WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline Guide

By: friolt
20 min read
Wow Anachronos Npc Location

This isn’t just any quest line; it’s your chance to unlock the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, one of the rarest mounts in the game, and to earn the Scarab Lord title. It’s a huge achievement that will have everyone in Azeroth noticing you. Here’s what you need to know to get started:

  • The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal isn’t just a mount; it’s a massive badge of honor. Only the bravest and most dedicated players can get it.
  • From raiding to grinding and gathering allies, each step in this quest line will push you to your limits. We’ll break down every phase so you know what to expect.
  • The Scarab Gong only stays open for a short time. Miss it, and you miss your chance forever.
  • Follow our advice to avoid common mistakes and keep your guild on your side as you take on this massive quest.

If you’re ready to go all-in for WoW’s most legendary prize, this guide is for you.

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WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline | Overview

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So, you wanna be a Scarab Lord? Hope you’ve got a lot of time and patience, buddy, because this questline is a doozy. This isn’t your average walk in the park; it’s a marathon through a swamp filled with quicksand! You’ve got quests that require an army, items that’ll make your wallet cry, and a tight window to nail it all if you want that sweet, sweet mount. Ready to dive into a legendary grind? Buckle up, ’cause we’re going in!

Here’s the breakdown of all the madness you’ll need to tackle to get your hands on that epic title and mount:

StageQuestsKey Actions & RequirementsRewards & Shoplist
IntroductionWhat Tomorrow Brings, Only One May Rise, The Path of the RighteousStart as Hated, talk to dragons, kill a bunch of bugs, and raid Blackwing Lair for a head!Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer, 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments
Reputation GrindThe Hand of the Righteous (Repeatable)Farm Silithid Carapace Fragments till you’re blue in the face, aim for Neutral with Brood of Nozdormu41,400 Fragments for full rep grind
Diving DeeperAnachronos, Long Forgotten Memories, The Charge of the DragonflightsMore chatting with dragons and checking out shiny crystalsChoose a ring, no direct rewards but progress!
Scepter Shard QuestsDifferent quests across three lines (Red, Green, Blue)Raid bosses, travel across the world, gather loads of tough itemsScepter Shards, epic loot choices from quests
The Final CountdownThe Might of Kalimdor, Bang a Gong!Literally bang a gong after all that grindingThe Scepter of the Shifting Sands, Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Post-VictoryTreasure of the Timeless OnePick your epic loot as a new Scarab LordFang of Korialstrasz or other epic items

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Don’t forget, this is one of WoW’s most infamous grinds. You’ll need tons of items like Arcanite Bars, Elementium Ore, and all sorts of rare gems. Plus, tons of time, a dedicated guild, and maybe a pinch (or pound) of luck. Ready to tackle this beast?

WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline | Shopping list

Wow Items Needed For Scarab Lord

e’re talking epic grind mode here, where you gotta hustle hard for a stash of high-ticket items to get that legendary status in WoW. We’re talking long nights, raid coordination, and a heck of a lot of teamwork. This is your quest line haul to become the ultimate Scarab Lord. Time to stock up, warrior!

Here’s the loot list you’ll need to stack up:

Arcanite Bar20Super pricey bars crafted by alchemists, needed for the heavy-duty quests.
Elementium Ore10Rare ore, mostly dropped in Blackwing Lair. Time to raid!
Azerothian Diamond10Sparkly and expensive, these gems aren’t just pretty—they’re quest essential.
Blue Sapphire10Another set of shiny rocks to keep your quest rolling.
Goblin Rocket Fuel20For when you need to go boom or zoom. Crafted by engineers.
Deeprock Salt20Common yet necessary for those quirky quest recipes.
Chimaerok Tenderloin20Tough meat from tough beasts on the Isle of Dread. Better bring friends.

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Remember, these items are just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll be dealing with dragons, diving into dungeons, and duking it out in raids to get your hands on these materials. Prices on these babies will skyrocket once the quest kicks off, so start gathering ASAP! And don’t forget, you’re not just grinding these for kicks—you’re crafting a legend.

