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Here you can buy D2 Tarrabah (Exotic Submachine Gun) Weapon Farm Boost.
You will get the Tarrabah Submachine Gun.
We will complete the Crown of Sorrow raid unless gain you the Tarrabah weapon.
Boost takes 1-4 days.
We don’t use any programs or bots, only hand work.
For the Piloted mode service we will use the VPN of your country to work on your order.
Stream or screens at your request.
Boost is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox platform.
We provide this service with account sharing.
Consult the following table to learn the Tarrabah stats.
Tarrabah | |
Impact | 22 |
Range | 49 |
Stability | 28 |
Handling | 55 |
Reload Speed | 42 |
Rounds Per Minute | 750 |
Magazine | 31 |
All the loot drop during the boost is absolutely random. We can’t guarantee any specific items drop.
Boost guarantee time starts from the moment the booster logs on to your account and works only for boosts with account sharing.
Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.
We guarantee that you will get a 100% chosen weapon. However, we can’t guarantee its Power Level as it fully depends on your current Power Level.
The Mountaintop weapon is required or you may order it here.
Outbreak Prime weapon is required or you may order it here.
Opened access to the Crown of Sorrow raid for 3 characters.
3 Characters with 1231+Power level or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.
Completed Forsaken Story or you can order it using our Forsaken Story Boost offer.
Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.
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Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
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