World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts Guide

By: friolt
17 min read
Best Class Composition For Karazhan Crypts

The more news Blizzard shares about World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, the more exciting it gets! Let’s quickly answer almost all your questions about the Karazhan Crypts, the new dungeon in Phase 7. To make your journey easier, we’ll go through the following key topics in our world of warcraft season of discovery phase 7 Karazhan crypts guide:

  • How to unlock the crypts and find the entrance in the wow Karazhan crypts guide.
  • The unique darkness mechanic that makes this dungeon so challenging.
  • A quick look at the five deadly bosses.
  • All the loot you can collect, from weapons to armor.
  • The mysterious lore behind the crypts.

Karazhan Crypts Attunement

Also. View this article again, or refresh page. we added each boss tactics + spells + hints

But first things first, so stay here and read all the simple and clear information you need to conquer the Karazhan Crypts!

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World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Overview

How To Beat Harbinger Of Sin In Karazhan Crypts

Karazhan Crypts is a spooky new dungeon in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7. This crypt is in Deadwind Pass, near the famous Karazhan tower. Players at level 60 can explore this 5-player dungeon, but only if they complete a special attunement quest at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. Inside, it’s full of darkness, mystery, and hidden secrets. The dungeon has five bosses and lots of cool loot like weapons, armor, and trinkets. It’s made for well-geared players and has a unique darkness mechanic—you must stay in the light or face dangerous traps.

Dungeon NameKarazhan Crypts
ExpansionWoW Season of Discovery
LocationDeadwind Pass, near Karazhan
Level Requirement60
Group Size5-player dungeon
Attunement StartQuest at Light’s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands
Dungeon MechanicOppressive Darkness—stay in light to survive
Lockout24 hours
BossesHarbinger of Sin, Kharon, Opera of Malediction, Dark Rider, Creeping Malison
LootWeapons, shields, armor, jewelry, and more
ChallengesDesigned for well-geared players, with new traps and secrets
MapInaccessible on the minimap; Use the Enchanted Firebrand

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World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Entrance

Wow Karazhan Crypts Entrance Guide

The Karazhan Crypts Dungeon is found in Deadwind Pass. This area was created during the Burning Crusade expansion but felt forgotten, like it was lost in time. Now, in Phase 7, developers made it an accessible instance. You need to travel to Morgan’s Plot, near the main Karazhan gate, where the meeting stone is waiting. The entrance is like a portal into Azeroth’s deep, dark history. It feels like a ghost story! Players can discover new lore, spooky stuff, and mysterious possibilities in this abandoned labyrinth. Bring a healer and get ready for a journey into the depths!

FactionRouteApprox. Coordinates
AllianceFly to Darkshire. Then go east into Deadwind Pass.Approx. 47.0, 74.0
HordeFly to Stonard. Then go west into Deadwind Pass.Approx. 47.0, 74.0

World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Unique mechanic

The Oppressive Darkness is a scary new mechanic in the Karazhan Crypts dungeon. The whole dungeon is super dark—you can’t see anything, and even the minimap doesn’t work! To survive, you’ll need to stick close to the Enchanted Firebrand, a special light that keeps the darkness away. If you wander off, bad things will happen.

Total DarknessThe dungeon is pitch black—you can’t see anything without the Firebrand.
No MinimapThe minimap is useless; you’ll need to rely on the light to find your way.
Enchanted FirebrandA special item creates light; stay close to it, or you’ll get into trouble.

World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Bosses

World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts Guide

The Karazhan Crypts has five bosses. Each boss is scary and very dangerous. They live in the dark crypt and will try to stop you. These bosses are connected to mystery and magic from Azeroth’s history. Players must work together to beat them.

Boss NameDescription
Harbinger of SinA terrifying monster made of bones, rising from the crypts to punish intruders.
KharonA powerful necromancer who transforms into a deadly lich during the fight.
Opera of MaledictionA mysterious encounter tied to curses and forbidden magic in Karazhan’s dark history.
Dark RiderOne of the cursed merchants who betrayed Medivh, now bound to search for powerful relics.
Creeping MalisonA massive cursed spider lurking in the crypts, embodying fear and corruption.