How to get Chimaerok Tenderloin Guide

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let’s talk about the legendary pain in the butt that is Chimaerok Tenderloin. Part of the grind to earn your stripes as a Scarab Lord, snagging these tenderloins is no picnic. Found on the big, bad Chimaeroks lurking around the Isle of Dread in Feralas, these chunks of meat are your ticket to completing a piece of the Blue Scepter Shard quest line. These elite dinosaurs aren’t just wandering around waiting to be your dinner—they’re tough, they hit hard, and if you’re planning to solo this, you’d better be geared to the teeth… or just bring some mates, seriously.

Arcane Chimaerok60 – 62FeralasA H1 out of 1100%Elite
Chimaerok60 – 61FeralasA H1,791 out of 7,38224%Elite
Chimaerok Devourer61 – 62FeralasA H1 out of 520%Elite
Lord Lakmaeran62FeralasA H69 out of 46615%Elite

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WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline | All quests guide

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If you ever dreamt about strutting around as a Scarab Lord or nabbing that ultra-rare Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount, you better buckle up, ’cause this ain’t no casual stroll through the park. You’re gonna need a mountain of time, a legion of guildies ready to grind their faces off, and some serious commitment. Let’s just say, it’s hardcore.

Quest NameQuick What-to-Do Guide
What Tomorrow BringsFind Anachronos at the Caverns of Time, get ready to be hated by Brood of Nozdormu.
Only One May RiseRAID TIME! Go smash Broodlord Lashlayer in Blackwing Lair and nab his head.
The Path of the RighteousCollect 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments, because fun, right?
The Hand of the RighteousKeep collecting those fragments, again and again, till you’re buddy-buddy with Nozdormu.
Long Forgotten MemoriesFind a tiny crystal at Silithus, touch it, quest done.
A Pawn on the Eternal BoardWitness a historical event at Silithus, try not to get whacked.
The Charge of the DragonflightsChat up Anachronos again; no actual quest, just lore stuff.
Nefarius’s CorruptionMore RAIDING! Kill Nefarian within 5 hours or get taunted via in-game mail.
The Nightmare’s CorruptionTravel across the world, collecting more fragments. Pack snacks and a tent.
The Nightmare ManifestsDefend Moonglade from baddies in a RAID, get a Green Scepter Shard.
Azuregos’s Magical LedgerChat with a ghost in Azshara, get a ledger, wonder why you’re doing this.
Translating the LedgerIt’s a bunch of go-here, talk-to-this-guy quests. Keep at it for a Blue Scepter Shard.
The Wrath of NeptulonRAID time again! Summon a giant shark, try not to drown.
Bang a Gong!Hit a gong, literally, but only if you’re first or it’s pointless.
The Might of KalimdorNo real quest, just get your epic Scepter of the Shifting Sands.
Treasure of the Timeless OneChoose a cool weapon, because you’ve earned it after all this.

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 What Tomorrow Brings guide

Wow How To Farm Arcanite Bars

This quest kicks off your journey with Baristolth at Cenarion Hold in Silithus, sending you to meet a dragon (Anachronos) who’s just chilling by the Caverns of Time in Tanaris. All you need to do is stroll up to him (don’t attack the dragon, obviously) and then head back to Baristolth. This little back-and-forth gets you on the Nozdormu faction’s radar—but don’t expect love right away; you start at Hated.

Start with BaristolthCenarion Hold, SilithusAccept quest100 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Find AnachronosCaverns of Time, TanarisApproach Anachronos to completeQuest marked as completed
Return to BaristolthCenarion Hold, SilithusHand in quest3 gold, 96 silver

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Only One May Rise guide

How To Summon Maws In Wow

For this quest, you need to get yourself into Blackwing Lair, find Broodlord Lashlayer, and take his head (yep, literally). But heads up — you’ll need a full raid team since only one head drops per week. Be ready for some serious team coordination and maybe even a little drama over loot. After you get the head, go back to Baristolth to complete the quest.

Start with BaristolthCenarion Hold, SilithusAccept the quest200 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Go to Blackwing LairBlackwing Lair, Raid DungeonDefeat Broodlord LashlayerHead of the Broodlord Lashlayer
Return to BaristolthCenarion Hold, SilithusHand in the quest with the head3 gold, 96 silver

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Path of the Righteous guide

Wow Lord Lakmaeran Location

In this part of WoW SoD, you’re grinding for reputation. Here’s what you need to do — collect Silithid Carapace Fragments from bugs in Silithus over and over. Each turn-in gives 200 reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu. You’ll keep turning in fragments until you’re Neutral with them. This quest is a real grind — you’ll need 41,400 fragments to reach Neutral!

