Necrolords Covenant Campaign

Product Description

Here you can buy World of Warcraft (WoW) boost.

By purchasing our Covenant Campaign carry, you can enjoy the high-end content by letting the boosting professionals from our team do the boring farm and routine.

We will complete up to 9 chapters from the Necrolords Covenant Campaign for you and achieve up to 22 Renown level. Your character also gets to keep all of the gold and loot that drops during the boost.

Completing the Necrolords Campaign grants you:

This boost will be completed in Necrolords Covenant Campaign | Buy BoostPiloted mode.

The boost takes 1 – 2 days. All time frames apply from the point when the Epiccarry employee manages to log into your account successfully for the first time.


Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Covenants must be unlocked, and the character aligned with one of them.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Why Us?

We’ve been present on the boosting scene since 2013, have vast experience, and thousands of successfully completed boosts.

Friendly and responsive customer support.

We only work with trusted and reliable boosters.

All orders are done strictly by hand with VPN, streams of every boosting session, offline mode, no bots/hacks/dubious tactics, and no contacts with your friends/guildies.

About Necrolords Covenant Campaign Boost from Epiccarry

Covenants are a new feature presented to us in the Shadowlands expansion upon reaching the maximum level of 60. You are to choose between one of the following: Kyrian of Bastion, Necrolords of Maldraxxus, Night Fae of Ardenweald, and Venthyr of Revendreth. Every Covenant offers exclusive and valuable rewards, which will prove to be most beneficial to your gaming experience.

Necrolords’ homeland is the Maldraxxus, the birthplace of the art of necromancy, a world of perpetual war where the strong equals right. They might seem malicious because of their dedication and single-minded focus on power, but they’re the military arm of the Shadowlands, which are designed to repel attacks by invaders and protect the lands. The recent fierce civil war for power between the Maldraxxus houses has torn the once five Great Houses apart, and only the House of the Chosen remains true to Maldraxxus’s sacred purpose. As we join this Covenant we help build the strength of the House of the Chosen, join the fight against the treacherous betrayer houses, and work to build the power of the Necrolords’ fortress, the Seat of the Primus.


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