World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Runes Guide

By: friolt
22 min read
Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Availability

Runes are a big part of Season of Discovery Phase 7, and they’re here to make your gameplay more exciting. They are important for two reasons. First, runes give your class new powers or make your abilities stronger. Second, they help you level up faster and handle tough challenges. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How the new Rune Broker Vendor works.
  • Which runes are best for each class and role.
  • Tips to boost new characters (alts) with runes.
  • How to avoid problems with game discoveries when using vendor runes.

We’ll also explain:

  • What makes runes so special for your character.
  • How to combine runes for the best results.
  • A simple guide to finding and using runes.

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World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Runes | Overview

Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Rune Locations

In Phase 7 of WoW Season of Discovery, runes are now easier to access thanks to the new Rune Broker Vendor. You can buy all class runes at level 1 in every starting area. This change helps you supercharge your characters quickly, especially your alts. Runes give unique powers to your class, but some game discoveries may not work properly if you buy rune abilities from the vendor. Blizzard is planning to improve this later. Get ready to boost your characters and explore new adventures with these runes!

Rune Broker VendorFound in every starting area. Gives access to all class runes from level 1.
Benefit for New CharactersMakes it faster and easier to gear up alts or mains that missed previous rune unlocks.
Potential IssuesSome discoveries may not work properly if related runes are bought. Fixes will come later.

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World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Runes | No new runes?

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Restock

There are no new runes added in Phase 7 of the Season of Discovery. However, the Rune Broker Vendor is now available in starting areas. Players can get all class runes from level 1, which helps them supercharge their characters (alts or mains). Be aware—some runes might affect discoveries in the game. More updates and surprises could come later in the phase!

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World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Runes | Rune broker vendor changes

Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Rune Strategies

The Rune Broker Vendor is now in every starting area! Players can buy all class runes from level 1, which helps to supercharge new characters (alts) or mains that missed unlocking runes. Be careful—some runes from the vendor may cause problems with game discoveries, but fixes are planned. These changes make it easier for everyone to enjoy runes in Phase 7.

Wow Sod 7 Druid Runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Inventory

Druids in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have many runes that can enhance their roles as tanks, healers, or damage dealers. You can buy these runes from the Rune Broker Vendor in starting areas or discover them while playing. Each rune gives unique abilities, like improving spells or making forms stronger. Below is a table with all Druid runes, grouped by where they are engraved.

BeltBerserkMakes abilities hit multiple targets and reduces costs for Bear and Cat Forms.
EclipseBoosts Starfire and Wrath damage and crit effects.
NourishHeals more if other healing-over-time effects are active on the target.
BootsDreamstateIncreases mana regen and boosts Arcane/Nature damage after critical hits.
King of the JungleBoosts all physical damage and grants extra Energy.
Survival InstinctsGrants extra health and improves healing or resource regen based on form.
BracersEfflorescenceSwiftmend heals all nearby allies over time.
Elune’s FiresExtends the duration of damage/healing-over-time effects based on certain abilities.
Improved Frenzied RegenerationConverts resources into health while active.
ChestFury of StormrageReduces Wrath mana cost and makes Healing Touch instant under certain conditions.
Living SeedPlants a seed that heals when the target takes damage.
Survival of the FittestReduces damage taken and critical hit chance in Bear Form.
Wild StrikesGives a chance for extra melee attacks in forms.
CloakImproved SwipeBoosts Swipe to hit more targets and generate combo points in Cat Form.
Tree of LifeEnhances healing and adds benefits in Tree of Life form.
StarfallSummons stars to deal AoE damage over time.
GlovesMangleGrants powerful Bear and Cat Form attacks that increase Bleed damage.
Skull BashInterrupts enemy spellcasting.
SunfireAdds a damaging Nature spell.
Wild GrowthHeals party members with a decreasing-over-time effect.
HelmGale WindsBoosts Hurricane damage and reduces its cooldown.
GoreImproves resource generation after specific attacks.
Improved BarkskinAllows Barkskin to be cast on allies and in forms without penalties.
LegsLacerateDeals Bleed damage that stacks up to five times.
LifebloomHeals over time and gives a burst heal at the end.
Savage RoarIncreases Cat Form physical damage based on combo points.
StarsurgeBoosts Starfire damage after use.

