Glory of the Nathria Raider

Glory of the Nathria Raider Description

Here you can buy World of Warcraft (WoW) boost.

You will get Glory of the Nathria Raider meta-achievement, which consists of the following achievements:

You will get Rampart Screecher mount.

The Group Loot distribution method will be used to complete your run. We are unable to promise any specific items or the overall amount of gear pieces that you will end up looting because of how it functions. However, we promise to bring enough unsaved characters that bosses will always drop at least two items. In the event that they upgrade you, you will have the option to choose Need when rolling on items for your main spec. If you want to understand more about the new Group Loot system, including any extra guidelines or limitations that apply to rolls, please read this post.

Boost will take 1 – 2 days. Check our Raid Calendar to find out when exactly it can be done.

You can choose either Glory Of The Nathria Raider | Buy BoostSelf-Play or Glory Of The Nathria Raider | Buy BoostPiloted mode for this boost.



The following requirements only apply if you choose Piloted mode:

We will need access to your account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. The account will be occupied while we work.

Please remove the authenticator from your account or cancel “Ask code each time I login” mode. Your account will still be protected by the secret question.