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WoW SoD 7 Harbinger of Sin Boss strategy

Secrets And Lore Of Karazhan Crypts Wow

Harbinger of Sin, a boss made of bones and bad vibes! This creepy creature is a mix of all the bones lying around the Karazhan Crypts. It’s big, scary, and definitely doesn’t want visitors. If you’ve ever wondered what happens when Azeroth’s forgotten dead rise up, this boss is your answer

Visit this page later for the full Harbinger of Sin boss guide, including its abilities and how to beat it.

What to Do?


  • Flame Whirl — Move out of fire zones fast. Don’t stand in burning ground.
  • Immolation — Stay away from the boss when fire aura is active. If melee, use defensive cooldowns.
  • Incendiary Crash — If targeted, move out! Big fire explosion incoming.
  • Inferno — When boss starts casting, be ready to move. It slows you down, so don’t be caught in fire.
  • Pull of the Damned — If you see boss sucking everyone in, run away fast! Don’t let it drag you into flames.
  • Kill boss fast — The longer the fight, the more fire everywhere!


  • Flame Whirl — Keep boss away from group so only you get hit. Move him out of fire zones.
  • Immolation — Expect fire damage all the time, keep using defensive skills. Healers will cry if you don’t.
  • Incendiary Crash — If boss aims at you, don’t stand still. Move!
  • Inferno — When boss starts casting, move him out of fire before you and DPS get slowed.
  • Pull of the Damned — Save movement skills to escape when boss pulls everyone in.


  • Flame Whirl — Heal melee DPS and tank. They will stand in fire like fools.
  • Immolation — Non-stop healing on tank. Fire aura hurts everyone.
  • Incendiary Crash — If someone stands in fire, prepare big heal. Maybe they live.
  • Inferno — Everyone slows down. Heal them extra while they try to run.
  • Pull of the Damned — Be ready to heal people getting pulled into fire. Try not to die yourself.

Key Tactics

Harbinger of Sin in Karazhan Crypts (WoW SoD 7) is a fire nightmare! The whole fight is burn, burn, burn! DPS must kill fast before the room turns into an inferno. Tank must move boss out of fire, so everyone has safe space. Healers must keep up with massive fire damage or group turns into crispy toast.

Biggest danger? Pull of the Damned + Fire everywhere. If boss pulls you into flames, RUN FAST OR DIE.

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to Do?Informal Commentary
Flame WhirlMediumMove out of fireFire on the floor? Walk away, dummy.
ImmolationHighStay away if possible, heal up if closeHey, what if we put FIRE AURA on the boss? – Blizzard, probably.
Incendiary CrashHighMove out, don’t stand in explosionBoom! You stand, you burn.
InfernoVery HighMove away before slowedFire + slow = you die slow, but still die.
Pull of the DamnedExtremeRun away fast!Come closer… Drags you into fire pit.

WoW SoD 7 Kharon Boss strategy

Kharon, the spooky skeleton wizard from Azeroth’s darkest secrets! This guy was once a powerful necromancer, but now he’s a full-blown lich. Imagine a boss who loves curses, death magic, and making your day worse—yep, that’s Kharon! He’s one of the toughest bosses in the Karazhan Crypts, and he’s not here to make friends.


  • Dreadful Visage — If feared, use fear break (trinket, racial, whatever). Stay close to healers.
  • Illimitable Dominion — Boss charms someone! If it’s you, do nothing. If it’s a friend, don’t let them kill you. CC them if needed.
  • Inhume — Someone gets trapped in ice! Attack the ice ASAP or they DIE.
  • Irrepressible Blaze — Knockback incoming! Stay away from edges or you go flying.
  • Quietude — Group-wide damage over time. Heal and survive.
  • The Red Death — Big shadow nuke. Move out of range FAST!


