World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Guide

By: friolt
6 min read
Wow Sod 4 Daily Quests

Each time Blizzard unveils a new World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase, we’re treated to thrilling new challenges. We’ve navigated Nightmare Incursions, clashed in the Ashenvale PvP event, and now it’s time to delve into the Season of Discovery: Hydraxian Waterlords. This event merges the best elements of previous PvE and PvP phases, creating a rich, dynamic experience. Welcome to our comprehensive SoD Hydraxian Waterlords guide, where we’ll cover:

  • Essential actions and goals within the WoW SoD Hydraxian Waterlords event.
  • Key PvE strategies and nuances specific to the event.
  • A breakdown of the daily quests essential for advancing in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords.
  • Details on the factions associated with the Hydraxian Waterlords and their role in the broader game.
  • The exciting rewards awaiting those who excel in these challenges.
  • Engaging (and some less-than-engaging) lore details about the Hydraxian Waterlords within the WoW SoD narrative.

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Wow SoD Hydraxian Waterlords | Overview

How To Gain Reputation With Hydraxian Waterlords

The Hydraxian Waterlords are a group of elementals who are enemies of the fire lord Ragnaros. They live on a faraway island near Azshara. Duke Hydraxis is their leader and will give you quests to help fight in the Molten Core raid. You need to be at least level 55 to start doing quests for them.

LocationRemote island off the southeast coast of Azshara
LeaderDuke Hydraxis
Main EnemiesRagnaros and his fire elementals
Starting LevelLevel 55
Reputation GainingPrimarily through killing specific elementals and completing certain quests
QuestsIncludes quests like Stormers and Rumblers, Poisoned Water, Eye of the Emberseer, The Molten Core, Agent of Hydraxis, and Hands of the Enemy
RewardsItems like Aqual Quintessence and Eternal Quintessence, which are needed for extinguishing flames in Molten Core and summoning Majordomo Executus
Reputation TiersDifferent tiers from Neutral to Exalted, with increasing reputation gained from killing elementals and bosses
Special RewardAt Revered, you can obtain Eternal Quintessence, which has a permanent use

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This guide will help you understand how to raise your reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords and gain powerful rewards for your efforts.

Wow SoD Hydraxian Waterlords | Quests

Wow Duke Hydraxis Location

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you will find many fun and exciting quests! You can talk to Duke Hydraxis on a faraway island in Azshara to start your adventures. These quests will help you fight Ragnaros and his fiery friends and gain special rewards.

Quest NameWhat to DoRewards
Stormers and RumblersKill 15 Dust Stormers and 15 Desert RumblersExperience and gold
Poisoned WaterUse the special item on bad elementals and get 12 Discordant BracersExperience and gold
Eye of the EmberseerGet the Eye of the Emberseer from Upper Blackrock Spire and bring it to Duke HydraxisExperience and gold
The Molten CoreKill a Molten Giant, Firelord, Ancient Core Hound, and Lava SurgerExperience and gold
Agent of HydraxisEarn Honored reputation with Hydraxian WaterlordsReputation and gold
Hands of the EnemyGet the hands of Shazzrah, Lucifron, Gehennas, and Sulfuron from Molten CoreAqual Quintessence
A Hero’s RewardDo tasks for Duke Hydraxis and get a big rewardOcean’s Breeze or Tidal Loop, and at Revered, Eternal Quintessence

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In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you will have a great time completing these quests and earning amazing rewards!

Wow SoD Hydraxian Waterlords | Ways to obtain reputation

Season Of Discovery Phase 4 Quests

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you can gain reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords by defeating different types of elementals. It’s a fun way to show your strength and earn cool rewards!