Quest Start/EndBaristolth of the Shifting Sands, Silithus
Repeatable QuestYes
Fragments Needed200 Silithid Carapace Fragments per turn-in
Reputation Gained200 per turn-in (220 for Humans)
Final GoalReach Neutral with Brood of Nozdormu
Total Fragments Needed41,400 (37,600 if Human)

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Hand of the Righteous guide

Wow Blue Scepter Shard Boss Fights

In this WoW SoD quest, your job is to keep collecting 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments over and over and turning them in. Each turn-in boosts your reputation by 200 with the Brood of Nozdormu. This grind keeps going until you reach Neutral. It’s a tough, long repeat of collecting and turning in, but it’s the only way forward in the Season of Discovery.

Quest Start/EndBaristolth of the Shifting Sands, Silithus
Repeatable QuestYes
Fragments Needed200 Silithid Carapace Fragments per turn-in
Reputation Gain200 reputation per turn-in (220 if Human)
Final GoalReach Neutral with Brood of Nozdormu
Total Fragments Needed41,400 (37,600 if Human)

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Long Forgotten Memories guide

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This part of the Season of Discovery quest line has you visiting the Scarab Wall in Silithus, finding a red crystal, and doing a bit of backtracking with Anachronos in Tanaris. It’s all about unlocking the story and preparing for the big stuff ahead in Warcraft Discovery.

Quest Start/EndAnachronos, Tanaris, at /way 63.4, 50.0
Location to VisitScarab Wall in Silithus
Find CrystalSmall red crystal (Crystalline Tear) at /way 28,89
Key ReminderStay near crystal for story event to complete
ReturnHead back to Anachronos in Tanaris
Rewards50 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu; 30 gold
Next StepsGet ready to collect Red, Green, and Blue Scepter Shards!

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 A Pawn on the Eternal Board guide

Wow Anachronos Brood Of Nozdormu

After clicking the crystal in Silithus, you’ll get a cool story moment—don’t move too far, or you’ll have to redo it! Once done, head back to Anachronos in Tanaris for a reward and some more reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu. This quest is all about filling in some lore to set you up for the next stages of the Scepter journey in Warcraft Discovery.

Quest Start LocationCrystalline Tear, Silithus, at /way 28,89
What to DoClick on the crystal, stay close for the event to finish
Important ReminderDon’t leave until the quest marks as “completed”
Quest End LocationReturn to Anachronos, Tanaris, at /way 63.4, 50.0
Rewards100 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu; 30 gold
Next StepsTalk to Anachronos for “The Charge of the Dragonflights” quest

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Charge of the Dragonflights guide

Wow Ten Hour War Explained

Super simple! After finishing “A Pawn on the Eternal Board,” talk to Anachronos again in Tanaris. There’s no battle or tasks here—just a quick interaction that gives a bit of story and 10 reputation with Brood of Nozdormu. Easy step, but it sets you up for the next stage in the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline in Warcraft Discovery.

Quest Start LocationAnachronos, Tanaris, /way 63.4, 50.0
What to DoTalk to Anachronos to get the quest
Key TipNo fighting or traveling needed—just accept and complete
Rewards10 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Next StepsPrepare for the next phase: collecting the Scepter Shards

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Nefarius’s Corruption guide

Wow Season Of Discovery Phases

For this part of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, you’ll need to gather a big raid and fight Nefarian in Blackwing Lair. Talk to Vaelastrasz the Corrupt to start the quest, then get ready for a tough raid. You only have 5 hours to kill Nefarian, and he only drops one Red Scepter Shard. If you fail, you’ll have to wait a whole week to try again. Once you succeed, return to Anachronos in Tanaris to turn in the quest!

Quest Start LocationVaelastrasz the Corrupt, Blackwing Lair
ObjectiveDefeat Nefarian within 5 hours to get Red Scepter Shard
Reward500 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Item RewardChoice between Onyx Embedded Leggings or Amulet of Shadow Shielding
Quest End LocationAnachronos, Tanaris
Important TipOnly one shard drops per kill, so plan ahead with your raid

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Nightmare’s Corruption guide

Wow Reputation Farming Guide

This quest is all about getting four pieces of the Nightmare’s Corruption from portals guarded by tough elites in Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands, and Duskwood. For the last portal in Duskwood, bring a big raid because the Twilight Corrupter is no joke. Once you’ve got all four fragments, go back to Keeper Remulos in Moonglade to finish up!

