Drake of the South Wind

Looking to add the Drake of the South Wind to your collection of mounts in WoW? Our boosting service can help you achieve that goal in no time. With our team of experienced players, you can increase your chances of getting the mount from Al’Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds raid.

Drake of the South Wind Mount Boost Service Includes

  • We offer flexible options for the number of runs you’d like to purchase for a chance to obtain Reins of the Drake of the South Wind.
  • We provide a safe and reliable service with skilled players who can complete the raid without risking your account.
  • Providing regular updates on the progress of your mount farming.

This boost will be completed in Drake Of The South Wind | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


Please note that the drop rate for the Drake of the South Wind mount is random and may vary significantly. Although we cannot assure you of acquiring the mount within a specific time frame, our boosting service will significantly enhance your chances of obtaining it. Service includes the chosen amount of tries.

Drake of the South Wind Boost Requirements

Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

 How to Get the Drake of the South Wind Mount

The Reins of the Drake of the South Wind is a rare drop that can be obtained from Al’Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds raid instance. This mount has a low drop chance, so obtaining it may take multiple runs.

To access the Throne of the Four Winds, players must travel to the Skywall, a floating area reached by flying in Southern Uldum. The entrance to the raid is located in the southeastern corner of the zone, and players need to fly up to the instance portal to enter.

Once inside the raid, defeat the Conclave of Wind to progress toward the final boss, Al’Akir. Upon defeating Al’Akir on any difficulty, there is a chance for the Reins of the Drake of the South Wind to drop as a reward.

It is important to note that the mount has a low drop rate, so it may take multiple runs to obtain it.

Tip: Run the Raid on Multiple Characters – If you have multiple characters, try running the raid on each one each week. This will increase your chances of obtaining the mount.

    Select amount of runs:
