Death’s Advance Reputation

Product Description

Death’s Advance is the main faction of Shadowlands 9.1: the Chains of Domination. It is located and operates in Korthia and, just like Ve’nari, is the main source of various Covenant transmog sets, catchup gear and means to upgrader this gear all the way up to Item Level 233. At higher levels of rep, players will be able to buy two mounts from the faction vendor — Amber Shardhide and Soaring Razorwing.

We will boost your standing with Death’s Advance to the selected level by farming content that yields reputation in Shadowlands — mainly, World Quests.

There are multiple ways to farm reputation with the Death’s Advance:

  • Completing the Weekly Shaping Fate Quest in Korthia.
  • Completing Weekly Covenant Assaults in Korthia;
  • Completing Korthia Daily quests;
  • Completing any Shadowlands Dailies while having Contract: Death’s Advance equipped.

Our players will utilize all the ways of earning reputation with this faction.

As a byproduct of the service, you will also get all the Stygia, gold, reagents, and loot that was obtained during your boost.

The ETA depends on your current and target standing. The minimal farm rate is ~6000-7000 reputation per week. At this rate, the boost takes from 6 to 7 weeks (from Neutral to Exalted). Your mileage may vary if you already have some progress.

This boost will be completed in Death'S Advance Reputation | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Korthia has to be unlocked and your character has to be able to complete Korthia quests.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

4 reasons to choose Epiccarry Reputation boost:

  1. All of our players have years of experience and are exceptionally skilled in the game. We only hire people that proved their expertise in the field they apply for. Buying Death’s Advance Reputation boost from us, you can be sure it will be done by a skilled and competent player.
  2. Our support team goes out of its way to keep you as involved with the process as possible. We provide a constant stream of updates, let you know of milestones we have reached and notify you of any situation that may need your attention.
  3. We will broadcast the process via private streams. You can tune in any time to check on the progress, or for entertainment if that’s your thing!
  4. We always choose the safest and most discreet way to perform our services. We only log in to your account using a new VPN that matches your country and stay away from anything that might put your account at risk.