Quest Start/EndKeeper Remulos, Moonglade
ObjectiveCollect 4 Nightmare’s Corruption fragments from portals in Ashenvale, Feralas, Hinterlands, and Duskwood
Reward25 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu and Cenarion Circle; 6 gold, 60 silver
Important TipBring a full raid for Duskwood’s Twilight Corrupter boss fight

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Nightmare Manifests guide

Wow What Tomorrow Brings Quest

In this quest, you’re defending Keeper Remulos in Moonglade from waves of nightmare creatures until Tyrande shows up. You’ll need your full raid team for this, and if anyone important (like Remulos or Eranikus) dies, you’ll fail the quest.

Quest Start/EndKeeper Remulos, Moonglade
ObjectiveDefend Keeper Remulos against nightmare waves until Tyrande arrives
RewardsGreen Scepter Shard, 30 gold, choice of Drake Tooth Necklace or Drudge Boots
Important TipsKeep Remulos, Eranikus, and Tyrande alive, stay close to Remulos, and don’t leave the area

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Azuregos’s Magical Ledger guide

Wow Only One May Rise Quest

For the Azuregos’s Magical Ledger quest in WoW Season of Discovery, you need to find the Spirit of Azuregos in Azshara to get the Magical Ledger. This starts a big quest chain to earn the Blue Scepter Shard. You’ll be traveling a lot and completing various tasks for Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.

Quest Start/EndStart: Spirit of Azuregos, Azshara — End: Narain Soothfancy, Tanaris
ObjectiveSpeak to Spirit of Azuregos to get Magical Ledger
Reward10 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu, 30 gold
Next StepsTake Ledger to Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris
TipsAzuregos is rarely up, look for the Spirit if he’s not there

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Translating the Ledger guide

Wow Path Of The Righteous Quest

For the Translating the Ledger quest in WoW Season of Discovery, Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris takes the Magical Ledger you got from Azuregos and sets you on a new path. This part is just about delivering the ledger, but once it’s done, Narain gives you three different quests that you need to complete to get the Blue Scepter Shard.

Quest Start/EndNarain Soothfancy, Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris
ObjectiveTurn in the Magical Ledger to Narain
Reward10 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Next StepsNarain gives three quests: Stewvul, Ex-B.F.F., Never Ask Me About My Business, Draconic for Dummies
TipsYou can do these three quests in any order

After this, it’s off to tackle Narain’s tasks to finally get that Blue Scepter Shard

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Wow The Nightmare'S Corruption Guide

You’ll need a big raid team (at least 20 players). Once Maws is summoned, he’s tough — he attacks fast and deals heavy damage, especially near the end of the fight. If you beat him, you get the Blue Scepter Shard! After that, head to Anachronos in Tanaris to finish the quest and claim your rewards.

Quest StartNarain Soothfancy, Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris
Quest EndAnachronos, Tanaris
ObjectiveUse Arcanite Buoy to summon and defeat Maws in Bay of Storms
Group20+ players recommended for raid
Key MechanicsMaws gets faster every 25 seconds, Tranquilizing Shot removes Frenzy
Final PhaseMaws casts Dark Water, dealing heavy damage below 20% health
RewardBlue Scepter Shard, choice of special gear, 500 reputation

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Bang a Gong! Guide

Wow Moonglade Raid Event

In Wow Sod: Season of Discovery, the final moment in the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line is Bang a Gong! When you reach the Scarab Gong in Silithus, if you have the Scepter, you ring it to unlock the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. This action starts the Ten Hour War, a limited-time event where the gates are open, and only those who turn in the quest within this time can earn the epic Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount.

