fungus
Summon Dread LasherDPS/AllKillThese plants heal each other, get rid of them quickly!
Enshrouding FogDPS/AllOtherFog makes Pyranis go invisible — clear the Lashers to get rid of it!

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Be ready to clear out the dangerous plants and stay away from the fog.

Wow Sod 5 Diathorus the Seeker Guide

Meet Diathorus the Seeker, a Dreadlord who’s trying really hard to burn everything down while tossing dark magic at your face. He’s hiding deep in the Barrow Den, and if you love dodging fire and shadow bolts, this one’s for you. He has two phases, so get ready to face him twice as angry!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
Shadow BoltDPS/TankKickStop his magic from hurting everyone!
Carrion SwarmDPS/AllAvoidDon’t stand in the swarm, it stinks!
Veil of ShadowHealersKickReduces healing, make sure to stop this one!
Mannoroth’s FuryDPS/AllAvoidFire on the ground, don’t roast yourself!
Berserker ChargeTank/DPSCC/MoveDodge his charge or be stunned, not fun!

Just keep your eyes peeled for fire and shadow, and kick him where it hurts (his spells)!

Wow sod 5 Azgaloth guide

Azgaloth, the pit lord, is ready to roast your party with some serious firepower. But don’t worry, once you’ve got your trinket equipped and keep dodging his big attacks, he’s just a glorified barbeque pit. Make sure your party members stay alert, or they’ll end up as toasted as Felwood’s trees!

Ability NameWho Focuses On ItHow to Beat ItInformal Commentary
Bounding ShadowDPS/HealersAvoidAzgaloth’s sneaky shadow trick—dodge it like a Mourning Guardian on a bad day!
CrippleHealersHealThis slows everyone down and messes with your party. Healers, keep that healing trinket equipped!
Nether StrikeTankSoakBig hit—tanks soak it up like pros. Make sure you’re dealing damage while staying sturdy!
Rain of FireAllAvoidLarge flaming AoE—move or get cooked. Seriously, avoid standing in this or you’ll take a decent chunk of damage!
Umbral SlashDPSKickKick this to save your tank from dealing with more damage than Grimroot’s small rage moments.
War StompAllSpreadGroup-wide damage—spread out, or you and your party will be stomped flat like Felwood mushrooms!

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Wow Sod 5 Hellscream’s Phantom Guide

Meet Hellscream’s Phantom, the ghost who just can’t let go! He’s the spirit of Grommash Hellscream, and he loves to summon shadows of himself to make your life harder. Just remember—don’t stand too close to the shades or you’ll get spooked!

Ability NameFocusHow to BeatCommentary
SpiritstormAllAvoidAvoid the spinning shades, or get dizzy!
FearTankCCTanks, be ready to taunt after this fear!
Summons ShadesDPSKillMore Hellscreams, just what we needed… kill them fast!

WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | Loot table

Dreadlashers Wow Demon Fall Canyon Add Control

In WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon, players can loot powerful items such as the Hands of Temptation (cloth armor), Spear of Destiny (polearm), Shadow of Gorehowl (two-handed axe), Dreadblade of the Destructor (two-handed sword), Accursed Chalice (trinket), and many more, including weapons, armor, rings, and trinkets that enhance different stats and abilities.

Hands of TemptationCloth Armor
Spear of DestinyPolearm
Burning Ring of FireRing
DreamboughOff-hand Frill
Accursed ChaliceTrinket
Cloak of LeavesCloak
Resin LoopRing
Germinating PoisonseedTrinket
Warsong AxeOne-Handed Axe
Gloaming TreeheartTrinket
Miniaturized Fire ExtinguisherTrinket
Phaseshifted Legion BandRing
Repurposed ShredderbladeTwo-Handed Sword
Supercharged Silver MoebiusRing
Shredder Operator’s DogtagsAmulet
Woodcarved MoonstalkerTrinket
Cenarion Ritual DaggerDagger
Thorned BootsLeather Armor
Druidic MantleLeather Armor
Dark Heart of DarknessTrinket
Dreadlord’s BladeOne-Handed Sword
Nathrezim’s GreavesPlate Armor
Robes of EluneCloth Armor
Shield of Life and DeathShield
Fallen Huntress’ LongbowBow
Shadow of GorehowlTwo-Handed Axe
Legguards of SacrificeMail Armor
Mask of the GodslayerLeather Armor
Nightmare GownCloth Armor
Cold EmbraceTrinket
Aperitive Epiphany PriestTemporary Item Enhancement
Dreadblade of the DestructorTwo-Handed Sword

WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon | Lore

Demon Fall Canyon, located in Southern Felwood, is a corrupted battlefield where the Burning Legion once clashed with Azeroth’s forces. Though the demons were defeated, their fel magic continues to twist the land. The canyon is now home to deadly creatures, from dread lashers to powerful bosses that threaten to break free.

At the first split in the path, heroes will face Grimroot, a twisted guardian who must be kited to avoid his fel pools. Further in, Zilbagob, an imp piloting a goblin shredder, adds heavy firepower to the already chaotic fights. Azgaloth, a massive pit lord, uses large flaming AoEs and summons more dread lashers to make things even harder for adventurers.

Deeper in the canyon, Diathorus the Seeker leads the charge, casting dangerous spells and warping the battlefield. His tactics involve summoning dread lashers and forcing groups into line-directly AoE attacks. The final showdown is against Hellscream’s Phantom, a shadowy figure who summons shades to overwhelm party members. This new version of the canyon demands quick reflexes and tight coordination to stop the Legion’s lingering forces.


Where Is Demon Fall Canyon Located In Wow

In WoW SOD 5 Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon, players will face a series of tough bosses, each dropping powerful loot like epic weapons and trinkets. The dungeon is set in Southern Felwood, a once-battlefield now corrupted by fel magic. From Grimroot’s fel pools to Azgaloth’s flaming AoEs, every boss fight offers unique challenges, including summoning dread lashers and adding heavy firepower with imp-piloted machines.

To succeed, players must be ready to kite, avoid standing in dangerous areas, and deal with group-wide damage. The final battle against Hellscream’s Phantom requires teamwork and fast reactions, as his shades can overwhelm the group. The canyon’s loot includes items like the Shadow of Gorehowl, Dreadblade of the Destructor, and powerful trinkets that will make your party even stronger.

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Where is Demon Fall Canyon located?

It is located in Southern Felwood, in Ashenvale.

How do I unlock the Demon Fall Canyon dungeon?

You must complete the quest “Demonic Deceptions” at level 55 to get a trinket that unlocks the dungeon.

How many bosses are there in Demon Fall Canyon?

There are six bosses in total.

Who is the final boss in Demon Fall Canyon?

The final boss is Hellscream’s Phantom.

What kind of loot can I get from this dungeon?

You can get epic weapons, trinkets, and powerful armor like the Dreadblade of the Destructor and Shadow of Gorehowl.

What special mechanics should I be aware of?

Watch out for fel pools, large AoE attacks, and bosses that summon more dread lashers.

How should I prepare for the boss fights?

Stay mobile, avoid standing in dangerous areas, and be ready for group-wide damage.

What is the special currency dropped by the bosses?

The bosses drop Tarnished Undermine Real, a special currency for upgrades.

What runes can I collect in this dungeon?

You can collect class runes, including the Vampiric Touch rune for Priests.

Any tips for the final fight with Hellscream’s Phantom?

Be ready to avoid his shades and handle group-wide fear effects.
