Setup Your Character PvE Package

Product Description

Here you can buy World of Warcraft (WoW) Setup Your Character — PvE Coaching Package Boost.

  • This Package is the best choice for people who want to learn everything about their class. This service is done by the very best raiders. You will be invited in the raid with raiders of a top guild on normal mode for 2-3 bosses to analyze your knowledge of your class and log the fights;
  • We will help you with gear/enchants/gems choice and will explain what items must be changed in primarily;
  • Our professionals will help you with choosing needed spec and talents, will teach you what abilities you need to use in different situations, and will explain the mechanics of your class;
  • We will answer any of your questions about your class;
  • We will analyze your DPS/HPS/Tanking and will advise you what skills, talents, and tactic is better for each boss.

This boost will be completed in Setup Your Character Pve Package | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.



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