WoW Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

By: friolt
8 min read
Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Okay, this time we might need to be a little more concise than usual. The reason? It’s simple – we’ve prepared thousands of macros specifically for the Entangling affix. We’ve also prepared all our movement strategies and other hints for this particular affix. Additionally, we have some information about the explosive affix and some afflicted souls in Dragonflight Season 3. However, you can read about all these new affixes in Dragonflight Season 2 and War Within: Season 1 in our special compendium right below.

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Now, let’s get to the point and tell you about:

  1. What the Entangling affix is.
  2. Whether you should pay extra attention to it or if you can play without giving it special focus.
  3. Which macros you can use and in which class specs.
  4. Whether you should consider using new talents to avoid being Entangled.

+ WA + macros. + hints.

With all that said, let the Guideline of the Entangling affix begin!!

What is the Entangling affix

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

This affix, added in Dragonflight Season 2, is pretty chill compared to others. It’s like the devs decided to give us a break. Entangling spawns a circle around your character, and you’ve got a smooth 8 seconds to break a tether by stepping out. If you mess up, the punishment isn’t too severe, but it can still be a pain. Some classes have a neat trick up their sleeve, breaking the tether instantly – no sweat!

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Tanks, though, watch out. Stepping out of the circle can mess with your positioning, and you definitely don’t want to accidentally cleave your team. It’s like trying to dance without stepping on anyone’s toes.

There’s some talk in the community about the 30% slow effect being a bit much. Could be lighter, like 5%, so it’s less of a drag. Overall, players seem to vibe with this affix more than the others from the patch.

For a bit of extra help, here’s a table of advice for dealing with Entangling:

Understand the MechanicKnow that you need to step out of the circle to break the tether. Simple, right?
Watch the TimerYou’ve got 8 seconds. Use it well, don’t panic in cause it simpler than beat afflicted souls.
Class PerksSome classes can break free instantly. If that’s you, you’re in luck.
Tank PositioningTanks, be careful with your moves. Don’t make things worse by bad positioning.
Dealing with SlowsThe slow effect is annoying but manageable. Just roll with it in season 2.
Avoid OverlapsDon’t stack circles on others. Keep it clean to avoid chaos simpler than beat afflicted souls.
Stay CalmFailed? No big deal. The punishment is minor, so keep your cool in season 2

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In short, Entangling is like that easygoing friend at a party. Just step out of the circle, and you’re golden. Keep an eye on videos and data from others to see how they deal with it, and adapt your strategy accordingly

Is there any old tricks from the other affixes, which may works with a entangling affix

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

The entangling mechanic is not new in the World of Warcraft Dragonflight. But what does it mean for a simple dudes, like you and me.

  • When Entangling Vines pops up, vines spawn and wrap around your character. They’re a real pain.
  • If you try to run without dealing with the vines, you’re gonna get stunned. No escape without handling them first.
  • Break these vines by interrupting or dispelling. Healers, stay alert, your team’s gonna need quick heals.
  • Stacking up isn’t the smartest move, especially with bolstering enemies. It’s a recipe for group fail.
  • Keep an eye out for additional spawns that come with the vines. These buggers are immune to your usual stuns and spells.
  • Healers, you’ve got a double duty: healing and dealing with vines. It’s like juggling with two balls while riding a unicycle.
  • To avoid a quick trip to death, don’t ignore the vines. Mess up here, and you’re toast.

As for another way, you can play this affix in the same way as you play quaking.

Alternative way to play Entangling affix

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Alternative way to play the Entagling. Is mimic it to the quaking affix. What does it mean? You must always use WeakAuras, which are show you the safe distance to the other teammates. By this, you always minimize the risks.

How to really play Entangling affix

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Ok, here I have two answers. Simple. And complex. The maximally simple. Move and Play like Quaking affix.

The complex Answer, is looks like — use some WeakAuras, which are show you the safe distant between you, and your teammates. Also it been good, if you’d use the DBM, which will scream into your headphones, phrases, like RUN.

