WoW Season of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks in Phase 1

By: friolt
14 min read
Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

So, it may be our Final Chord, or not. Especially for the fundamental things in the season of discovery, we’re almost finished. That’s why we’re finally ready to provide you with a Wow Season of Discovery Beginners guide. But what exactly can this guide provide you?

Okay, it’s our effort to squeeze out all the information from our compendium so that you can learn:

  1. What the phases are and how they rule the progression in the world of Warcraft: Classic Season of Discovery.
  2. Which addons and mods to choose for the most convenient player’s experience for the first time. Is there anything very specific, like an addon for searching runes, for example?
  3. How to make the best use of class mechanics to excel in the world of Warcraft: Season of Discovery.
  4. Which tricks from our guide from another Classic Season of Mastery may be useful. We mean our WoW Classic hardcore tricks that still work.
  5. How to level up your character much faster without wasting your time on helpless quests.
  6. How to farm gold in Phase 1 and how it can help you in the level 25 endgame.

And, of course, with this beginner’s guide, you’ll learn what to do after you reach level 25.

So, without further ado, let our discoveries begin.

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

Phases of world of Warcraft classic: Season of discovery

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

Firstly from our wow sod beginners guide, let’s dive into the World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery (SoD), focusing on its first phase. This overview will be casual and straightforward, with a mix of essential details and a table for quick reference. As for today, we’re know only about the first phase of the Season of Discovery, we’ll focus on the innovations, players, are already can feel on theirselves.

General InfoPhase 1 HighlightsGameplay Dynamics
November 30, 2023Initially set at 25Ensuring equal opportunities for Horde and Alliance
Renovated Dungeons, Experience Rates, Rune Engraving System, Special Raid, Riding in Azeroth, New Classes, Nostalgia FactorUnique roles like Mage Healer, Rogue TankEnhanced loot in chests and through dungeons/raids
Aiming to recreate the classic WoW vibes with fresh elementsNew Raids & Dungeons, PvP Events, Rune EngravingsUnique mounts available post-level 25, especially from PvP events
Innovative class roles and abilitiesClassic locations reimaginedEssential tools like Questie, Auctioneer, Gatherer for enhanced experience

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Each new phase, you’ll get new level cap. New runes. New dungeons. New raids. So for now, you World of Warcraft: Season of discovery is more like a Cutted version of the World of Warcraft: Vanilla with all that experience.

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

Addons For the most convenient play in wow season of discovery

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

It’s a blend of classic gameplay with a twist – think reduced XP rates and low-level raids, all wrapped in a 2004-style package. This isn’t your typical Season of Mastery; it’s more like an enhanced WoW experience. And yeah, don’t even think about diving into SoD without those crucial addons. They’re like your survival kit in this game mode.

To get these game-changing addons, head to CurseForge – it’s the go-to spot. They’ve got a user-friendly setup, and you can find addons specifically for WoW Classic SoD beginners guide. Whether you’re looking for quest aids, auction house hacks, or dungeon alerts, they’ve got you covered. But keep in mind, some addons might be MIA right after release due to client version updates.

  • Questie: For all your questing needs, marking objectives and simplifying tracking.
  • Auctioneer: Maximizes your gold in the auction house.
  • GatherMate2: Keeps track of all those important resource spots.
  • Deadly Boss Mods (DBM): Essential for dungeons and raid alerts.
  • AtlasLoot Classic: Gives you the lowdown on loot tables.
  • Recount: Analyzes your DPS and healing, helping you optimize your gameplay.
  • Leatrix Plus: Quality of life tweaks to make your game smoother.
  • ClassicCastbars: A must-have for tracking enemy spells, especially in PvP.
  • WeakAuras 2: Custom alerts to keep you on top of your game.
  • Details!: Deep dives into your combat performance.
  • Bagnon: Makes inventory management a breeze.
  • HealBot Continued: Streamlines healing, a lifesaver for healer classes.
  • TomTom: Your in-game GPS for navigation.
  • SilverDragon: Keeps an eye out for those rare mobs.
  • Bartender4 & Shadowed Unit Frames: Customize your UI to fit your playstyle.
  • Clique: Speeds up your spell casting, perfect for those clutch moments.
  • OmniCC: Keeps track of your cooldowns, so you’re always ready.

