WotLK Loremaster Title Boost

You must complete the Loremaster achievement to get the WotLK Loremaster title. This is one of the quest achievements. It will require you to complete almost all the quests on all continents – Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and Northrend. Total will need to be done more than 2700 quests. At first sight, it may not look hard to achieve. However, we assure you that this is not an easy task, especially if you are a new player. Overall it may take up to 100 hours of playing.

Ordering WotLK Loremaster Title Boosting service with Epiccarry, your order will be done by one of our boosting experts that knows how to make all the quests completed. WotLK Loremaster Boost is an excellent option to save your time and get a fantastic title.

WotLK Loremaster Title Boost Includes


Boost will take 10-12 days;

This boost will be completed in WotLK Loremaster Title BoostPiloted mode.


Level 80 character. Use our WotLK leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

WotLK Loremaster Achievement Boost Explained

To complete the Loremaster WotLK Classic, you must do the quests on each continent. Some parts of WotLK Loremaster continent achievements will require you to complete a big bulk of quests, like Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, but some are zoned on divided into fewer parts like Outland and Northrend:

  • Kalimdor – requires 550 quests for the Horde and 700 for the Alliance;
  • Eastern Kingdoms – requires 550 quests for the Horde and 700 for the Alliance;
  • Outland – requires 595 quests for the Horde and 568 for the Alliance:
    • Hellfire Peninsula – 90 for the Horde and 80 for the Alliance;
    • Zangarmash – 54 for the Horde and 54 for the Alliance;
    • Terrokar Forest – 68 for the Horde and 63 for the Alliance;
    • Nagrand – 87 for the Horde and 75 for the Alliance;
    • Blade’s Edge Mountains – 86 for the Horde and 86 for the Alliance;
    • Netherstorm – 120 for the Horde and 120 for the Alliance;
    • Shadowmoon Valley – 90 for the Horde and 90 for the Alliance.
  • Northrend – 875 quests for both Alliance and Horde factions:
    • Borean Tundra – 150 for the Horde and 130 for the Alliance;
    • Howling Fjord – 105 for the Horde and 130 for the Alliance;
    • Dragonblight – 130 for the Horde and 115 for the Alliance;
    • Grizzly Hills – 75 for the Horde and 85 for the Alliance;
    • Zul’Drak – 100 for both factions;
    • Sholazar Basin – 75 for both factions;
    • Storm Peaks – 100 for both factions;
    • Icecrown – 140 for both factions.

As you see, Blizzard prioritized quest creation for the Alliance side in Vanilla. However, the situation became equal in the later contents of the World of Warcraft game.

WotLK Classic Loremaster achievement has a random completion time as it may require 100-120 hours of playing, depending on your faction. Ordering WotLK the Loremaster Boost, your service will be done by a professional player who has completed more than a thousand quests and is a WotLK Classic the Loremaster boost expert. Just order WotLK the Loremaster title boost on our website and get one of the best in-game titles for the best price!

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