  • Dreadful Visage — Fear is BAD. Stand near healers, use fear breaks if you have.
  • Illimitable Dominion — If you get charmed, your team is in trouble. If someone else is charmed, CC them.
  • Inhume — Someone is frozen. If DPS is slow, help break them out.
  • Irrepressible Blaze — Save movement cooldowns to avoid flying off the map.
  • Quietude — Boss keeps hurting the group. Keep him in a good spot, don’t move too much.
  • The Red Death — If boss starts casting, reposition away from group. Avoid the blast.


  • Dreadful Visage — Fear means people run into bad stuff. Be ready to heal them.
  • Illimitable Dominion — Someone is charmed. If it’s a DPS, they might kill someone. Keep an eye on it.
  • Inhume — Trapped person is dying fast. Heal them while DPS frees them.
  • Irrepressible Blaze — People will get knocked back. Heal them up after.
  • Quietude — Slow group-wide damage. Keep everyone topped off.
  • The Red Death — Someone didn’t dodge? They are about to take BIG damage. Save a big heal.

Key Tactics

Kharon in Karazhan Crypts (WoW SoD 7) is a mind-control, fear, and ice prison nightmare! This fight is about staying together, reacting fast, and keeping control.

Biggest dangers? Fear (Dreadful Visage) + Mind Control (Illimitable Dominion). If tank or healer gets controlled, bad things happen. If DPS gets frozen (Inhume), break them out FAST or they miss the fight (or die).

Final killer? The Red Death. If you don’t dodge, you die. Simple as that.

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to Do?Informal Commentary
Dreadful VisageHighBreak fear, stay close to healersBOO! You run away and die.
Illimitable DominionExtremeCC charmed player fastYour best friend just became your worst enemy.
InhumeVery HighKill ice, free trapped playerOh no! Frozen. Break them out or they’re gone.
Irrepressible BlazeMediumAvoid knockback, stay away from edgesOops! You just flew off the platform.
QuietudeMediumHeal through damageBoss says: ‘Let’s make you suffer… slowly.’
The Red DeathExtremeMove out of range FASTDidn’t move? You just died.

WoW SoD 7 Opera of Malediction Boss strategy

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The Opera of Malediction is not your usual boss fight. Imagine stepping onto a creepy stage in the Karazhan Crypts. The boss loves to mess with your group using powerful dark spells. Think of it as a cursed opera where you’re the unlucky star of the performance.


  • Cleave (Geenkle) — Spread out! If you stack up, you all take damage.
  • Execute (Geenkle) — If you are low HP, RUN AWAY! This attack kills low-health players.
  • War Stomp (Geenkle) — If he starts stomping, move back or you get stunned.
  • Bloodlust (Geenkle) — He’s attacking FAST. Kick it or CC him!
  • Chain Lightning (Geenkle) — Spread out, don’t let it bounce between players.
  • Backstab (Jank) — If you are not a tank, don’t let him attack you from behind. Stay in front of him.
  • Gouge (Jank) — If tank gets stunned, DPS needs to be ready to help.
  • Poison (Jank) — If you can remove poison, DO IT. Healers will love you.
  • Slice and Dice (Jank) — Kill him FAST when he buffs himself.


  • Cleave (Geenkle) — Face the boss away from the group. DPS should NOT stand in front.
  • Execute (Geenkle) — Stay high HP or you get deleted.
  • War Stomp (Geenkle) — Stun incoming! If possible, dodge or use stun resistance.
  • Bloodlust (Geenkle) — He gets super fast! Use defensive cooldowns or have someone CC him.
  • Chain Lightning (Geenkle) — If it bounces, move the boss away from the group.
  • Backstab (Jank) — Keep him in front of you. If he gets behind, he will destroy you.
  • Gouge (Jank) — If you get stunned, call it out. Someone else might need to taunt.
  • Poison (Jank) — Healers will remove it, but if not, be ready for extra damage.
  • Slice and Dice (Jank) — When he buffs himself, be ready for harder hits.