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In the open world of WoW Classic SoD, strategies like split pulling, managing crowd control, and using defensive abilities are key. Keep an eye on your health potions, and don’t forget about secondary professions like first aid. Whether you’re a melee class in the thick of it or a mage hanging back, understanding your role and using the right tactics (like feign death for hunters) can be a game-changer. And always have an escape route planned, especially when you’re dealing with too many mobs or find yourself in a sticky situation.

Choosing the best class — your Wow SoD key to domination

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

This isn’t just a trip down memory lane with the classic WoW vibe like for discovery beginners guide. We’re in a new era of WoW SoD, freshly spiced up with tweaked classes, innovative rune systems, and those tricky cursed gear items. These class choices now? They’re not just theoretical musings. They’re grounded in the real deal of gameplay, where you’re factoring in things like level caps, talent limits, and those big rune changes. We’re not just talking skill trees here, but a whole new way of approaching combat, whether you’re facing green mobs in early game or taking on more challenging yellow mobs later.

SWarlock, Mage, Druid
AHunter, Warrior, Paladin
BPriest, Rogue, Shaman (Enhance)
CShaman (Elemental), Paladin (Holy)

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So, what’s the buzz in the current phase? Think about stuff like ease of leveling up against those green quests, soloing your way through dangerous places, or farming gold by strategically tackling certain mobs. Remember the importance of having an escape plan, especially when you’re swarmed by mobs, or using your hunter’s pet for that extra edge. Each class brings a different perspective to these challenges, whether you’re pulling just one mob at a time or daring a hardcore run through enemy-laden zones. And you learnt it from our world of Warcraft: season of discovery Beginners guide.

Leveling tricks — do quicker, be better

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

Ok, let’s show you some of the key aspects of leveling in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery (SoD). We’re focusing on the essentials, so here goes:

When it comes to starting your journey in WoW Classic SoD, the best place to begin is your race’s designated starting zone. These zones are specifically designed to provide an efficient and tailored experience for quick leveling. As you embark on your adventure, it’s essential to keep a few key principles in mind.

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

Questing is the primary method of progression in the game, and it’s recommended that you stick to it. Quests offer straightforward objectives and provide you with decent experience points (XP) as rewards. To optimize your leveling, make sure to make the most of Rested XP. To accumulate this bonus, log out in cities or inns whenever possible.

CategoryTips and Strategies
Starting Off– Begin in your race’s starting zone for efficient leveling. – Consider Human Paladin or Orc Hunter for speed leveling.
Leveling Tips– Stick to questing for straightforward XP. – Use Rested XP by logging out in cities or inns. – Start exploring dungeons at levels 15-20 for gear and XP.
Class Strategy– Paladins: Choose Retribution for maximum damage. – Hunters: Embrace Beast Mastery for stronger pets.
General Advice– Keep your gear, especially weapons, up-to-date. – Manage your health and mana to avoid unnecessary downtime.<br>- Find grinding spots with fast respawns for efficient leveling.
Zone ProgressionAlliance: – Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Redridge Mountains, Duskwood Horde: – Durotar, The Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains
Professions– Combine Alchemy and Herbalism for potions and herb gathering.
Speed Leveling Tips– Batch similar quests for time-saving. Utilize dungeon runs for XP and gear. Team up with others, especially for elite quests and dungeons. Set your Hearthstone in a central location for quick returns.
Duo Leveling– Choose class combinations that complement each other, e.g., Warrior with Mage, or Rogue with Priest. Avoid incompatible combos like Paladins with Shamans.
Concluding ThoughtsStick to the basics like efficient questing, rested XP usage, and timely dungeon runs. Make smart class and race choices for a leveling advantage.

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As you progress through the game, you’ll want to start exploring dungeons around levels 15-20. Dungeons are like gold mines for both valuable gear and XP, so don’t overlook them.

