Destination | Wayfarer Triumphs Seal


Here you can buy D2 Destination | Wayfarer Triumphs Seal Boost.

You will get completed the selected Destination Triumphs.

The booster will complete for you the needed Triumphs.

Boost takes from 1 hour to 1 week, it depends on the particular quest and the number of Destination Triumphs you need.

We don’t use any programs or bots, only hand work.

For Piloted mode service we will use the VPN of your country to work on your order.

Stream or screenshots are available on your request (without any extra fee).

Boost is available on the PC, PS4 and Xbox platform.

We provide this service with account sharing.


“Wanted – Lost Sectors IO” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the IO for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Heroically Adventurous IO” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on IO.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors – Alpha” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the EDZ for escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors – Bravo” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the EDZ for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors – Charlie” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the EDZ for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Heroically Adventurous EDZ” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on EDZ.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors Titan” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the Titan for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Heroically Adventurous Titan” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on Titan.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors Nessus” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the Nessus for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Heroically Adventurous Nessus” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on Nessus.

“Heroically Adventurous Mercury” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on Mars.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors Mercury” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the Mercury for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Heroically Adventurous Mars” option – we will complete Heroic adventures on Mars.

“Wanted – Lost Sectors Mars” option – we will hunt you the Lost Sectors in the Mars for wanted escapees from the Prison of Elders.

“Trap Master” option – we will explore the Trapper’s Cave on the Tangled for you.

“Great Excavations” option – we will explore the Wolfship Turbine on the Tangled Shore.

“Broken House” option – we will explore you the Kingship Dock on the Tangled Shore;

“Shipwrecked” option – we will explore the Shipyad AWO-43 on the Tangled Shore.

“Loved and Lost” option – we will explore all Lost Sectors in the Dreaming City.


Attention! Boost guarantee time starts from the moment booster logged on your account and works only for boosts with account sharing.

Attention! Guaranteed time does not count for the period of possible game maintenance or lags.


Completed Forsaken Story with Dreaming City access or you can order it using our Forsaken Story Boost offer.

Please disconnect the Steam Guard or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. The secret question will protect your account for the duration of your boost. Remember to re-enable it once we finish the service.

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