Archivists’ Codex Reputation

Archivist’s Codex is a brand new 9.1 faction that resides in Korthia. This faction’s main purpose is examination and codification of all the relics from across the Shadowlands. Unlike most other factions in Shadowlands, this one is unusually grindy. Archivist’s Codex offers no daily quests besides the starting quest chain. Instead, the rep gains are based upon the Cataloged Research turn-in items that are granted to you in return for Korthian Relics that you will find by looting treasures and killing rare mobs in Korthia. You will gain reputation equal to 50% of research you turn in, which means that every 2 Cataloged Research translates into 1 reputation point.

Product Description

Our player will improve your reputation standing with Archivist’s Codex to the selected Tier by killing rare mobs and looting treasures in Korthia, completing Korthia dailies and one-time Korthian Relic quests that grant Archivist’s Codex reputation. Depending on the selected reputation tier, you may unlock:

  • Shadowlands Season 2 sockets;
  • Conduit upgrades up to ilvl 252;
  • Treatise: Recognizing Stygia — an upgrade item that increases your Stygia gains from completing Maw dailies and killing Maw rares;
  • Treatise: The Study of Anima and Harnessing Every Drop — an upgrade item that increases your Anima gains from completing World Quests and killing rares anywhere in the Shadowlands;
  • Treatise: Relics Abound in the Shadowlands — an upgrade item that enables you to loot Reputation tokens for Shadowlands factions when completing World Quests in their zones.
  • improvements to the upgrade system for Korthian items (allowing items to be upgraded to a max ilvl of 233);
  • Alloy-Warping Facetor — item that allows you to add a socket to Shadowlands Season 2 gear piece, assuming it does not already have one;
  • And, most importantly, level 239 gear with Domination Sockets.

The Archivist’s Codex Reputation boost takes 4-5 weeks from Tier 1 to Tier 6.

This boost will be completed in Archivists' Codex Reputation | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Your character has to be able to access Korthia and earn reputation with Archivist’s Codex. Select the “Get Access to Korthia and Archivist’s Codex” if needed.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

How Much Reputation Is Needed To Get All the Rewards?

Reputation with Archivist’s Codex is split into 6 tiers:

  • Tier 1 – 0/3000
  • Tier 2 – 0/4500
  • Tier 3– 0/6500
  • Tier 4 – 0/11000
  • Tier 5 – 0/16000
  • Tier 6 – Max Level

Each level unlocks a new set of items for purchase. You can find out what rep level you need to be able to buy any specific item by interacting with a reputation slider in the options section.

4 reasons to choose Epiccarry Reputation boost:

  1. All of our players have years of experience and are exceptionally skilled in the game. We only hire people that proved their expertise in the field they apply for. Buying Archivists’ Codex Reputation boost from us, you can be sure it will be done by a skilled and competent player.
  2. Our support team goes out of its way to keep you as involved with the process as possible. We provide a constant stream of updates, let you know of milestones we have reached and notify you of any situation that may need your attention.
  3. We will broadcast the process via private streams. You can tune in any time to check on the progress, or for entertainment if that’s your thing!
  4. We always choose the safest and most discreet way to perform our services. We only log in to your account using a new VPN that matches your country and stay away from anything that might put your account at risk.