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WoW Sod 7 Hunter Runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Services

Hunters in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have many unique runes to boost their damage and utility, with options for both ranged and melee playstyles. You can buy these runes from Rune Broker Vendors in starting areas or discover them in the game. Each rune provides special abilities or improves existing ones, making Hunters more versatile and powerful.

BeltExpose WeaknessCritical hits increase your attack power based on Agility.
Melee SpecialistRaptor Strike is instant, and melee attacks can reset cooldowns for Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite.
Steady ShotAdds a steady ranged shot dealing 100% weapon damage.
BootsDual Wield SpecializationBoosts offhand damage and allows Raptor Strike to hit with both weapons.
Trap LauncherTraps can be placed anywhere within 35 yards; fire/frost traps get separate cooldowns.
Wyvern StrikeA melee attack that deals damage and causes a bleed effect.
BracersFocus FireConsumes Frenzy stacks from your pet to boost your ranged attack speed and restore pet Focus.
Raptor FuryIncreases Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite damage, stacking up to 5 times.
T.N.T.Boosts damage from Explosive Shot and traps, with additional scaling from melee Attack Power.
ChestBeast MasteryIncreases pet damage, health, and Focus regeneration; pet’s Growl gains a taunt effect.
Cobra StrikesCritical hits grant your pet two guaranteed critical strikes.
Lone WolfBoosts your damage by 30% when you don’t have an active pet.
Master MarksmanIncreases critical strike chance and reduces mana cost of shot abilities.
CloakImproved VolleyReduces Volley’s mana cost and cooldown while boosting its damage and scaling.
ResourcefulnessTraps cost no mana and have shorter cooldowns.
Hit and RunIncreases movement speed after Raptor Strike and buffs pet attacks against enemies.
GlovesCarveSweeping melee attack that deals high damage to all enemies in front.
Chimera ShotRefreshes stings and applies extra effects based on the sting type.
Cobra SlayerBoosts Mongoose Bite with scaling damage and a chance to activate on melee attacks.
Explosive ShotFires a charge that deals AoE fire damage over time.
HelmCatlike ReflexesBoosts dodge chance for you and your pet; reduces Flanking Strike cooldown.
Lock and LoadTrap placement makes your next shot cost no mana and have no cooldown.
Rapid KillingReduces Rapid Fire cooldown, boosts melee attack speed, and increases shot damage after kills.
LegsFlanking StrikeYou and your pet attack together, boosting your damage for a short time.
Kill ShotAdds a finishing ranged attack with no minimum range and cooldown resets on low-health targets.
Serpent SpreadMulti-Shot applies Serpent Sting to all targets hit.
Sniper TrainingStanding still increases shot critical chance and can make Aimed Shot instant.

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WoW Sod 7 Priest Runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Stock

Priests in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have many runes to improve healing, damage, and utility. You can buy these runes at Rune Broker Vendors in starting areas or find them in the game. Each rune gives unique abilities to make Priests more powerful and versatile. Below is a full list of Priest runes and their effects.

