Vault of Glass Triumphs Seal | Fatebreaker

Vault of Glass Triumphs Seal

Here you can buy D2 Vault of Glass Triumphs Seal | Fatebreaker Title Boost.

You will get completed the selected Vault of Glass Triumphs Seal for you. To obtain the Fatebreaker title we will complete the triumphs you need.

ETA varies from the selected option. Some of them may take 1 day to be completed when others will take around 5 weeks.

Boost is available on the PC, PS4, and Xbox platforms.

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

You will get

Options Description

Vault of Glass Trophies (Collection Badge) – we will get the Trophies from the Vault of Glass raid.

Vault of Glass – we will complete the full Vault of Glass raid.

Temporal Caches – we will open all the secret chests in the required raid.

Pearl Of Glass – we will get all the hidden collectibles and receive the Bitterpearl shader.

Vault Of Clans – we will complete the Vault of Glass raid with a full fireteam of clanmates.

Charged Glass – we will complete Vault Of Glass encounters with a full fireteam of Arc subclasses.

Melted Glass – we will complete Vault Of Glass encounters with a full fireteam of solar subclasses.

Emty Glass – we will complete Vault Of Glass encounters with a full fireteam of Void subclasses.

Vault Of Class – we will complete Vault Of Glass encounters with a full fireteam of the same class.

Break no Plates – we will complete the Waking ruins while not losing plate to the Vex.

Wait for it… – we will complete the conflux raid challenge.

Dragons Den – we will complete the conflux raid challenge while defeating Wyverns with only Super damage.

The Only Oracle for You – we will complete the Oracle raid challenge.

Take Cover – we will complete the Oracle raid challenge without defeating any Hobgoblins.

Out of Its Way – we will complete the Templar challenge.

Tempered Teleport – we will complete the Templar challenge while never blocking the Templars teleport.

Too Fast, Two Gorgons – we will complete the Gorgons Labyrinth encounter while defeating 2 or more Gorgons wthin 3 seconds of each other.

Strangers in Time – we will complete the Gatekeepers challenge mode.

Rabid Relic – we will complete the Gatekeepers challenge mode while using Relic Super damage to defeat Praetorians.

Ensembles Refrain – we will complete the “Ensembles Refrain” challenge in the Atheon encounter.

Eyes on Atheon – we will defeat Atheon without killing any Supplicants.

Master Glasser – we will complete the Vault of Glass raid on Master difficulty and receive the Vaultstrider ship for you.

Maestro Glasser – we will complete the Vault of Glass raid on Master difficulty and receive you the shotgun Found Verdict (Timelost).

Small delays may occur as during certain hours boosters might be having a rest or be less active. In this case, Cross Save can help significantly, as a PC player will be able to fulfill your PS4 or Xbox order. Unfortunately, there are fewer Destiny 2 players on PS4 or Xbox compared to the PC platform.

It takes only a couple of minutes to enable the Cross Save. If you have some difficulties with it, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.

Important Information

Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged in to your account. It applies only to Piloted mode services.

Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.


Power Level 1335+ is required or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.

Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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