Season of Discovery BlackRock eruption Event Guide

By: friolt
6 min read
Wow Sod Event Schedule

Each time Blizzard introduces a new World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase, it brings a new PvE or PvP event. There were Nightmare Incursions. There was the Ashenvale PvP event. And now the time has come for the Season of Discovery: Blackrock Eruption event. It looks familiar but combines elements of the PvE and PvP events from previous phases. So, it’s time to create our unique, comprehensive SoD Blackrock Eruptions guide. From it, you’ll learn about:

  1. What you need to do in the WoW SoD Blackrock Eruption event.
  2. PvE nuances.
  3. How many and what daily quests you have to farm in this World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4 Blackrock Eruptions event.
  4. What associated factions are near the Blackrock Eruptions.
  5. Rewards.

And, of course, interesting and boring facts about the Blackrock Eruptions in the WoW SoD lore! So without further ado, let’s get erupted!

Wow Sod BlackRock eruption | Overview

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The Blackrock Eruption is a brand new event in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery. Every 2 hours from midnight, this event kicks off and lasts for 60 minutes. When active, you’ll find daily quests in Searing Gorge for the Thorium Brotherhood, making it easier to gain reputation with them. New NPCs spawn, and the environment changes, adding excitement to the area. Remember, this is still being tested, so more details will come soon!

Event TimingEvery 2 hours, lasting 60 minutes.
LocationSearing Gorge and Blackrock Mountain.
Daily QuestsAvailable at Thorium Point, giving reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood.
New NPCsSpawn in Searing Gorge during the event.
Environmental ChangesOccur in Searing Gorge while the event is active.
PvP Buff in Searing GorgeEruption! buff – no honor gained from PvP combat.
PvP Buff in Blackrock MountainHot Blooded buff – 300% increased honor from PvP kills.
New GraveyardAdded in Blackrock Mountain, outdoor only.
Reputation GainEasier reputation farming with Thorium Brotherhood through daily quests.
Additional RewardsDaily quests reward gold and Firelands Ember.

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Wow Sod BlackRock eruption | Quests

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During the Blackrock Eruption world pvp event, you can do special daily quests in Searing Gorge in wow classic season of discovery phase 4. These quests help you gain reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood and Hydraxian Waterlords. Here are the quests and what you need to do!

Quest NameRewardTask
More Like Lame-bringers2 Firelands Ember, 200 RepSlay Flamebringer Defenders and Elementalists.
Priority Target: Duke Searbrand2 Firelands Ember, 200 RepDestroy Duke Searbrand in the Slag Pit Caves.
Priority Target: Duke Tectonis2 Firelands Ember, 200 RepDestroy Duke Tectonis near Blackrock Mountain.
Sleepless Nights1 Firelands Ember, 200 RepDrink Dreamjuice and slay 5 Flamebringer Stalkers.
Work Smarter, Not Harder90 Gold, 300 RepSlay Obsidian Surgers and bring back Power Cores.
Oh, Shiny!1 Firelands Ember, 150 RepGather 8 Flamestone Clusters from Dark Iron Slavers.
Grinding Them Down1 Firelands Ember, 200 RepSlay 12 Obsidian Reavers in Searing Gorge.

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Wow Sod BlackRock eruption | Firelands Ember Guide

Wow Sod Pvp Buffs

Firelands Ember is a special item you can collect during the Blackrock Eruption new world event in Phase 4. You get it by completing daily quests in Searing Gorge. Here’s how you can farm it and what you can use it for!

  • Do Daily Quests — Complete quests at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge.
  • Fight Enemies — Defeat mobs and complete tasks given by NPCs.
  • Event Participation — Join the Blackrock Eruption event every 2 hours to find more quests.

What You Can Spend Firelands Ember On

Thorium Brotherhood ReputationTrade Ember to gain reputation points.
Hydraxian Waterlords ReputationIncrease your reputation with this faction.
Cosmetic TrinketsGet cool-looking items for your character.

Wow Sod BlackRock eruption | Associated factions

Wow Sod Faction Rewards

In the Blackrock Eruption event, you can work with special factions to earn rewards and reputation. These factions include the Thorium Brotherhood and the Hydraxian Waterlords. Completing quests for them helps you gain access to new items and boosts your reputation to earn a mottled bood raptor in wow sod phase 4.

Faction NameHow to Gain ReputationRewards and Benefits
Thorium BrotherhoodComplete daily quests in Searing Gorge during the event.Reputation, new dungeons, loot drops, additional challenges. Some rewards to onyxia’s lair attunement.
Hydraxian WaterlordsComplete daily quests and defeat enemies in Searing Gorge.Reputation, cosmetic trinkets, access to world events.

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Wow Sod BlackRock eruption | Rewards

Wow Sod Blackrock Eruption Guide

During the Blackrock Eruption world event, you can earn lots of cool rewards by helping out two groups called factions. These are the Thorium Brotherhood and the Hydraxian Waterlords. When you do quests for them, you earn points to get even cooler stuff like recipes for making things, armor, and more!