Quest Start/EndScarab Gong, Silithus
ObjectiveUse the Scepter to ring the Scarab Gong
RequirementGates of Ahn’Qiraj must still be closed
Ten Hour WarAfter the first ring, 10-hour timer for all players
RewardBlack Qiraji Resonating Crystal and 500 Reputation

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 The Might of Kalimdor guide

Wow Ahn'Qiraj Gates Requirements

In Wow Sod: Season of Discovery, The Might of Kalimdor is the grand reward quest for those who complete the long Scepter of the Shifting Sands journey. Once you finish all previous quests, head to Anachronos to get the Scepter itself — the ultimate prize for all your efforts.

Quest Start/EndNarain Soothfancy, Tanaris
ObjectiveReceive the Scepter of the Shifting Sands
RequirementComplete previous quest stages
Reward500 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu, Scepter of the Shifting Sands

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 6 Treasure of the Timeless One

In Wow Sod: Season of Discovery, Treasure of the Timeless One is a reward quest after the big gong is rung. Only the Scarab Lord gets this special quest. Jonathan the Revelator shows up near the Scarab Gong to hand out powerful items from the Bronze Dragonflight.

Quest Start/EndJonathan the Revelator, Silithus
ObjectiveTalk to Jonathan after the gong rings
Reward500 Reputation with Brood of Nozdormu
Reward OptionsChoose one: Fang of Korialstrasz, Shadowsong’s Sorrow, Runesword of the Red, or Ravencrest’s Legacy

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WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline | Reputation Grind guide

Wow Jonathan The Revelator Location

If you thought the prep was tough, wait till you hit this stage. It’s about as fun as watching paint dry, but way more frustrating. You’ll be knee-deep in Silithid parts, and buddy, it’s a slog. This part is all about proving your worth to the Brood of Nozdormu by farming tons of little bug bits to turn in for rep. It’s the true test of whether you’ve got the chops (and the sheer stubbornness) to become a Scarab Lord.

Quest NameWhat to DoRepeat?Rep Gain
The Path of the RighteousCollect 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments from any Silithid in Silithus.No200
The Hand of the RighteousSame deal: collect 200 more fragments. Get used to it, you’ll do this a lot.Yes200

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Use the Agent of Nozdormu and Proxy of Nozdormu wisely to multiply your efforts. These can let your buddies help collect fragments faster, but be careful who you trust with it.

Starting from Hated, you’re going to need about 42,000 rep to hit Neutral. That’s over 200 turn-ins. Yes, you heard that right. And each turn-in requires 200 fragments. Simple math? You’re in for a long ride.

The Three Scepter Shard guide

Wow Most Legendary Quest Lines

If you thought snagging that Scarab Lord title was gonna be a breeze, think again. This part? It’s like a triathlon meets a treasure hunt but with way more dragons and a lot less breathing room. You’ll be running around like a headless chicken, bouncing between raid bosses, elite mobs, and some serious travel time. Each shard—Red, Green, and Blue—has its own mini saga that will test your patience, your guild’s coordination, and probably your sanity.

Shard ColorKey QuestsChallengesMust Know
RedNefarius’s CorruptionBeat a 5-hour timer to kill Nefarian in Blackwing LairOnly one shard drops; major coordination required.
GreenThe Nightmare ManifestsDefend Nighthaven, don’t let key NPCs dieShared credit, heavy on raid defense tactics.
BlueAzuregos’s Magical Ledger & subsequent questsLong quest chain involving multiple raids and puzzlesMost complex, involves crafting and strategic gathering.

The final Stage guide

It’s your last chance to become a legend, the coveted Scarab Lord. This stage is less about the grind and more about being in the right place at the right time with the right people. If you’ve got the full scepter, you get to bang the gong and open the gates of Ahn’Qiraj, which kicks off a server-wide event known as the Ten Hour War. Here’s the catch: You’ve only got 10 hours post gong-bang to grab your Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal before it’s bye-bye forever.

Quest NameQuest LocationKey ActionsRewards
The Might of KalimdorNarain Soothfancy, TanarisBasically, just show up with the scepter.The Scepter of the Shifting Sands
Bang a Gong!The Scarab Gong, SilithusBang the gong, start the Ten Hour War, become a Scarab Lord.Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, ultimate bragging rights
Treasure of the Timeless OneJonathan the Revelator, SilithusChoose your epic reward.One of four epic weapons

WoW SoD The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline | Rewards

Wow Rare Mounts Guide

It’s all for a shot at becoming a Scarab Lord and snagging that slick Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal. It’s not just a mount, it’s a status symbol that screams, “I conquered this insane challenge!” If you’re all about epic achievements and have a solid crew ready to roll, this quest line is your jam.