  • Cleave (Geenkle) — If DPS stands in front, they will take damage. Prepare extra healing.
  • Execute (Geenkle) — Low-health people DIE IMMEDIATELY. Keep players above 30% HP at all times.
  • War Stomp (Geenkle) — If tank gets stunned, spam heals on them fast.
  • Bloodlust (Geenkle) — Boss attacks crazy fast. Tank will need BIG heals.
  • Chain Lightning (Geenkle) — If people stack up and get hit, heal them all quickly.
  • Backstab (Jank) — DPS will randomly take damage if they let Jank get behind them. Keep an eye on them.
  • Gouge (Jank) — Tank stunned? Be ready to save whoever gets hit next.
  • Poison (Jank) — If you can cleanse poison, do it immediately.
  • Slice and Dice (Jank) — When he buffs, tank takes way more damage. Keep them alive.

Key Tactics

The Goblin Gang in Karazhan Crypts (WoW SoD 7) is a chaotic 2-boss fight with one big warrior (Geenkle) and one sneaky rogue (Jank).

Biggest dangers?

  • Execute (Geenkle) — If you are low HP, you will die instantly. Stay above 30% HP always.
  • Backstab (Jank) — If he gets behind someone, they are DEAD FAST. Keep him in front of the tank.
  • Chain Lightning (Geenkle) — If people stand too close, they all get zapped. Spread out!
  • Bloodlust (Geenkle) — If not interrupted, he goes berserk and destroys everyone.

Final killer? The combo of stun (War Stomp), poison, and Execute. If tank is stunned, healers are busy, and people are low HP? Massacre.

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to Do?Informal Commentary
Cleave (Gold Rustboot )MediumSpread out, don’t stand in frontDPS, get out of my way!
Execute (Gold Rustboot)ExtremeStay above 30% HPLow HP? You are now DEAD.
War Stomp (Gold Rustboot)HighMove away to avoid stunBig goblin smash, you stop moving.
Bloodlust (Geenkle)ExtremeInterrupt or CC himFast goblin = dead group.
Chain Lightning (Geenkle)HighSpread out to avoid bouncingZap! Zap! Zap! Everyone fries.
Backstab (Jank)HighKeep him in front of tankYou let him behind you? Big mistake.
Gouge (Jank)MediumBe ready if tank gets stunnedTank is asleep. Uh oh.
Poison (Jank)MediumCleanse poison ASAPHope you like damage-over-time!
Slice and Dice (Jank)HighKill him before buff stacks upGoblin ninja mode activated.

WoW SoD 7 Dark Rider Boss strategy

The Dark Rider is a cursed knight who’s not happy to see you. Once a greedy merchant, he tried to trick Medivh and got a nasty curse instead. Now, he’s stuck roaming the Karazhan Crypts, looking for powerful relics and fighting anyone who gets in his way.


  • Curse of Agony — If you get cursed, ask healer to remove it. It lasts 30 sec and gets worse over time.


  • Curse of Agony — You will get cursed. Healers MUST cleanse it fast or you take big damage over time.


  • Curse of Agony — Always cleanse it! If it stays on too long, it does INSANE damage at the end.

Key Tactics

The Dark Rider in Karazhan Crypts (WoW SoD 7) is a simple but deadly boss. He doesn’t have fancy mechanics, but his Curse of Agony is a death timer. If it stays too long, it does massive damage near the end.

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to Do?Informal Commentary
Curse of AgonyVery HighCleanse it or heal through itStarts weak, ends as a nightmare.

WoW SoD 7 Creeping Malison Boss strategy

What Is Enchanted Firebrand In Karazhan Crypts

The Creeping Malison is a giant, cursed spider lurking in the Karazhan Crypts. This boss is all about webs, poison, and scaring the life out of you. It crawls through the darkness, ready to trap and bite anyone who gets too close. If you hate spiders, this fight will feel like a nightmare!


  • Burning — If you get this, you take MORE DAMAGE! Don’t stand in fire or bad stuff.
  • Cursed Webbing — If you get webbed, call for help! DPS needs to break people out FAST.
  • Spectral Fangs — If you get poisoned, healers must cleanse it. Extra damage = bad.
  • Kill Fast! — The longer the fight, the more poison, webbing, and pain.