Maintaining your gear is crucial, especially when it comes to weapons. Keeping your equipment, including weapons, up-to-date ensures that you’re as effective as possible in combat. Additionally, it’s essential to manage your resources wisely, keeping a close eye on your health and mana to avoid unnecessary downtime.

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

If you happen to stumble upon grinding spots with fast respawns, consider spending some time grinding mobs there. This can be a lucrative way to gain XP and acquire resources.

For Alliance players, the recommended zone progression is to start in Elwynn Forest, move on to Westfall, then Redridge Mountains, and finally Duskwood. On the other hand, Horde players should kick off their journey in Durotar, proceed to The Barrens, and then make their way to Stonetalon Mountains.

Professions can play a significant role in your character’s development. Combining Alchemy and Herbalism can be a great choice, allowing you to craft valuable potions and gather herbs for both gold and utility.

When it comes to leveling efficiently, consider quest batching, where you tackle similar quests together to save time. Dungeon runs are excellent for both XP and gear, and teaming up with other players can enhance your efficiency, especially when dealing with elite quests or dungeons. Make sure to set your Hearthstone in a central location for quick returns.

If you prefer leveling with a partner, choose effective class combinations that complement each other. For example, a Warrior paired with a Mage or a Rogue with a Priest can make for a potent duo. However, avoid incompatible class combos, such as Paladins with Shamans in classic WoW.

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In WoW Classic SoD, the leveling process adheres to the basics of efficient questing, resting for XP bonuses, and timely dungeon exploration. Choosing your class and race wisely and utilizing addons for tracking and management can further enhance your leveling experience. So, follow these tips and tricks to make the most out of your journey in this classic mode.

Rune Searching — extra talents & Skills for Wow Sod beginners guide!

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

We have exactly the fullest around the internet guide about all the runes. But if you want to squeeze all for starts, let’s dive into the spicy stuff of WoW’s Season of Discovery (SoD) and the Dual Wield Specialization Rune for Shamans! Here’s the quick and dirty breakdown:

Dual Wield Specialization – The Shaman Power-Up: This rune is a massive game-changer. Engrave it on your chest piece, and boom – your hit chances with melee and spells jump up by 5% when dual-wielding. Plus, your Stormstrike hits with both weapons at once. Imagine that!

Getting the Rune – The Steps: First, head to Thunder Bluff. Chat with Boarton Shadetotem for the quest “Stalk With The Earthmother.” But hey, if Boarton’s playing hide and seek, a quick word with Ansekhwa or a /reload might do the trick. Next, grab some Seaforium Mining Charges from the Co Venture Mine entrance. You’ll be doing a lot of back-and-forth with Boarton, gathering Windfury Cones, fishing, and some crafting. Finally, after all these steps, the rune is yours. Pat on the back, time!

Gameplay Impact: This isn’t just any rune. It revolutionizes your Shaman gameplay. You’re hitting faster, harder, and with way more impact. It’s a whole new ball game.

Gold farming — to become the richest on the realm!

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

In WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) mode, as you embark on your adventure, consider some essential tips and tricks for efficient gold farming.

When fighting mobs, keep an eye on your enemy nameplates, especially if you plan to engage in combat with more mobs at once. Properly managing enemy groups through split pulls can help you save gold on repairs.

As you found for now, the most of these goldfarming ways are obvious. But if you want to get the unobvious tricks, with tables and approximated loot tables for mob zones, and more concrete tricks, please visit our gold guide for a world of Warcraft: Season of discovery, and do not missing diplomat, when it been full of golds, as other classes do!

  1. Farm specific mob zones for valuable drops.
  2. Use professions to gather and craft items for gold.
  3. Consider complex recipes to maximize profits.
  4. Fishing can be a semi-AFK gold-making method.
  5. Farm reputation with your capital city for discounts on crafting materials.
  6. Use the Auction House to buy low and sell high.
  7. Utilize addons to enhance your Auction House experience. Not for split pull in melee range, mentioned previously.
  8. Upgrade your bags for more storage capacity.
  9. Avoid rare mob farming for gold in Phase One of SoD.