Quest NameReward
Bang a Gong!Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
Treasure of the Timeless OneFang of Korialstrasz, Shadowsong’s Sorrow, Runesword of the Red, or Ravencrest’s Legacy

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The Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line is one of the most challenging, intense, and legendary journeys in World of Warcraft. It offers players the chance to earn the prestigious Scarab Lord title and the ultra-rare Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount. This quest requires a high level of dedication, time, resources, and teamwork.

To begin this journey, players start with reputation quests that demand endless grinding, collecting thousands of Silithid Carapace Fragments to gain favor with the Brood of Nozdormu. This step alone is a daunting task, involving repeated raids and collection missions that test patience and endurance.

The core of the quest line is about obtaining three Scepter Shards — Red, Green, and Blue — each protected by dangerous foes and lengthy challenges. For the Red Shard, players must face Nefarian with a strict five-hour timer. The Green Shard involves defending key NPCs against relentless attacks, while the Blue Shard requires complex quests and extensive travel across Azeroth, involving both strategy and puzzle-solving.

In the final stage, players with the full scepter can bang the Scarab Gong in Silithus, opening the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj and initiating the Ten Hour War. This limited-time event is the last step toward earning the exclusive mount and completing the Scepter of the Shifting Sands journey.

Overall, this quest line is not for the faint of heart. It calls for considerable time, expensive materials, and a dedicated guild.

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What is the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line?

It’s a long, challenging quest line in World of Warcraft that allows players to become a Scarab Lord and earn the rare Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount by opening the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj.

What’s the first step in the quest line?

You start with quests like “What Tomorrow Brings” and “Only One May Rise,” which involve meeting NPCs, fighting in raids, and beginning your reputation grind with the Brood of Nozdormu faction.

How long does it take to complete the quest line?

It’s hard to predict an exact time, but it can take weeks or even months due to the time-consuming reputation grind, coordination for raids, and gathering rare items.

How do I earn reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu?

You need to repeatedly collect and turn in Silithid Carapace Fragments, especially in quests like “The Path of the Righteous” and “The Hand of the Righteous.” You need about 41,400 fragments to reach Neutral reputation.

What are the Scepter Shards, and how do I obtain them?

There are three Scepter Shards — Red, Green, and Blue. Each shard has its own unique and difficult quests involving raids, boss fights, and heavy teamwork. You need all three shards to complete the scepter.

What’s the most challenging part of the quest line?

The entire quest is difficult, but key challenges include the reputation grind, the Red Shard’s five-hour timed raid against Nefarian, and the complex series of tasks for the Blue Shard.

Do I need a guild to complete the quest line?

Yes, teamwork is essential. Many parts, especially the raid bosses and massive fragment collection, require a full guild or highly coordinated group.

What’s the purpose of the Scarab Gong?

Once you complete the scepter, you can bang the Scarab Gong in Silithus to open the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj. This triggers the Ten Hour War event, which is the final step to become a Scarab Lord and earn the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal.

What is the Ten Hour War?

The Ten Hour War is a server-wide event triggered by ringing the gong. It lasts for 10 hours and allows players who completed the quest line to claim their rewards, including the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal.

Can I complete this quest line solo?

No, many parts of the quest require a group, especially for the raids and collecting rare materials.

How much does this quest line cost?

Completing this quest line can be expensive. You’ll need rare items like Arcanite Bars, Elementium Ore, and various gems, all of which can cost a lot in the in-game economy.

What rewards do I get from completing this quest line?

The main rewards are the Scarab Lord title and the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount. You can also choose from several powerful weapons in the final stages.

What’s special about the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount?

It’s an exclusive mount that can only be obtained by completing this quest line during the Ten Hour War. It’s a major status symbol in World of Warcraft.

Are there shortcuts to completing the quest line?

Unfortunately, no. Each part of the quest is designed to be challenging and time-consuming. The only way to complete it is through hard work, commitment, and teamwork.

How rare is the Scarab Lord title?

It’s one of the rarest titles in World of Warcraft, as it requires completing one of the game’s most difficult and lengthy quest lines within a limited time frame.
