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The Pre Astyanax IV is a Legendary Energy Combat Bow that you can get from the Nightfalls matches. You will need to wait for weekly rotation and play until you can get the desired weapon version. To increase your chances, you can play at Grandmaster Nightfalls. To get other copies, you can go into the Tower and speak to Zavala to buy more Pre Astyanax IV for the 1 Vanguard Engram, 25 Legendary Shards, and 20,000 Glimmer, but it works if you already have your first normal version. You can get the Adept version only from the Grandmaster Nightfalls, and Adept costs more. Prepare to spend a lot of time on the farm, especially if you want to get the desired God Roll version.
Save time and effort, just buy the Destiny 2 Pre Astyanax IV weapon Boost, and we will complete all the requirements. Out pro players have a huge experience in Destiny 2 activities, and they know how to get the desired weapon as fast as possible.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 1-4.
Estimated Completion Time:
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep expansion.
You need to have your first weapons version if you want to get more of the Pre Astyanax IV in your collection.
1990+ Power Level and 2020+ Power Level for the Adept weapons version. If you want to increase your current Power Level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service.
Farming the Nightfalls can be a difficult task, especially if you need to repeat it to get the God Roll version. Play until you can finally get the first normal version. Then you farm more weapons or buy them from the Zavala for the 1 Vanguard Engram, 25 Legendary Shards, and 20,000 Glimmer. To get the Pre Astyanax IV Adept version, you will need to farm the Grandmaster Nightfall, and when you receive this version of the Pre Astyanax IV, you can also buy more but for more resources. Skip the boring farming and buy the Destiny 2 Pre Astyanax IV weapon Carry. our pro team will complete all the hard work to unlock this Exclusive Combat Bow in your collection, and you will also get the Exotic Gear chance. Service is available on all platforms, but if you play on PS or Xbox platforms, you will need to enable the Cross Save function, and our PC player can start fulfilling your order faster. Follow the detailed instructions on how to place an order below:
If you have some problems or questions, you can always write in our Discord Server or online chat, customer support staff work around the clock and are ready to assist you at any time.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
You will need to go into the Nightfalls and farm this activity until you can finally get your first normal version. Then, you can continue farming or buy more versions to unlock the God Roll in the Tower from Zavala. If you want to get the Pre Astyanax IV Adept version, prepare to spend some time at the Grandmaster Nightfalls and you need the 2020 Power Level. To make things easier, you can gather an experienced team and equip your best gear, but anyway you will spend a lot of time. After obtaining your first Adept version, you can also buy more from the Zavala.
You can get the random rolls of the Solar damage Legendary Combat Bow with such perks:
Pick the Flexible String or Elastic String perks for Bowstring, and for the Arrow, you need to get the Straight Fletching to upgrade the accuracy and handling stats. The best option in the first perk slot for PvE is Archer’s Tempo. For the second perks slot, you can choose between the Precision Instrument or Successful Warm-Up. To increase the precision DMG after dealing with the sustained DMG, pick the Precision Instrument. The Successful Warm-Up is good for increasing the draw speed after final blows. For Masterwork in PvE, you need to find the Draw Time, which is very useful. You can switch some of the perks to get the best God Roll version for your Guardian.
For PvP in the Bowstring slot, you need to get the Polymer String, and for Arrow, find the Straight Fletching that will increase accuracy and handling. In the third column, you need to get the Perpetual Motion to gain more reload speed, stability, and handling, which is perfect for PvP activities. In the fourth column, pick the Opening Shot, which improves accuracy and range for 3,1 seconds after the opening shot. In the Masterwork slot, try to find the Accuracy or Handling as the best options in the PvP. Gather the best God Roll version for your play style.
Select your platform, additional options, and the desired number of the Pre Astyanax IV, and decide on how many Guardians you want to get a boost on the right side of the screen. Next, you need to click on the Buy Now buttons, select one of the preferred payment methods, and proceed with the payment to place the order. We will get in touch with you in 3-10 minutes after payment to speak about service details and set a perfect date and time for a boost. The boosters start working on grind, and if you need, you can also add the Power leveling option. When our pro team completes all requirements, and the Pre Astyanax IV appears in your arsenal, you will get the notification and can equip this bow to your character and enjoy other rewards. Don’t hesitate to buy the Destiny 2 Pre Astyanax IV Boosting and unlock the desired version of the bows without hassle.
Yes, when you place your order, our support team will contact you to find out the most convenient service schedule. You will know the exact date and time when we are making the farm, and at the same time, you can play in your favorite activities. When the Pre Astyanax IV Carry is completed, you will get the notification and can log in to your account to equip this Combat Bow for your character.
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