Festival of the Lost


Here you can buy D2 Festival of the Lost Boost.

This service gives an opportunity to obtain powerful Exotics from Festival of the Lost as well as Weekly and Daily bounties.

The estimated time of the service performance varies from the selected option:

  • Eva Levante Weekly + Daily Bounties – 1 day;
  • Restless shell (Exotic Ghost) – from 1 to 2 days;
  • Tomb Raider (Exotic Sparrow) – from 1 to 3 days;
  • Wrap speed (Exotic Ship) – from 3 to 5 days;

For the Piloted mode service we will use the VPN of your country to work on your order.

Boost is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox platform.

We provide this service with account sharing.


Eva Levante Weekly + Daily Bounties option – we will complete Festival of the Lost daily and weekly bounties from Eva Levante. (ETA 1 day)

Restless Shell (Exotic Ghost) option – we will complete the Cache Grab triumph to receive you the Exotic Ghost – Restless Shell. (ETA 1 – 2 days)

Tomb Raider (Exotic Sparrow) option – we will complete the Cache Cow triumph to receive you the Exotic Sparrow – Tomb Raider. (ETA 1 – 3 days)

Wrap Speed (Exotic Ship) option – we will complete the Cache Galor triumph to receive you the Exotic Ship – Wrap Speed. (ETA 3 – 5 days)

Haunted Forest 7 + Branches option – we will complete weekly challenge for 7 Haunted Forests and Branches


Attention! Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged on your account and works only for boosts with account sharing.

Attention! Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.


Power Level 1000+ is required or you can order it using our Power Leveling offers.

For Piloted mode services, we need only your login and password. We don’t need the answer to your secret question as well as the password to your email address, which makes it impossible to steal your account.

You are required to provide us the Steam Guard code to process the service.

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