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The Navigator is a stong gun, an exotic trace rifle that won’t give a chance to your enemies. It will increase your damage and grant protection to teammates. This exotic can be getting from the final boss, Simmumah Ur-Nokru, of the dungeon known as Ghosts of The Deep. Each week, you can run this dungeon once for all three Guardians for better odds.
It may take a long time to get a Navigator exotic trace rifle because its drop rate is quite low. Buy a Navigator boost, and our team of skilled players will do all the boring work for you so that you can enjoy your new gun and kill enemies faster than ever possible.
You can choose either Self-Play or
Piloted mode for this boost.
Estimated Start Time: 15-45 minutes.
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Getting a Navigator trace rifle takes a lot of time and a team with knowledge of dungeon mechanics. Buy the Navigator boost and let our skilled players help you kill the boss the in last encounter until the Navigator exotic drops into your collection. We work not just on PC but also on PS and Xbox platforms. Please turn off Cross-Save to start processing your order as soon as possible. This will speed up our work and allow you to obtain exotic weapons faster. Here’s how to order step by step:
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Navigator can be acquired after you kill the final boss in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon. The drop chance to get this rifle is low, so players might need to finish the dungeon multiple times.
This exotic trace rifle is a very good weapon for supporting your teammates. By itself, it’s gun quite good, but if you want to unlock its potential when this gun is finally in your hands, get a Catalyst.
Ghosts of the deep dungeon completed will earn you the catalyst. Look for heaps of dead ghosts and deposit Vestige of Light, then defeat Thul-Ar in three different places with your team. Once you have done all that, you get the catalyst for the Navigator exotic. You can also unlock the Gordian Knot perk. You need to hold and shoot, after which the grapple tangle on the target is activated. It is useful for any player who wants to move around locations more quickly and activate different grenade-related abilities.
Having a Catalyst on a Navigator trace rifle, the Guardian must make 400-500 kills to obtain an additional perk and enhance the effectiveness of that weapon.
The chance of getting a Navigator is about 5-6%, and it’s a random drop. It may seem like much different from various other exotics. So if you definitely need this gun for your collection then be prepared to repeat Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon several times.
This new exotic trace rifle has a couple of perks: Protective weave and Weft Cutter. Both of these are good for PvP and PvE. The protective weave is a Strand subclass and gives an ally the Woven Mail buff whenever the Navigator hits an ally. Weft Cutter will deal sustained damage to enemies and sever enemy targets after you keep them under attack for a long time. Woven Mail and Sever help reduce incoming damage to teammates.
You must search for audio logs scattered in the ghosts of the deep dungeon. Your odds of unlocking a weapon will increase if you find all of them. Also, you can complete the deep triumph to further boost the odds rate.
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