Elemental NameWhat to DoReputation Gained
Desert RumblerFind and defeat Desert Rumblers in Silithus5 reputation points until Honored
Dust StormerHunt down Dust Stormers in Silithus5 reputation points until Honored
Greater Obsidian ElementalBattle Greater Obsidian Elementals in Burning Steppes5 reputation points until Honored
Lord IncendiusFight Lord Incendius in Blackrock Depths15 reputation points until Revered
Ancient Core HoundDefeat Ancient Core Hounds in Molten Core20 reputation points until Revered
Lava SurgerTake down Lava Surgers in Molten Core20 reputation points until Revered
FirelordVanquish Firelords in Molten Core20 reputation points until Revered
Pyroguard EmberseerKill Pyroguard Emberseer in Upper Blackrock Spire20 reputation points until Revered
Huricanian (Rare)Track and defeat Huricanian in Silithus25 reputation points until Revered
Molten DestroyerEliminate Molten Destroyers in Molten Core40 reputation points until Revered
Lava PackFight Lava Reaver, Lava Elemental, Flameguard, and Firewalker in Molten Core40 reputation points until Revered
LucifronDefeat Lucifron in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
MagmadarVanquish Magmadar in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
GehennasBattle Gehennas in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
Garr          Take down Garr in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
Baron GeddonDefeat Baron Geddon in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
ShazzrahEliminate Shazzrah in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
Sulfuron HarbingerVanquish Sulfuron Harbinger in Molten Core100 reputation points until Exalted
Golemagg the IncineratorDefeat Golemagg the Incinerator in Molten Core150 reputation points until Exalted
RagnarosBattle and defeat Ragnaros in Molten Core200 reputation points until Exalted

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In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you will have lots of fun defeating these elementals and earning reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords!

Wow SoD Hydraxian Waterlords | Rewards

Season Of Discovery Phase 4 Overview

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you can earn amazing rewards by gaining reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords! The more reputation you earn, the better the rewards you can get. Here are some of the cool rewards you can look forward to:

Reward NameWhat It DoesHow to Get It
Ocean’s BreezeA special item with awesome powersComplete A Hero’s Reward quest
Tidal LoopAnother special item with cool abilitiesComplete A Hero’s Reward quest
Aqual QuintessenceUsed to extinguish flames in Molten CoreComplete Hands of the Enemy quest
Eternal QuintessenceA permanent version to extinguish flames fasterReach Revered with Hydraxian Waterlords

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In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hydraxian Waterlords, you will love getting these fantastic rewards as you earn more reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords!


Wow Sod 4 Faction Reputation Tips

The Hydraxian Waterlords are a group of elementals fighting against the fire lord Ragnaros. They are led by Duke Hydraxis, who gives players challenging quests with great rewards. You can take on quests like Stormers and Rumblers, Poisoned Water, and The Molten Core to earn rewards and build your reputation with this unique group.

Hydraxian Waterlords Reputation Wow

To become friends with the Hydraxian Waterlords, you need to defeat various elementals, and each one gives you points. The prizes for gaining reputation are awesome, including items like Ocean’s Breeze, Tidal Loop, and especially Aqual Quintessence and Eternal Quintessence. These are very important for doing well in the Molten Core raid.

Whether you’ve played a lot or are new to World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4, the Hydraxian Waterlords event is full of fun stories, exciting quests, and great rewards. Jump into the game, complete the quests, beat the elementals, and enjoy the awesome rewards that come with making friends with the Hydraxian Waterlords.

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What is the Season of Discovery: Hydraxian Waterlords event?

The Season of Discovery: Hydraxian Waterlords is a special event in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 4. It features a mix of PvE and PvP elements, offering new quests, challenges, and rewards.

Who are the Hydraxian Waterlords?

The Hydraxian Waterlords are a group of elementals who fight against the fire lord Ragnaros. They are led by Duke Hydraxis and reside on a remote island off the southeast coast of Azshara.

How do I start quests with the Hydraxian Waterlords?

You need to be at least level 55. Visit Duke Hydraxis on the island near Azshara to begin your quests.

What types of quests are available?

Quests include Stormers and Rumblers, Poisoned Water, Eye of the Emberseer, The Molten Core, Agent of Hydraxis, and Hands of the Enemy. These quests help you gain experience, gold, and reputation.

How can I gain reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords?

You can gain reputation by defeating different types of elementals and completing quests. Each elemental gives different amounts of reputation points.

What rewards can I get from the Hydraxian Waterlords?

Rewards include special items like Ocean’s Breeze, Tidal Loop, Aqual Quintessence, and Eternal Quintessence. These items help you in the Molten Core raid.

What is Aqual Quintessence?

Aqual Quintessence is an item used to extinguish flames in the Molten Core raid. You get it by completing the Hands of the Enemy quest.

What is Eternal Quintessence?

Eternal Quintessence is a permanent version of Aqual Quintessence. You can get it by reaching Revered reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords.

What are the benefits of gaining reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords?

Gaining reputation unlocks powerful items and rewards that are essential for progressing in the Molten Core raid and making your character stronger.