BeltEmpowered RenewRenew heals instantly when applied and gains more healing per tick.
Mind SpikeDeals Shadowfrost damage and boosts the crit chance of Mind Blast.
Renewed HopeIncreases healing for targets with Weakened Soul.
BootsPain SuppressionReduces damage taken by 40% and increases resistance to dispels.
DispersionReduces damage by 90% and regenerates mana while clearing movement impairing effects.
Spirit of the RedeemerTransform into Spirit of Redemption to cast free healing spells for 10 seconds.
BracersDespairPeriodic damage can crit, and crits deal 200% damage.
Power Word: BarrierCreates a barrier that reduces damage and prevents spellcasting delays.
Surge of LightCritical spellcasts make your next Smite or Flash Heal instant.
Void ZoneSummons a void zone that deals Shadow damage to enemies inside it.
ChestSerendipityReduces cast time of heals after using Flash Heal, stacking up to 3 times.
Strength of SoulReduces Weakened Soul duration and allows Shield to give Rage or trigger Righteous Fury.
Twisted FaithBoosts Mind Flay and Mind Blast damage to targets with Shadow Word: Pain.
Void PlagueApplies a Shadow disease that deals damage over time.
CloakBinding HealHeals both you and your target, benefiting from Flash Heal effects.
Soul WardingRemoves cooldown from Power Word: Shield and boosts its mana efficiency and strength.
Vampiric TouchDeals Shadow damage and restores mana to your party based on Shadow spell damage dealt.
GlovesCircle of HealingHeals all party members near the target.
Mind SearDeals Shadow damage to the target and nearby enemies over time.
PenanceA volley of holy light that heals allies or damages enemies multiple times.
Shadow Word: DeathA finishing spell that damages the target and the caster if the target isn’t killed.
HelmDivine AegisCritical heals create a shield that absorbs 30% of the healing done.
Eye of the VoidSummons an eye to fight and curse enemies.
Pain and SufferingRefreshes the duration of your Shadow damage-over-time spells.
LegsHomunculiSummons mini copies of yourself to reduce enemy attack speed, power, and armor.
Prayer of MendingA healing spell that jumps to different party members when they take damage.
Shared PainShadow Word: Pain hits up to 2 additional targets nearby.

WoW SoD 7 Mage runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Patch Notes

Mages in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have powerful runes that enhance their Arcane, Fire, and Frost spells. These runes allow Mages to deal massive damage, improve survivability, or provide unique utility. You can buy them at Rune Broker Vendors or discover them in the game. Below is a list of all Mage runes and their effects.

BeltFrostfire BoltA spell that deals Frostfire damage, slows enemies, and applies a damage-over-time effect.
Missile BarrageChance to reduce Arcane Missiles’ duration, cost, and increase its speed.
Spellfrost BoltDeals Spellfrost damage, slows enemies, and benefits from both Frost and Arcane bonuses.
BootsBrain FreezeFrost spells give a chance to make your next Fireball or Frostfire Bolt instant and free.
Chronostatic PreservationStores healing energy for later use; can heal a friendly target.
Spell PowerIncreases critical strike damage bonus of all spells by 50%.
BracersBalefire BoltA spell that grows stronger with repeated casts but lowers Spirit; too much reduces Spirit to zero, killing the Mage.
DisplacementTeleports you back to where you cast Blink and resets Blink’s cooldown.
Molten ArmorBoosts critical strike chance, reduces chance of being critically hit, and deals Fire damage to attackers.
Rewind TimeHeals a target for all damage taken in the last 5 seconds using Temporal Beacon.
ChestBurnoutIncreases spell crit chance but makes crits cost extra mana.
EnlightenmentDeal more damage with high mana and gain better mana regeneration at low mana.
Fingers of FrostChill effects can make your next two spells treat the target as Frozen.
RegenerationHeals a target over time and applies Temporal Beacon for bonus healing.
CloakArcane BarrageFires multiple Arcane missiles at the enemy and has a chance to trigger Missile Barrage.
Frozen OrbSummons an icy orb that deals Frost damage and slows enemies as it moves forward.
OverheatFire Blast becomes an instant crit, can be cast while casting other spells, but its cooldown increases.
GlovesArcane BlastA stacking Arcane spell that boosts Arcane damage and mana cost with each cast.
Ice LanceDeals increased damage to Frozen targets, scaling with stacks from Frost spells.
Living BombMakes the target explode after 12 seconds, damaging nearby enemies.
HelmAdvanced WardingBoosts Mana Shield, Fire Ward, and Frost Ward strength and reduces Mana Shield’s cost.
Deep FreezeStuns Frozen targets or deals bonus damage to stun-immune enemies.
Hot StreakLanding two consecutive crits makes your next Pyroblast instant and free.
Temporal AnomalySummons an orb that shields allies as it moves, with increased value if allies stay nearby.
LegsArcane SurgeConverts remaining mana into a powerful Arcane attack, followed by increased mana regen.
Icy VeinsSpeeds up spellcasting and removes pushback effects for 20 seconds.
Living FlameSummons a trail of spellfire that damages enemies over time.
Mass RegenerationHeals all nearby allies and applies Temporal Beacon for extra healing.