Here’s a list of some of the rewards you can get from these factions:

Recipe: Transmute Elemental FireThorium BrotherhoodFriendly12
Plans: Dark Iron BracersThorium BrotherhoodHonored7
Formula: Enchant Weapon – StrengthThorium BrotherhoodHonored3
Pattern: Molten HelmThorium BrotherhoodRevered16
Plans: Dark Iron DestroyerThorium BrotherhoodExalted22
Plans: Fiery Chain ShouldersThorium BrotherhoodExalted20
Plans: Icebane BracersHydraxian WaterlordsRevered7
Pattern: Polar BracersHydraxian WaterlordsExalted7
Pattern: Glacial WristsHydraxian WaterlordsExalted20

These rewards help you make your character stronger and cooler looking in the game. You can use these to make new weapons, armor, and even magic items.


The Blackrock Eruption event in Phase 4 of the Season of Discovery brings an exciting blend of PvE and PvP action to World of Warcraft. Every two hours, players can dive into this dynamic event, which unfolds in the iconic locations of Searing Gorge and inside Blackrock Mountain. With new daily quests, environmental shifts such as the burning steppes and flame shock effects, and unique buffs, the event keeps players thoroughly engaged.

By participating in this event, you can earn Firelands Ember, a valuable currency used to boost your reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood and Hydraxian Waterlords. This reputation farming opens up new opportunities for acquiring powerful gear, crafting recipes, and cosmetic trinkets. The full collections interface makes managing these new assets straightforward and satisfying. Whether you are slaying enemies with enhanced melee abilities or completing quests that test your spellcasting tweaks, there’s always something rewarding to do.

The event’s associated factions offer a rich variety of rewards, from recipes and plans to enchanting formulas and patterns found deep within Blackrock Depths or the tainted scar. These items help enhance your character’s abilities and appearance, preparing you for future challenges such as those in Molten Core or against foes like Doom Lord Kazzak. For example, earning enough reputation can unlock access to new dungeons and loot drops, adding even more depth to your gameplay experience.

Overall, the Blackrock Eruption event is a fantastic addition to WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery. It not only encourages players to engage in both PvE and PvP activities but also offers valuable rewards and enriches the game’s lore and environment with references to legendary locations and characters such as Atal’alarion’s enchanted boulder or the golden sabercat with a shadow word.

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What is the Blackrock Eruption event?

The Blackrock Eruption is a new event in Phase 4 of the Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft. It features a mix of PvE and PvP activities, taking place in Searing Gorge and inside Blackrock Mountain. This event blends the original version of classic gameplay with new challenges and adjustments.

When does the event occur?

The event occurs every two hours from midnight and lasts for 60 minutes.

What can I do during the event?

You can complete daily quests, battle new NPCs, and experience environmental changes. The event also features special PvP buffs and opportunities to earn valuable currency called Firelands Ember.

What is Firelands Ember, and how do I earn it?

Firelands Ember is a special currency earned by completing daily quests in Searing Gorge. It can be used to boost your reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood and Hydraxian Waterlords, allowing you to acquire powerful gear, crafting recipes, and cosmetic trinkets. This includes items like the florescent green mechanostrider and the mottled blood raptor.

What are the PvP buffs in the event?

  • In Searing Gorge: You receive the Eruption! buff, which means you gain no honor from PvP combat.
  • In Blackrock Mountain: You get the Hot Blooded buff, which grants 300% increased honor from PvP kills.

What rewards can I earn from the event?

You can earn a variety of rewards, including:

  • Recipes for crafting items
  • Enchanting formulas
  • Tailoring patterns
  • Cosmetic trinkets
  • Access to new dungeons and loot drops

Which factions are involved in the event?

The two main factions involved are:

  • Thorium Brotherhood: Complete daily quests in Searing Gorge to gain reputation and unlock rewards such as new dungeons and loot drops.
  • Hydraxian Waterlords: Gain reputation by completing quests and defeating enemies, earning cosmetic trinkets and access to world events.

What are some key locations related to the event?

The event takes place in:

  • Searing Gorge: For daily quests and reputation farming.
  • Blackrock Mountain: For enhanced PvP combat and additional challenges.

Will there be updates to the event?

Yes, the event is still being tested on the PTR, and more details will be added as they become available. Expect future updates to expand the content and introduce new challenges and rewards.

How does the event enhance my gameplay experience?

The Blackrock Eruption event provides a variety of activities that combine PvE and PvP elements. It offers valuable rewards, boosts your character’s abilities, and enriches the game’s lore with references to legendary locations and characters. Whether you enjoy combat, crafting, or exploring, there’s something for everyone. This includes gaining access to places like Timbermaw Hold, participating in events at Argent Dawn, and battling through the Storm Cliffs.

What are some specific rewards I can get?

Some examples of rewards include:

  • Recipe: Transmute Elemental Fire (Thorium Brotherhood, Friendly, 12 Ember)
  • Plans: Dark Iron Bracers (Thorium Brotherhood, Honored, 7 Ember)
  • Pattern: Glacial Wrists (Hydraxian Waterlords, Exalted, 20 Ember)