Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest Boost

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest is a powerful staff, introduced with the Cataclysm expansion. This legendary staff is imbued with the soul of the heroic blue dragon – Tarecgosa, who sacrificed herself to save her kin from the Deathwing and the Twilight’s Hammer. In her honor and with the help of Kalegcos – Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary staff was created to prevent as many future casualties of the Deathwing as possible. Wielding this stuff is not only a testament to the victims of the Cataclysm but a great addition to your outfit and a powerful sign of your character’s power, making you a force to be reckoned with.

Obtaining Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary staff includes a lengthy questline, as well as a couple of dozen completed dungeons and heroic Fireland raid runs. The entire ordeal takes a considerable amount of time and effort, now allowing you to enjoy the content you like. Allow our boosters to take this arduous process off your hands and forget about grind and stress with our Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest boost service, at least for a while. Get your legendary staff grind and stress-free with our Tarecgosa’s Rest boosting service!

Service Includes

This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: up to 5 weeks.

Additional Options

500,000 Gold – as we complete defeating Heroic Ragnaros, complete the legendary quest, and obtain your legendary staff, a hefty sum of gold will be sent to your character to boost your adventure even further;
Stream – watch our reliable booster obtain your Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary staff, and complete all the corresponding quests and Heroic Firelands raid.


Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Character level 50 with an ability to wield staffs. Use our Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

How it works

Our Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary weapon is a great addition to any mage’s inventory, and our reliable boosting specialist will help you obtain it, including legendary item transmogrification for your Warband, Firelord title, Heroic Boss Clear, and even a small chance to obtain great Firelands-themed mounts. We’ve designed this service specifically to keep you away from this lengthy and tedious process of obtaining Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary and its variations, taking the whole quest from the start to the very final part and the resource farm, so you can enjoy World of Warcraft to the fullest, without interrupting fun because of grind. However, before we proceed to your Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest boost, it’s advised to go through the walkthrough below to have a clear understanding of what’s ahead:

  1. Review the list of requirements for this Tarecgosa’s Rest Dragonwrath boost, a list of additional options, and “Service Includes” to make sure you haven’t missed anything and meet the minimum requirements. Place an order when you’re ready!
  2. One of the members of our Customer Support Team will contact you immediately to confirm the order’s details, including the schedule, the payment method, delivery time, and possibly some other account details. Our managers strive to provide you with anything you need, so if you have any unanswered questions about your Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Restboost – make sure to inquire, we’ll be happy to help;
  3. Once we shake hands, a reliable and vigorous booster will be assigned to your Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest boost. Our specialists are really good at what they’re doing, with years of game practice and hundreds of raid runs under their belt. You can be sure – Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s boost Rest will be completed in record time, with all the bosses killed in the most efficient way there is! Note, however, that this particular Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest boost is completed in Piloted Mode, which means account sharing. It’s done to go through the lengthy questline and all the necessary raid runs in the most optimized way possible. Meanwhile, our reliable security team will make sure nothing bad happens with your data;
  4. That’s it, basically. Once we’re done completing the lengthy questline related to Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, and ensuring that every boss in the Firelands suffered just enough giving up your new pet and legendary achievements. We’re hoping that this Tarecgosa’s Rest boost Dragonwrath helped you a lot, providing you with an amazing legendary without farm and sweat.

Thanks for sticking with our Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest boost! Make sure to leave us a bit of feedback, we strive to become the very best on the market, and knowing what you like and dislike is crucial in achieving this noble goal!



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Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 3 weeks ago
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Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 3 weeks ago
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Good customer communication.
Epiccarry never disappoints - quick responses, fast completions, and helpful support. Highly recommend!
Ashton L, 3 weeks ago
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Professional and trustworthy boosting service
Top players provide excellent boosting services in WoW.
Jimbolajt, 3 weeks ago
star star star star star
Good boosting service
Website is easy to navigate, and customer service is great.
Christian A, 3 weeks ago
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Amazing people
Amazing team! Always quick to respond and flawless in fulfilling orders.
Brandon S, 3 weeks ago
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Great experience!
Worked with a pro who helped me finish something super fast. Love working with Epiccarry!
Stephen W, 3 weeks ago
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Best customer service, most fun, best rewards
Epiccarry offers the best services, meets your requests, and makes the process enjoyable.
George G, 3 weeks ago
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Bought a lot of their WoW Services
Never had a bad experience. Service is fast unless RNG gets in the way. Highly reliable!
Jeanne M, 3 weeks ago
star star star star star
Great and best of all secure.
Been with Epiccarry since 2022, and they’ve always delivered. Great communication and friendly boosters.
Grits, 3 weeks ago
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Consistently gave great service
Lost count of how many times I’ve used Epiccarry. Consistently great service every time. Thanks for...
Spectre, 3 weeks ago
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Exceeds expectations
Every time I use Epiccarry, I think they can’t get better - yet they always surprise...
Allen, 3 weeks ago
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Love the Epiccarry service
As a solo player, Epiccarry lets me enjoy Destiny without the hassle of LFG. Their service...
Dominick R, 3 weeks ago
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Very polite & professional
Very polite and professional service! I’ll definitely order again and recommend to friends. 😎
Lunerva, 3 weeks ago
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Perfect delivery every time. Used them several times and always satisfied.
Paolo M, 3 weeks ago
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Best experience i ever had in gaming services
Needed urgent help with a 24h event. They delivered quickly, customized the experience, and even gave...
Matt Peoples, 3 weeks ago
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Premium World of Warcraft Services
Great site with fast service, fair prices, and friendly staff who keep you updated on Discord.
Robert, 3 weeks ago
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Yoo I’m first timer on Epiccarry
First time with Epiccarry - amazing service! Quick and smooth. Definitely coming back. 🔥
Darren S, 3 weeks ago

What bosses does the Firelands have?

  • Beth’tilac: a giant lava spider located in the Widow’s Clutch;
  • Lord Rhyolith: a massive molten giant found on Rhyolith Plateau;
  • Alysrazor: a fiery bird that was once a loyal lieutenant to Ragnaros;
  • Shannox: a Flamewaker hunter who patrols the Path of Corruption with his two ferocious pets, Rageface and Riplimb. The fight focuses on managing the pets and avoiding traps while damaging Shannox;
  • Baleroc, the Gatekeeper: positioned at the Gates of Sothann, Baleroc is a formidable giant tasked with protecting the entrance to Sulfuron Keep. The encounter requires precise healing management and dealing with the torment mechanic;
  • Majordomo Staghelm: once a night elf druid, Fandral Staghelm has become the Majordomo of Ragnaros. The fight takes place in the Anvil of Conflagration and involves various forms, each with different abilities and mechanics;
  • Ragnaros: the final boss of the Firelands, Ragnaros is encountered in Sulfuron Keep.

How to obtain Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest quest in the first place?

Can become a bit more complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing. To begin the quest necessary to obtain Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest legendary, players can use one of two methods:

  1. Slay the Molten Lord in the Firelands to obtain the “Your Time Has Come” quest (Horde version/Alliance version);
  2. Obtain Blackwing Descent, The Bastion of Twilight, or Throne of the Four Wilds and speak with Coridormi/Ziradormi to obtain the corresponding quest.

After one of the initial starters is activated, the entire Dragonwrath Tarecgosa’s Rest pursuit will become available for players. We do recommend our Tarecgosa’s Rest Boost Dragonwrath, though, since it’s the most comfortable and convenient way to complete all the quests, get all the achievements, a pet, and kill all the bosses necessary to obtain Tarecgosa’s Rest Dragonwrath staff.