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WoW SoD 7 Paladin runes

Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Rune Synergies

Paladins in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have many powerful runes that enhance tanking, healing, and damage roles. You can purchase these runes from Rune Broker Vendors or find them during gameplay. Each rune provides unique abilities that make Paladins more versatile and effective in all situations.

BeltMalleable ProtectionIncreases Divine Protection duration and allows actions during it, but reduces its damage reduction.
Infusion of LightBoosts Holy Shock damage/healing, lowers cooldown, and refunds mana on crit.
Sheath of LightMelee damage increases your spell damage by 30% of your attack power.
BootsGuarded by the LightMelee attacks regenerate mana, but healing spells are less effective during regeneration.
The Art of WarMelee crits reduce Exorcism cooldown and cost.
Sacred ShieldGrants a shield that absorbs damage and boosts Flash of Light healing on the target.
BracersHammer of the RighteousStrikes up to 3 enemies with Holy damage based on weapon damage.
Improved Hammer of WrathHammer of Wrath is instant and resets cooldown on targets below 10% health.
Purifying PowerReduces Exorcism and Holy Wrath cooldowns; Holy Wrath stuns Undead and Demons.
Light’s GraceHoly Light reduces cast time of the next Holy Light spell.
ChestAegisIncreases block value and modifies Redoubt and Reckoning talents for better defense.
Hallowed GroundConsecration now heals allies within its area.
Divine LightHeals a target, with excess healing creating an absorption shield.
Divine StormHits multiple enemies and heals party members based on the damage dealt.
CloakShield of RighteousnessSlam the target with your shield for Holy damage based on block value.
Shock and AweHoly Shock grants extra spell damage based on Intellect.
Righteous VengeanceCritical Judgement, Crusader Strike, or Divine Storm deals extra damage over time.
GlovesCrusader StrikeInstant strike dealing Holy damage and refreshing Judgement duration.
Hand of ReckoningTaunts the enemy, boosts Righteous Fury threat, and reduces damage below 35% health.
Beacon of LightHealing other party members heals the Beacon target as well.
HelmFanaticismBoosts Holy crit chance and applies a healing-over-time effect after critical heals.
Improved SanctuaryImproves damage prevention from Blessing of Sanctuary and scales it with shield block value.
WrathConsecration damage can now crit, and critical spells gain bonus from melee crit chance.
LegsInspiration ExemplarPeriodically removes Fear and Sleep effects on party members.
RebukeInterrupts spellcasting and locks the spell school for 3 seconds.
Divine SacrificeRedirects 30% of party damage to the Paladin, breaking if health drops below 20%.
Avenger’s ShieldHurls a shield that damages and dazes up to 3 enemies.
Aura MasteryTemporarily doubles the effect of auras and grants immunity to Silence/Interrupt effects.

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WoW SoD 7 Rogue runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Updates

Rogues in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have powerful runes to enhance their stealth, poisons, and melee abilities. These runes can make Rogues better at damage dealing, utility, or even tanking in specific builds. You can buy these runes from Rune Broker Vendors or discover them while playing.