  • Burning — If boss debuffs you, you take way more damage. Use defensives!
  • Cursed Webbing — If you get webbed, you can’t tank! Healers and DPS must break you out fast.
  • Spectral Fangs — This poison hurts! If it stacks, you will die. Healers need to cleanse it ASAP.
  • Boss Moves A Lot — Keep him away from healers and ranged DPS.


  • Burning — If tank has this, BIG HEALS. They take 25% more damage!
  • Cursed Webbing — If someone is webbed, they take damage while stuck. Heal them and make sure DPS frees them.
  • Spectral Fangs — Poison cleanse is a MUST. If you ignore it, tank and DPS will die.
  • Always Watch Tank — This fight is nasty. Poison + webs + Burning = dead tank fast.

Key Tactics

Creeping Malison in Karazhan Crypts (WoW SoD 7) is a spider-like beast with fire, poison, and web traps. The fight gets worse over time if you don’t cleanse, free trapped players, and kill fast.

Biggest danger? Cursed Webbing + Burning. If tank is webbed and takes 25% more damage, they DIE FAST.

Final killer? Spectral Fangs (poison). If healers don’t cleanse it, the whole team slowly melts.

Kill fast, cleanse poison, and break webs, or you all die in spider hell.

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to Do?Informal Commentary
BurningHighUse defensives, don’t stand in fireYou take 25% more damage. Hope you like pain.
Cursed WebbingExtremeBreak out webbed players FASTYou’re stuck. You’re dying. Hope someone saves you.
Spectral FangsVery HighCleanse poison ASAPPoison stacks? You’re dead, buddy.

World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Loot table

The Karazhan Crypts dungeon in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 has amazing loot for players. Inside, you’ll find weapons, armor, and jewelry. The loot is designed for well-geared players who love a good challenge. Imagine exploring the dark depths of Azeroth’s forgotten crypts, fighting bosses, and discovering treasures. This loot will help you gear up for more adventures in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. The dungeon opened on January 28, 2025

2H MaceOl’ Reliable
2H StaveServant’s Quarterstaff
BowDarkrider’s Spine
WandDoomsayer’s Demise
DaggerShadow Weaver’s Needle
ShieldBulwark of Ire
Off-HandShadowbound Grimoire
WaistMalefic Belt
HandsCultist’s Handwraps
FeetPauper Soles
WristStalker’s Bands
HeadThe Master’s Cowl
FeetDreaded Treaders
HandsGravedigger’s Gloves
HandsSinner’s Handguards
HeadRattlechain Helm
FeetClattering Steps
LegsNimble Links
WristCrypt’s Keepers
FeetWell Diver’s Stumble
HeadClutching Death Helm
HandsFanatic’s Gauntlets
RingGhastly Ring
RingSpectral Signet
NeckBarian’s Choker
NeckKaigy’s Clasp

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World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Plot

The Karazhan Crypts is a mysterious and dark dungeon hidden in Deadwind Pass, close to the famous Karazhan tower. These crypts were built long ago as part of Karazhan’s creation, but they have been abandoned for centuries. Ghosts and strange creatures now haunt the dark environment, and no one really knows why the crypts were made or what terrible secrets they hide. The dungeon feels like it belongs to a forgotten piece of Azeroth’s history, adding to the mystery.

The Karazhan Crypts is filled with a sense of danger and dark magic. It is a resting place for lost souls, but not all spirits rest peacefully here. Some believe the crypts were once used by the guardian Medivh or those who came before him. The game developers hinted that something dark and evil might be trapped here, waiting for players to learn its secrets in WoW Season of Discovery.

Additionally, the crypts seem tied to the events of Azeroth’s Burning Crusade era, but no one knows for sure. As you venture into the crypts, you will face forgotten bosses like the Harbinger of Sin and the Dark Rider, each with their own story.

World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Karazhan Crypts | Conclusion

Creeping Malison Boss Guide Karazhan Crypts

The Karazhan Crypts is a scary place in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7. It is in Deadwind Pass, near Karazhan tower. To go inside, you need to do a quest at Light’s Hope Chapel and be level 60. The dungeon is very dark. You must stay close to a special light, or you will die!

