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Weaving lets refine plant fibers into cloth. Cloth is used mainly in Armoring, but many other trade skills, such as Engineering, Furnishing and Arcana also depend on Weaving for cloth to some degree. Weaving consumes raw materials gathered with Harvesting and is used by almost any crafting trade skill.
Epiccarry offers you to buy Weaving Trade Skill Boost to level up your Weaving from any level to the max with the use of our service.
All coin, raw materials, and armor generated by our player during the service will be left on your character and you will be able to make use of it.
The ETA of this service depends on your current progress. Usually, leveling Weaving from 1 to 200 takes up to 3 days.
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Level 60 character. Use our leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
We will need access to your New World account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.
Your Harvesting Skill has to be at least 50. Please select the corresponding option if it is lower.Buying our Weaving service is extremely beneficial if you want to make some coin or level up a crafting trade skill. A skilled Weaver will always be able to make a coin off his work by refining a bunch of heft and selling it at auction.
Even though the benefits of having your Weaving at 200 are great, getting there will take a while, because on average, mastering this trade skill may take an inexperienced player anywhere from a week to many weeks. First of all, this refining skill pretty much has to be paired with Harvesting if you don’t have the spare coin to buy raw fibers or time to get them yourself. This means that you will have to put in a lot of legwork in various territories, spend a lot of time harvesting, and as a result, level this trade skill slowly. Furthermore, given that the game is new, and there is no good trade skill leveling guides yet, you are bound to use a trial and error method and waste a lot of time.
Our players are very experienced at trade skill leveling and know all the ins and outs of Weaving in the New World. Not only will we spare you from sinking hours upon hours of your personal time on the material grind, but we will level your Weaving trade skill as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
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