BeltPoisoned KnifeThrows off-hand weapon, applies poison, and refunds energy if Deadly Poison is on the target.
ShadowstepTeleports behind the target and boosts movement speed briefly.
Shuriken TossThrows a shuriken, hitting multiple targets and generating combo points.
BootsMaster of SubtletyIncreases damage while stealthed or shortly after breaking stealth.
Rolling with the PunchesDodging or parrying increases health, stacking up to 5 times.
WaylayAmbush and Backstab slow enemy movement and attack speed.
BracersCarnageBoosts damage to bleeding targets and heals from Rupture damage.
Cut to the ChaseEviscerate or Envenom refreshes Slice and Dice or Blade Dance.
Unfair AdvantageDodging or parrying triggers an automatic counterattack and generates a combo point.
ChestDeadly BrewImproves poison effects and allows Deadly Poison to stack with others.
Just a Flesh WoundReduces damage taken, increases dodge, and converts Feint into a taunt ability.
Quick DrawShoots an enemy to slow movement and generate combo points.
Slaughter from the ShadowsReduces energy cost and boosts damage for Backstab and Ambush.
CloakBlunderbussFires a musket blast, hitting multiple enemies in a cone.
Crimson TempestA finishing move that causes AoE bleed damage, scaling with combo points.
Fan of KnivesThrows weapons at all nearby enemies, causing weapon damage.
GlovesCutthroatAmbush, Backstab, and Garrote can be used from any position; Backstab can reset Ambush.
Main GaucheStrikes with off-hand weapon, boosts parry, and improves Sinister Strike and Eviscerate.
MutilateDual attacks dealing extra damage to poisoned targets and granting combo points.
Saber SlashSlashes an enemy, causing bleed damage that scales with combo points.
ShadowstrikeTeleports behind the target and deals massive damage. Must be used from stealth.
HelmCombat PotencyMelee hits with off-hand weapon have a chance to regenerate energy.
Focused AttacksCritical hits generate energy.
Honor Among ThievesParty members’ critical hits generate combo points for you.
LegsBetween the EyesFinishing move that deals damage and stuns the target, scaling with combo points.
Blade DanceBoosts parry chance and scales duration with combo points.
EnvenomDeals poison damage based on Deadly Poison stacks and increases Instant Poison frequency.

WoW SoD 7 Shaman runes

Wow Sod Phase 7 Rune Broker Vendor Features

Shamans in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 have a wide range of runes that boost their healing, damage, and tanking abilities. These runes allow Shamans to specialize in Elemental, Enhancement, or Restoration roles with unique abilities. You can buy them from Rune Broker Vendors or find them while playing.

BeltFire NovaReplaces Fire Nova Totem with Fire Nova, causing your Fire Totem to deal AoE damage.
Maelstrom WeaponMelee attacks reduce the cast time and mana cost of specific spells, stacking up to 5 times.
Power SurgeFlame Shock or Riptide procs instant Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, or Chain Heal.
BootsAncestral AwakeningCritical heals summon a spirit that heals the lowest-health party member.
Decoy TotemRedirects the next attack against a target and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects.
Spirit of the AlphaIncreases threat for one target while reducing threat and boosting Physical damage for the caster.
BracersOverchargedLightning Shield never loses charges and deals AoE damage every 3 seconds.
RiptideA heal-over-time ability that boosts Chain Heal on the same target.
Rolling ThunderLightning spells add charges to Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock releases them for bonus damage and mana.
Static ShockLightning Shield triggers from melee attacks, dealing damage.
ChestDual Wield SpecializationBoosts dual-wield hit chance, increases off-hand damage, and makes Stormstrike hit with both weapons.
Healing RainCreates an AoE healing effect around a target party member.
OverloadSpells have a chance to cast a second, weaker version at no cost.
Shield MasteryBlocking regenerates mana and grants armor while boosting Shock abilities.
Two-Handed MasteryTwo-handed weapon strikes increase attack speed, attack power, and spell hit chance.
CloakCoherenceImproves Chain Heal and Chain Lightning jump effectiveness and adds an extra target.
Feral SpiritSummons two Spirit Wolves to fight for 45 seconds.
Storm, Earth, and FireReduces Chain Lightning cooldown, adds rooting to Earthbind Totem, and boosts Flame Shock damage.
GlovesLava BurstGuaranteed critical strike when Flame Shock is on the target.
Lava LashOff-hand weapon attack boosted when Flametongue Weapon is active.
Molten BlastFire AoE damage ability that generates high threat; Flame Shock can reset its cooldown.
Water ShieldRestores mana over time and when hit, using water globes.
HelmBurnFlame Shock hits multiple targets, gains duration, and boosts spell damage with Flametongue.
Mental DexterityStormstrike boosts Attack Power and converts it into spell damage.
Tidal WavesCasting Chain Heal or Riptide reduces cast time of heals and boosts crit chance.
LegsAncestral GuidanceConverts damage into healing for allies and healing into damage on Flame Shock targets.
Earth ShieldProtects the target, heals when they are hit, and reduces casting pushback.
Greater Ghost WolfGhost Wolf can be used indoors, reduces damage taken, and increases movement speed.
Way of EarthRockbiter Weapon boosts threat, health, and defense, making Earth Shock a taunt ability.