There are five bosses. They are big and dangerous. You will fight things like the Harbinger of Sin, a monster made of bones, and the Dark Rider, a cursed knight. Each boss is different and hard to beat.

You can get rewards like weapons, armor, and jewelry. These will make your character stronger. The crypt is also full of secrets and scary stories.

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Where is the Karazhan Crypts?

The Karazhan Crypts is in Deadwind Pass, near the Karazhan tower. It is close to the main Karazhan gate. You can find the entrance at a place called Morgan’s Plot. There is a meeting stone there to help you.

What level do I need to be?

You must be level 60 to enter the Karazhan Crypts. If you are not level 60, you cannot go inside.

How do I enter the Karazhan Crypts?

First, you need to finish a quest at Light’s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. This quest is important to unlock the dungeon. After you finish it, you can go to the entrance in Deadwind Pass.

What is the main challenge inside the dungeon?

The dungeon is very dark. You cannot see anything without a special light called the Enchanted Firebrand. If you leave the light, you can get trapped or die. The minimap will not work, so you need to stay close to the light to find your way.

How many bosses are in the dungeon?

There are five bosses in the Karazhan Crypts. Each boss is very strong and scary. They have their own tricks to make the fight hard.

What loot can I get from the Karazhan Crypts?

You can get many cool items like weapons, armor, and jewelry. These items are very powerful and will help you in your adventures.

Can I go alone into the dungeon?

No, you need a group of five players. The dungeon is too hard to do alone. Bring your friends, and make sure someone in the group is a healer!

Is there a time limit for the dungeon?

Yes, the dungeon has a 24-hour lockout. This means you can only finish it once per day.

What is the story of the Karazhan Crypts?

The crypts are very old and full of mystery. They are part of Azeroth’s dark history. Strange creatures and ghosts live inside. Nobody knows all the secrets, but it is a dangerous and magical place.

What is the biggest danger in Harbinger of Sin fight?

The worst thing? Pull of the Damned + Fire Everywhere. Boss drags everyone into fire, and if you don’t run away fast, you burn alive. Also, the fight gets worse over time, so DPS must kill the boss quickly before the room is full of fire.

How do I survive Kharon’s mind control and fear?

Dreadful Visage (fear) makes you run into bad stuff. Illimitable Dominion (mind control) makes someone attack their own team. If tank or healer gets mind-controlled, big trouble! Use crowd control (CC) on them fast before they kill someone.

What’s the biggest mistake in the Goblin Gang fight?

Three big mistakes — Standing in front of Geenkle (Cleave hurts everyone), letting Jank get behind the tank (Backstab kills fast), and ignoring Geenkle’s Bloodlust (he goes crazy fast!). Spread out, keep Jank in front of the tank, and interrupt Bloodlust or your group is dead.

How do I handle Dark Rider’s Curse of Agony?

Super simple — Healers MUST cleanse it ASAP! The longer it stays, the more damage it does. If it lasts too long, it becomes a death sentence. No cleanse? Then be ready to spam big heals to keep cursed players alive.

How do I avoid dying to Creeping Malison’s webs and poison?

If you get webbed, scream for help! DPS must break people out fast. Poison (Spectral Fangs) stacks and slowly kills everyone, so healers must cleanse it fast. Also, don’t get hit by Burning, or you take 25% more damage and probably die.

Why do tanks need to move bosses a lot?

Fire, poison, explosions, and bad stuff on the ground! If the tank doesn’t move the boss out of these zones, the group has nowhere safe to stand and takes way too much damage. Also, some bosses pull players in, so tanks must keep them positioned well to prevent wipes.

What should DPS do when a teammate is trapped (like Inhume or Cursed Webbing)?

Stop attacking the boss and free them! If you ignore trapped players, they either die or miss the whole fight. Attack the ice/web until they are free, or it could cost the whole group the fight.

How do I survive knockbacks (Irrepressible Blaze)?

If you get knocked back near an edge, you’re flying off the map! Always stand in a safe spot before the knockback happens. If you have a movement ability, save it to prevent getting thrown off.
