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Cooking is a staple of any MMO, not just New World. It gives you the ability to cook meals for yourself and other players, which you can consume to gain special buffs: health/mana restoration over time, temporary stat increases and even bonuses to other trade skills!
Cooking is dependant on skills that allow you to gather edible items: most notably, Fishing and Harvesting, but you also get a lot of meat from the game you kill in the open world, and leveling up your Cooking skill does not require being a proficient fisherman.
Epiccarry offers you to buy Cooking Trade Skill Boost to level up your Cooking from any level to the max with the use of our service.
All coins, raw materials, and armor generated by our player during the service will be left on your character and you will be able to make use of it.
The ETA of this service depends on your current progress. Usually, leveling Cooking from 1 to 200 takes up to 7 days.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Level 60 character. Use our leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
We will need access to your New World account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.
Buying our Cooking service is very beneficial to all players who would like to maximize the potential of their characters. All the materials that you will inevitably gain while playing New World can be either used or sold for a profit, and there is no better way to make use of all the fish, meat, and herbs that you collected than cook them and flip them on the auction for a hefty bag of coins. Higher cooking skill unlocks more potent recipes and improves your cooking efficiency, yielding more food for the same amount of ingredients.
Although Cooking is not as important as many other trade skills, in the long run, having a character that can cook can prove very useful. On average, becoming a master Cook may take an inexperienced player longer than it really should. There is no good trade skill leveling guides yet, and you are bound to use a trial and error method, craft items that have suboptimal cost-to-XP ratios, and waste some resources while leveling your Cooking skill.
Our players are very experienced at trade skill leveling and know all the ins and outs of Cooking in the New World. Not only will we spare you from sinking hours upon hours of your personal time on the material grind, but we will level your Cooking trade skill as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
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