Destiny 2 Master Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon carry

For Guardians who are looking for a harder challenge, there is a Master difficulty level of the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon. You will encounter stronger enemies and more complicated mechanics, but in exchange for that, you may earn some very powerful Artifice armor. This dungeon consists of three usual encounters but also with two extra secret chests.

Master completion will require more thorough preparation from you. You need to assemble a team of gamers who are skilled and knowledgeable about finishing the dungeon. If all this sounds too complicated, then order master Ghosts of the Deep dungeon carry, and our pro players will do everything for you. Skip the boring part and immediately get all the valuable rewards to enjoy the game.

Service Includes

  • Completed Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon in Master difficulty;
  • Weapons and new armor from the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon;
  • Pinnacle gear;
  • Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-3 hours.
Estimated Completion time: 2-8 hours.

Additional Options

Navigator Exotic Guaranteed – you will get a Navigator Exotic Trace Rifle guaranteed.
Secret Chests – we will collect 2 secret chests from the ghosts of the deep Dungeon.
Stream – we offer a stream so you can watch the progress in real time.


Destiny 2: Lightfall expansion.
2009+ Power Level. If your level is not sufficient, then you can order a Power Leveling boosting service so that our players can raise it for you.

How it Works

It is quite a challenge to fully finish the Master ghosts of the deep dungeon and receive all the rewards. You need to have a team of skilled players who know how to finish every dungeon stage and how to find secret chests. To make it easier to get weapons, you can order the deep dungeon boost for ghosts. The service is available on PC, PS, and Xbox platforms. If you are not playing on a computer, then you must turn off Cross Sce so that our players can provide you with the service. This will speed up your boost because with crossplay disabled, even if your account is on PS or Xbox, our PS player will be able to do the service.

Here’s how to order step by step:

  1. Select all the options you want, and we will fulfill them.
  2. You also need to choose one of two modes:
    1. Self-play mode here, you and our team will go through the GotD dungeon and enjoy the rewards.
    2. Piloted mode here, you don’t need to waste time completing. You share your account data with our verified player, who will go through the entire difficult part for you and receive rewards for your collection.
  3. Now that you have a clear vision of how to finish the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon, you need to make payment.
  4. Within 3-10 minutes, our manager will contact you to clarify all the details and confirm the schedule. You can ask anything or message us in our online chat. Our Support works 24/7 to give responses to all your questions.
  5. When it’s go time, the manager will let you know the dungeon is done and we’d appreciate any feedback about your time working with us that youre willing to share.
  6. Congratulations, equip your new gear and enjoy killing enemies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to unlock Gof the Deep Master?

To start your delve into the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon, talk to Hawthorne over in the Tower. She’ll provide the Rise quest. After you get that from her, open the Director, navigate to the H.E.L.M., and launch Ghosts of the Deep, which will lead you to an outdoor location, New Pacific Arcology.

What is the easiest character for solo flawless completion?

Not one kind or subclass is more famous for its ability to absorb damage than the Solar Titans do. In terms of completing dungeons without dying, clearing lost sectors solo and running Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon, no one does it better than a Solar Titan.

Where can I find the GotD dungeon key?

To start completing the dungeon, you will need a dungeon key, and you can buy it from Eververse for 2000 Silver.

What will I get for completing Master Ghosts of the Deep?

Completing the dungeon on Master Difficulty can help you earn the Ghoul title Triumph. Initially finishing this dungeon at a Master Difficulty will grant you the Sovereign Triumph for the Ghoul title. It also gives the Recalcitrant Host Sparrow. Completing the cheese increases the Exotic drop rate for The Navigator, a new Exotic Trace Rifle.

What is the Master difficulty light level in Ghosts of the Deep?

The max power level you can be for GotD is 1820, even if your actual level is higher. 

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