Note: The guide is specific to Phase 1 and limited to level 25 characters.

Consider farming specific zones like Silverpine Forest not other starting zoned which are more profitable in later expansions, where you can find mobs dropping valuable loot such as cloth and other items. Be cautious of leash timers, which can disrupt your farming efforts if you venture too far from enemies.

What to do after 25 level cap — dungeons, raids

Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

After reaching the 25-level cap in WoW Season of Discovery, your focus should shift towards raiding. The first raid available is Blackfathom Deeps, where you can explore new bosses, loot tables, and tactics. This guide provides essential information about this raid, including entrance coordinates, boss abilities, and loot details.

To access Blackfathom Deeps, head to coordinates around 14, 14 on the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale’s northwest. Alliance players should start from Astranaar, while Horde adventurers can use Zoram’gar as their starting point.

The raid introduces the Boon of Blackfathom world buff, enhancing your critical chance for spells, melee, and ranged attacks by 2%, providing 20 attack power, and boosting movement speed by 20% for 120 minutes.

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While information about boss abilities is still under reconstruction, the raid features redesigned bosses with unique challenges. Some boss names remain the same but come with different abilities.

Additionally, the raid rewards primarily consist of cloth and leather armors, as plate armor is unavailable for tank classes below level 40. Explore Blackfathom Deeps and prepare for exciting raiding experiences in WoW Season of Discovery.


Wow Season Of Discovery Beginners Guide | Tricks In Phase 1

So, in a nutshell, the WoW Classic Season of Discovery Beginner’s Guide is your go-to for entering this exciting phase. It’s got all the good stuff – phases breakdown, addon recommendations, class tips, leveling tricks, rune know-how, and gold farming smarts.

For leveling, it’s all about questing smart, using rested XP, and hitting dungeons at the right levels. Plus, class and race choices matter, and addons are your buddies.

Shamans get a game-changer rune for dual-wielding – it’s a big deal.

When it comes to making that gold, think about split pulls, farming the right zones, and mastering professions. The Auction House is your gold mine, and don’t forget to upgrade your bags.

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Once you hit level 25, raiding in Blackfathom Deeps is the next big thing. It’s got world buffs, boss challenges, and loot. But remember, plate armor isn’t a thing for tank classes below level 40.

In a nutshell, this guide is your key to rocking WoW Season of Discovery. Whether you’re new or a pro, it’s got the goods to level up your game.

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What are the highlights of Phase 1 in the Season of Discovery?

Phase 1 includes renovated dungeons, experience rate adjustments, the Rune Engraving System, a special raid, riding in Azeroth, new classes, and a nostalgia factor.

What can I expect from the Season of Discovery Beginner’s Guide?

The guide provides information on phases, addon recommendations, class tips, leveling tricks, rune Knowledge, and gold farming strategies.

Which addons are recommended for the Season of Discovery?

Some recommended addons include Questie, Auctioneer, GatherMate2, Deadly Boss Mods (DBM), AtlasLoot Classic, and many more. These addons enhance gameplay and convenience.

What should I consider when choosing a class in WoW SoD?

Class choice is essential, considering factors like leveling speed, soloing capabilities, and farming efficiency. The guide also provides a tier list of classes.

How can I level up quickly in the Season of Discovery?

To level up efficiently, stick to questing, make use of Rested XP, and explore dungeons for gear and XP. The guide offers specific leveling tips and strategies.

What is the Dual Wield Specialization Rune for Shamans, and how can I obtain it?

The Dual Wield Specialization Rune enhances a Shaman’s hit chances and Stormstrike abilities when dual-wielding. To obtain it, follow a questline starting in Thunder Bluff, involving various tasks.

What are some gold farming tips in the Season of Discovery?

Gold farming strategies include farming specific mob zones, using professions, considering complex recipes, fishing, managing resources, and using the Auction House to buy low and sell high.

What should I do after reaching the level 25 cap in the Season of Discovery?

After reaching level 25, focus on raiding, starting with Blackfathom Deeps. The guide provides information on raid entrance coordinates, boss abilities, loot details, and more.