Class (with a link to class overview)Moving Ability (with link to Wowhead)
DruidShapeshift (Bear Form)
Gnome (Race)Escape Artist
ShamanGhost Wolf
PaladinHand of Freedom
MonkTiger’s Lust
MageEnergised Barrier
Demon HunterVengeful Retreat
WarlockDemonic Circle

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Entangling Affix Macros

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

And now, without further ado, let’s dive into the Entangling affix macros list. Get ready to step out of that circle and keep your cool!

#AbilityMacroInformal Commentary
1.Druid Shapeshift (Bear Form)#showtooltip Shapeshift (Bear Form) /cast Shapeshift (Bear Form)Essential for Druids in dungeons, offering massive versatility and knock resistance. The Bear Form’s ability to avoid entangling vines and quaking affixes with ease is a quality often highlighted in YouTube guides. Health increase and interrupt capabilities make it a top pick for complex encounters, especially when healers need to manage sight lines.
2.Evoker Hover#showtooltip Hover /cast HoverNew and exciting, adds a unique sense of mobility and style to the Evoker class. Hover allows for avoiding ground affixes like quaking and entangling vines, crucial for movement in complex raid encounters. Check YouTube for quality video guides on optimizing Hover to change the outcome of a fight.
3.Gnome Escape Artist#showtooltip Escape Artist /cast Escape ArtistA real lifesaver against spiteful stuns or vines in PvP and PvE. This ability offers a chance to remove movement-impairing effects, adding a layer of strategy to encounters. Escape Artist is considered essential in guides for navigating through complex quaking affixes.
4.Priest Fade#showtooltip Fade /cast FadeGreat for reducing aggro, gives healers and priests a breather in combat. Fade allows for momentary invisibility, making it easier to avoid sight-based affixes and interrupt enemy casts. Often a topic in quality YouTube guides, it’s a sign of a knowledgeable healer.
5.Shaman Ghost Wolf#showtooltip Ghost Wolf /cast Ghost WolfPerfect for quick movement, especially useful to dodge enemy mobs or in dungeons.
6.Paladin Hand of Freedom#showtooltip Hand of Freedom /cast Hand of FreedomOffers freedom from CC, a blessing for group members in PvP.
7.Monk Tiger’s Lust#showtooltip Tiger’s Lust /cast Tiger’s LustBoosts haste and movement, a boon for monks during boss fights.
8.Warrior Avatar#showtooltip Avatar /cast AvatarIncreases damage dealt, a go-to for warriors when facing tough enemies.
9.Mage Energised Barrier#showtooltip Energised Barrier /cast Energised BarrierProvides a defensive edge, great for mitigating spell damage in raids.
10.Hunter Disengage#showtooltip Disengage /cast DisengageIdeal for creating distance or escaping from tight spots, a hunter’s staple.
11.Demon Hunter Vengeful Retreat#showtooltip Vengeful Retreat /cast Vengeful RetreatUseful for repositioning in combat, adds flair to the demon hunter’s mobility.
12.Warlock Demonic Circle#showtooltip Demonic Circle /cast Demonic CircleA strategic tool for quick movement, essential in both PvE and PvP scenarios.

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Entangling affix Weak Aura

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Ok, the last, but not at least, are the entangling Weak Auras. There’s a different way to heal a stun from a this type of content. But in the work with the exactly future entangling roots, you have two ways.

  1. Use Entangling WeakAura timers. With DBM it been perfect. These WEakAuras are nothing special, which you should prefer. But they’re perfect to dodge random roots damage, and stun of course.
  2. Use WeakAura universal mode, which manage all your affixes in one box, like incorporeal spirit, o any other affix you usually play.


Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

the Entangling affix in Dragonflight Season 2 presents a unique challenge that’s refreshingly manageable compared to other affixes. Stepping out of the circle to break the tether is a straightforward task, but it’s essential to keep your wits about you. Tanks need to be extra cautious with their positioning to avoid creating chaos, and everyone should be mindful of the slow effect, though it’s more of a nuisance than a serious threat.

We’ve compiled an extensive list of macros and movement strategies to help you navigate this affix with ease. Whether you’re a Druid using Shapeshift for versatility or a Warlock utilizing Demonic Circle for quick movement, our guide has got you covered. The goal is to minimize the disruption caused by the vines and maintain smooth gameplay.

Additionally, mimicking strategies from the Quaking affix can be beneficial. Using WeakAuras and DBM to maintain safe distances and timely movement can significantly reduce the risk posed by the Entangling vines.

Wow Entangling Affix Mythic+ Guide – Weak Auras + Macros

Remember, our guide is not just about the Entangling affix. We’ve also got insights into other affixes like the explosive and incorporeal spirit, ensuring you’re well-equipped for whatever the game throws at you in Dragonflight Season 2 and beyond.

So, step out of that circle, use our macros wisely, and keep your gameplay sharp with our WeakAura tips. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer to Mythic+ dungeons, our guide is designed to make your experience with the Entangling affix as smooth as possible.

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What is the Entangling Affix?

The Entangling affix, a new addition in Dragonflight Season 2, creates a circle around your character, and you must break a tether by stepping out. It’s simpler compared to other affixes and requires quick action to avoid the negative effects of failing to dispel it.

How does the Entangling Affix compare to other affixes?

Unlike other affixes, particularly the more punishing ones like Bolstering or Spiteful, the Entangling affix is less severe. Its mechanism is straightforward, focusing on movement rather than dealing with additional spawns or complex enemy mechanics.

Are there specific macros or Weak Auras recommended for the Entangling Affix?

Yes, we have prepared a range of macros and Weak Auras tailored for the Entangling affix. These tools are designed to help manage this affix effectively without being overwhelmed, especially when dealing with vines or avoiding unnecessary death.

Can strategies from other affixes be applied to the Entangling Affix?

Absolutely. Strategies from affixes like Quaking, where spacing and timing are crucial, can be adapted for the Entangling affix. Using WeakAuras to maintain safe distances and timely dispel can mitigate the risks associated with this affix.

How does the Entangling Affix impact healers and tanks in a dungeon?

Healers need to be prepared for occasional healing surges, especially if a team member fails to dispel the vines promptly. Tanks must be cautious about their positioning, as moving out of the circle can sometimes worsen the situation by affecting enemy placement or character alignment.

Are there any specific talents or class abilities that are useful for the Entangling Affix?

Yes, certain class abilities can be particularly effective. For instance, a Druid’s Shapeshift or a Warlock’s Demonic Circle can provide quick movement options to deal with the affix efficiently. The right talent choices can also make a significant difference in handling this affix.

What should players watch out for with the Entangling Affix in future patches?

Players should stay updated with any changes to the Entangling affix in future patches. Affixes occasionally undergo tweaks that can alter their mechanics, making it crucial to stay informed to adapt your strategies accordingly.

How do the mechanics of the Entangling Affix affect dungeon content?

The Entangling affix adds an interesting layer to the dungeon content, requiring players to focus on movement and positioning. It changes the usual approach to dealing with bosses and afflicted enemies, emphasizing the importance of spatial awareness.

What kind of data or information should players look for regarding new affixes like Entangling?

Players should seek data on how the Entangling and other new affixes affect different dungeons and enemy types. Understanding the nuances of each affix, especially how they interact with dungeon environments and boss mechanics, is crucial for successful runs.

Are there any diseases or debuffs associated with the Entangling Affix?

The Entangling affix itself does not directly apply diseases or debuffs, but failing to break free from the vines in time can lead to additional challenges, such as increased damage taken or reduced mobility, which can indirectly affect the group’s performance in the dungeon.