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WoW SoD 7 Warlock runes

Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Rune Optimization

Warlocks in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 use runes to boost their Shadow, Fire, and Demonic abilities. These runes make Warlocks stronger in DPS or even tanking roles. You can buy runes from vendors in main cities or find them while playing.

BeltGrimoire of SynergyYou and your pet have a chance to boost each other’s damage by 10% for 15 sec.
InvocationRefreshing DoTs with less than 6 sec left deals instant damage equal to the remaining DoT effect.
Shadow and FlameCritical Fire and Shadow spells boost their damage by 10% for 10 sec.
BootsDance of the WickedCritical hits increase your dodge chance and regain mana for you and your pet.
Demonic KnowledgeGain bonus spell power based on your demon’s Stamina and Intellect.
ShadowflameDeals Shadowflame damage over time and can benefit from Fire or Shadow effects.
BracersImmolation AuraDeals AoE Fire damage when hit and boosts Fire damage while reducing magic damage taken.
IncinerateFire spell with boosted damage for the next 15 sec.
Summon FelguardSummons a Felguard, benefiting from other demon-related talents.
Unstable AfflictionDeals Shadow DoT damage, punishes dispellers with silence and damage.
ChestDemonic TacticsIncreases you and your pet’s crit chance by 10%.
Lake of FireRain of Fire is no longer channeled but gains a cooldown.
Master ChannelerDrain Life becomes a non-channeled spell that heals for 50% more.
Soul SiphonDrain Soul deals more damage based on your Warlock DoTs on the target.
CloakDecimationSoul Fire becomes spammable and faster to cast on low-health enemies.
Infernal ArmorReduces magic damage taken based on your armor reduction.
Mark of ChaosCurses reduce enemy resistances and increase spell damage taken.
GlovesChaos BoltAlways hits and ignores absorption effects, dealing strong Fire damage.
HauntBoosts Shadow DoT damage and heals you when it ends.
MetamorphosisTransform into a demon, increasing armor, health, and threat while changing abilities.
Shadow Bolt VolleyShadow Bolt hits up to 5 targets in a chain.
HelmBackdraftConflagrate gives 30% spell haste for 15 sec and doesn’t consume Immolate.
PandemicYour DoTs can now critically strike.
VengeanceBoosts your max health temporarily and slows your fall when in Metamorphosis.
LegsDemonic GraceIncreases dodge chance and crit chance for a short time.
Everlasting AfflictionShadow and Fire abilities refresh the duration of Corruption.
Demonic PactBoosts spell damage for you and your party based on your spell power.

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WoW SoD 7 Warrior runes

Warriors in Season of Discovery Phase 7 get stronger with runes. These runes give new abilities or boost current skills for DPS or tanking. You can buy them from Rune Brokers in main cities or find them during gameplay.

