Deep Stone Crypt Triumphs Seal | Descendant


Here you can buy D2 Deep Stone Crypt Triumphs Seal | Descendant Title Boost.

You will get completed the selected Deep Stone Crypt Triumphs Seal for you.

As a default option, the booster will complete for you a single run of the “Deep Stone Crypt” raid. More complex Triumphs Seal available to pick from the offered options below.

ETA varies from the selected option. Some of them may take 1 day to be completed when other will take around 10 weeks.

Boost is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox platforms.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.


“Deep Stone Crypt Trophies (Collection Badge) “ option – we will complete all the requirements to get you the badge.

“Clan night: Deep Stone Crypt “ option – we will complete the “Deep Stone Crypt ” raid with a team made entirely of clan-mates. (The booster will need to leave your clan and join our for the period of the boost process).

“Electric Sheep” option – we will complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Arc subclasses for you.

“Freezing Point” option – we will complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Stasis subclasses for you.

“Control Group” option – we will complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of the same Guardian class for you.

“Meltdown” option – we will complete all raid encounters with a fireteam made entirely of Solar subclasses for you.

“Devoid of the Rest” option – we will complete all encounters with an entire fireteam of Void subclasses for you.

“Cryptkeeper” option – we will loot hidden chests in the “Deep Stone Crypt” raid for you.

“Not a Scratch” option – we will bring all Pikes from the starting heat bubble to the final heat bubble for you.

“Rock Bottom” option – we will collect all Exo Stranger logs at Deep Stone Crypt raid for you.

“Resource Contention” option – we will shut down Crypt security while only using 2 of the 3 augmentation terminals for you.

“Red Rover” option – we will complete the “Red Rover” challenge for you.

“5 Seconds to Paradise” option – we will defeat Atraks-1 while destroying all Servitors within 5 seconds of each other for you.

“Copies of Copies” option – we will complete the “Copies of Copies” challenge for you.

“Of All Trades” option – we will complete the “Of All Trades” challenge for you.

“Short Circuit” option – we will confront Taniks while allowing only one player from your fireteam to deposit nuclear cores for you.

“The Core Four” option – we will complete “The Core Four” challenge for you.

“Ready, set, go!” option – we will defeat Taniks, the Abomination while activating pairs of conduit nodes within 5 seconds of each other for you.

Small delays may occur as during certain hours boosters might be having a rest or be less active. In this case, Cross Save can help significantly, as a PC player will be able to fulfill your PS4 or Xbox order. Unfortunately, there are fewer Destiny 2 players on PS4 or Xbox compared to the PC platform.

It takes only a couple of minutes to enable the Cross Save. If you have some difficulties with it, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.


Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged in to your account. It applies only to Piloted mode services.

Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.


You have to own a Beyond Light expansion.

Completed Beyond Light campaign.

Power Level 1231+ is required or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.

Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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