BeltBlood SurgeHeroic Strike, Bloodthirst, and Whirlwind have a chance to make Slam instant and cost no Rage.
Focused RageReduces the Rage cost of offensive abilities by 3.
Precise TimingSlam is instant but has a 6-sec cooldown.
BootsEnraged RegenerationHeals 30% of max health over 10 sec. Can only be used while Enraged.
Gladiator StanceIncreases shield damage and block chance, but lowers armor and threat.
InterveneRun to an ally and intercept the next attack.
Rallying CryIncreases max health for all party/raid members by 15% for 10 sec.
BracersRampageBoosts attack power by 10% for 30 sec when Enraged.
Sword and BoardDevastate and Revenge refresh Shield Slam cooldown with a chance.
Wrecking CrewCrit hits Enrage you and increase certain abilities’ damage by 10%.
ChestBlood FrenzyRend deals more damage and is usable in Berserker Stance.
FlagellationGain Rage from damage taken as if wearing no armor.
WarbringerCharge, Intercept, and Intervene usable in any stance and remove slow effects.
CloakFresh MeatFirst attack with key abilities guarantees Enrage and increases Physical damage by 10%.
ShockwaveDeals damage and stuns enemies in a frontal cone.
Sudden DeathMelee hits have a chance to let you use Execute regardless of target’s health.
GlovesDevastateSunder Armor deals damage and generates high threat in Defensive Stance.
Quick StrikeA fast melee attack with a two-handed weapon that benefits from Heroic Strike effects.
Single-Minded FuryBoosts movement and attack speed while dual-wielding.
Victory RushDeals damage and heals for 30% of max health after killing an enemy.
HelmEndless RageGenerate 25% more Rage from all damage dealt.
Shield MasteryIncreases physical damage while using a shield and reduces disarm duration.
Taste for BloodRend damage activates Overpower for a short time.
VigilanceReduces ally’s damage taken, transfers threat, and refreshes Taunt cooldown.
LegsConsumed by RageEnrages you when Rage exceeds 60. Whirlwind strikes with off-hand weapon when Enraged.
Frenzied AssaultTwo-handed weapon hits are faster and generate more Rage.
Furious ThunderThunder Clap deals more damage, increases threat, and slows attacks further.


Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Rune Mechanics

Phase 7 of World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery adds a new feature — the Rune Broker Vendor. This vendor is in every starting area and lets players buy all class runes starting at level 1. This makes it much easier and faster to make your characters stronger, especially new ones or alts. However, some runes from the vendor may cause problems with game discoveries, but Blizzard plans to fix this soon.

There are no new runes in this phase, but you can still explore many exciting options for your character. Runes can give special abilities to make classes more powerful in different roles, like dealing damage, healing, or tanking. You can buy runes or discover them while playing.

This update helps players boost their characters quickly and enjoy new adventures, but it’s important to choose runes wisely to avoid problems. More fixes and surprises may come later in this phase!

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What is the Rune Broker Vendor?

The Rune Broker Vendor is a new NPC found in every starting area in WoW: Season of Discovery Phase 7. This vendor lets you buy all class runes starting at level 1.

What are runes?

Runes are items that give your class new abilities or make current abilities stronger. They can help with damage, healing, tanking, or utility.

Can I buy all runes from the Rune Broker Vendor?

Yes, you can buy all class runes from the vendor starting at level 1. This makes it easier to power up your character.

Are there new runes in Phase 7?

No, there are no new runes in Phase 7. However, you can still explore many exciting rune options.

Do the runes from the vendor cause any problems?

Some runes might stop certain game discoveries from working correctly. Blizzard plans to fix this issue later.

Can I still discover runes while playing?

Yes, you can discover runes during gameplay, even if you buy some from the vendor.

Do runes work for all classes?

Yes, every class has its own runes. These runes give unique powers to each class.

Can I use runes on new characters (alts)?

Yes, the vendor makes it easy to gear up new characters or alts. You can buy runes at level 1.

Where is the Rune Broker Vendor located?

The Rune Broker Vendor is in every starting area of the game, so it’s easy to find.

Are the runes expensive?

Runes are affordable and available for all players at the start of the game.

What should I do if a rune causes problems with discoveries?

You can wait for Blizzard to fix the issue. They have already planned updates for this.

How do runes help my character?

Runes give special abilities or improve existing ones, making your character stronger for quests, raids, or PvP.

Are runes permanent?

Once a rune is added to your character, its effects stay with you unless replaced or removed.

Will there be more rune updates in the future?

It’s possible. Blizzard often adds new features, so keep an eye out for surprises later in Phase 7!
